rhiannon morris 7e079a9668 add file locations to Parser.Syntax
they're immediately thrown away currently. but one step at a time
2023-04-26 06:12:03 +02:00

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module Quox.Parser.Parser
import public Quox.Parser.Lexer
import public Quox.Parser.Syntax
import Data.Bool
import Data.Fin
import Data.Vect
import public Text.Parser
import Derive.Prelude
%language ElabReflection
%default total
public export
0 Grammar : Bool -> Type -> Type
Grammar = Core.Grammar () Token
%hide Core.Grammar
public export
data Error =
LexError Lexer.Error
| ParseError (List1 (ParsingError Token))
%hide Lexer.Error
%runElab derive "Error" [Show]
lexParseWith : {c : Bool} -> Grammar c a -> String -> Either Error a
lexParseWith grm input = do
toks <- mapFst LexError $ lex input
bimap ParseError fst $ parse (grm <* eof) toks
withLoc : {c : Bool} -> FileName -> (Grammar c (Loc -> a)) -> Grammar c a
withLoc fname act = bounds act <&> \res =>
if res.isIrrelevant then res.val Nothing
else res.val $ makeLoc fname res.bounds
defLoc : FileName -> (Loc -> a) -> Grammar False a
defLoc fname f = position <&> f . makeLoc fname
unused : FileName -> Grammar False PatVar
unused fname = defLoc fname Unused
||| reserved token, like punctuation or keywords etc
res : (str : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved str) => Grammar True ()
res str = terminal "expected \"\{str}\"" $ guard . (== Reserved str)
||| optional reserved token, e.g. trailing comma
optRes : (str : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved str) => Grammar False ()
optRes str = ignore $ optional $ res str
||| reserved token, then commit
resC : (str : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved str) => Grammar True ()
resC str = do res str; commit
||| reserved token or fatal error
needRes : (str : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved str) => Grammar True ()
needRes str = resC str <|> fatalError "expected \"\{str}\""
terminalMatchN_ : String -> List (TTImp, TTImp) -> Elab (Grammar True a)
terminalMatchN_ what matches = do
func <- check $ lam (lambdaArg `{x}) $
iCase `(x) implicitFalse $
map (\(l, r) => patClause l `(Just ~(r))) matches ++
[patClause `(_) `(Nothing)]
pure $ terminal "expected \{what}" func
private %macro
terminalMatchN : String -> List (TTImp, TTImp) -> Elab (Grammar True a)
terminalMatchN = terminalMatchN_
private %macro
terminalMatch : String -> TTImp -> TTImp -> Elab (Grammar True a)
terminalMatch what l r = terminalMatchN_ what [(l, r)]
||| tag without leading `'`
bareTag : Grammar True TagVal
bareTag = terminalMatchN "bare tag" [(`(Name t), `(show t)), (`(Str s), `(s))]
||| tag with leading quote
tag : Grammar True TagVal
tag = terminalMatch "tag" `(Tag t) `(t)
||| natural number
nat : Grammar True Nat
nat = terminalMatch "natural number" `(Nat n) `(n)
||| string literal
strLit : Grammar True String
strLit = terminalMatch "string literal" `(Str s) `(s)
||| single-token universe, like ★₀ or Type1
universe1 : Grammar True Universe
universe1 = terminalMatch "universe" `(TYPE u) `(u)
||| possibly-qualified name
qname : Grammar True PName
qname = terminalMatch "name" `(Name n) `(n)
||| unqualified name
baseName : Grammar True PBaseName
baseName = terminalMatch "unqualified name" `(Name (MakePName [<] b)) `(b)
||| dimension constant (0 or 1)
dimConst : Grammar True DimConst
dimConst = terminalMatchN "dimension constant"
[(`(Nat 0), `(Zero)), (`(Nat 1), `(One))]
||| quantity (0, 1, or ω)
qtyVal : Grammar True Qty
qtyVal = terminalMatchN "quantity"
[(`(Nat 0), `(Zero)), (`(Nat 1), `(One)), (`(Reserved "ω"), `(Any))]
||| quantity (0, 1, or ω)
qty : FileName -> Grammar True PQty
qty fname = withLoc fname [|PQ qtyVal|]
||| pattern var (unqualified name or _)
patVar : FileName -> Grammar True PatVar
patVar fname = withLoc fname $
[|PV baseName|] <|> Unused <$ res "_"
||| dimension (without `@` prefix)
dim : FileName -> Grammar True PDim
dim fname = withLoc fname $ [|K dimConst|] <|> [|V baseName|]
||| dimension argument (with @)
dimArg : FileName -> Grammar True PDim
dimArg fname = do resC "@"; mustWork $ dim fname
delim : (o, c : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved o) => (0 _ : IsReserved c) =>
{k : Bool} -> Grammar k a -> Grammar True a
delim o c p = resC o *> p <* needRes c
-- this stuff is Like This (rather than just being delim + sepEndBy{1})
-- so that it checks for the close bracket before trying another list element,
-- giving (imo) a better error
parameters (o, c, s : String)
{auto 0 _ : IsReserved o} {auto 0 _ : IsReserved c}
{auto 0 _ : IsReserved s}
(p : Grammar True a)
dsBeforeDelim, dsAfterDelim : Grammar True (List a)
dsBeforeDelim = [] <$ resC c <|> resC s *> assert_total dsAfterDelim
dsAfterDelim = [] <$ resC c <|> [|p :: assert_total dsBeforeDelim|]
delimSep1 : Grammar True (List1 a)
delimSep1 = resC o *> [|p ::: dsBeforeDelim|]
delimSep : Grammar True (List a)
delimSep = resC o *> dsAfterDelim
||| enum type, e.g. `{a, b, c.d, "e f g"}`
enumType : Grammar True (List TagVal)
enumType = delimSep "{" "}" "," bareTag
||| e.g. `case` or `case 1.`
caseIntro : FileName -> Grammar True PQty
caseIntro fname =
withLoc fname (PQ Zero <$ res "case0")
<|> withLoc fname (PQ One <$ res "case1")
<|> withLoc fname (PQ Any <$ res "caseω")
<|> delim "case" "." (qty fname)
qtyPatVar : FileName -> Grammar True (PQty, PatVar)
qtyPatVar fname = [|(,) (qty fname) (needRes "." *> patVar fname)|]
ptag : FileName -> Grammar True PTagVal
ptag fname = withLoc fname $ [|PT tag|]
public export
data PCasePat =
PPair PatVar PatVar Loc
| PTag PTagVal Loc
| PZero Loc
| PSucc PatVar PQty PatVar Loc
| PBox PatVar Loc
%runElab derive "PCasePat" [Eq, Ord, Show]
Located PCasePat where
(PPair _ _ loc).loc = loc
(PTag _ loc).loc = loc
(PZero loc).loc = loc
(PSucc _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(PBox _ loc).loc = loc
||| either `zero` or `0`
zeroPat : Grammar True ()
zeroPat = resC "zero" <|> terminal "expected '0'" (guard . (== Nat 0))
casePat : FileName -> Grammar True PCasePat
casePat fname = withLoc fname $
delim "(" ")" [|PPair (patVar fname) (needRes "," *> patVar fname)|]
<|> [|PTag (ptag fname)|]
<|> PZero <$ zeroPat
<|> do p <- resC "succ" *> patVar fname
ih <- resC "," *> qtyPatVar fname
<|> [|(,) (defLoc fname $ PQ Zero) (unused fname)|]
pure $ PSucc p (fst ih) (snd ih)
<|> delim "[" "]" [|PBox (patVar fname)|]
<|> fatalError "invalid pattern"
export covering
term : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
-- defined after all the subterm parsers
export covering
typeLine : FileName -> Grammar True (PatVar, PTerm)
typeLine fname = do
resC "["
mustWork $ do
i <- patVar fname <* resC "" <|> unused fname
t <- term fname <* needRes "]"
pure (i, t)
||| box term `[t]` or type `[π.A]`
export covering
boxTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
boxTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
res "["; commit
q <- optional $ qty fname <* res "."
t <- mustWork $ term fname <* needRes "]"
pure $ maybe (Box t) (\q => BOX q t) q
||| tuple term like `(a, b)`, or parenthesised single term.
||| allows terminating comma. more than two elements are nested on the right:
||| `(a, b, c, d) = (a, (b, (c, d)))`.
export covering
tupleTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
tupleTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
terms <- delimSep1 "(" ")" "," $ term fname
pure $ \loc => foldr1 (\s, t => Pair s t loc) terms
||| argument/atomic term: single-token terms, or those with delimiters e.g.
||| `[t]`
export covering
termArg : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
termArg fname = withLoc fname $
[|TYPE universe1|]
<|> [|Enum enumType|]
<|> [|Tag tag|]
<|> const <$> boxTerm fname
<|> Nat <$ res ""
<|> Zero <$ res "zero"
<|> [|fromNat nat|]
<|> [|V qname|]
<|> const <$> tupleTerm fname
export covering
coeTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
coeTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
resC "coe"
mustWork [|Coe (typeLine fname) (dimArg fname) (dimArg fname)
(termArg fname)|]
public export
CompBranch : Type
CompBranch = (DimConst, PatVar, PTerm)
export covering
compBranch : FileName -> Grammar True CompBranch
compBranch fname = [|(,,) dimConst (patVar fname) (needRes "" *> term fname)|]
checkCompTermBody : (PatVar, PTerm) -> PDim -> PDim -> PTerm -> PDim ->
CompBranch -> CompBranch -> Bounds ->
Grammar False (Loc -> PTerm)
checkCompTermBody a p q s r (e0, s0) (e1, s1) bounds =
case (e0, e1) of
(Zero, One) => pure $ Comp a p q s r s0 s1
(One, Zero) => pure $ Comp a p q s r s1 s0
(_, _) =>
fatalLoc bounds "body of 'comp' needs one 0 case and one 1 case"
export covering
compTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
compTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
resC "comp"
mustWork $ do
a <- typeLine fname
p <- dimArg fname; q <- dimArg fname
s <- termArg fname; r <- dimArg fname
bodyStart <- bounds $ needRes "{"
s0 <- compBranch fname; needRes ";"
s1 <- compBranch fname; optRes ";"
bodyEnd <- bounds $ needRes "}"
let body = bounds $ mergeBounds bodyStart bodyEnd
checkCompTermBody a p q s r s0 s1 body
export covering
splitUniverseTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
splitUniverseTerm fname = withLoc fname $ resC "" *> mustWork [|TYPE nat|]
export covering
eqTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
eqTerm fname = withLoc fname $
resC "Eq" *> mustWork [|Eq (typeLine fname) (termArg fname) (termArg fname)|]
export covering
succTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
succTerm fname = withLoc fname $
resC "succ" *> mustWork [|Succ (termArg fname)|]
||| a dimension argument with an `@` prefix, or
||| a term argument with no prefix
export covering
anyArg : FileName -> Grammar True (Either PDim PTerm)
anyArg fname = dimArg fname <||> termArg fname
export covering
normalAppTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
normalAppTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
head <- termArg fname
args <- many $ anyArg fname
pure $ \loc => foldl (ap loc) head args
where ap : Loc -> PTerm -> Either PDim PTerm -> PTerm
ap loc f (Left p) = DApp f p loc
ap loc f (Right s) = App f s loc
||| application term `f x @y z`, or other terms that look like application
||| like `succ` or `coe`.
export covering
appTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
appTerm fname =
coeTerm fname
<|> compTerm fname
<|> splitUniverseTerm fname
<|> eqTerm fname
<|> succTerm fname
<|> normalAppTerm fname
export covering
infixEqTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
infixEqTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
l <- appTerm fname; commit
rest <- optional $
res "" *> [|(,) (term fname) (needRes ":" *> appTerm fname)|]
let u = Unused $ onlyStart l.loc
pure $ \loc => maybe l (\rest => Eq (u, snd rest) l (fst rest) loc) rest
export covering
annTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
annTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
tm <- infixEqTerm fname; commit
ty <- optional $ res "" *> term fname
pure $ \loc => maybe tm (\ty => Ann tm ty loc) ty
export covering
lamTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
lamTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
k <- DLam <$ res "δ" <|> Lam <$ res "λ"
mustWork $ do
xs <- some $ patVar fname; needRes ""
body <- term fname; commit
pure $ \loc => foldr (\x, s => k x s loc) body xs
-- [todo] fix the backtracking in e.g. (F x y z × B)
export covering
properBinders : FileName -> Grammar True (List1 PatVar, PTerm)
properBinders fname = do
res "("
xs <- some $ patVar fname; resC ":"
t <- term fname; needRes ")"
pure (xs, t)
export covering
piTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
piTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
q <- qty fname; resC "."
dom <- piBinder; needRes ""
cod <- term fname; commit
pure $ \loc => foldr (\x, t => Pi q x (snd dom) t loc) cod (fst dom)
piBinder : Grammar True (List1 PatVar, PTerm)
piBinder = properBinders fname
<|> [|(,) [|singleton $ unused fname|] (termArg fname)|]
export covering
sigmaTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
sigmaTerm fname =
(properBinders fname >>= continueDep)
<|> (annTerm fname >>= continueNondep)
continueDep : (List1 PatVar, PTerm) -> Grammar True PTerm
continueDep (names, fst) = withLoc fname $ do
snd <- needRes "×" *> sigmaTerm fname
pure $ \loc => foldr (\x, snd => Sig x fst snd loc) snd names
cross : PTerm -> PTerm -> PTerm
cross l r = let loc = extend' l.loc r.loc.bounds in
Sig (Unused $ onlyStart l.loc) l r loc
continueNondep : PTerm -> Grammar False PTerm
continueNondep fst = do
rest <- optional $ resC "×" *> sepBy1 (res "×") (annTerm fname)
pure $ foldr1 cross $ fst ::: maybe [] toList rest
public export
PCaseArm : Type
PCaseArm = (PCasePat, PTerm)
export covering
caseArm : FileName -> Grammar True PCaseArm
caseArm fname = [|(,) (casePat fname) (needRes "" *> term fname)|]
checkCaseArms : Loc -> List PCaseArm -> Grammar False PCaseBody
checkCaseArms loc [] = pure $ CaseEnum [] loc
checkCaseArms loc ((PPair x y _, rhs) :: rest) =
if null rest then pure $ CasePair (x, y) rhs loc
else fatalError "unexpected pattern after pair"
checkCaseArms loc ((PTag tag _, rhs1) :: rest) = do
let rest = for rest $ \case
(PTag tag _, rhs) => Just (tag, rhs)
_ => Nothing
maybe (fatalError "expected all patterns to be tags")
(\rest => pure $ CaseEnum ((tag, rhs1) :: rest) loc) rest
checkCaseArms loc ((PZero _, rhs1) :: rest) = do
let [(PSucc p q ih _, rhs2)] = rest
| _ => fatalError "expected succ pattern after zero"
pure $ CaseNat rhs1 (p, q, ih, rhs2) loc
checkCaseArms loc ((PSucc p q ih _, rhs1) :: rest) = do
let [(PZero _, rhs2)] = rest
| _ => fatalError "expected zero pattern after succ"
pure $ CaseNat rhs2 (p, q, ih, rhs1) loc
checkCaseArms loc ((PBox x _, rhs) :: rest) =
if null rest then pure $ CaseBox x rhs loc
else fatalError "unexpected pattern after box"
export covering
caseBody : FileName -> Grammar True PCaseBody
caseBody fname = do
body <- bounds $ delimSep "{" "}" ";" $ caseArm fname
let loc = makeLoc fname body.bounds
checkCaseArms loc body.val
export covering
caseReturn : FileName -> Grammar True (PatVar, PTerm)
caseReturn fname = do
x <- patVar fname <* resC "" <|> unused fname
ret <- term fname
pure (x, ret)
export covering
caseTerm : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
caseTerm fname = withLoc fname $ do
qty <- caseIntro fname; commit
head <- mustWork $ term fname; needRes "return"
ret <- mustWork $ caseReturn fname; needRes "of"
body <- mustWork $ caseBody fname
pure $ Case qty head ret body
-- export covering
-- term : FileName -> Grammar True PTerm
term fname = lamTerm fname
<|> caseTerm fname
<|> piTerm fname
<|> sigmaTerm fname
export covering
decl : FileName -> Grammar True PDecl
||| `def` alone means `defω`
defIntro : FileName -> Grammar True PQty
defIntro fname =
withLoc fname (PQ Zero <$ resC "def0")
<|> withLoc fname (PQ Any <$ resC "defω")
<|> do pos <- bounds $ resC "def"
let any = PQ Any $ makeLoc fname pos.bounds
option any $ qty fname <* needRes "."
export covering
definition : FileName -> Grammar True PDefinition
definition fname = withLoc fname $ do
qty <- defIntro fname
name <- baseName
type <- optional $ resC ":" *> mustWork (term fname)
term <- needRes "=" *> mustWork (term fname)
optRes ";"
pure $ MkPDef qty name type term
export covering
namespace_ : FileName -> Grammar True PNamespace
namespace_ fname = withLoc fname $ do
ns <- resC "namespace" *> qname; needRes "{"
decls <- nsInner; optRes ";"
pure $ MkPNamespace (ns.mods :< ns.base) decls
nsInner : Grammar True (List PDecl)
nsInner = [] <$ resC "}"
<|> [|(decl fname <* commit) :: nsInner|]
decl fname = [|PDef $ definition fname|] <|> [|PNs $ namespace_ fname|]
export covering
load : FileName -> Grammar True PTopLevel
load fname = withLoc fname $
resC "load" *> mustWork [|PLoad strLit|] <* optRes ";"
export covering
topLevel : FileName -> Grammar True PTopLevel
topLevel fname = load fname <|> [|PD $ decl fname|]
export covering
input : FileName -> Grammar False (List PTopLevel)
input fname = [] <$ eof
<|> [|(topLevel fname <* commit) :: input fname|]
export covering
lexParseTerm : FileName -> String -> Either Error PTerm
lexParseTerm = lexParseWith . term
export covering
lexParseInput : FileName -> String -> Either Error (List PTopLevel)
lexParseInput = lexParseWith . input