add file locations to Parser.Syntax
they're immediately thrown away currently. but one step at a time
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 822 additions and 667 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
||| file locations
module Quox.Loc
import Text.Bounded
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
%language ElabReflection
public export
FileName : Type
FileName = String
public export
record Loc' where
constructor L
fname : FileName
startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol : Int
%name Loc' loc
%runElab derive "Loc'" [Eq, Ord, Show]
public export
Loc : Type
Loc = Maybe Loc'
makeLoc : FileName -> Bounds -> Loc
makeLoc fname (MkBounds {startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol}) =
Just $ L {fname, startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol}
onlyStart : Loc -> Loc
onlyStart Nothing = Nothing
onlyStart (Just (L fname sl sc _ _)) = Just $ L fname sl sc sl sc
onlyEnd : Loc -> Loc
onlyEnd Nothing = Nothing
onlyEnd (Just (L fname _ _ el ec)) = Just $ L fname el ec el ec
extend : Loc -> Bounds -> Loc
extend Nothing _ = Nothing
extend (Just (L fname sl1 sc1 el1 ec1)) (MkBounds sl2 sc2 el2 ec2) =
let (sl, sc) = (sl1, sc1) `min` (sl2, sc2)
(el, ec) = (el1, ec1) `max` (el2, ec2)
Just $ L fname sl sc el ec
extend' : Loc -> Maybe Bounds -> Loc
extend' l b = maybe l (extend l) b
public export
interface Located a where (.loc) : a -> Loc
(.bounds) : Loc -> Maybe Bounds
(Just (L {fname, startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol})).bounds =
Just $ MkBounds {startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol}
(Nothing).bounds = Nothing
@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ import public Quox.Parser.FromParser.Error as Quox.Parser.FromParser
public export
0 NDefinition : Type
NDefinition : Type
NDefinition = (Name, Definition)
public export
0 IncludePath : Type
IncludePath : Type
IncludePath = List String
public export
0 SeenFiles : Type
SeenFiles : Type
SeenFiles = SortedSet String
@ -39,26 +39,29 @@ public export
data StateTag = NS | SEEN
public export
0 FromParserPure : List (Type -> Type)
FromParserPure : List (Type -> Type)
FromParserPure =
[Except Error, StateL DEFS Definitions, StateL NS Mods]
public export
0 FromParserEff : List (Type -> Type)
FromParserEff : List (Type -> Type)
FromParserEff =
[Except Error, StateL DEFS Definitions, StateL NS Mods,
Reader IncludePath, StateL SEEN SeenFiles, IO]
public export
0 FromParser : Type -> Type
FromParser : Type -> Type
FromParser = Eff FromParserEff
-- [todo] put the locs in the core ast, obv
parameters {auto _ : Functor m} (b : Var n -> m a) (f : PName -> m a)
(xs : Context' BName n)
(xs : Context' PatVar n)
fromBaseName : PBaseName -> m a
fromBaseName x = maybe (f $ MakePName [<] x) b $ Context.find (== Just x) xs
fromBaseName x = maybe (f $ MakePName [<] x) b $
Context.find (\y => == Just x) xs
fromName : PName -> m a
@ -66,14 +69,14 @@ parameters {auto _ : Functor m} (b : Var n -> m a) (f : PName -> m a)
fromPDimWith : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> PDim -> Eff fs (Dim d)
fromPDimWith ds (K e) = pure $ K e
fromPDimWith ds (V i) =
Context' PatVar d -> PDim -> Eff fs (Dim d)
fromPDimWith ds (K e _) = pure $ K e
fromPDimWith ds (V i _) =
fromBaseName (pure . B) (const $ throw $ DimNotInScope i) ds i
avoidDim : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> PName -> Eff fs Name
Context' PatVar d -> PName -> Eff fs Name
avoidDim ds x =
fromName (const $ throw $ DimNameInTerm x.base) (pure . fromPName) ds x
@ -88,97 +91,112 @@ resolveName ns x =
| _ => throw $ TermNotInScope x
resolveName ns x
fromPatVar : PatVar -> BaseName
fromPatVar (Unused _) = Unused
fromPatVar (PV x _) = UN x
fromPQty : PQty -> Qty
fromPQty (PQ q _) = q
fromPTagVal : PTagVal -> TagVal
fromPTagVal (PT t _) = t
fromPTermWith : Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
fromPTermWith : Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
PTerm -> Eff FromParserPure (Term d n)
fromPTermWith ds ns t0 = case t0 of
TYPE k =>
pure $ TYPE $ k
TYPE k _ =>
pure $ TYPE k
Pi pi x s t =>
Pi pi <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] t
Pi pi x s t _ =>
Pi (fromPQty pi)
<$> fromPTermWith ds ns s
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] t
Lam x s =>
Lam x s _ =>
Lam <$> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] s
s :@ t =>
App s t _ =>
map E $ (:@) <$> fromPTermElim ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns t
Sig x s t =>
Sig x s t _ =>
Sig <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x] t
Pair s t =>
Pair s t _ =>
Pair <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns t
Case pi pair (r, ret) (CasePair (x, y) body) =>
map E $ CasePair pi
Case pi pair (r, ret) (CasePair (x, y) body _) _ =>
map E $ CasePair (fromPQty pi)
<$> fromPTermElim ds ns pair
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< x, y] body
Case pi tag (r, ret) (CaseEnum arms) =>
map E $ CaseEnum pi
Case pi tag (r, ret) (CaseEnum arms _) _ =>
map E $ CaseEnum (fromPQty pi)
<$> fromPTermElim ds ns tag
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret
<*> assert_total fromPTermEnumArms ds ns arms
Nat => pure Nat
Zero => pure Zero
Succ n => [|Succ $ fromPTermWith ds ns n|]
Nat _ => pure Nat
Zero _ => pure Zero
Succ n _ => [|Succ $ fromPTermWith ds ns n|]
Case pi nat (r, ret) (CaseNat zer (s, pi', ih, suc)) =>
map E $ CaseNat pi pi'
Case pi nat (r, ret) (CaseNat zer (s, pi', ih, suc) _) _ =>
map E $ CaseNat (fromPQty pi) (fromPQty pi')
<$> fromPTermElim ds ns nat
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret
<*> fromPTermWith ds ns zer
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< s, ih] suc
Enum strs =>
Enum strs _ =>
let set = SortedSet.fromList strs in
if length strs == length (SortedSet.toList set) then
pure $ Enum set
throw $ DuplicatesInEnum strs
Tag str => pure $ Tag str
Tag str _ => pure $ Tag str
Eq (i, ty) s t =>
Eq (i, ty) s t _ =>
Eq <$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< i] ty
<*> fromPTermWith ds ns s
<*> fromPTermWith ds ns t
DLam i s =>
DLam i s _ =>
DLam <$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< i] s
BOX q ty => BOX q <$> fromPTermWith ds ns ty
DApp s p _ =>
map E $ (:%) <$> fromPTermElim ds ns s <*> fromPDimWith ds p
Box val => Box <$> fromPTermWith ds ns val
BOX q ty _ => BOX (fromPQty q) <$> fromPTermWith ds ns ty
Case pi box (r, ret) (CaseBox b body) =>
map E $ CaseBox pi
Box val _ => Box <$> fromPTermWith ds ns val
Case pi box (r, ret) (CaseBox b body _) _ =>
map E $ CaseBox (fromPQty pi)
<$> fromPTermElim ds ns box
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< r] ret
<*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [< b] body
s :% p =>
map E $ (:%) <$> fromPTermElim ds ns s <*> fromPDimWith ds p
V x =>
V x _ =>
fromName (pure . E . B) (resolveName !(getAt NS) <=< avoidDim ds) ns x
s :# a =>
Ann s a _ =>
map E $ (:#) <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns a
Coe (i, ty) p q val =>
Coe (i, ty) p q val _ =>
map E $ Coe
<$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< i] ty
<*> fromPDimWith ds p
<*> fromPDimWith ds q
<*> fromPTermWith ds ns val
Comp (i, ty) p q val r (j0, val0) (j1, val1) =>
Comp (i, ty) p q val r (j0, val0) (j1, val1) _ =>
map E $ CompH'
<$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< i] ty
<*> fromPDimWith ds p
@ -189,46 +207,42 @@ mutual
<*> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< j1] val1
fromPTermEnumArms : Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
List (TagVal, PTerm) ->
fromPTermEnumArms : Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
List (PTagVal, PTerm) ->
Eff FromParserPure (CaseEnumArms d n)
fromPTermEnumArms ds ns =
map SortedMap.fromList . traverse (traverse $ fromPTermWith ds ns)
map SortedMap.fromList .
traverse (bitraverse (pure . fromPTagVal) (fromPTermWith ds ns))
fromPTermElim : Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
fromPTermElim : Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
PTerm -> Eff FromParserPure (Elim d n)
fromPTermElim ds ns e =
case !(fromPTermWith ds ns e) of
E e => pure e
t => let ctx = MkNameContexts (map name ds) (map name ns) in
t => let ctx = MkNameContexts (map fromPatVar ds) (map fromPatVar ns) in
throw $ AnnotationNeeded ctx t
name : BName -> BaseName
name = maybe Unused UN
-- [todo] use SN if the var is named but still unused
fromPTermTScope : {s : Nat} -> Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
SnocVect s BName -> PTerm ->
fromPTermTScope : {s : Nat} -> Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
SnocVect s PatVar -> PTerm ->
Eff FromParserPure (ScopeTermN s d n)
fromPTermTScope ds ns xs t =
if all isNothing xs then
if all isUnused xs then
SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t
ST (fromSnocVect $ map (maybe Unused UN) xs)
<$> fromPTermWith ds (ns ++ xs) t
ST (fromSnocVect $ map fromPatVar xs) <$> fromPTermWith ds (ns ++ xs) t
fromPTermDScope : {s : Nat} -> Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
SnocVect s BName -> PTerm ->
fromPTermDScope : {s : Nat} -> Context' PatVar d -> Context' PatVar n ->
SnocVect s PatVar -> PTerm ->
Eff FromParserPure (DScopeTermN s d n)
fromPTermDScope ds ns xs t =
if all isNothing xs then
if all isUnused xs then
SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t
DST (fromSnocVect $ map (maybe Unused UN) xs)
<$> fromPTermWith (ds ++ xs) ns t
DST (fromSnocVect $ map fromPatVar xs) <$> fromPTermWith (ds ++ xs) ns t
export %inline
@ -237,30 +251,26 @@ fromPTerm = fromPTermWith [<] [<]
globalPQty : Has (Except Error) fs =>
(q : Qty) -> Eff fs (So $ isGlobal q)
globalPQty : (q : Qty) -> Eff [Except Error] (So $ isGlobal q)
globalPQty pi = case choose $ isGlobal pi of
Left y => pure y
Right _ => throw $ QtyNotGlobal pi
fromPBaseNameNS : Has (StateL NS Mods) fs => PBaseName -> Eff fs Name
fromPBaseNameNS : PBaseName -> Eff [StateL NS Mods] Name
fromPBaseNameNS name = pure $ addMods !(getAt NS) $ fromPBaseName name
injTC : (Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs, Has (Except Error) fs) =>
TC a -> Eff fs a
injTC : TC a -> Eff FromParserPure a
injTC act = rethrow $ mapFst WrapTypeError $ runTC !(getAt DEFS) act
export covering
fromPDef : (Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs,
Has (StateL NS Mods) fs,
Has (Except Error) fs) =>
PDefinition -> Eff fs NDefinition
fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname ptype pterm) = do
name <- fromPBaseNameNS pname
qtyGlobal <- globalPQty qty
fromPDef : PDefinition -> Eff FromParserPure NDefinition
fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname ptype pterm _) = do
name <- lift $ fromPBaseNameNS pname
let qty = fromPQty qty
qtyGlobal <- lift $ globalPQty qty
let gqty = Element qty qtyGlobal
let sqty = globalToSubj gqty
type <- lift $ traverse fromPTerm ptype
@ -280,21 +290,18 @@ fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname ptype pterm) = do
pure (name, def)
export covering
fromPDecl : (Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs,
Has (StateL NS Mods) fs,
Has (Except Error) fs) =>
PDecl -> Eff fs (List NDefinition)
fromPDecl : PDecl -> Eff FromParserPure (List NDefinition)
fromPDecl (PDef def) = singleton <$> fromPDef def
fromPDecl (PNs ns) =
localAt NS (<+> $ concat <$> traverse fromPDecl ns.decls
public export
LoadFile : List (Type -> Type)
LoadFile = [IO, StateL SEEN SeenFiles, Reader IncludePath, Except Error]
export covering
loadFile : (Has IO fs,
Has (StateL SEEN SeenFiles) fs,
Has (Reader IncludePath) fs,
Has (Except Error) fs) =>
String -> Eff fs (Maybe String)
loadFile : String -> Eff LoadFile (Maybe String)
loadFile file =
if contains file !(getAt SEEN) then
pure Nothing
@ -305,27 +312,21 @@ loadFile file =
Right res => modifyAt SEEN (insert file) $> Just res
Left err => throw $ LoadError ifile err
parameters {auto _ : (Has IO fs,
Has (StateL SEEN SeenFiles) fs,
Has (Reader IncludePath) fs,
Has (Except Error) fs,
Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs,
Has (StateL NS Mods) fs)}
export covering
loadProcessFile : String -> Eff fs (List NDefinition)
loadProcessFile : String -> FromParser (List NDefinition)
loadProcessFile file =
case !(loadFile file) of
case !(lift $ loadFile file) of
Just inp => do
tl <- either (throw . WrapParseError file) pure $ lexParseInput inp
tl <- either (throw . WrapParseError file) pure $ lexParseInput file inp
concat <$> traverse fromPTopLevel tl
Nothing => pure []
||| populates the `defs` field of the state
export covering
fromPTopLevel : PTopLevel -> Eff fs (List NDefinition)
fromPTopLevel (PD decl) = fromPDecl decl
fromPTopLevel (PLoad file) = loadProcessFile file
fromPTopLevel : PTopLevel -> FromParser (List NDefinition)
fromPTopLevel (PD decl) = lift $ fromPDecl decl
fromPTopLevel (PLoad file _) = loadProcessFile file
fromParserPure : Definitions ->
@ -26,12 +26,27 @@ data Error =
%hide Lexer.Error
%runElab derive "Error" [Show]
lexParseWith : {c : Bool} -> Grammar c a -> String -> Either Error a
lexParseWith grm input = do
toks <- mapFst LexError $ lex input
bimap ParseError fst $ parse (grm <* eof) toks
withLoc : {c : Bool} -> FileName -> (Grammar c (Loc -> a)) -> Grammar c a
withLoc fname act = bounds act <&> \res =>
if res.isIrrelevant then res.val Nothing
else res.val $ makeLoc fname res.bounds
defLoc : FileName -> (Loc -> a) -> Grammar False a
defLoc fname f = position <&> f . makeLoc fname
unused : FileName -> Grammar False PatVar
unused fname = defLoc fname Unused
||| reserved token, like punctuation or keywords etc
@ -114,26 +129,33 @@ dimConst = terminalMatchN "dimension constant"
||| quantity (0, 1, or ω)
qty : Grammar True Qty
qty = terminalMatchN "quantity"
qtyVal : Grammar True Qty
qtyVal = terminalMatchN "quantity"
[(`(Nat 0), `(Zero)), (`(Nat 1), `(One)), (`(Reserved "ω"), `(Any))]
||| quantity (0, 1, or ω)
qty : FileName -> Grammar True PQty
qty fname = withLoc fname [|PQ qtyVal|]
||| pattern var (unqualified name or _)
patVar : Grammar True BName
patVar = [|Just baseName|] <|> Nothing <$ res "_"
patVar : FileName -> Grammar True PatVar
patVar fname = withLoc fname $
[|PV baseName|] <|> Unused <$ res "_"
||| dimension (without `@` prefix)
dim : Grammar True PDim
dim = [|K dimConst|] <|> [|V baseName|]
dim : FileName -> Grammar True PDim
dim fname = withLoc fname $ [|K dimConst|] <|> [|V baseName|]
||| dimension argument (with @)
dimArg : Grammar True PDim
dimArg = resC "@" *> mustWork dim
dimArg : FileName -> Grammar True PDim
dimArg fname = do resC "@"; mustWork $ dim fname
delim : (o, c : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved o) => (0 _ : IsReserved c) =>
@ -168,313 +190,369 @@ enumType = delimSep "{" "}" "," bareTag
||| e.g. `case` or `case 1.`
caseIntro : Grammar True Qty
caseIntro =
Zero <$ res "case0"
<|> One <$ res "case1"
<|> Any <$ res "caseω"
<|> delim "case" "." qty
caseIntro : FileName -> Grammar True PQty
caseIntro fname =
withLoc fname (PQ Zero <$ res "case0")
<|> withLoc fname (PQ One <$ res "case1")
<|> withLoc fname (PQ Any <$ res "caseω")
<|> delim "case" "." (qty fname)
qtyPatVar : Grammar True (Qty, BName)
qtyPatVar = [|(,) qty (needRes "." *> patVar)|]
qtyPatVar : FileName -> Grammar True (PQty, PatVar)
qtyPatVar fname = [|(,) (qty fname) (needRes "." *> patVar fname)|]
ptag : FileName -> Grammar True PTagVal
ptag fname = withLoc fname $ [|PT tag|]
public export
data PCasePat =
PPair BName BName
| PTag TagVal
| PZero
| PSucc BName Qty BName
| PBox BName
PPair PatVar PatVar Loc
| PTag PTagVal Loc
| PZero Loc
| PSucc PatVar PQty PatVar Loc
| PBox PatVar Loc
%runElab derive "PCasePat" [Eq, Ord, Show]
Located PCasePat where
(PPair _ _ loc).loc = loc
(PTag _ loc).loc = loc
(PZero loc).loc = loc
(PSucc _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(PBox _ loc).loc = loc
||| either `zero` or `0`
zeroPat : Grammar True ()
zeroPat = resC "zero" <|> terminal "expected '0'" (guard . (== Nat 0))
casePat : Grammar True PCasePat
casePat =
delim "(" ")" [|PPair patVar (needRes "," *> patVar)|]
<|> [|PTag tag|]
casePat : FileName -> Grammar True PCasePat
casePat fname = withLoc fname $
delim "(" ")" [|PPair (patVar fname) (needRes "," *> patVar fname)|]
<|> [|PTag (ptag fname)|]
<|> PZero <$ zeroPat
<|> do p <- resC "succ" *> patVar
ih <- option (Zero, Nothing) $ resC "," *> qtyPatVar
<|> do p <- resC "succ" *> patVar fname
ih <- resC "," *> qtyPatVar fname
<|> [|(,) (defLoc fname $ PQ Zero) (unused fname)|]
pure $ PSucc p (fst ih) (snd ih)
<|> delim "[" "]" [|PBox patVar|]
<|> delim "[" "]" [|PBox (patVar fname)|]
<|> fatalError "invalid pattern"
export covering
term : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
-- defined after all the subterm parsers
export covering
term : Grammar True PTerm
export covering
typeLine : Grammar True (BName, PTerm)
typeLine = do
typeLine : FileName -> Grammar True (PatVar, PTerm)
typeLine fname = do
resC "["
mustWork $ do
i <- option Nothing $ patVar <* resC "⇒"
t <- term <* needRes "]"
i <- patVar fname <* resC "⇒" <|> unused fname
t <- term fname <* needRes "]"
pure (i, t)
||| box term `[t]` or type `[π.A]`
export covering
boxTerm : Grammar True PTerm
boxTerm = do
boxTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
boxTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
res "["; commit
q <- optional $ qty <* res "."
t <- mustWork $ term <* needRes "]"
q <- optional $ qty fname <* res "."
t <- mustWork $ term fname <* needRes "]"
pure $ maybe (Box t) (\q => BOX q t) q
||| tuple term like `(a, b)`, or parenthesised single term.
||| allows terminating comma. more than two elements are nested on the right:
||| `(a, b, c, d) = (a, (b, (c, d)))`.
export covering
tupleTerm : Grammar True PTerm
tupleTerm = foldr1 Pair <$> delimSep1 "(" ")" "," term
tupleTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
tupleTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
terms <- delimSep1 "(" ")" "," $ term fname
pure $ \loc => foldr1 (\s, t => Pair s t loc) terms
||| argument/atomic term: single-token terms, or those with delimiters e.g.
||| `[t]`
export covering
termArg : Grammar True PTerm
termArg = [|TYPE universe1|]
<|> [|Enum enumType|]
<|> [|Tag tag|]
<|> boxTerm
<|> Nat <$ res "ℕ"
<|> Zero <$ res "zero"
<|> [|fromNat nat|]
<|> [|V qname|]
<|> tupleTerm
termArg : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
termArg fname = withLoc fname $
[|TYPE universe1|]
<|> [|Enum enumType|]
<|> [|Tag tag|]
<|> const <$> boxTerm fname
<|> Nat <$ res "ℕ"
<|> Zero <$ res "zero"
<|> [|fromNat nat|]
<|> [|V qname|]
<|> const <$> tupleTerm fname
export covering
coeTerm : Grammar True PTerm
coeTerm = resC "coe" *> mustWork [|Coe typeLine dimArg dimArg termArg|]
coeTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
coeTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
resC "coe"
mustWork [|Coe (typeLine fname) (dimArg fname) (dimArg fname)
(termArg fname)|]
public export
CompBranch : Type
CompBranch = (DimConst, PatVar, PTerm)
export covering
compBranch : Grammar True (DimConst, BName, PTerm)
compBranch = [|(,,) dimConst patVar (needRes "⇒" *> term)|]
compBranch : FileName -> Grammar True CompBranch
compBranch fname = [|(,,) dimConst (patVar fname) (needRes "⇒" *> term fname)|]
checkCompTermBody : (PatVar, PTerm) -> PDim -> PDim -> PTerm -> PDim ->
CompBranch -> CompBranch -> Bounds ->
Grammar False (Loc -> PTerm)
checkCompTermBody a p q s r (e0, s0) (e1, s1) bounds =
case (e0, e1) of
(Zero, One) => pure $ Comp a p q s r s0 s1
(One, Zero) => pure $ Comp a p q s r s1 s0
(_, _) =>
fatalLoc bounds "body of 'comp' needs one 0 case and one 1 case"
export covering
compTerm : Grammar True PTerm
compTerm = do
compTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
compTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
resC "comp"
mustWork $ do
a <- typeLine
p <- dimArg; q <- dimArg
s <- termArg; r <- dimArg
needRes "{"
s0 <- compBranch; needRes ";"
s1 <- compBranch; optRes ";"
needRes "}"
case (fst s0, fst s1) of
(Zero, One) => pure $ Comp a p q s r (snd s0) (snd s1)
(One, Zero) => pure $ Comp a p q s r (snd s1) (snd s0)
(_, _) =>
fatalError "body of 'comp' needs one 0 case and one 1 case"
a <- typeLine fname
p <- dimArg fname; q <- dimArg fname
s <- termArg fname; r <- dimArg fname
bodyStart <- bounds $ needRes "{"
s0 <- compBranch fname; needRes ";"
s1 <- compBranch fname; optRes ";"
bodyEnd <- bounds $ needRes "}"
let body = bounds $ mergeBounds bodyStart bodyEnd
checkCompTermBody a p q s r s0 s1 body
export covering
splitUniverseTerm : Grammar True PTerm
splitUniverseTerm = resC "★" *> mustWork [|TYPE nat|]
splitUniverseTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
splitUniverseTerm fname = withLoc fname $ resC "★" *> mustWork [|TYPE nat|]
export covering
eqTerm : Grammar True PTerm
eqTerm = resC "Eq" *> mustWork [|Eq typeLine termArg termArg|]
eqTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
eqTerm fname = withLoc fname $
resC "Eq" *> mustWork [|Eq (typeLine fname) (termArg fname) (termArg fname)|]
export covering
succTerm : Grammar True PTerm
succTerm = resC "succ" *> mustWork [|Succ termArg|]
succTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
succTerm fname = withLoc fname $
resC "succ" *> mustWork [|Succ (termArg fname)|]
||| a dimension argument with an `@` prefix, or
||| a term argument with no prefix
export covering
anyArg : Grammar True (Either PDim PTerm)
anyArg = dimArg <||> termArg
anyArg : FileName -> Grammar True (Either PDim PTerm)
anyArg fname = dimArg fname <||> termArg fname
export covering
normalAppTerm : Grammar True PTerm
normalAppTerm = foldl ap <$> termArg <*> many anyArg
where ap : PTerm -> Either PDim PTerm -> PTerm
ap f (Left p) = f :% p
ap f (Right s) = f :@ s
normalAppTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
normalAppTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
head <- termArg fname
args <- many $ anyArg fname
pure $ \loc => foldl (ap loc) head args
where ap : Loc -> PTerm -> Either PDim PTerm -> PTerm
ap loc f (Left p) = DApp f p loc
ap loc f (Right s) = App f s loc
||| application term `f x @y z`, or other terms that look like application
||| like `succ` or `coe`.
export covering
appTerm : Grammar True PTerm
appTerm = coeTerm
<|> compTerm
<|> splitUniverseTerm
<|> eqTerm
<|> succTerm
<|> normalAppTerm
appTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
appTerm fname =
coeTerm fname
<|> compTerm fname
<|> splitUniverseTerm fname
<|> eqTerm fname
<|> succTerm fname
<|> normalAppTerm fname
export covering
infixEqTerm : Grammar True PTerm
infixEqTerm = do
l <- appTerm; commit
rest <- optional $ res "≡" *> [|(,) term (needRes ":" *> appTerm)|]
pure $ maybe l (\rest => Eq (Nothing, snd rest) l (fst rest)) rest
infixEqTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
infixEqTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
l <- appTerm fname; commit
rest <- optional $
res "≡" *> [|(,) (term fname) (needRes ":" *> appTerm fname)|]
let u = Unused $ onlyStart l.loc
pure $ \loc => maybe l (\rest => Eq (u, snd rest) l (fst rest) loc) rest
export covering
annTerm : Grammar True PTerm
annTerm = do
tm <- infixEqTerm; commit
ty <- optional $ res "∷" *> term
pure $ maybe tm (tm :#) ty
annTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
annTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
tm <- infixEqTerm fname; commit
ty <- optional $ res "∷" *> term fname
pure $ \loc => maybe tm (\ty => Ann tm ty loc) ty
export covering
lamTerm : Grammar True PTerm
lamTerm = do
lamTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
lamTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
k <- DLam <$ res "δ" <|> Lam <$ res "λ"
mustWork $ do
xs <- some patVar; needRes "⇒"
body <- term; commit
pure $ foldr k body xs
xs <- some $ patVar fname; needRes "⇒"
body <- term fname; commit
pure $ \loc => foldr (\x, s => k x s loc) body xs
-- [todo] fix the backtracking in e.g. (F x y z × B)
export covering
properBinders : Grammar True (List1 BName, PTerm)
properBinders = do
properBinders : FileName -> Grammar True (List1 PatVar, PTerm)
properBinders fname = do
res "("
xs <- some patVar; resC ":"
t <- term; needRes ")"
xs <- some $ patVar fname; resC ":"
t <- term fname; needRes ")"
pure (xs, t)
export covering
piTerm : Grammar True PTerm
piTerm = do
q <- qty; resC "."
dom <- piBinder; needRes "→"
cod <- term; commit
pure $ foldr (\x => Pi q x (snd dom)) cod (fst dom)
piTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
piTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
q <- qty fname; resC "."
dom <- piBinder; needRes "→"
cod <- term fname; commit
pure $ \loc => foldr (\x, t => Pi q x (snd dom) t loc) cod (fst dom)
piBinder : Grammar True (List1 BName, PTerm)
piBinder = properBinders <|> [|(singleton Nothing,) termArg|]
piBinder : Grammar True (List1 PatVar, PTerm)
piBinder = properBinders fname
<|> [|(,) [|singleton $ unused fname|] (termArg fname)|]
export covering
sigmaTerm : Grammar True PTerm
sigmaTerm =
(properBinders >>= continueDep)
<|> (annTerm >>= continueNondep)
sigmaTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
sigmaTerm fname =
(properBinders fname >>= continueDep)
<|> (annTerm fname >>= continueNondep)
continueDep : (List1 BName, PTerm) -> Grammar True PTerm
continueDep (names, dom) = do
cod <- needRes "×" *> sigmaTerm
pure $ foldr (\x => Sig x dom) cod names
continueNondep : PTerm -> Grammar False PTerm
continueNondep dom = do
rest <- optional $ resC "×" *> sepBy1 (res "×") annTerm
Core.pure $ foldr1 (Sig Nothing) $ dom ::: maybe [] forget rest
continueDep : (List1 PatVar, PTerm) -> Grammar True PTerm
continueDep (names, fst) = withLoc fname $ do
snd <- needRes "×" *> sigmaTerm fname
pure $ \loc => foldr (\x, snd => Sig x fst snd loc) snd names
cross : PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
cross l r = let loc = extend' l.loc r.loc.bounds in
Sig (Unused $ onlyStart l.loc) l r loc
continueNondep : PTerm -> Grammar False PTerm
continueNondep fst = do
rest <- optional $ resC "×" *> sepBy1 (res "×") (annTerm fname)
pure $ foldr1 cross $ fst ::: maybe [] toList rest
public export
PCaseArm : Type
PCaseArm = (PCasePat, PTerm)
export covering
caseArm : FileName -> Grammar True PCaseArm
caseArm fname = [|(,) (casePat fname) (needRes "⇒" *> term fname)|]
checkCaseArms : List PCaseArm -> Grammar False PCaseBody
checkCaseArms [] =
pure $ CaseEnum []
checkCaseArms ((PPair x y, rhs) :: rest) = do
let [] = rest | _ => fatalError "unexpected pattern after pair"
pure $ CasePair (x, y) rhs
checkCaseArms ((PTag tag, rhs1) :: rest) = do
checkCaseArms : Loc -> List PCaseArm -> Grammar False PCaseBody
checkCaseArms loc [] = pure $ CaseEnum [] loc
checkCaseArms loc ((PPair x y _, rhs) :: rest) =
if null rest then pure $ CasePair (x, y) rhs loc
else fatalError "unexpected pattern after pair"
checkCaseArms loc ((PTag tag _, rhs1) :: rest) = do
let rest = for rest $ \case
(PTag tag, rhs) => Just (tag, rhs)
_ => Nothing
(PTag tag _, rhs) => Just (tag, rhs)
_ => Nothing
maybe (fatalError "expected all patterns to be tags")
(pure . CaseEnum . ((tag, rhs1) ::)) rest
checkCaseArms ((PZero, rhs1) :: rest) = do
let [(PSucc p q ih, rhs2)] = rest
(\rest => pure $ CaseEnum ((tag, rhs1) :: rest) loc) rest
checkCaseArms loc ((PZero _, rhs1) :: rest) = do
let [(PSucc p q ih _, rhs2)] = rest
| _ => fatalError "expected succ pattern after zero"
pure $ CaseNat rhs1 (p, q, ih, rhs2)
checkCaseArms ((PSucc p q ih, rhs1) :: rest) = do
let [(PZero, rhs2)] = rest
pure $ CaseNat rhs1 (p, q, ih, rhs2) loc
checkCaseArms loc ((PSucc p q ih _, rhs1) :: rest) = do
let [(PZero _, rhs2)] = rest
| _ => fatalError "expected zero pattern after succ"
pure $ CaseNat rhs2 (p, q, ih, rhs1)
checkCaseArms ((PBox x, rhs) :: rest) = do
let [] = rest | _ => fatalError "unexpected pattern after box"
pure $ CaseBox x rhs
pure $ CaseNat rhs2 (p, q, ih, rhs1) loc
checkCaseArms loc ((PBox x _, rhs) :: rest) =
if null rest then pure $ CaseBox x rhs loc
else fatalError "unexpected pattern after box"
export covering
caseArm : Grammar True PCaseArm
caseArm = [|(,) casePat (needRes "⇒" *> term)|]
caseBody : FileName -> Grammar True PCaseBody
caseBody fname = do
body <- bounds $ delimSep "{" "}" ";" $ caseArm fname
let loc = makeLoc fname body.bounds
checkCaseArms loc body.val
export covering
caseBody : Grammar True PCaseBody
caseBody = delimSep "{" "}" ";" caseArm >>= checkCaseArms
caseReturn : FileName -> Grammar True (PatVar, PTerm)
caseReturn fname = do
x <- patVar fname <* resC "⇒" <|> unused fname
ret <- term fname
pure (x, ret)
export covering
caseTerm : Grammar True PTerm
caseTerm = do
qty <- caseIntro; commit
head <- mustWork term; needRes "return"
ret <- mustWork [|(,) (option Nothing $ patVar <* resC "⇒") term|]
needRes "of"
body <- mustWork caseBody
caseTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
caseTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
qty <- caseIntro fname; commit
head <- mustWork $ term fname; needRes "return"
ret <- mustWork $ caseReturn fname; needRes "of"
body <- mustWork $ caseBody fname
pure $ Case qty head ret body
-- export covering
-- term : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
term fname = lamTerm fname
<|> caseTerm fname
<|> piTerm fname
<|> sigmaTerm fname
term = lamTerm
<|> caseTerm
<|> piTerm
<|> sigmaTerm
export covering
decl : FileName -> Grammar True PDecl
||| `def` alone means `defω`
defIntro : Grammar True Qty
defIntro = Zero <$ resC "def0"
<|> Any <$ resC "defω"
<|> resC "def" *> option Any (qty <* needRes ".")
defIntro : FileName -> Grammar True PQty
defIntro fname =
withLoc fname (PQ Zero <$ resC "def0")
<|> withLoc fname (PQ Any <$ resC "defω")
<|> do pos <- bounds $ resC "def"
let any = PQ Any $ makeLoc fname pos.bounds
option any $ qty fname <* needRes "."
export covering
decl : Grammar True PDecl
export covering
definition : Grammar True PDefinition
definition = do
qty <- defIntro
definition : FileName -> Grammar True PDefinition
definition fname = withLoc fname $ do
qty <- defIntro fname
name <- baseName
type <- optional $ resC ":" *> mustWork term
term <- needRes "=" *> mustWork term
type <- optional $ resC ":" *> mustWork (term fname)
term <- needRes "=" *> mustWork (term fname)
optRes ";"
pure $ MkPDef {qty, name, type, term}
pure $ MkPDef qty name type term
export covering
namespace_ : Grammar True PNamespace
namespace_ = do
namespace_ : FileName -> Grammar True PNamespace
namespace_ fname = withLoc fname $ do
ns <- resC "namespace" *> qname; needRes "{"
decls <- nsInner; optRes ";"
pure $ MkPNamespace (ns.mods :< ns.base) decls
nsInner : Grammar True (List PDecl)
nsInner = [] <$ resC "}"
<|> [|(decl <* commit) :: nsInner|]
<|> [|(decl fname <* commit) :: nsInner|]
decl = [|PDef definition|] <|> [|PNs namespace_|]
decl fname = [|PDef $ definition fname|] <|> [|PNs $ namespace_ fname|]
export covering
load : Grammar True String
load = resC "load" *> mustWork strLit <* optRes ";"
load : FileName -> Grammar True PTopLevel
load fname = withLoc fname $
resC "load" *> mustWork [|PLoad strLit|] <* optRes ";"
export covering
topLevel : Grammar True PTopLevel
topLevel = [|PLoad load|] <|> [|PD decl|]
topLevel : FileName -> Grammar True PTopLevel
topLevel fname = load fname <|> [|PD $ decl fname|]
export covering
input : Grammar False (List PTopLevel)
input = [] <$ eof
<|> [|(topLevel <* commit) :: input|]
input : FileName -> Grammar False (List PTopLevel)
input fname = [] <$ eof
<|> [|(topLevel fname <* commit) :: input fname|]
export covering
lexParseTerm : String -> Either Error PTerm
lexParseTerm = lexParseWith term
lexParseTerm : FileName -> String -> Either Error PTerm
lexParseTerm = lexParseWith . term
export covering
lexParseInput : String -> Either Error (List PTopLevel)
lexParseInput = lexParseWith input
lexParseInput : FileName -> String -> Either Error (List PTopLevel)
lexParseInput = lexParseWith . input
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Quox.Parser.Syntax
import public Quox.Loc
import public Quox.Syntax
import public Quox.Definition
@ -11,81 +12,148 @@ import Derive.Prelude
public export
BName : Type
BName = Maybe String
data PatVar = Unused Loc | PV PBaseName Loc
%name PatVar v
%runElab derive "PatVar" [Eq, Ord, Show]
Located PatVar where
(Unused loc).loc = loc
(PV _ loc).loc = loc
(.name) : PatVar -> Maybe PBaseName
(Unused _).name = Nothing
(PV nm _).name = Just nm
isUnused : PatVar -> Bool
isUnused (Unused {}) = True
isUnused _ = False
public export
PUniverse : Type
PUniverse = Nat
data PQty = PQ Qty Loc
%name PQty qty
%runElab derive "PQty" [Eq, Ord, Show]
export Located PQty where (PQ _ loc).loc = loc
namespace PDim
public export
data PDim = K DimConst | V PBaseName
data PDim = K DimConst Loc | V PBaseName Loc
%name PDim p, q
%runElab derive "PDim" [Eq, Ord, Show]
Located PDim where
(K _ loc).loc = loc
(V _ loc).loc = loc
public export
data PTagVal = PT TagVal Loc
%name PTagVal tag
%runElab derive "PTagVal" [Eq, Ord, Show]
namespace PTerm
||| terms out of the parser with BVs and bidirectionality still tangled up
public export
data PTerm =
TYPE Universe Loc
| Pi Qty BName PTerm PTerm
| Lam BName PTerm
| (:@) PTerm PTerm
| Pi PQty PatVar PTerm PTerm Loc
| Lam PatVar PTerm Loc
| App PTerm PTerm Loc
| Sig BName PTerm PTerm
| Pair PTerm PTerm
| Case Qty PTerm (BName, PTerm) PCaseBody
| Sig PatVar PTerm PTerm Loc
| Pair PTerm PTerm Loc
| Case PQty PTerm (PatVar, PTerm) PCaseBody Loc
| Enum (List TagVal)
| Tag TagVal
| Enum (List TagVal) Loc
| Tag TagVal Loc
| Eq (BName, PTerm) PTerm PTerm
| DLam BName PTerm
| (:%) PTerm PDim
| Eq (PatVar, PTerm) PTerm PTerm Loc
| DLam PatVar PTerm Loc
| DApp PTerm PDim Loc
| Nat
| Zero | Succ PTerm
| Nat Loc
| Zero Loc | Succ PTerm Loc
| BOX Qty PTerm
| Box PTerm
| BOX PQty PTerm Loc
| Box PTerm Loc
| V PName
| (:#) PTerm PTerm
| V PName Loc
| Ann PTerm PTerm Loc
| Coe (BName, PTerm) PDim PDim PTerm
| Comp (BName, PTerm) PDim PDim PTerm PDim (BName, PTerm) (BName, PTerm)
| Coe (PatVar, PTerm) PDim PDim PTerm Loc
| Comp (PatVar, PTerm) PDim PDim PTerm PDim
(PatVar, PTerm) (PatVar, PTerm) Loc
%name PTerm s, t
public export
data PCaseBody =
CasePair (BName, BName) PTerm
| CaseEnum (List (TagVal, PTerm))
| CaseNat PTerm (BName, Qty, BName, PTerm)
| CaseBox BName PTerm
CasePair (PatVar, PatVar) PTerm Loc
| CaseEnum (List (PTagVal, PTerm)) Loc
| CaseNat PTerm (PatVar, PQty, PatVar, PTerm) Loc
| CaseBox PatVar PTerm Loc
%name PCaseBody body
%runElab deriveMutual ["PTerm", "PCaseBody"] [Eq, Ord, Show]
Located PTerm where
(TYPE _ loc).loc = loc
(Pi _ _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Lam _ _ loc).loc = loc
(App _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Sig _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Pair _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Case _ _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Enum _ loc).loc = loc
(Tag _ loc).loc = loc
(Eq _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(DLam _ _ loc).loc = loc
(DApp _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Nat loc).loc = loc
(Zero loc).loc = loc
(Succ _ loc).loc = loc
(BOX _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Box _ loc).loc = loc
(V _ loc).loc = loc
(Ann _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Coe _ _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Comp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
Located PCaseBody where
(CasePair _ _ loc).loc = loc
(CaseEnum _ loc).loc = loc
(CaseNat _ _ loc).loc = loc
(CaseBox _ _ loc).loc = loc
public export
record PDefinition where
constructor MkPDef
qty : Qty
qty : PQty
name : PBaseName
type : Maybe PTerm
term : PTerm
loc_ : Loc
%name PDefinition def
%runElab derive "PDefinition" [Eq, Ord, Show]
export Located PDefinition where def.loc = def.loc_
public export
record PNamespace where
constructor MkPNamespace
name : Mods
decls : List PDecl
loc_ : Loc
%name PNamespace ns
public export
@ -95,125 +163,25 @@ mutual
%name PDecl decl
%runElab deriveMutual ["PNamespace", "PDecl"] [Eq, Ord, Show]
export Located PNamespace where ns.loc = ns.loc_
Located PDecl where
(PDef def).loc = def.loc
(PNs ns).loc = ns.loc
public export
data PTopLevel = PD PDecl | PLoad String
data PTopLevel = PD PDecl | PLoad String Loc
%name PTopLevel t
%runElab derive "PTopLevel" [Eq, Ord, Show]
toPDimWith : Context' PBaseName d -> Dim d -> PDim
toPDimWith ds (K e) = K e
toPDimWith ds (B i) = V $ ds !!! i
Located PTopLevel where
(PD decl).loc = decl.loc
(PLoad _ loc).loc = loc
toPDim : Dim 0 -> PDim
toPDim = toPDimWith [<]
public export
fromNat : Nat -> PTerm
fromNat 0 = Zero
fromNat (S k) = Succ $ fromNat k
namespace Term
toPTermWith : Context' PBaseName d -> Context' PBaseName n ->
Term d n -> PTerm
toPTermWith ds ns t =
let Element t _ = pushSubsts t in
toPTermWith' ds ns t
toPTermWith' : Context' PBaseName d -> Context' PBaseName n ->
(t : Term d n) -> (0 _ : NotClo t) =>
toPTermWith' ds ns s = case s of
TYPE l =>
Pi qty arg (S [< x] res) =>
Pi qty (Just $ show x)
(toPTermWith ds ns arg)
(toPTermWith ds (ns :< baseStr x) res.term)
Lam (S [< x] body) =>
Lam (Just $ show x) $
toPTermWith ds (ns :< baseStr x) body.term
Sig fst (S [< x] snd) =>
Sig (Just $ show x)
(toPTermWith ds ns fst)
(toPTermWith ds (ns :< baseStr x) snd.term)
Pair fst snd =>
Pair (toPTermWith ds ns fst) (toPTermWith ds ns snd)
Enum cases =>
Enum $ SortedSet.toList cases
Tag tag =>
Tag tag
Eq (S [< i] ty) l r =>
Eq (Just $ show i, toPTermWith (ds :< baseStr i) ns ty.term)
(toPTermWith ds ns l) (toPTermWith ds ns r)
DLam (S [< i] body) =>
DLam (Just $ show i) $ toPTermWith (ds :< baseStr i) ns body.term
Nat => Nat
Zero => Zero
Succ n => Succ $ toPTermWith ds ns n
BOX q ty => BOX q $ toPTermWith ds ns ty
Box val => Box $ toPTermWith ds ns val
E e =>
toPTermWith ds ns e
namespace Elim
toPTermWith : Context' PBaseName d -> Context' PBaseName n ->
Elim d n -> PTerm
toPTermWith ds ns e =
let Element e _ = pushSubsts e in
toPTermWith' ds ns e
toPTermWith' : Context' PBaseName d -> Context' PBaseName n ->
(e : Elim d n) -> (0 _ : NotClo e) =>
toPTermWith' ds ns e = case e of
F x =>
V $ toPName x
B i =>
V $ MakePName [<] $ ns !!! i
fun :@ arg =>
toPTermWith ds ns fun :@ toPTermWith ds ns arg
CasePair qty pair (S [< r] ret) (S [< x, y] body) =>
Case qty (toPTermWith ds ns pair)
(Just $ show r, toPTermWith ds (ns :< baseStr r) ret.term)
(CasePair (Just $ show x, Just $ show y) $
toPTermWith ds (ns :< baseStr x :< baseStr y) body.term)
CaseEnum qty tag (S [< r] ret) arms =>
Case qty (toPTermWith ds ns tag)
(Just $ baseStr r, toPTermWith ds (ns :< baseStr r) ret.term)
(CaseEnum $ mapSnd (toPTermWith ds ns) <$> SortedMap.toList arms)
CaseNat qtyNat qtyIH nat (S [< r] ret) zer (S [< p, ih] suc) =>
Case qtyNat (toPTermWith ds ns nat)
(Just $ baseStr r, toPTermWith ds (ns :< baseStr r) ret.term)
(CaseNat (toPTermWith ds ns zer)
(Just $ baseStr p, qtyIH, Just $ baseStr ih,
toPTermWith ds (ns :< baseStr p :< baseStr ih) suc.term))
CaseBox qty box (S [< r] ret) (S [< b] body) =>
Case qty (toPTermWith ds ns box)
(Just $ baseStr r, toPTermWith ds (ns :< baseStr r) ret.term)
(CaseBox (Just $ baseStr b) $
toPTermWith ds (ns :< baseStr b) body.term)
fun :% arg =>
toPTermWith ds ns fun :% toPDimWith ds arg
tm :# ty =>
toPTermWith ds ns tm :# toPTermWith ds ns ty
namespace Term
toPTerm : Term 0 0 -> PTerm
toPTerm = toPTermWith [<] [<]
namespace Elim
toPTerm : Elim 0 0 -> PTerm
toPTerm = toPTermWith [<] [<]
fromNat : Nat -> Loc -> PTerm
fromNat 0 loc = Zero loc
fromNat (S k) loc = Succ (fromNat k loc) loc
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ modules =
@ -37,12 +37,13 @@ ToInfo Failure where
parameters {c : Bool} {auto _ : Show b}
(grm : Grammar c a) (fromP : a -> Either FromParser.Error b)
(grm : FileName -> Grammar c a)
(fromP : a -> Either FromParser.Error b)
(inp : String)
parameters {default (ltrim inp) label : String}
parsesWith : (b -> Bool) -> Test
parsesWith p = test label $ do
pres <- mapFst ParseError $ lexParseWith grm inp
pres <- mapFst ParseError $ lexParseWith (grm "‹test›") inp
res <- mapFst FromParser $ fromP pres
unless (p res) $ Left $ WrongResult $ show res
@ -55,11 +56,11 @@ parameters {c : Bool} {auto _ : Show b}
parameters {default "\{ltrim inp} # fails" label : String}
parseFails : Test
parseFails = test label $ do
pres <- mapFst ParseError $ lexParseWith grm inp
pres <- mapFst ParseError $ lexParseWith (grm "‹test›") inp
either (const $ Right ()) (Left . ExpectedFail . show) $ fromP pres
FromString BName where fromString = Just . fromString
FromString PatVar where fromString x = PV x Nothing
runFromParser : {default empty defs : Definitions} ->
Eff FromParserPure a -> Either FromParser.Error a
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import Quox.Parser
import Data.List
import Data.String
import TAP
import Language.Reflection
%language ElabReflection
public export
data Failure =
@ -29,204 +32,227 @@ ToInfo Failure where
[("type", "ExpectedFail"), ("got", got)]
parameters {c : Bool} {auto _ : Show a} (grm : Grammar c a)
(inp : String)
parameters {default (ltrim inp) label : String}
parsesWith : (a -> Bool) -> Test
parsesWith p = test label $ do
res <- mapFst ParseError $ lexParseWith grm inp
unless (p res) $ Left $ WrongResult $ show res
parameters {auto _ : (Show a, Eq a)} {c : Bool} (grm : FileName -> Grammar c a)
parsesWith : String -> (a -> Bool) -> Test
parsesWith inp p = test (ltrim inp) $ do
res <- mapFst ParseError $ lexParseWith (grm "‹test›") inp
unless (p res) $ Left $ WrongResult $ show res
parses : Test
parses = parsesWith $ const True
parsesAs : String -> a -> Test
parsesAs inp exp = parsesWith inp (== exp)
parsesAs : Eq a => a -> Test
parsesAs exp = parsesWith (== exp)
parseMatch : String -> TTImp -> Elab Test
parseMatch inp pat =
parsesWith inp <$> check `(\case ~(pat) => True; _ => False)
parameters {default "\{ltrim inp} # fails" label : String}
parseFails : Test
parseFails = test label $ do
either (const $ Right ()) (Left . ExpectedFail . show) $
lexParseWith grm inp
parseFails : String -> Test
parseFails inp = test "\{ltrim inp} # fails" $ do
either (const $ Right ()) (Left . ExpectedFail . show) $
lexParseWith (grm "‹test›") inp
tests : Test
tests = "parser" :- [
"pattern vars" :- [
parsesAs patVar "_" Nothing,
parsesAs patVar "F" (Just "F"),
parseMatch patVar "_" `(Unused _),
parseMatch patVar "F" `(PV "F" _),
parseFails patVar "a.b.c"
"names" :- [
parsesAs qname "x"
parsesAs (const qname) "x"
(MakePName [<] "x"),
parsesAs qname "Data.String.length"
parsesAs (const qname) "Data.String.length"
(MakePName [< "Data", "String"] "length"),
parseFails qname "_"
parseFails (const qname) "_"
"dimensions" :- [
parsesAs dim "0" (K Zero),
parsesAs dim "1" (K One),
parsesAs dim "𝑖" (V "𝑖"),
parseMatch dim "0" `(K Zero _),
parseMatch dim "1" `(K One _),
parseMatch dim "𝑖" `(V "𝑖" _),
parseFails dim "M.x",
parseFails dim "_"
"quantities" :- [
parsesAs qty "0" Zero,
parsesAs qty "1" One,
parsesAs qty "ω" Any,
parsesAs qty "#" Any,
parseMatch qty "0" `(PQ Zero _),
parseMatch qty "1" `(PQ One _),
parseMatch qty "ω" `(PQ Any _),
parseMatch qty "#" `(PQ Any _),
parseFails qty "anythingElse",
parseFails qty "_"
"enum types" :- [
parsesAs term #"{}"# (Enum []),
parsesAs term #"{a}"# (Enum ["a"]),
parsesAs term #"{a,}"# (Enum ["a"]),
parsesAs term #"{a.b.c.d}"# (Enum ["a.b.c.d"]),
parsesAs term #"{"hel lo"}"# (Enum ["hel lo"]),
parsesAs term #"{a, b}"# (Enum ["a", "b"]),
parsesAs term #"{a, b,}"# (Enum ["a", "b"]),
parsesAs term #"{a, b, ","}"# (Enum ["a", "b", ","]),
parseMatch term #"{}"# `(Enum [] _),
parseMatch term #"{a}"# `(Enum ["a"] _),
parseMatch term #"{a,}"# `(Enum ["a"] _),
parseMatch term #"{a.b.c.d}"# `(Enum ["a.b.c.d"] _),
parseMatch term #"{"hel lo"}"# `(Enum ["hel lo"] _),
parseMatch term #"{a, b}"# `(Enum ["a", "b"] _),
parseMatch term #"{a, b,}"# `(Enum ["a", "b"] _),
parseMatch term #"{a, b, ","}"# `(Enum ["a", "b", ","] _),
parseFails term #"{,}"#
"tags" :- [
parsesAs term #" 'a "# (Tag "a"),
parsesAs term #" 'abc "# (Tag "abc"),
parsesAs term #" '"abc" "# (Tag "abc"),
parsesAs term #" '"a b c" "# (Tag "a b c"),
parsesAs term #" 'a b c "# (Tag "a" :@ V "b" :@ V "c")
{label = "'a b c # application to two args"}
parseMatch term #" 'a "# `(Tag "a" _),
parseMatch term #" 'abc "# `(Tag "abc" _),
parseMatch term #" '"abc" "# `(Tag "abc" _),
parseMatch term #" '"a b c" "# `(Tag "a b c" _),
note "application to two arguments",
parseMatch term #" 'a b c "#
`(App (App (Tag "a" _) (V "b" _) _) (V "c" _) _)
"universes" :- [
parsesAs term "★₀" (TYPE 0),
parsesAs term "★1" (TYPE 1),
parsesAs term "★ 2" (TYPE 2),
parsesAs term "Type₃" (TYPE 3),
parsesAs term "Type4" (TYPE 4),
parsesAs term "Type 100" (TYPE 100),
parsesAs term "(Type 1000)" (TYPE 1000),
parseMatch term "★₀" `(TYPE 0 _),
parseMatch term "★1" `(TYPE 1 _),
parseMatch term "★ 2" `(TYPE 2 _),
parseMatch term "Type₃" `(TYPE 3 _),
parseMatch term "Type4" `(TYPE 4 _),
parseMatch term "Type 100" `(TYPE 100 _),
parseMatch term "(Type 1000)" `(TYPE 1000 _),
parseFails term "Type",
parseFails term "★"
"applications" :- [
parsesAs term "f" (V "f"),
parsesAs term "f.x.y" (V $ MakePName [< "f", "x"] "y"),
parsesAs term "f x" (V "f" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "f x y" (V "f" :@ V "x" :@ V "y"),
parsesAs term "(f x) y" (V "f" :@ V "x" :@ V "y"),
parsesAs term "f (g x)" (V "f" :@ (V "g" :@ V "x")),
parsesAs term "f (g x) y" (V "f" :@ (V "g" :@ V "x") :@ V "y"),
parsesAs term "f @p" (V "f" :% V "p"),
parsesAs term "f x @p y" (V "f" :@ V "x" :% V "p" :@ V "y")
parseMatch term "f"
`(V "f" _),
parseMatch term "f.x.y"
`(V (MakePName [< "f", "x"] "y") _),
parseMatch term "f x"
`(App (V "f" _) (V "x" _) _),
parseMatch term "f x y"
`(App (App (V "f" _) (V "x" _) _) (V "y" _) _),
parseMatch term "(f x) y"
`(App (App (V "f" _) (V "x" _) _) (V "y" _) _),
parseMatch term "f (g x)"
`(App (V "f" _) (App (V "g" _) (V "x" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "f (g x) y"
`(App (App (V "f" _) (App (V "g" _) (V "x" _) _) _) (V "y" _) _),
parseMatch term "f @p"
`(DApp (V "f" _) (V "p" _) _),
parseMatch term "f x @p y"
`(App (DApp (App (V "f" _) (V "x" _) _) (V "p" _) _) (V "y" _) _)
"annotations" :- [
parsesAs term "f :: A" (V "f" :# V "A"),
parsesAs term "f ∷ A" (V "f" :# V "A"),
parsesAs term "f x y ∷ A B C"
((V "f" :@ V "x" :@ V "y") :#
(V "A" :@ V "B" :@ V "C")),
parsesAs term "Type 0 ∷ Type 1 ∷ Type 2"
(TYPE 0 :# (TYPE 1 :# TYPE 2))
parseMatch term "f :: A"
`(Ann (V "f" _) (V "A" _) _),
parseMatch term "f ∷ A"
`(Ann (V "f" _) (V "A" _) _),
parseMatch term "f x y ∷ A B C"
`(Ann (App (App (V "f" _) (V "x" _) _) (V "y" _) _)
(App (App (V "A" _) (V "B" _) _) (V "C" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "Type 0 ∷ Type 1 ∷ Type 2"
`(Ann (TYPE 0 _) (Ann (TYPE 1 _) (TYPE 2 _) _) _)
"binders" :- [
parsesAs term "1.(x : A) → B x" $
Pi One (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "1.(x : A) -> B x" $
Pi One (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "ω.(x : A) → B x" $
Pi Any (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "#.(x : A) -> B x" $
Pi Any (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "1.(x y : A) -> B x" $
Pi One (Just "x") (V "A") $ Pi One (Just "y") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parseMatch term "1.(x : A) → B x"
`(Pi (PQ One _) (PV "x" _) (V "A" _) (App (V "B" _) (V "x" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "1.(x : A) -> B x"
`(Pi (PQ One _) (PV "x" _) (V "A" _) (App (V "B" _) (V "x" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "ω.(x : A) → B x"
`(Pi (PQ Any _) (PV "x" _) (V "A" _) (App (V "B" _) (V "x" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "#.(x : A) -> B x"
`(Pi (PQ Any _) (PV "x" _) (V "A" _) (App (V "B" _) (V "x" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "1.(x y : A) -> B x"
`(Pi (PQ One _) (PV "x" _) (V "A" _)
(Pi (PQ One _) (PV "y" _) (V "A" _)
(App (V "B" _) (V "x" _) _) _) _),
parseFails term "(x : A) → B x",
parsesAs term "1.A → B"
(Pi One Nothing (V "A") (V "B")),
parsesAs term "1.(List A) → List B"
(Pi One Nothing (V "List" :@ V "A") (V "List" :@ V "B")),
parseMatch term "1.A → B"
`(Pi (PQ One _) (Unused _) (V "A" _) (V "B" _) _),
parseMatch term "1.(List A) → List B"
`(Pi (PQ One _) (Unused _)
(App (V "List" _) (V "A" _) _)
(App (V "List" _) (V "B" _) _) _),
parseFails term "1.List A → List B",
parsesAs term "(x : A) × B x" $
Sig (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "(x : A) ** B x" $
Sig (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "(x y : A) × B x" $
Sig (Just "x") (V "A") $ Sig (Just "y") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parseMatch term "(x : A) × B x"
`(Sig (PV "x" _) (V "A" _) (App (V "B" _) (V "x" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "(x : A) ** B x"
`(Sig (PV "x" _) (V "A" _) (App (V "B" _) (V "x" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "(x y : A) × B" $
`(Sig (PV "x" _) (V "A" _) (Sig (PV "y" _) (V "A" _) (V "B" _) _) _),
parseFails term "1.(x : A) × B x",
parsesAs term "A × B" $
Sig Nothing (V "A") (V "B"),
parsesAs term "A ** B" $
Sig Nothing (V "A") (V "B"),
parsesAs term "A × B × C" $
Sig Nothing (V "A") (Sig Nothing (V "B") (V "C")),
parsesAs term "(A × B) × C" $
Sig Nothing (Sig Nothing (V "A") (V "B")) (V "C")
parseMatch term "A × B"
`(Sig (Unused _) (V "A" _) (V "B" _) _),
parseMatch term "A ** B"
`(Sig (Unused _) (V "A" _) (V "B" _) _),
parseMatch term "A × B × C" $
`(Sig (Unused _) (V "A" _) (Sig (Unused _) (V "B" _) (V "C" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "(A × B) × C" $
`(Sig (Unused _) (Sig (Unused _) (V "A" _) (V "B" _) _) (V "C" _) _)
"lambdas" :- [
parsesAs term "λ x ⇒ x" $ Lam (Just "x") (V "x"),
parsesAs term "λ x ⇒ x" $ Lam (Just "x") (V "x"),
parsesAs term "fun x => x" $ Lam (Just "x") (V "x"),
parsesAs term "δ i ⇒ x @i" $ DLam (Just "i") (V "x" :% V "i"),
parsesAs term "dfun i => x @i" $ DLam (Just "i") (V "x" :% V "i"),
parsesAs term "λ x y z ⇒ x z y" $
Lam (Just "x") $ Lam (Just "y") $ Lam (Just "z") $
V "x" :@ V "z" :@ V "y"
parseMatch term "λ x ⇒ x"
`(Lam (PV "x" _) (V "x" _) _),
parseMatch term "fun x => x"
`(Lam (PV "x" _) (V "x" _) _),
parseMatch term "δ i ⇒ x @i"
`(DLam (PV "i" _) (DApp (V "x" _) (V "i" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "dfun i => x @i"
`(DLam (PV "i" _) (DApp (V "x" _) (V "i" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "λ x y z ⇒ x z y"
`(Lam (PV "x" _)
(Lam (PV "y" _)
(Lam (PV "z" _)
(App (App (V "x" _) (V "z" _) _) (V "y" _) _) _) _) _)
"pairs" :- [
parsesAs term "(x, y)" $
Pair (V "x") (V "y"),
parsesAs term "(x, y, z)" $
Pair (V "x") (Pair (V "y") (V "z")),
parsesAs term "((x, y), z)" $
Pair (Pair (V "x") (V "y")) (V "z"),
parsesAs term "(f x, g @y)" $
Pair (V "f" :@ V "x") (V "g" :% V "y"),
parsesAs term "((x : A) × B, 0.(x : C) → D)" $
Pair (Sig (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B"))
(Pi Zero (Just "x") (V "C") (V "D")),
parsesAs term "(λ x ⇒ x, δ i ⇒ e @i)" $
Pair (Lam (Just "x") (V "x"))
(DLam (Just "i") (V "e" :% V "i")),
parsesAs term "(x,)" (V "x"), -- i GUESS
parseMatch term "(x, y)"
`(Pair (V "x" _) (V "y" _) _),
parseMatch term "(x, y, z)"
`(Pair (V "x" _) (Pair (V "y" _) (V "z" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "((x, y), z)"
`(Pair (Pair (V "x" _) (V "y" _) _) (V "z" _) _),
parseMatch term "(f x, g @y)"
`(Pair (App (V "f" _) (V "x" _) _) (DApp (V "g" _) (V "y" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "((x : A) × B, 0.(x : C) → D)"
`(Pair (Sig (PV "x" _) (V "A" _) (V "B" _) _)
(Pi (PQ Zero _) (PV "x" _) (V "C" _) (V "D" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "(λ x ⇒ x, δ i ⇒ e @i)"
`(Pair (Lam (PV "x" _) (V "x" _) _)
(DLam (PV "i" _) (DApp (V "e" _) (V "i" _) _) _) _),
parseMatch term "(x,)" `(V "x" _), -- i GUESS
parseFails term "(,y)",
parseFails term "(x,,y)"
"equality type" :- [
parsesAs term "Eq [i ⇒ A] s t" $
Eq (Just "i", V "A") (V "s") (V "t"),
parsesAs term "Eq [i ⇒ A B (C @i)] (f x y) (g y z)" $
Eq (Just "i", V "A" :@ V "B" :@ (V "C" :% V "i"))
(V "f" :@ V "x" :@ V "y") (V "g" :@ V "y" :@ V "z"),
parsesAs term "Eq [A] s t" $
Eq (Nothing, V "A") (V "s") (V "t"),
parsesAs term "s ≡ t : A" $
Eq (Nothing, V "A") (V "s") (V "t"),
parsesAs term "s == t : A" $
Eq (Nothing, V "A") (V "s") (V "t"),
parsesAs term "f x y ≡ g y z : A B C" $
Eq (Nothing, V "A" :@ V "B" :@ V "C")
(V "f" :@ V "x" :@ V "y") (V "g" :@ V "y" :@ V "z"),
parsesAs term "(A × B) ≡ (A' × B') : ★₁" $
Eq (Nothing, TYPE 1)
(Sig Nothing (V "A") (V "B")) (Sig Nothing (V "A'") (V "B'")),
parseMatch term "Eq [i ⇒ A] s t"
`(Eq (PV "i" _, V "A" _) (V "s" _) (V "t" _) _),
parseMatch term "Eq [i ⇒ A (B @i)] (f x) (g y)"
`(Eq (PV "i" _, App (V "A" _) (DApp (V "B" _) (V "i" _) _) _)
(App (V "f" _) (V "x" _) _)
(App (V "g" _) (V "y" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "Eq [A] s t"
`(Eq (Unused _, V "A" _) (V "s" _) (V "t" _) _),
parseMatch term "s ≡ t : A"
`(Eq (Unused _, V "A" _) (V "s" _) (V "t" _) _),
parseMatch term "s == t : A"
`(Eq (Unused _, V "A" _) (V "s" _) (V "t" _) _),
parseMatch term "f x ≡ g y : A B"
`(Eq (Unused _, App (V "A" _) (V "B" _) _)
(App (V "f" _) (V "x" _) _)
(App (V "g" _) (V "y" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "(A × B) ≡ (A' × B') : ★₁"
`(Eq (Unused _, TYPE 1 _)
(Sig (Unused _) (V "A" _) (V "B" _) _)
(Sig (Unused _) (V "A'" _) (V "B'" _) _) _),
note "A × (B ≡ A' × B' : ★₁)",
parsesAs term "A × B ≡ A' × B' : ★₁" $
Sig Nothing (V "A") $
Eq (Nothing, TYPE 1)
(V "B") (Sig Nothing (V "A'") (V "B'")),
parseMatch term "A × B ≡ A' × B' : ★₁"
`(Sig (Unused _) (V "A" _)
(Eq (Unused _, TYPE 1 _)
(V "B" _) (Sig (Unused _) (V "A'" _) (V "B'" _) _) _) _),
parseFails term "Eq",
parseFails term "Eq s t",
parseFails term "s ≡ t",
@ -234,127 +260,144 @@ tests = "parser" :- [
"naturals" :- [
parsesAs term "ℕ" Nat,
parsesAs term "Nat" Nat,
parsesAs term "zero" Zero,
parsesAs term "succ n" (Succ $ V "n"),
parsesAs term "3" (fromNat 3),
parsesAs term "succ (succ 5)" (fromNat 7),
parseMatch term "ℕ" `(Nat _),
parseMatch term "Nat" `(Nat _),
parseMatch term "zero" `(Zero _),
parseMatch term "succ n" `(Succ (V "n" _) _),
parseMatch term "3"
`(Succ (Succ (Succ (Zero _) _) _) _),
parseMatch term "succ (succ 1)"
`(Succ (Succ (Succ (Zero _) _) _) _),
parseFails term "succ succ 5",
parseFails term "succ"
"box" :- [
parsesAs term "[1.ℕ]" $ BOX One Nat,
parsesAs term "[ω. ℕ × ℕ]" $ BOX Any (Sig Nothing Nat Nat),
parsesAs term "[a]" $ Box (V "a"),
parsesAs term "[0]" $ Box Zero,
parsesAs term "[1]" $ Box (Succ Zero)
parseMatch term "[1.ℕ]"
`(BOX (PQ One _) (Nat _) _),
parseMatch term "[ω. ℕ × ℕ]"
`(BOX (PQ Any _) (Sig (Unused _) (Nat _) (Nat _) _) _),
parseMatch term "[a]"
`(Box (V "a" _) _),
parseMatch term "[0]"
`(Box (Zero _) _),
parseMatch term "[1]"
`(Box (Succ (Zero _) _) _)
"coe" :- [
parsesAs term "coe [A] @p @q x" $
Coe (Nothing, V "A") (V "p") (V "q") (V "x"),
parsesAs term "coe [i ⇒ A] @p @q x" $
Coe (Just "i", V "A") (V "p") (V "q") (V "x"),
parseMatch term "coe [A] @p @q x"
`(Coe (Unused _, V "A" _) (V "p" _) (V "q" _) (V "x" _) _),
parseMatch term "coe [i ⇒ A] @p @q x"
`(Coe (PV "i" _, V "A" _) (V "p" _) (V "q" _) (V "x" _) _),
parseFails term "coe [A] @p @q",
parseFails term "coe A @p @q x",
parseFails term "coe [i ⇒ A] @p q x"
"comp" :- [
parsesAs term "comp [A] @p @q s @r { 0 𝑗 ⇒ s₀; 1 𝑘 ⇒ s₁ }" $
Comp (Nothing, V "A") (V "p") (V "q") (V "s") (V "r")
(Just "𝑗", V "s₀") (Just "𝑘", V "s₁"),
parsesAs term "comp [A] @p @q s @r { 1 𝑗 ⇒ s₀; 0 𝑘 ⇒ s₁; }" $
Comp (Nothing, V "A") (V "p") (V "q") (V "s") (V "r")
(Just "𝑘", V "s₁") (Just "𝑗", V "s₀"),
parseMatch term "comp [A] @p @q s @r { 0 𝑗 ⇒ s₀; 1 𝑘 ⇒ s₁ }"
`(Comp (Unused _, V "A" _) (V "p" _) (V "q" _) (V "s" _) (V "r" _)
(PV "𝑗" _, V "s₀" _) (PV "𝑘" _, V "s₁" _) _),
parseMatch term "comp [A] @p @q s @r { 1 𝑗 ⇒ s₀; 0 𝑘 ⇒ s₁; }"
`(Comp (Unused _, V "A" _) (V "p" _) (V "q" _) (V "s" _) (V "r" _)
(PV "𝑘" _, V "s₁" _) (PV "𝑗" _, V "s₀" _) _),
parseFails term "comp [A] @p @q s @r { 1 𝑗 ⇒ s₀; 1 𝑘 ⇒ s₁; }",
parseFails term "comp [A] @p @q s @r { 0 𝑗 ⇒ s₀ }",
parseFails term "comp [A] @p @q s @r { }"
"case" :- [
parsesAs term
"case1 f s return x ⇒ A x of { (l, r) ⇒ add l r }" $
Case One (V "f" :@ V "s")
(Just "x", V "A" :@ V "x")
(CasePair (Just "l", Just "r")
(V "add" :@ V "l" :@ V "r")),
parsesAs term
"case1 f s return x ⇒ A x of { (l, r) ⇒ add l r; }" $
Case One (V "f" :@ V "s")
(Just "x", V "A" :@ V "x")
(CasePair (Just "l", Just "r")
(V "add" :@ V "l" :@ V "r")),
parsesAs term
"case 1 . f s return x ⇒ A x of { (l, r) ⇒ add l r }" $
Case One (V "f" :@ V "s")
(Just "x", V "A" :@ V "x")
(CasePair (Just "l", Just "r")
(V "add" :@ V "l" :@ V "r")),
parsesAs term
"case1 t return A of { 'x ⇒ p; 'y ⇒ q; 'z ⇒ r }" $
Case One (V "t")
(Nothing, V "A")
(CaseEnum [("x", V "p"), ("y", V "q"), ("z", V "r")]),
parsesAs term "caseω t return A of {}" $
Case Any (V "t") (Nothing, V "A") (CaseEnum []),
parsesAs term "case# t return A of {}" $
Case Any (V "t") (Nothing, V "A") (CaseEnum []),
parsesAs term "caseω n return A of { 0 ⇒ a; succ n' ⇒ b }" $
Case Any (V "n") (Nothing, V "A") $
CaseNat (V "a") (Just "n'", Zero, Nothing, V "b"),
parsesAs term "caseω n return ℕ of { succ _, 1.ih ⇒ ih; zero ⇒ 0; }" $
Case Any (V "n") (Nothing, Nat) $
CaseNat Zero (Nothing, One, Just "ih", V "ih"),
parseMatch term
"case1 f s return x ⇒ A x of { (l, r) ⇒ r l }"
`(Case (PQ One _) (App (V "f" _) (V "s" _) _)
(PV "x" _, App (V "A" _) (V "x" _) _)
(CasePair (PV "l" _, PV "r" _)
(App (V "r" _) (V "l" _) _) _) _),
parseMatch term
"case1 f s return x => A x of { (l, r) ⇒ r l; }"
`(Case (PQ One _) (App (V "f" _) (V "s" _) _)
(PV "x" _, App (V "A" _) (V "x" _) _)
(CasePair (PV "l" _, PV "r" _)
(App (V "r" _) (V "l" _) _) _) _),
parseMatch term
"case 1 . f s return x ⇒ A x of { (l, r) ⇒ r l }"
`(Case (PQ One _) (App (V "f" _) (V "s" _) _)
(PV "x" _, App (V "A" _) (V "x" _) _)
(CasePair (PV "l" _, PV "r" _)
(App (V "r" _) (V "l" _) _) _) _),
parseMatch term
"case1 t return A of { 'x ⇒ p; 'y ⇒ q; 'z ⇒ r }"
`(Case (PQ One _) (V "t" _)
(Unused _, V "A" _)
(CaseEnum [(PT "x" _, V "p" _),
(PT "y" _, V "q" _),
(PT "z" _, V "r" _)] _) _),
parseMatch term "caseω t return A of {}"
`(Case (PQ Any _) (V "t" _) (Unused _, V "A" _) (CaseEnum [] _) _),
parseMatch term "case# t return A of {}"
`(Case (PQ Any _) (V "t" _) (Unused _, V "A" _) (CaseEnum [] _) _),
parseMatch term "caseω n return A of { 0 ⇒ a; succ n' ⇒ b }"
`(Case (PQ Any _) (V "n" _) (Unused _, V "A" _)
(CaseNat (V "a" _) (PV "n'" _, PQ Zero _, Unused _, V "b" _) _) _),
parseMatch term "caseω n return ℕ of { succ _, 1.ih ⇒ ih; zero ⇒ 0; }"
`(Case (PQ Any _) (V "n" _) (Unused _, Nat _)
(CaseNat (Zero _) (Unused _, PQ One _, PV "ih" _, V "ih" _) _) _),
parseFails term "caseω n return A of { zero ⇒ a }",
parseFails term "caseω n return ℕ of { succ ⇒ 5 }"
"definitions" :- [
parsesAs definition "defω x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b)" $
MkPDef Any "x" (Just $ Sig Nothing (Enum ["a"]) (Enum ["b"]))
(Pair (Tag "a") (Tag "b")),
parsesAs definition "defω x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b)" $
MkPDef Any "x" (Just $ Sig Nothing (Enum ["a"]) (Enum ["b"]))
(Pair (Tag "a") (Tag "b")),
parsesAs definition "def# x : {a} ** {b} = ('a, 'b)" $
MkPDef Any "x" (Just $ Sig Nothing (Enum ["a"]) (Enum ["b"]))
(Pair (Tag "a") (Tag "b")),
parsesAs definition "def ω.x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b)" $
MkPDef Any "x" (Just $ Sig Nothing (Enum ["a"]) (Enum ["b"]))
(Pair (Tag "a") (Tag "b")),
parsesAs definition "def x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b)" $
MkPDef Any "x" (Just $ Sig Nothing (Enum ["a"]) (Enum ["b"]))
(Pair (Tag "a") (Tag "b")),
parsesAs definition "def0 A : ★₀ = {a, b, c}" $
MkPDef Zero "A" (Just $ TYPE 0) (Enum ["a", "b", "c"])
parseMatch definition "defω x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b);"
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(Just (Sig (Unused _) (Enum ["a"] _) (Enum ["b"] _) _))
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _) _),
parseMatch definition "def# x : {a} ** {b} = ('a, 'b)"
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(Just (Sig (Unused _) (Enum ["a"] _) (Enum ["b"] _) _))
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _) _),
parseMatch definition "def ω.x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b)"
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(Just (Sig (Unused _) (Enum ["a"] _) (Enum ["b"] _) _))
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _) _),
parseMatch definition "def x : {a} × {b} = ('a, 'b)"
`(MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x"
(Just (Sig (Unused _) (Enum ["a"] _) (Enum ["b"] _) _))
(Pair (Tag "a" _) (Tag "b" _) _) _),
parseMatch definition "def0 A : ★₀ = {a, b, c}"
`(MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "A" (Just $ TYPE 0 _)
(Enum ["a", "b", "c"] _) _)
"top level" :- [
parsesAs input "def0 A : ★₀ = {}; def0 B : ★₁ = A;" $
[PD $ PDef $ MkPDef Zero "A" (Just $ TYPE 0) (Enum []),
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef Zero "B" (Just $ TYPE 1) (V "A")],
parsesAs input "def0 A : ★₀ = {} def0 B : ★₁ = A" $
[PD $ PDef $ MkPDef Zero "A" (Just $ TYPE 0) (Enum []),
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef Zero "B" (Just $ TYPE 1) (V "A")],
parsesAs input "" [] {label = "[empty input]"},
parseMatch input "def0 A : ★₀ = {}; def0 B : ★₁ = A;"
`([PD $ PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "A" (Just $ TYPE 0 _) (Enum [] _) _,
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "B" (Just $ TYPE 1 _) (V "A" _) _]),
parseMatch input "def0 A : ★₀ = {} def0 B : ★₁ = A" $
`([PD $ PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "A" (Just $ TYPE 0 _) (Enum [] _) _,
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Zero _) "B" (Just $ TYPE 1 _) (V "A" _) _]),
note "empty input",
parsesAs input "" [],
parseFails input ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;",
parsesAs input "namespace a {}" [PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"] []],
parsesAs input "namespace a.b.c {}"
[PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a", "b", "c"] []],
parsesAs input "namespace a {namespace b {}}"
[PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"] [PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "b"] []]],
parsesAs input "namespace a {def x = 't ∷ {t}}"
[PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[PDef $ MkPDef Any "x" Nothing (Tag "t" :# Enum ["t"])]],
parsesAs input "namespace a {def x = 't ∷ {t}} def y = a.x"
[PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[PDef $ MkPDef Any "x" Nothing (Tag "t" :# Enum ["t"])],
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef Any "y" Nothing (V $ MakePName [< "a"] "x")],
parsesAs input #" load "a.quox"; def b = a.b "#
[PLoad "a.quox",
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef Any "b" Nothing (V $ MakePName [< "a"] "b")]
parseMatch input "namespace a {}"
`([PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"] [] _]),
parseMatch input "namespace a.b.c {}"
`([PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a", "b", "c"] [] _]),
parseMatch input "namespace a {namespace b {}}"
`([PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"] [PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "b"] [] _] _]),
parseMatch input "namespace a {def x = 't ∷ {t}}"
`([PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x" Nothing
(Ann (Tag "t" _) (Enum ["t"] _) _) _] _]),
parseMatch input "namespace a {def x = 't ∷ {t}} def y = a.x"
`([PD $ PNs $ MkPNamespace [< "a"]
[PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "x" Nothing
(Ann (Tag "t" _) (Enum ["t"] _) _) _] _,
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "y" Nothing
(V (MakePName [< "a"] "x") _) _]),
parseMatch input #" load "a.quox"; def b = a.b "#
`([PLoad "a.quox" _,
PD $ PDef $ MkPDef (PQ Any _) "b" Nothing
(V (MakePName [< "a"] "b") _) _])
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