
352 lines
9.8 KiB
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||| take freshly-parsed input, translate it to core, and check it
module Quox.Parser.FromParser
import Quox.Parser.Syntax
2023-03-13 14:33:09 -04:00
import Quox.Parser.Parser
import Quox.Typechecker
import Data.List
import Data.SnocVect
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
import Quox.EffExtra
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import System.File
import System.Path
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import Data.IORef
2023-03-13 14:33:09 -04:00
2023-03-31 17:43:25 -04:00
import public Quox.Parser.FromParser.Error as Quox.Parser.FromParser
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
%default total
%hide Typing.Error
%hide Lexer.Error
%hide Parser.Error
public export
NDefinition : Type
2023-04-01 13:16:43 -04:00
NDefinition = (Name, Definition)
public export
IncludePath : Type
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
IncludePath = List String
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public export
SeenFiles : Type
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
SeenFiles = SortedSet String
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public export
data StateTag = NS | SEEN
public export
FromParserPure : List (Type -> Type)
FromParserPure =
[Except Error, StateL DEFS Definitions, StateL NS Mods]
public export
FromParserEff : List (Type -> Type)
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
FromParserEff =
2023-04-01 13:16:43 -04:00
[Except Error, StateL DEFS Definitions, StateL NS Mods,
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
Reader IncludePath, StateL SEEN SeenFiles, IO]
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
public export
FromParser : Type -> Type
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
FromParser = Eff FromParserEff
-- [todo] put the locs in the core ast, obv
parameters {auto _ : Functor m} (b : Var n -> m a) (f : PName -> m a)
(xs : Context' PatVar n)
fromBaseName : PBaseName -> m a
fromBaseName x = maybe (f $ MakePName [<] x) b $
Context.find (\y => y.name == Just x) xs
fromName : PName -> m a
fromName x = if null x.mods then fromBaseName x.base else f x
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
fromPDimWith : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' PatVar d -> PDim -> Eff fs (Dim d)
fromPDimWith ds (K e _) = pure $ K e
fromPDimWith ds (V i _) =
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
fromBaseName (pure . B) (const $ throw $ DimNotInScope i) ds i
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avoidDim : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' PatVar d -> PName -> Eff fs Name
avoidDim ds x =
fromName (const $ throw $ DimNameInTerm x.base) (pure . fromPName) ds x
resolveName : Mods -> Name -> Eff FromParserPure (Term d n)
resolveName ns x =
let here = addMods ns x in
if isJust $ lookup here !(getAt DEFS) then
pure $ FT here
else do
let ns :< _ = ns
| _ => throw $ TermNotInScope x
resolveName ns x
fromPatVar : PatVar -> BaseName
fromPatVar (Unused _) = Unused
fromPatVar (PV x _) = UN x
fromPQty : PQty -> Qty
fromPQty (PQ q _) = q
fromPTagVal : PTagVal -> TagVal
fromPTagVal (PT t _) = t
fromPTermWith : Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
PTerm -> Eff FromParserPure (Term d n)
fromPTermWith ds ns t0 = case t0 of
TYPE k _ =>
pure $ TYPE k
Pi pi x s t _ =>
Pi (fromPQty pi)
<$> fromPTermWith ds ns s
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] t
Lam x s _ =>
Lam <$> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] s
App s t _ =>
map E $ (:@) <$> fromPTermElim ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns t
Sig x s t _ =>
Sig <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] t
Pair s t _ =>
Pair <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns t
Case pi pair (r, ret) (CasePair (x, y) body _) _ =>
map E $ CasePair (fromPQty pi)
<$> fromPTermElim ds ns pair
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x, y] body
Case pi tag (r, ret) (CaseEnum arms _) _ =>
map E $ CaseEnum (fromPQty pi)
<$> fromPTermElim ds ns tag
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret
<*> assert_total fromPTermEnumArms ds ns arms
Nat _ => pure Nat
Zero _ => pure Zero
Succ n _ => [|Succ $ fromPTermWith ds ns n|]
2023-03-26 08:40:54 -04:00
Case pi nat (r, ret) (CaseNat zer (s, pi', ih, suc) _) _ =>
map E $ CaseNat (fromPQty pi) (fromPQty pi')
2023-03-26 08:40:54 -04:00
<$> fromPTermElim ds ns nat
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret
<*> fromPTermWith ds ns zer
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< s, ih] suc
Enum strs _ =>
let set = SortedSet.fromList strs in
if length strs == length (SortedSet.toList set) then
pure $ Enum set
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
throw $ DuplicatesInEnum strs
Tag str _ => pure $ Tag str
Eq (i, ty) s t _ =>
Eq <$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< i] ty
<*> fromPTermWith ds ns s
<*> fromPTermWith ds ns t
DLam i s _ =>
DLam <$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< i] s
DApp s p _ =>
map E $ (:%) <$> fromPTermElim ds ns s <*> fromPDimWith ds p
BOX q ty _ => BOX (fromPQty q) <$> fromPTermWith ds ns ty
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Box val _ => Box <$> fromPTermWith ds ns val
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Case pi box (r, ret) (CaseBox b body _) _ =>
map E $ CaseBox (fromPQty pi)
2023-03-31 13:11:35 -04:00
<$> fromPTermElim ds ns box
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< b] body
V x _ =>
fromName (pure . E . B) (resolveName !(getAt NS) <=< avoidDim ds) ns x
Ann s a _ =>
map E $ (:#) <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns a
Coe (i, ty) p q val _ =>
2023-04-15 09:13:01 -04:00
map E $ Coe
<$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< i] ty
<*> fromPDimWith ds p
<*> fromPDimWith ds q
<*> fromPTermWith ds ns val
Comp (i, ty) p q val r (j0, val0) (j1, val1) _ =>
map E $ CompH'
2023-04-15 09:13:01 -04:00
<$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< i] ty
<*> fromPDimWith ds p
<*> fromPDimWith ds q
<*> fromPTermWith ds ns val
<*> fromPDimWith ds r
<*> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< j0] val0
<*> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< j1] val1
fromPTermEnumArms : Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
List (PTagVal, PTerm) ->
Eff FromParserPure (CaseEnumArms d n)
fromPTermEnumArms ds ns =
map SortedMap.fromList .
traverse (bitraverse (pure . fromPTagVal) (fromPTermWith ds ns))
fromPTermElim : Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
PTerm -> Eff FromParserPure (Elim d n)
fromPTermElim ds ns e =
case !(fromPTermWith ds ns e) of
E e => pure e
t => let ctx = MkNameContexts (map fromPatVar ds) (map fromPatVar ns) in
throw $ AnnotationNeeded ctx t
-- [todo] use SN if the var is named but still unused
fromPTermTScope : {s : Nat} -> Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
SnocVect s PatVar -> PTerm ->
Eff FromParserPure (ScopeTermN s d n)
fromPTermTScope ds ns xs t =
if all isUnused xs then
SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t
ST (fromSnocVect $ map fromPatVar xs) <$> fromPTermWith ds (ns ++ xs) t
fromPTermDScope : {s : Nat} -> Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
SnocVect s PatVar -> PTerm ->
Eff FromParserPure (DScopeTermN s d n)
fromPTermDScope ds ns xs t =
if all isUnused xs then
SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t
DST (fromSnocVect $ map fromPatVar xs) <$> fromPTermWith (ds ++ xs) ns t
export %inline
fromPTerm : PTerm -> Eff FromParserPure (Term 0 0)
fromPTerm = fromPTermWith [<] [<]
globalPQty : (q : Qty) -> Eff [Except Error] (So $ isGlobal q)
2023-04-01 13:16:43 -04:00
globalPQty pi = case choose $ isGlobal pi of
Left y => pure y
Right _ => throw $ QtyNotGlobal pi
2023-03-13 14:33:09 -04:00
fromPBaseNameNS : PBaseName -> Eff [StateL NS Mods] Name
fromPBaseNameNS name = pure $ addMods !(getAt NS) $ fromPBaseName name
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injTC : TC a -> Eff FromParserPure a
2023-04-24 17:19:15 -04:00
injTC act = rethrow $ mapFst WrapTypeError $ runTC !(getAt DEFS) act
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export covering
fromPDef : PDefinition -> Eff FromParserPure NDefinition
fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname ptype pterm _) = do
name <- lift $ fromPBaseNameNS pname
let qty = fromPQty qty
qtyGlobal <- lift $ globalPQty qty
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let gqty = Element qty qtyGlobal
let sqty = globalToSubj gqty
type <- lift $ traverse fromPTerm ptype
term <- lift $ fromPTerm pterm
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case type of
Just type => do
injTC $ checkTypeC empty type Nothing
injTC $ ignore $ checkC empty sqty term type
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let def = mkDef gqty type term
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modifyAt DEFS $ insert name def
pure (name, def)
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Nothing => do
let E elim = term | t => throw $ AnnotationNeeded empty t
2023-03-13 14:33:09 -04:00
res <- injTC $ inferC empty sqty elim
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let def = mkDef gqty res.type term
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
modifyAt DEFS $ insert name def
pure (name, def)
export covering
fromPDecl : PDecl -> Eff FromParserPure (List NDefinition)
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fromPDecl (PDef def) = singleton <$> fromPDef def
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fromPDecl (PNs ns) =
2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
localAt NS (<+> ns.name) $ concat <$> traverse fromPDecl ns.decls
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public export
LoadFile : List (Type -> Type)
LoadFile = [IO, StateL SEEN SeenFiles, Reader IncludePath, Except Error]
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export covering
loadFile : String -> Eff LoadFile (Maybe String)
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loadFile file =
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if contains file !(getAt SEEN) then
2023-03-13 14:33:09 -04:00
pure Nothing
else do
2023-04-17 17:59:02 -04:00
Just ifile <- firstExists (map (</> file) !ask)
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| Nothing => throw $ LoadError file FileNotFound
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case !(readFile ifile) of
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Right res => modifyAt SEEN (insert file) $> Just res
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Left err => throw $ LoadError ifile err
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2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
export covering
loadProcessFile : String -> FromParser (List NDefinition)
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loadProcessFile file =
case !(lift $ loadFile file) of
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Just inp => do
tl <- either (throw . WrapParseError file) pure $ lexParseInput file inp
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concat <$> traverse fromPTopLevel tl
Nothing => pure []
||| populates the `defs` field of the state
export covering
fromPTopLevel : PTopLevel -> FromParser (List NDefinition)
fromPTopLevel (PD decl) = lift $ fromPDecl decl
fromPTopLevel (PLoad file _) = loadProcessFile file
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fromParserPure : Definitions ->
Eff FromParserPure a ->
Either Error (a, Definitions)
fromParserPure defs act =
extract $
runExcept $
evalStateAt NS [<] $
runStateAt DEFS defs act
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2023-03-31 13:23:30 -04:00
fromParserIO : (MonadRec io, HasIO io) =>
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IncludePath -> IORef SeenFiles -> IORef Definitions ->
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FromParser a -> io (Either Error a)
fromParserIO inc seen defs act =
runIO $
runExcept $
evalStateAt NS [<] $
runStateIORefAt SEEN seen $
runStateIORefAt DEFS defs $
runReader inc act