do scope checking in FromParser where it belongs
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 305 additions and 309 deletions
@ -55,40 +55,21 @@ isZero g = g.qty.fst == Zero
public export
data DefEnvTag = NS | DEFS
data DefEnvTag = DEFS
public export
Definitions : Type
Definitions = SortedMap Name Definition
public export
0 CurNSReader : Type -> Type
CurNSReader = ReaderL NS Mods
public export
0 DefsReader : Type -> Type
DefsReader = ReaderL DEFS Definitions
ns : Has CurNSReader fs => Eff fs Mods
ns = askAt NS
defs : Has DefsReader fs => Eff fs Definitions
defs = askAt DEFS
public export
lookupNS : Mods -> Name -> Definitions -> Maybe Definition
lookupNS [<] x defs = lookup x defs
lookupNS mms@(ms :< _) x defs =
lookup (addMods mms x) defs <|> lookupNS ms x defs
parameters {d, n : Nat}
public export %inline
lookupElim : Name -> Definitions -> Maybe (Elim d n)
lookupElim x defs = toElim !(lookup x defs)
public export %inline
lookupElimNS : Mods -> Name -> Definitions -> Maybe (Elim d n)
lookupElimNS mods x defs = toElim !(lookupNS mods x defs)
public export %inline
lookupElim : {d, n : Nat} -> Name -> Definitions -> Maybe (Elim d n)
lookupElim x defs = toElim !(lookup x defs)
@ -81,19 +81,19 @@ sameTyCon (E {}) _ = False
||| * a box type is a subsingleton if its content is
public export covering
isSubSing : Has ErrorEff fs => {n : Nat} ->
Mods -> Definitions -> EqContext n -> Term 0 n -> Eff fs Bool
isSubSing ns defs ctx ty0 = do
Element ty0 nc <- whnf ns defs ctx ty0
Definitions -> EqContext n -> Term 0 n -> Eff fs Bool
isSubSing defs ctx ty0 = do
Element ty0 nc <- whnf defs ctx ty0
case ty0 of
TYPE _ => pure False
Pi _ arg res => isSubSing ns defs (extendTy Zero arg ctx) res.term
Sig fst snd => isSubSing ns defs ctx fst `andM`
isSubSing ns defs (extendTy Zero fst ctx) snd.term
Pi _ arg res => isSubSing defs (extendTy Zero arg ctx) res.term
Sig fst snd => isSubSing defs ctx fst `andM`
isSubSing defs (extendTy Zero fst ctx) snd.term
Enum tags => pure $ length (SortedSet.toList tags) <= 1
Eq {} => pure True
Nat => pure False
BOX _ ty => isSubSing ns defs ctx ty
E (s :# _) => isSubSing ns defs ctx s
BOX _ ty => isSubSing defs ctx ty
E (s :# _) => isSubSing defs ctx s
E _ => pure False
Lam _ => pure False
Pair _ _ => pure False
@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ ensureTyCon ctx t = case nchoose $ isTyConE t of
||| ⚠ **assumes the elim is already typechecked.** ⚠
private covering
computeElimTypeE : (ns : Mods) -> (defs : Definitions) -> EqContext n ->
(e : Elim 0 n) -> (0 ne : NotRedex ns defs e) =>
computeElimTypeE : (defs : Definitions) -> EqContext n ->
(e : Elim 0 n) -> (0 ne : NotRedex defs e) =>
Equal (Term 0 n)
computeElimTypeE ns defs ectx e =
computeElimTypeE defs ectx e =
let Val n = ectx.termLen in
rethrow $ computeElimType ns defs (toWhnfContext ectx) e
rethrow $ computeElimType defs (toWhnfContext ectx) e
parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
parameters (defs : Definitions)
namespace Term
||| `compare0 ctx ty s t` compares `s` and `t` at type `ty`, according to
@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
compare0 ctx ty s t =
wrapErr (WhileComparingT ctx !mode ty s t) $ do
let Val n = ctx.termLen
Element ty _ <- whnf ns defs ctx ty
Element s _ <- whnf ns defs ctx s
Element t _ <- whnf ns defs ctx t
Element ty _ <- whnf defs ctx ty
Element s _ <- whnf defs ctx s
Element t _ <- whnf defs ctx t
tty <- ensureTyCon ctx ty
compare0' ctx ty s t
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
private covering
compare0' : EqContext n ->
(ty, s, t : Term 0 n) ->
(0 _ : NotRedex ns defs ty) => (0 _ : So (isTyConE ty)) =>
(0 _ : NotRedex ns defs s) => (0 _ : NotRedex ns defs t) =>
(0 _ : NotRedex defs ty) => (0 _ : So (isTyConE ty)) =>
(0 _ : NotRedex defs s) => (0 _ : NotRedex defs t) =>
Equal ()
compare0' ctx (TYPE _) s t = compareType ctx s t
@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
compareType : EqContext n -> (s, t : Term 0 n) -> Equal ()
compareType ctx s t = do
let Val n = ctx.termLen
Element s _ <- whnf ns defs ctx s
Element t _ <- whnf ns defs ctx t
Element s _ <- whnf defs ctx s
Element t _ <- whnf defs ctx t
ts <- ensureTyCon ctx s
tt <- ensureTyCon ctx t
st <- either pure (const $ clashTy ctx s t) $ nchoose $ sameTyCon s t
@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
private covering
compareType' : EqContext n -> (s, t : Term 0 n) ->
(0 _ : NotRedex ns defs s) => (0 _ : So (isTyConE s)) =>
(0 _ : NotRedex ns defs t) => (0 _ : So (isTyConE t)) =>
(0 _ : NotRedex defs s) => (0 _ : So (isTyConE s)) =>
(0 _ : NotRedex defs t) => (0 _ : So (isTyConE t)) =>
(0 _ : So (sameTyCon s t)) =>
Equal ()
-- equality is the same as subtyping, except with the
@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
private covering
replaceEnd : EqContext n ->
(e : Elim 0 n) -> DimConst -> (0 ne : NotRedex ns defs e) ->
(e : Elim 0 n) -> DimConst -> (0 ne : NotRedex defs e) ->
Equal (Elim 0 n)
replaceEnd ctx e p ne = do
(ty, l, r) <- expectEq ns defs ctx !(computeElimTypeE ns defs ctx e)
(ty, l, r) <- expectEq defs ctx !(computeElimTypeE defs ctx e)
pure $ ends l r p :# dsub1 ty (K p)
namespace Elim
@ -368,16 +368,16 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
compare0 ctx e f =
wrapErr (WhileComparingE ctx !mode e f) $ do
let Val n = ctx.termLen
Element e ne <- whnf ns defs ctx e
Element f nf <- whnf ns defs ctx f
Element e ne <- whnf defs ctx e
Element f nf <- whnf defs ctx f
-- [fixme] there is a better way to do this "isSubSing" stuff for sure
unless !(isSubSing ns defs ctx !(computeElimTypeE ns defs ctx e)) $
unless !(isSubSing defs ctx !(computeElimTypeE defs ctx e)) $
compare0' ctx e f ne nf
private covering
compare0' : EqContext n ->
(e, f : Elim 0 n) ->
(0 ne : NotRedex ns defs e) -> (0 nf : NotRedex ns defs f) ->
(0 ne : NotRedex defs e) -> (0 nf : NotRedex defs f) ->
Equal ()
-- replace applied equalities with the appropriate end first
-- e.g. e : Eq [i ⇒ A] s t ⊢ e 𝟎 = s : A‹𝟎/i›
@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
compare0' ctx (e :@ s) (f :@ t) ne nf =
local_ Equal $ do
compare0 ctx e f
(_, arg, _) <- expectPi ns defs ctx =<<
computeElimTypeE ns defs ctx e @{noOr1 ne}
(_, arg, _) <- expectPi defs ctx =<<
computeElimTypeE defs ctx e @{noOr1 ne}
Term.compare0 ctx arg s t
compare0' ctx e@(_ :@ _) f _ _ = clashE ctx e f
@ -406,9 +406,9 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
(CasePair fpi f fret fbody) ne nf =
local_ Equal $ do
compare0 ctx e f
ety <- computeElimTypeE ns defs ctx e @{noOr1 ne}
ety <- computeElimTypeE defs ctx e @{noOr1 ne}
compareType (extendTy Zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
(fst, snd) <- expectSig ns defs ctx ety
(fst, snd) <- expectSig defs ctx ety
let [< x, y] = ebody.names
Term.compare0 (extendTyN [< (epi, x, fst), (epi, y, snd.term)] ctx)
(substCasePairRet ety eret)
@ -420,9 +420,9 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
(CaseEnum fpi f fret farms) ne nf =
local_ Equal $ do
compare0 ctx e f
ety <- computeElimTypeE ns defs ctx e @{noOr1 ne}
ety <- computeElimTypeE defs ctx e @{noOr1 ne}
compareType (extendTy Zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
for_ !(expectEnum ns defs ctx ety) $ \t =>
for_ !(expectEnum defs ctx ety) $ \t =>
compare0 ctx (sub1 eret $ Tag t :# ety)
!(lookupArm t earms) !(lookupArm t farms)
expectEqualQ epi fpi
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
(CaseNat fpi fpi' f fret fzer fsuc) ne nf =
local_ Equal $ do
compare0 ctx e f
ety <- computeElimTypeE ns defs ctx e @{noOr1 ne}
ety <- computeElimTypeE defs ctx e @{noOr1 ne}
compareType (extendTy Zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
compare0 ctx (sub1 eret (Zero :# Nat)) ezer fzer
let [< p, ih] = esuc.names
@ -452,9 +452,9 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
(CaseBox fpi f fret fbody) ne nf =
local_ Equal $ do
compare0 ctx e f
ety <- computeElimTypeE ns defs ctx e @{noOr1 ne}
ety <- computeElimTypeE defs ctx e @{noOr1 ne}
compareType (extendTy Zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
(q, ty) <- expectBOX ns defs ctx ety
(q, ty) <- expectBOX defs ctx ety
compare0 (extendTy (epi * q) ty ctx)
(substCaseBoxRet ety eret)
ebody.term fbody.term
@ -480,8 +480,7 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
ne _ =
local_ Equal $ do
compare0 ctx ty1 ty2
u <- expectTYPE ns defs ctx =<<
computeElimTypeE ns defs ctx ty1 @{noOr1 ne}
u <- expectTYPE defs ctx =<< computeElimTypeE defs ctx ty1 @{noOr1 ne}
compareType ctx ret1 ret2
compareType ctx def1 def2
for_ allKinds $ \k =>
@ -550,8 +549,7 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
compare0 ctx (weakT 1 ret) b1.term b1.term
parameters {auto _ : (Has DefsReader fs, Has CurNSReader fs, Has ErrorEff fs)}
(ctx : TyContext d n)
parameters {auto _ : (Has DefsReader fs, Has ErrorEff fs)} (ctx : TyContext d n)
-- [todo] only split on the dvars that are actually used anywhere in
-- the calls to `splits`
@ -563,7 +561,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Has DefsReader fs, Has CurNSReader fs, Has ErrorEff fs)}
map fst $ runState @{Z} mode $
for_ (splits ctx.dctx) $ \th =>
let ectx = makeEqContext ctx th in
lift $ compare0 !ns !defs ectx (ty // th) (s // th) (t // th)
lift $ compare0 !defs ectx (ty // th) (s // th) (t // th)
export covering
compareType : (s, t : Term d n) -> Eff fs ()
@ -571,7 +569,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Has DefsReader fs, Has CurNSReader fs, Has ErrorEff fs)}
map fst $ runState @{Z} mode $
for_ (splits ctx.dctx) $ \th =>
let ectx = makeEqContext ctx th in
lift $ compareType !ns !defs ectx (s // th) (t // th)
lift $ compareType !defs ectx (s // th) (t // th)
namespace Elim
||| you don't have to pass the type in but the arguments must still be
@ -582,7 +580,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Has DefsReader fs, Has CurNSReader fs, Has ErrorEff fs)}
map fst $ runState @{Z} mode $
for_ (splits ctx.dctx) $ \th =>
let ectx = makeEqContext ctx th in
lift $ compare0 !ns !defs ectx (e // th) (f // th)
lift $ compare0 !defs ectx (e // th) (f // th)
namespace Term
export covering %inline
@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ import public Quox.Parser.FromParser.Error as Quox.Parser.FromParser
%hide Typing.Error
%hide Lexer.Error
%hide Parser.Error
%hide Definition.DEFS
%hide Definition.NS
public export
@ -38,7 +36,12 @@ SeenFiles = SortedSet String
public export
data StateTag = DEFS | NS | SEEN
data StateTag = NS | SEEN
public export
0 FromParserPure : List (Type -> Type)
FromParserPure =
[Except Error, StateL DEFS Definitions, StateL NS Mods]
public export
0 FromParserEff : List (Type -> Type)
@ -70,16 +73,25 @@ fromPDimWith ds (V i) =
avoidDim : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> PName -> Eff fs (Term d n)
Context' BName d -> PName -> Eff fs Name
avoidDim ds x =
fromName (const $ throw $ DimNameInTerm x.base) (pure . FT . fromPName) ds x
fromName (const $ throw $ DimNameInTerm x.base) (pure . fromPName) ds x
resolveName : Mods -> Name -> Eff FromParserPure (Term d n)
resolveName ns x =
let here = addMods ns x in
if isJust $ lookup here !(getAt DEFS) then
pure $ FT here
else do
let ns :< _ = ns
| _ => throw $ TermNotInScope x
resolveName ns x
fromPTermWith : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
PTerm -> Eff fs (Term d n)
fromPTermWith : Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
PTerm -> Eff FromParserPure (Term d n)
fromPTermWith ds ns t0 = case t0 of
TYPE k =>
pure $ TYPE $ k
@ -154,7 +166,7 @@ mutual
map E $ (:%) <$> fromPTermElim ds ns s <*> fromPDimWith ds p
V x =>
fromName (pure . E . B) (avoidDim ds) ns x
fromName (pure . E . B) (resolveName !(getAt NS) <=< avoidDim ds) ns x
s :# a =>
map E $ (:#) <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns a
@ -177,27 +189,29 @@ mutual
<*> fromPTermDScope ds ns [< j1] val1
fromPTermEnumArms : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
List (TagVal, PTerm) -> Eff fs (CaseEnumArms d n)
fromPTermEnumArms : Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
List (TagVal, PTerm) ->
Eff FromParserPure (CaseEnumArms d n)
fromPTermEnumArms ds ns =
map SortedMap.fromList . traverse (traverse $ fromPTermWith ds ns)
fromPTermElim : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
PTerm -> Eff fs (Elim d n)
fromPTermElim : Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
PTerm -> Eff FromParserPure (Elim d n)
fromPTermElim ds ns e =
case !(fromPTermWith ds ns e) of
E e => pure e
_ => throw $ AnnotationNeeded e
t => let ctx = MkNameContexts (map name ds) (map name ns) in
throw $ AnnotationNeeded ctx t
name : BName -> BaseName
name = maybe Unused UN
-- [todo] use SN if the var is named but still unused
fromPTermTScope : {s : Nat} -> Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
SnocVect s BName ->
PTerm -> Eff fs (ScopeTermN s d n)
fromPTermTScope : {s : Nat} -> Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
SnocVect s BName -> PTerm ->
Eff FromParserPure (ScopeTermN s d n)
fromPTermTScope ds ns xs t =
if all isNothing xs then
SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t
@ -206,10 +220,9 @@ mutual
<$> fromPTermWith ds (ns ++ xs) t
fromPTermDScope : {s : Nat} -> Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
SnocVect s BName ->
PTerm -> Eff fs (DScopeTermN s d n)
fromPTermDScope : {s : Nat} -> Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
SnocVect s BName -> PTerm ->
Eff FromParserPure (DScopeTermN s d n)
fromPTermDScope ds ns xs t =
if all isNothing xs then
SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t
@ -219,7 +232,7 @@ mutual
export %inline
fromPTerm : Has (Except Error) fs => PTerm -> Eff fs (Term 0 0)
fromPTerm : PTerm -> Eff FromParserPure (Term 0 0)
fromPTerm = fromPTermWith [<] [<]
@ -236,10 +249,9 @@ fromPNameNS : Has (StateL NS Mods) fs => PName -> Eff fs Name
fromPNameNS name = pure $ addMods !(getAt NS) $ fromPName name
injTC : (Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs, Has (StateL NS Mods) fs,
Has (Except Error) fs) =>
injTC : (Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs, Has (Except Error) fs) =>
TC a -> Eff fs a
injTC act = rethrow $ mapFst TypeError $ runTC !(getAt NS) !(getAt DEFS) act
injTC act = rethrow $ mapFst TypeError $ runTC !(getAt DEFS) act
export covering
fromPDef : (Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs,
@ -251,8 +263,8 @@ fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname ptype pterm) = do
qtyGlobal <- globalPQty qty
let gqty = Element qty qtyGlobal
let sqty = globalToSubj gqty
type <- traverse fromPTerm ptype
term <- fromPTerm pterm
type <- lift $ traverse fromPTerm ptype
term <- lift $ fromPTerm pterm
case type of
Just type => do
injTC $ checkTypeC empty type Nothing
@ -261,7 +273,7 @@ fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname ptype pterm) = do
modifyAt DEFS $ insert name def
pure (name, def)
Nothing => do
let E elim = term | _ => throw $ AnnotationNeeded pterm
let E elim = term | t => throw $ AnnotationNeeded empty t
res <- injTC $ inferC empty sqty elim
let def = mkDef gqty res.type term
modifyAt DEFS $ insert name def
@ -315,6 +327,15 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Has IO fs,
fromPTopLevel (PD decl) = fromPDecl decl
fromPTopLevel (PLoad file) = loadProcessFile file
fromParserPure : Definitions ->
Eff FromParserPure a ->
Either Error (a, Definitions)
fromParserPure defs act =
extract $
runExcept $
evalStateAt NS [<] $
runStateAt DEFS defs act
fromParserIO : (MonadRec io, HasIO io) =>
@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ import Quox.Pretty
public export
data Error =
AnnotationNeeded PTerm
AnnotationNeeded (NameContexts d n) (Term d n)
| DuplicatesInEnum (List TagVal)
| TermNotInScope Name
| DimNotInScope PBaseName
| QtyNotGlobal Qty
| DimNameInTerm PBaseName
@ -25,17 +26,19 @@ data Error =
parameters (unicode, showContext : Bool)
prettyError : Error -> Doc HL
prettyError (AnnotationNeeded tm) =
sep ["the term", "«PTerm»", -- pretty0 unicode tm,
prettyError (AnnotationNeeded ctx tm) =
sep ["the term", prettyTerm unicode ctx.dnames ctx.tnames tm,
"needs a type annotation"]
-- [todo] print the original PTerm instead
prettyError (DuplicatesInEnum tags) =
sep ["duplicate tags in enum type",
braces $ fillSep $ map pretty tags]
sep ["duplicate tags in enum type", braces $ fillSep $ map pretty tags]
prettyError (DimNotInScope i) =
sep ["dimension", pretty0 unicode $ DV $ fromString i,
"not in scope"]
sep ["dimension", pretty0 unicode $ DV $ fromString i, "not in scope"]
prettyError (TermNotInScope x) =
sep ["term variable", pretty0 unicode $ F x {d = 0, n = 0}, "not in scope"]
prettyError (QtyNotGlobal pi) =
sep ["quantity", pretty0 unicode pi,
@ -46,12 +49,10 @@ parameters (unicode, showContext : Bool)
"used in a term context"]
prettyError (TypeError err) =
Typing.prettyError unicode showContext $
trimContext 2 err
Typing.prettyError unicode showContext $ trimContext 2 err
prettyError (LoadError str err) =
vsep [hsep ["couldn't load file", pretty str],
vsep [hsep ["couldn't load file", pretty str], fromString $ show err]
prettyError (ParseError err) =
pretty $ show err
@ -14,37 +14,36 @@ import Data.List
public export
0 RedexTest : TermLike -> Type
RedexTest tm = {d, n : Nat} -> Mods -> Definitions -> tm d n -> Bool
RedexTest tm = {d, n : Nat} -> Definitions -> tm d n -> Bool
public export
interface Whnf (0 tm : TermLike) (0 isRedex : RedexTest tm) | tm
whnf : {d, n : Nat} -> (ns : Mods) -> (defs : Definitions) ->
whnf : {d, n : Nat} -> (defs : Definitions) ->
(ctx : WhnfContext d n) ->
tm d n -> Either Error (Subset (tm d n) (No . isRedex ns defs))
tm d n -> Either Error (Subset (tm d n) (No . isRedex defs))
public export %inline
whnf0 : {d, n : Nat} -> {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> Whnf tm isRedex =>
(ns : Mods) -> (defs : Definitions) ->
(defs : Definitions) ->
WhnfContext d n -> tm d n -> Either Error (tm d n)
whnf0 ns defs ctx t = fst <$> whnf ns defs ctx t
whnf0 defs ctx t = fst <$> whnf defs ctx t
public export
0 IsRedex, NotRedex : {isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> Whnf tm isRedex =>
Mods -> Definitions -> Pred (tm d n)
IsRedex ns defs = So . isRedex ns defs
NotRedex ns defs = No . isRedex ns defs
Definitions -> Pred (tm d n)
IsRedex defs = So . isRedex defs
NotRedex defs = No . isRedex defs
public export
0 NonRedex : (tm : TermLike) -> {isRedex : RedexTest tm} ->
Whnf tm isRedex => (d, n : Nat) ->
(ns : Mods) -> (defs : Definitions) -> Type
NonRedex tm d n ns defs = Subset (tm d n) (NotRedex ns defs)
(defs : Definitions) -> Type
NonRedex tm d n defs = Subset (tm d n) (NotRedex defs)
public export %inline
nred : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> (0 _ : Whnf tm isRedex) =>
(t : tm d n) -> (0 nr : NotRedex ns defs t) =>
NonRedex tm d n ns defs
(t : tm d n) -> (0 nr : NotRedex defs t) => NonRedex tm d n defs
nred t = Element t nr
@ -136,38 +135,38 @@ isK _ = False
public export
isRedexE : RedexTest Elim
isRedexE ns defs (F x) {d, n} =
isJust $ lookupElimNS ns x defs {d, n}
isRedexE _ _ (B _) = False
isRedexE ns defs (f :@ _) =
isRedexE ns defs f || isLamHead f
isRedexE ns defs (CasePair {pair, _}) =
isRedexE ns defs pair || isPairHead pair
isRedexE ns defs (CaseEnum {tag, _}) =
isRedexE ns defs tag || isTagHead tag
isRedexE ns defs (CaseNat {nat, _}) =
isRedexE ns defs nat || isNatHead nat
isRedexE ns defs (CaseBox {box, _}) =
isRedexE ns defs box || isBoxHead box
isRedexE ns defs (f :% p) =
isRedexE ns defs f || isDLamHead f || isK p
isRedexE ns defs (t :# a) =
isE t || isRedexT ns defs t || isRedexT ns defs a
isRedexE ns defs (Coe {val, _}) =
isRedexT ns defs val || not (isE val)
isRedexE ns defs (Comp {ty, r, _}) =
isRedexT ns defs ty || isK r
isRedexE ns defs (TypeCase {ty, ret, _}) =
isRedexE ns defs ty || isRedexT ns defs ret || isAnnTyCon ty
isRedexE _ _ (CloE {}) = True
isRedexE _ _ (DCloE {}) = True
isRedexE defs (F x) {d, n} =
isJust $ lookupElim x defs {d, n}
isRedexE _ (B _) = False
isRedexE defs (f :@ _) =
isRedexE defs f || isLamHead f
isRedexE defs (CasePair {pair, _}) =
isRedexE defs pair || isPairHead pair
isRedexE defs (CaseEnum {tag, _}) =
isRedexE defs tag || isTagHead tag
isRedexE defs (CaseNat {nat, _}) =
isRedexE defs nat || isNatHead nat
isRedexE defs (CaseBox {box, _}) =
isRedexE defs box || isBoxHead box
isRedexE defs (f :% p) =
isRedexE defs f || isDLamHead f || isK p
isRedexE defs (t :# a) =
isE t || isRedexT defs t || isRedexT defs a
isRedexE defs (Coe {val, _}) =
isRedexT defs val || not (isE val)
isRedexE defs (Comp {ty, r, _}) =
isRedexT defs ty || isK r
isRedexE defs (TypeCase {ty, ret, _}) =
isRedexE defs ty || isRedexT defs ret || isAnnTyCon ty
isRedexE _ (CloE {}) = True
isRedexE _ (DCloE {}) = True
public export
isRedexT : RedexTest Term
isRedexT _ _ (CloT {}) = True
isRedexT _ _ (DCloT {}) = True
isRedexT ns defs (E e) = isAnn e || isRedexE ns defs e
isRedexT _ _ _ = False
isRedexT _ (CloT {}) = True
isRedexT _ (DCloT {}) = True
isRedexT defs (E e) = isAnn e || isRedexE defs e
isRedexT _ _ = False
public export
@ -213,23 +212,21 @@ coeScoped ty p q (S names (N body)) =
parameters {d, n : Nat} (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
(ctx : WhnfContext d n)
parameters {d, n : Nat} (defs : Definitions) (ctx : WhnfContext d n)
||| performs the minimum work required to recompute the type of an elim.
||| ⚠ **assumes the elim is already typechecked.** ⚠
export covering
computeElimType : (e : Elim d n) -> (0 ne : No (isRedexE ns defs e)) =>
computeElimType : (e : Elim d n) -> (0 ne : No (isRedexE defs e)) =>
Either Error (Term d n)
computeElimType (F x) = do
let Just def = lookupNS ns x defs | Nothing => Left $ NotInScope x
let Just def = lookup x defs | Nothing => Left $ NotInScope x
pure $ def.type
computeElimType (B i) = pure $ ctx.tctx !! i
computeElimType (f :@ s) {ne} = do
-- can't use `expectPi` (or `expectEq` below) without making this
-- mutual block from hell even worse lol
Pi {arg, res, _} <- whnf0 ns defs ctx =<<
computeElimType f {ne = noOr1 ne}
Pi {arg, res, _} <- whnf0 defs ctx =<< computeElimType f {ne = noOr1 ne}
| t => Left $ ExpectedPi ctx.names t
pure $ sub1 res (s :# arg)
computeElimType (CasePair {pair, ret, _}) = pure $ sub1 ret pair
@ -237,7 +234,7 @@ mutual
computeElimType (CaseNat {nat, ret, _}) = pure $ sub1 ret nat
computeElimType (CaseBox {box, ret, _}) = pure $ sub1 ret box
computeElimType (f :% p) {ne} = do
Eq {ty, _} <- whnf0 ns defs ctx =<< computeElimType f {ne = noOr1 ne}
Eq {ty, _} <- whnf0 defs ctx =<< computeElimType f {ne = noOr1 ne}
| t => Left $ ExpectedEq ctx.names t
pure $ dsub1 ty p
computeElimType (Coe {ty, q, _}) = pure $ dsub1 ty q
@ -245,17 +242,16 @@ mutual
computeElimType (TypeCase {ret, _}) = pure ret
computeElimType (_ :# ty) = pure ty
parameters {d, n : Nat} (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
(ctx : WhnfContext (S d) n)
parameters {d, n : Nat} (defs : Definitions) (ctx : WhnfContext (S d) n)
||| for π.(x : A) → B, returns (A, B);
||| for an elim returns a pair of type-cases that will reduce to that;
||| for other intro forms error
private covering
tycasePi : (t : Term (S d) n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT ns defs t)) =>
tycasePi : (t : Term (S d) n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT defs t)) =>
Either Error (Term (S d) n, ScopeTerm (S d) n)
tycasePi (Pi {arg, res, _}) = pure (arg, res)
tycasePi (E e) {tnf} = do
ty <- computeElimType ns defs ctx e @{noOr2 tnf}
ty <- computeElimType defs ctx e @{noOr2 tnf}
let arg = E $ typeCase1Y e ty KPi [< "Arg", "Ret"] (BVT 1)
res' = typeCase1Y e (Arr Zero arg ty) KPi [< "Arg", "Ret"] (BVT 0)
res = SY [< "Arg"] $ E $ weakE 1 res' :@ BVT 0
@ -266,11 +262,11 @@ mutual
||| for an elim returns a pair of type-cases that will reduce to that;
||| for other intro forms error
private covering
tycaseSig : (t : Term (S d) n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT ns defs t)) =>
tycaseSig : (t : Term (S d) n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT defs t)) =>
Either Error (Term (S d) n, ScopeTerm (S d) n)
tycaseSig (Sig {fst, snd, _}) = pure (fst, snd)
tycaseSig (E e) {tnf} = do
ty <- computeElimType ns defs ctx e @{noOr2 tnf}
ty <- computeElimType defs ctx e @{noOr2 tnf}
let fst = E $ typeCase1Y e ty KSig [< "Fst", "Snd"] (BVT 1)
snd' = typeCase1Y e (Arr Zero fst ty) KSig [< "Fst", "Snd"] (BVT 0)
snd = SY [< "Fst"] $ E $ weakE 1 snd' :@ BVT 0
@ -281,11 +277,11 @@ mutual
||| for an elim returns a type-case that will reduce to that;
||| for other intro forms error
private covering
tycaseBOX : (t : Term (S d) n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT ns defs t)) =>
tycaseBOX : (t : Term (S d) n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT defs t)) =>
Either Error (Term (S d) n)
tycaseBOX (BOX _ a) = pure a
tycaseBOX (E e) {tnf} = do
ty <- computeElimType ns defs ctx e @{noOr2 tnf}
ty <- computeElimType defs ctx e @{noOr2 tnf}
pure $ E $ typeCase1Y e ty KBOX [< "Ty"] (BVT 0)
tycaseBOX t = Left $ ExpectedBOX ctx.names t
@ -293,12 +289,12 @@ mutual
||| for an elim returns five type-cases that will reduce to that;
||| for other intro forms error
private covering
tycaseEq : (t : Term (S d) n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT ns defs t)) =>
tycaseEq : (t : Term (S d) n) -> (0 tnf : No (isRedexT defs t)) =>
Either Error (Term (S d) n, Term (S d) n, DScopeTerm (S d) n,
Term (S d) n, Term (S d) n)
tycaseEq (Eq {ty, l, r}) = pure (,, ty, l, r)
tycaseEq (E e) {tnf} = do
ty <- computeElimType ns defs ctx e @{noOr2 tnf}
ty <- computeElimType defs ctx e @{noOr2 tnf}
let names = [< "A0", "A1", "A", "L", "R"]
a0 = E $ typeCase1Y e ty KEq names (BVT 4)
a1 = E $ typeCase1Y e ty KEq names (BVT 3)
@ -311,12 +307,11 @@ mutual
-- new block because the functions below might pass a different ctx
-- into the ones above
parameters {d, n : Nat} (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions)
(ctx : WhnfContext d n)
parameters {d, n : Nat} (defs : Definitions) (ctx : WhnfContext d n)
||| reduce a function application `Coe ty p q val :@ s`
private covering
piCoe : (ty : DScopeTerm d n) -> (p, q : Dim d) -> (val, s : Term d n) ->
Either Error (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE ns defs))
Either Error (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE defs))
piCoe sty@(S [< i] ty) p q val s = do
-- (coe [i ⇒ π.(x : A) → B] @p @q t) s ⇝
-- coe [i ⇒ B[𝒔‹i›/x] @p @q ((t ∷ (π.(x : A) → B)‹p/i›) 𝒔‹p›)
@ -324,20 +319,20 @@ mutual
-- type-case is used to expose A,B if the type is neutral
let ctx1 = extendDim i ctx
Element ty tynf <- whnf ns defs ctx1 ty.term
(arg, res) <- tycasePi ns defs ctx1 ty
Element ty tynf <- whnf defs ctx1 ty.term
(arg, res) <- tycasePi defs ctx1 ty
let s0 = CoeT i arg q p s
body = E $ (val :# (ty // one p)) :@ E s0
s1 = CoeT i (arg // (BV 0 ::: shift 2)) (weakD 1 q) (BV 0)
(s // shift 1)
whnf ns defs ctx $ CoeT i (sub1 res s1) p q body
whnf defs ctx $ CoeT i (sub1 res s1) p q body
||| reduce a pair elimination `CasePair pi (Coe ty p q val) ret body`
private covering
sigCoe : (qty : Qty) ->
(ty : DScopeTerm d n) -> (p, q : Dim d) -> (val : Term d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm d n) -> (body : ScopeTermN 2 d n) ->
Either Error (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE ns defs))
Either Error (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE defs))
sigCoe qty sty@(S [< i] ty) p q val ret body = do
-- caseπ (coe [i ⇒ (x : A) × B] @p @q s) return z ⇒ C of { (a, b) ⇒ e }
-- ⇝
@ -348,101 +343,101 @@ mutual
-- type-case is used to expose A,B if the type is neutral
let ctx1 = extendDim i ctx
Element ty tynf <- whnf ns defs ctx1 ty.term
(tfst, tsnd) <- tycaseSig ns defs ctx1 ty
Element ty tynf <- whnf defs ctx1 ty.term
(tfst, tsnd) <- tycaseSig defs ctx1 ty
let a' = CoeT i (weakT 2 tfst) p q (BVT 1)
tsnd' = tsnd.term //
(CoeT i (weakT 2 $ tfst // (BV 0 ::: shift 2))
(weakD 1 p) (BV 0) (BVT 1) ::: shift 2)
b' = CoeT i tsnd' p q (BVT 0)
whnf ns defs ctx $ CasePair qty (val :# (ty // one p)) ret $
whnf defs ctx $ CasePair qty (val :# (ty // one p)) ret $
ST body.names $ body.term // (a' ::: b' ::: shift 2)
||| reduce a dimension application `Coe ty p q val :% r`
private covering
eqCoe : (ty : DScopeTerm d n) -> (p, q : Dim d) -> (val : Term d n) ->
(r : Dim d) ->
Either Error (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE ns defs))
Either Error (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE defs))
eqCoe sty@(S [< j] ty) p q val r = do
-- (coe [j ⇒ Eq [i ⇒ A] L R] @p @q eq) @r
-- ⇝
-- comp [j ⇒ A‹r/i›] @p @q (eq ∷ (Eq [i ⇒ A] L R)‹p/j›)
-- { (r=0) j ⇒ L; (r=1) j ⇒ R }
let ctx1 = extendDim j ctx
Element ty tynf <- whnf ns defs ctx1 ty.term
(a0, a1, a, s, t) <- tycaseEq ns defs ctx1 ty
Element ty tynf <- whnf defs ctx1 ty.term
(a0, a1, a, s, t) <- tycaseEq defs ctx1 ty
let a' = dsub1 a (weakD 1 r)
val' = E $ (val :# (ty // one p)) :% r
whnf ns defs ctx $ CompH j a' p q val' r j s j t
whnf defs ctx $ CompH j a' p q val' r j s j t
||| reduce a pair elimination `CaseBox pi (Coe ty p q val) ret body`
private covering
boxCoe : (qty : Qty) ->
(ty : DScopeTerm d n) -> (p, q : Dim d) -> (val : Term d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm d n) -> (body : ScopeTerm d n) ->
Either Error (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE ns defs))
Either Error (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE defs))
boxCoe qty sty@(S [< i] ty) p q val ret body = do
-- caseπ (coe [i ⇒ [ρ. A]] @p @q s) return z ⇒ C of { [a] ⇒ e }
-- ⇝
-- caseπ s ∷ [ρ. A]‹p/i› return z ⇒ C
-- of { [a] ⇒ e[(coe [i ⇒ A] p q a)/a] }
let ctx1 = extendDim i ctx
Element ty tynf <- whnf ns defs ctx1 ty.term
ta <- tycaseBOX ns defs ctx1 ty
Element ty tynf <- whnf defs ctx1 ty.term
ta <- tycaseBOX defs ctx1 ty
let a' = CoeT i (weakT 1 ta) p q $ BVT 0
whnf ns defs ctx $ CaseBox qty (val :# (ty // one p)) ret $
whnf defs ctx $ CaseBox qty (val :# (ty // one p)) ret $
ST body.names $ body.term // (a' ::: shift 1)
export covering
Whnf Elim Reduce.isRedexE where
whnf ns defs ctx (F x) with (lookupElimNS ns x defs) proof eq
_ | Just y = whnf ns defs ctx y
whnf defs ctx (F x) with (lookupElim x defs) proof eq
_ | Just y = whnf defs ctx y
_ | Nothing = pure $ Element (F x) $ rewrite eq in Ah
whnf _ _ _ (B i) = pure $ nred $ B i
whnf _ _ (B i) = pure $ nred $ B i
-- ((λ x ⇒ t) ∷ (π.x : A) → B) s ⇝ t[s∷A/x] ∷ B[s∷A/x]
whnf ns defs ctx (f :@ s) = do
Element f fnf <- whnf ns defs ctx f
whnf defs ctx (f :@ s) = do
Element f fnf <- whnf defs ctx f
case nchoose $ isLamHead f of
Left _ => case f of
Lam body :# Pi {arg, res, _} =>
let s = s :# arg in
whnf ns defs ctx $ sub1 body s :# sub1 res s
Coe ty p q val => piCoe ns defs ctx ty p q val s
whnf defs ctx $ sub1 body s :# sub1 res s
Coe ty p q val => piCoe defs ctx ty p q val s
Right nlh => pure $ Element (f :@ s) $ fnf `orNo` nlh
-- case (s, t) ∷ (x : A) × B return p ⇒ C of { (a, b) ⇒ u } ⇝
-- u[s∷A/a, t∷B[s∷A/x]] ∷ C[(s, t)∷((x : A) × B)/p]
whnf ns defs ctx (CasePair pi pair ret body) = do
Element pair pairnf <- whnf ns defs ctx pair
whnf defs ctx (CasePair pi pair ret body) = do
Element pair pairnf <- whnf defs ctx pair
case nchoose $ isPairHead pair of
Left _ => case pair of
Pair {fst, snd} :# Sig {fst = tfst, snd = tsnd, _} =>
let fst = fst :# tfst
snd = snd :# sub1 tsnd fst
whnf ns defs ctx $ subN body [< fst, snd] :# sub1 ret pair
whnf defs ctx $ subN body [< fst, snd] :# sub1 ret pair
Coe ty p q val => do
sigCoe ns defs ctx pi ty p q val ret body
sigCoe defs ctx pi ty p q val ret body
Right np =>
pure $ Element (CasePair pi pair ret body) $ pairnf `orNo` np
-- case 'a ∷ {a,…} return p ⇒ C of { 'a ⇒ u } ⇝
-- u ∷ C['a∷{a,…}/p]
whnf ns defs ctx (CaseEnum pi tag ret arms) = do
Element tag tagnf <- whnf ns defs ctx tag
whnf defs ctx (CaseEnum pi tag ret arms) = do
Element tag tagnf <- whnf defs ctx tag
case nchoose $ isTagHead tag of
Left t => case tag of
Tag t :# Enum ts =>
let ty = sub1 ret tag in
case lookup t arms of
Just arm => whnf ns defs ctx $ arm :# ty
Just arm => whnf defs ctx $ arm :# ty
Nothing => Left $ MissingEnumArm t (keys arms)
Coe ty p q val =>
-- there is nowhere an equality can be hiding inside an Enum
whnf ns defs ctx $ CaseEnum pi (val :# dsub1 ty q) ret arms
whnf defs ctx $ CaseEnum pi (val :# dsub1 ty q) ret arms
Right nt =>
pure $ Element (CaseEnum pi tag ret arms) $ tagnf `orNo` nt
@ -451,35 +446,35 @@ mutual
-- case succ n ∷ ℕ return p ⇒ C of { succ n', π.ih ⇒ u; … } ⇝
-- u[n∷ℕ/n', (case n ∷ ℕ ⋯)/ih] ∷ C[succ n ∷ ℕ/p]
whnf ns defs ctx (CaseNat pi piIH nat ret zer suc) = do
Element nat natnf <- whnf ns defs ctx nat
whnf defs ctx (CaseNat pi piIH nat ret zer suc) = do
Element nat natnf <- whnf defs ctx nat
case nchoose $ isNatHead nat of
Left _ =>
let ty = sub1 ret nat in
case nat of
Zero :# Nat => whnf ns defs ctx (zer :# ty)
Zero :# Nat => whnf defs ctx (zer :# ty)
Succ n :# Nat =>
let nn = n :# Nat
tm = subN suc [< nn, CaseNat pi piIH nn ret zer suc]
whnf ns defs ctx $ tm :# ty
whnf defs ctx $ tm :# ty
Coe ty p q val =>
-- same deal as Enum
whnf ns defs ctx $ CaseNat pi piIH (val :# dsub1 ty q) ret zer suc
whnf defs ctx $ CaseNat pi piIH (val :# dsub1 ty q) ret zer suc
Right nn =>
pure $ Element (CaseNat pi piIH nat ret zer suc) $ natnf `orNo` nn
-- case [t] ∷ [π.A] return p ⇒ C of { [x] ⇒ u } ⇝
-- u[t∷A/x] ∷ C[[t] ∷ [π.A]/p]
whnf ns defs ctx (CaseBox pi box ret body) = do
Element box boxnf <- whnf ns defs ctx box
whnf defs ctx (CaseBox pi box ret body) = do
Element box boxnf <- whnf defs ctx box
case nchoose $ isBoxHead box of
Left _ => case box of
Box val :# BOX q bty =>
let ty = sub1 ret box in
whnf ns defs ctx $ sub1 body (val :# bty) :# ty
whnf defs ctx $ sub1 body (val :# bty) :# ty
Coe ty p q val =>
boxCoe ns defs ctx pi ty p q val ret body
boxCoe defs ctx pi ty p q val ret body
Right nb =>
pure $ Element (CaseBox pi box ret body) $ boxnf `orNo` nb
@ -487,104 +482,102 @@ mutual
-- ((δ 𝑖 ⇒ s) ∷ Eq [𝑗 ⇒ A] t u) @1 ⇝ u ∷ A‹1/𝑗›
-- ((δ 𝑖 ⇒ s) ∷ Eq [𝑗 ⇒ A] t u) @𝑘 ⇝ s‹𝑘/𝑖› ∷ A‹𝑘/𝑗›
-- (if 𝑘 is a variable)
whnf ns defs ctx (f :% p) = do
Element f fnf <- whnf ns defs ctx f
whnf defs ctx (f :% p) = do
Element f fnf <- whnf defs ctx f
case nchoose $ isDLamHead f of
Left _ => case f of
DLam body :# Eq {ty = ty, l, r, _} =>
let body = endsOr l r (dsub1 body p) p in
whnf ns defs ctx $ body :# dsub1 ty p
whnf defs ctx $ body :# dsub1 ty p
Coe ty p' q' val =>
eqCoe ns defs ctx ty p' q' val p
eqCoe defs ctx ty p' q' val p
Right ndlh => case p of
K e => do
Eq {l, r, ty, _} <- whnf0 ns defs ctx =<<
computeElimType ns defs ctx f
Eq {l, r, ty, _} <- whnf0 defs ctx =<< computeElimType defs ctx f
| ty => Left $ ExpectedEq ctx.names ty
whnf ns defs ctx $ ends (l :# (r :# e
whnf defs ctx $ ends (l :# (r :# e
B _ => pure $ Element (f :% p) $ fnf `orNo` ndlh `orNo` Ah
-- e ∷ A ⇝ e
whnf ns defs ctx (s :# a) = do
Element s snf <- whnf ns defs ctx s
whnf defs ctx (s :# a) = do
Element s snf <- whnf defs ctx s
case nchoose $ isE s of
Left _ => let E e = s in pure $ Element e $ noOr2 snf
Right ne => do
Element a anf <- whnf ns defs ctx a
Element a anf <- whnf defs ctx a
pure $ Element (s :# a) $ ne `orNo` snf `orNo` anf
whnf ns defs ctx (Coe (S _ (N ty)) _ _ val) =
whnf ns defs ctx $ val :# ty
whnf ns defs ctx (Coe (S [< i] ty) p q val) = do
Element ty tynf <- whnf ns defs (extendDim i ctx) ty.term
Element val valnf <- whnf ns defs ctx val
pushCoe ns defs ctx i ty p q val
whnf defs ctx (Coe (S _ (N ty)) _ _ val) =
whnf defs ctx $ val :# ty
whnf defs ctx (Coe (S [< i] ty) p q val) = do
Element ty tynf <- whnf defs (extendDim i ctx) ty.term
Element val valnf <- whnf defs ctx val
pushCoe defs ctx i ty p q val
whnf ns defs ctx (Comp ty p q val r zero one) =
whnf defs ctx (Comp ty p q val r zero one) =
-- comp [A] @p @p s { ⋯ } ⇝ s ∷ A
if p == q then whnf ns defs ctx $ val :# ty else
if p == q then whnf defs ctx $ val :# ty else
case nchoose (isK r) of
-- comp [A] @p @q s { (0=0) j ⇒ t; ⋯ } ⇝ t‹q/j› ∷ A
-- comp [A] @p @q s { (1=1) j ⇒ t; ⋯ } ⇝ t‹q/j› ∷ A
Left y => case r of
K Zero => whnf ns defs ctx $ dsub1 zero q :# ty
K One => whnf ns defs ctx $ dsub1 one q :# ty
K Zero => whnf defs ctx $ dsub1 zero q :# ty
K One => whnf defs ctx $ dsub1 one q :# ty
Right nk => do
Element ty tynf <- whnf ns defs ctx ty
Element ty tynf <- whnf defs ctx ty
pure $ Element (Comp ty p q val r zero one) $ tynf `orNo` nk
-- [todo] anything other than just the boundaries??
whnf ns defs ctx (TypeCase ty ret arms def) = do
Element ty tynf <- whnf ns defs ctx ty
Element ret retnf <- whnf ns defs ctx ret
whnf defs ctx (TypeCase ty ret arms def) = do
Element ty tynf <- whnf defs ctx ty
Element ret retnf <- whnf defs ctx ret
case nchoose $ isAnnTyCon ty of
Left y => let ty :# TYPE u = ty in
reduceTypeCase ns defs ctx ty u ret arms def
reduceTypeCase defs ctx ty u ret arms def
Right nt => pure $ Element (TypeCase ty ret arms def) $
tynf `orNo` retnf `orNo` nt
whnf ns defs ctx (CloE el th) = whnf ns defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' id th el
whnf ns defs ctx (DCloE el th) = whnf ns defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' th id el
whnf defs ctx (CloE el th) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' id th el
whnf defs ctx (DCloE el th) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' th id el
export covering
Whnf Term Reduce.isRedexT where
whnf _ _ _ t@(TYPE {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Pi {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Lam {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Sig {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Pair {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Enum {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Tag {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Eq {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(DLam {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ Nat = pure $ nred Nat
whnf _ _ _ Zero = pure $ nred Zero
whnf _ _ _ t@(Succ {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(BOX {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ _ t@(Box {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(TYPE {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(Pi {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(Lam {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(Sig {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(Pair {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(Enum {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(Tag {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(Eq {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(DLam {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ Nat = pure $ nred Nat
whnf _ _ Zero = pure $ nred Zero
whnf _ _ t@(Succ {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(BOX {}) = pure $ nred t
whnf _ _ t@(Box {}) = pure $ nred t
-- s ∷ A ⇝ s (in term context)
whnf ns defs ctx (E e) = do
Element e enf <- whnf ns defs ctx e
whnf defs ctx (E e) = do
Element e enf <- whnf defs ctx e
case nchoose $ isAnn e of
Left _ => let tm :# _ = e in pure $ Element tm $ noOr1 $ noOr2 enf
Right na => pure $ Element (E e) $ na `orNo` enf
whnf ns defs ctx (CloT tm th) = whnf ns defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' id th tm
whnf ns defs ctx (DCloT tm th) = whnf ns defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' th id tm
whnf defs ctx (CloT tm th) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' id th tm
whnf defs ctx (DCloT tm th) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' th id tm
||| reduce a type-case applied to a type constructor
private covering
reduceTypeCase : {d, n : Nat} -> (ns : Mods) -> (defs : Definitions) ->
WhnfContext d n ->
reduceTypeCase : {d, n : Nat} -> (defs : Definitions) -> WhnfContext d n ->
(ty : Term d n) -> (u : Universe) -> (ret : Term d n) ->
(arms : TypeCaseArms d n) -> (def : Term d n) ->
(0 _ : So (isTyCon ty)) =>
Either Error (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE ns defs))
reduceTypeCase ns defs ctx ty u ret arms def = case ty of
Either Error (Subset (Elim d n) (No . isRedexE defs))
reduceTypeCase defs ctx ty u ret arms def = case ty of
-- (type-case ★ᵢ ∷ _ return Q of { ★ ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝ s ∷ Q
TYPE _ =>
whnf ns defs ctx $ tycaseRhsDef0 def KTYPE arms :# ret
whnf defs ctx $ tycaseRhsDef0 def KTYPE arms :# ret
-- (type-case π.(x : A) → B ∷ ★ᵢ return Q of { (a → b) ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝
-- s[(A ∷ ★ᵢ)/a, ((λ x ⇒ B) ∷ 0.A → ★ᵢ)/b] ∷ ★ᵢ
@ -592,7 +585,7 @@ mutual
let arg = arg :# TYPE u
res = Lam res :# Arr Zero (TYPE u) (TYPE u)
whnf ns defs ctx $ subN (tycaseRhsDef def KPi arms) [< arg, res] :# ret
whnf defs ctx $ subN (tycaseRhsDef def KPi arms) [< arg, res] :# ret
-- (type-case (x : A) × B ∷ ★ᵢ return Q of { (a × b) ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝
-- s[(A ∷ ★ᵢ)/a, ((λ x ⇒ B) ∷ 0.A → ★ᵢ)/b] ∷ ★ᵢ
@ -600,11 +593,11 @@ mutual
let fst = fst :# TYPE u
snd = Lam snd :# Arr Zero (TYPE u) (TYPE u)
whnf ns defs ctx $ subN (tycaseRhsDef def KSig arms) [< fst, snd] :# ret
whnf defs ctx $ subN (tycaseRhsDef def KSig arms) [< fst, snd] :# ret
-- (type-case {⋯} ∷ _ return Q of { {} ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝ s ∷ Q
Enum _ =>
whnf ns defs ctx $ tycaseRhsDef0 def KEnum arms :# ret
whnf defs ctx $ tycaseRhsDef0 def KEnum arms :# ret
-- (type-case Eq [i ⇒ A] L R ∷ ★ᵢ return Q
-- of { Eq a₀ a₁ a l r ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝
@ -613,7 +606,7 @@ mutual
-- (L ∷ A‹0/i›)/l, (R ∷ A‹1/i›)/r] ∷ Q
Eq a l r =>
let a0 =; a1 = in
whnf ns defs ctx $
whnf defs ctx $
subN (tycaseRhsDef def KEq arms)
[< a0 :# TYPE u, a1 :# TYPE u,
DLam a :# Eq0 (TYPE u) a0 a1, l :# a0, r :# a1]
@ -621,23 +614,22 @@ mutual
-- (type-case ℕ ∷ _ return Q of { ℕ ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝ s ∷ Q
Nat =>
whnf ns defs ctx $ tycaseRhsDef0 def KNat arms :# ret
whnf defs ctx $ tycaseRhsDef0 def KNat arms :# ret
-- (type-case [π.A] ∷ ★ᵢ return Q of { [a] ⇒ s; ⋯ }) ⇝ s[(A ∷ ★ᵢ)/a] ∷ Q
BOX _ s =>
whnf ns defs ctx $ sub1 (tycaseRhsDef def KBOX arms) (s :# TYPE u) :# ret
whnf defs ctx $ sub1 (tycaseRhsDef def KBOX arms) (s :# TYPE u) :# ret
||| pushes a coercion inside a whnf-ed term
private covering
pushCoe : {n, d : Nat} -> (ns : Mods) -> (defs : Definitions) ->
WhnfContext d n ->
pushCoe : {n, d : Nat} -> (defs : Definitions) -> WhnfContext d n ->
BaseName ->
(ty : Term (S d) n) -> (0 tynf : No (isRedexT ns defs ty)) =>
(ty : Term (S d) n) -> (0 tynf : No (isRedexT defs ty)) =>
Dim d -> Dim d ->
(s : Term d n) -> (0 snf : No (isRedexT ns defs s)) =>
Either Error (NonRedex Elim d n ns defs)
pushCoe ns defs ctx i ty p q s =
if p == q then whnf ns defs ctx $ s :# (ty // one q) else
(s : Term d n) -> (0 snf : No (isRedexT defs s)) =>
Either Error (NonRedex Elim d n defs)
pushCoe defs ctx i ty p q s =
if p == q then whnf defs ctx $ s :# (ty // one q) else
case s of
-- (coe [_ ⇒ ★ᵢ] @_ @_ ty) ⇝ (ty ∷ ★ᵢ)
TYPE {} => pure $ nred $ s :# TYPE !(unwrapTYPE ty)
@ -654,7 +646,7 @@ mutual
let body' = CoeT i ty p q $ Lam body
term' = [< "y"] :\\ E (weakE 1 body' :@ BVT 0)
type' = ty // one q
whnf ns defs ctx $ term' :# type'
whnf defs ctx $ term' :# type'
-- maybe:
@ -692,7 +684,7 @@ mutual
let body' = CoeT i ty p q $ DLam body
term' = [< "j"] :\\% E (dweakE 1 body' :% BV 0)
type' = ty // one q
whnf ns defs ctx $ term' :# type'
whnf defs ctx $ term' :# type'
-- (coe [_ ⇒ {⋯}] @_ @_ t) ⇝ (t ∷ {⋯})
Tag tag => do
@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ import Quox.EffExtra
public export
0 TCEff : List (Type -> Type)
TCEff = [ErrorEff, DefsReader, CurNSReader]
TCEff = [ErrorEff, DefsReader]
public export
0 TC : Type -> Type
TC = Eff TCEff
runTC : Mods -> Definitions -> TC a -> Either Error a
runTC ns defs =
extract . runExcept . runReaderAt DEFS defs . runReaderAt NS ns
runTC : Definitions -> TC a -> Either Error a
runTC defs =
extract . runExcept . runReaderAt DEFS defs
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ mutual
(subj : Term d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo subj) => Term d n ->
TC (CheckResult' n)
toCheckType ctx sg t ty = do
u <- expectTYPE !ns !defs ctx ty
u <- expectTYPE !defs ctx ty
expectEqualQ Zero sg.fst
checkTypeNoWrap ctx t (Just u)
pure $ zeroFor ctx
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ mutual
check' ctx sg t@(Pi {}) ty = toCheckType ctx sg t ty
check' ctx sg (Lam body) ty = do
(qty, arg, res) <- expectPi !ns !defs ctx ty
(qty, arg, res) <- expectPi !defs ctx ty
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : A ⊢ σ · t ⇐ B ⊳ Σ, ρ·x
-- with ρ ≤ σπ
let qty' = sg.fst * qty
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ mutual
check' ctx sg t@(Sig {}) ty = toCheckType ctx sg t ty
check' ctx sg (Pair fst snd) ty = do
(tfst, tsnd) <- expectSig !ns !defs ctx ty
(tfst, tsnd) <- expectSig !defs ctx ty
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · s ⇐ A ⊳ Σ₁
qfst <- checkC ctx sg fst tfst
let tsnd = sub1 tsnd (fst :# tfst)
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ mutual
check' ctx sg t@(Enum _) ty = toCheckType ctx sg t ty
check' ctx sg (Tag t) ty = do
tags <- expectEnum !ns !defs ctx ty
tags <- expectEnum !defs ctx ty
-- if t ∈ ts
unless (t `elem` tags) $ throw $ TagNotIn t tags
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · t ⇐ {ts} ⊳ 𝟎
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ mutual
check' ctx sg t@(Eq {}) ty = toCheckType ctx sg t ty
check' ctx sg (DLam body) ty = do
(ty, l, r) <- expectEq !ns !defs ctx ty
(ty, l, r) <- expectEq !defs ctx ty
let ctx' = extendDim ctx
ty = ty.term
body = body.term
@ -212,17 +212,17 @@ mutual
check' ctx sg Nat ty = toCheckType ctx sg Nat ty
check' ctx sg Zero ty = do
expectNat !ns !defs ctx ty
expectNat !defs ctx ty
pure $ zeroFor ctx
check' ctx sg (Succ n) ty = do
expectNat !ns !defs ctx ty
expectNat !defs ctx ty
checkC ctx sg n Nat
check' ctx sg t@(BOX {}) ty = toCheckType ctx sg t ty
check' ctx sg (Box val) ty = do
(q, ty) <- expectBOX !ns !defs ctx ty
(q, ty) <- expectBOX !defs ctx ty
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · s ⇐ A ⊳ Σ
valout <- checkC ctx sg val ty
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · [s] ⇐ [π.A] ⊳ πΣ
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ mutual
case u of
Just u => subtype ctx infres.type (TYPE u)
Nothing => ignore $
expectTYPE !ns !defs ctx infres.type
expectTYPE !defs ctx infres.type
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢₀ E ⇐ Type 𝓀
private covering
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ mutual
infer' ctx sg (F x) = do
-- if π·x : A {≔ s} in global context
g <- lookupFree !ns x !defs
g <- lookupFree x !defs
-- if σ ≤ π
expectCompatQ sg.fst g.qty.fst
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · x ⇒ A ⊳ 𝟎
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ mutual
infer' ctx sg (fun :@ arg) = do
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · f ⇒ (π·x : A) → B ⊳ Σ₁
funres <- inferC ctx sg fun
(qty, argty, res) <- expectPi !ns !defs ctx funres.type
(qty, argty, res) <- expectPi !defs ctx funres.type
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ ⨴ π · s ⇐ A ⊳ Σ₂
argout <- checkC ctx (subjMult sg qty) arg argty
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · f s ⇒ B[s] ⊳ Σ₁ + Σ₂
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ mutual
pairres <- inferC ctx sg pair
-- if Ψ | Γ, p : (x : A) × B ⊢₀ ret ⇐ Type
checkTypeC (extendTy Zero pairres.type ctx) ret.term Nothing
(tfst, tsnd) <- expectSig !ns !defs ctx pairres.type
(tfst, tsnd) <- expectSig !defs ctx pairres.type
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : A, y : B ⊢ σ · body ⇐
-- ret[(x, y) ∷ (x : A) × B/p] ⊳ Σ₂, ρ₁·x, ρ₂·y
-- with ρ₁, ρ₂ ≤ πσ
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ mutual
infer' ctx sg (CaseEnum pi t ret arms) {d, n} = do
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · t ⇒ {ts} ⊳ Σ₁
tres <- inferC ctx sg t
ttags <- expectEnum !ns !defs ctx tres.type
ttags <- expectEnum !defs ctx tres.type
-- if 1 ≤ π, OR there is only zero or one option
unless (length (SortedSet.toList ttags) <= 1) $ expectCompatQ One pi
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : {ts} ⊢₀ A ⇐ Type
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ mutual
expectCompatQ One pi
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · n ⇒ ℕ ⊳ Σn
nres <- inferC ctx sg n
expectNat !ns !defs ctx nres.type
expectNat !defs ctx nres.type
-- if Ψ | Γ, n : ℕ ⊢₀ A ⇐ Type
checkTypeC (extendTy Zero Nat ctx) ret.term Nothing
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · zer ⇐ A[0 ∷ ℕ/n] ⊳ Σz
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ mutual
infer' ctx sg (CaseBox pi box ret body) = do
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · b ⇒ [ρ.A] ⊳ Σ₁
boxres <- inferC ctx sg box
(q, ty) <- expectBOX !ns !defs ctx boxres.type
(q, ty) <- expectBOX !defs ctx boxres.type
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : [ρ.A] ⊢₀ R ⇐ Type
checkTypeC (extendTy Zero boxres.type ctx) ret.term Nothing
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : A ⊢ t ⇐ R[[x] ∷ [ρ.A/x]] ⊳ Σ₂, ς·x
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ mutual
infer' ctx sg (fun :% dim) = do
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · f ⇒ Eq [𝑖 ⇒ A] l r ⊳ Σ
InfRes {type, qout} <- inferC ctx sg fun
ty <- fst <$> expectEq !ns !defs ctx type
ty <- fst <$> expectEq !defs ctx type
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · f p ⇒ A‹p/𝑖› ⊳ Σ
pure $ InfRes {type = dsub1 ty dim, qout}
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ mutual
-- if σ = 0
expectEqualQ Zero sg.fst
-- if Ψ, Γ ⊢₀ e ⇒ Type u
u <- expectTYPE !ns !defs ctx . type =<< inferC ctx szero ty
u <- expectTYPE !defs ctx . type =<< inferC ctx szero ty
-- if Ψ, Γ ⊢₀ C ⇐ Type (non-dependent return type)
checkTypeC ctx ret Nothing
-- if Ψ, Γ' ⊢₀ A ⇐ C for each rhs A
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ InferResult eqs d n = IfConsistent eqs $ InferResult' d n
lookupFree : Has ErrorEff fs => Mods -> Name -> Definitions -> Eff fs Definition
lookupFree ns x defs = maybe (throw $ NotInScope x) pure $ lookupNS ns x defs
lookupFree : Has ErrorEff fs => Name -> Definitions -> Eff fs Definition
lookupFree x defs = maybe (throw $ NotInScope x) pure $ lookup x defs
public export
@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ substCaseBoxRet dty retty =
retty.term // (Box (BVT 0) :# weakT 1 dty ::: shift 1)
parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions) {auto _ : Has ErrorEff fs}
parameters (defs : Definitions) {auto _ : Has ErrorEff fs}
namespace TyContext
parameters (ctx : TyContext d n)
export covering
whnf : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> Whnf tm isRedex =>
tm d n -> Eff fs (NonRedex tm d n ns defs)
tm d n -> Eff fs (NonRedex tm d n defs)
whnf = let Val n = ctx.termLen; Val d = ctx.dimLen in
rethrow . whnf ns defs (toWhnfContext ctx)
rethrow . whnf defs (toWhnfContext ctx)
private covering %macro
expect : (forall d, n. NameContexts d n -> Term d n -> Error) ->
@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ parameters (ns : Mods) (defs : Definitions) {auto _ : Has ErrorEff fs}
parameters (ctx : EqContext n)
export covering
whnf : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> Whnf tm isRedex =>
tm 0 n -> Eff fs (NonRedex tm 0 n ns defs)
whnf = let Val n = ctx.termLen in rethrow . whnf ns defs (toWhnfContext ctx)
tm 0 n -> Eff fs (NonRedex tm 0 n defs)
whnf = let Val n = ctx.termLen in rethrow . whnf defs (toWhnfContext ctx)
private covering %macro
expect : (forall d, n. NameContexts d n -> Term d n -> Error) ->
@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ defGlobals = fromList
parameters (label : String) (act : Lazy (TC ()))
{default defGlobals globals : Definitions}
testEq : Test
testEq = test label $ runTC [<] globals act
testEq = test label $ runTC globals act
testNeq : Test
testNeq = testThrows label (const True) $ runTC [<] globals act $> "()"
testNeq = testThrows label (const True) $ runTC globals act $> "()"
parameters (0 d : Nat) (ctx : TyContext d n)
@ -61,8 +61,9 @@ parameters {c : Bool} {auto _ : Show b}
FromString BName where fromString = Just . fromString
runFromParser : Eff [Except FromParser.Error] a -> Either FromParser.Error a
runFromParser = extract . runExcept
runFromParser : {default empty defs : Definitions} ->
Eff FromParserPure a -> Either FromParser.Error a
runFromParser = map fst . fromParserPure defs
tests : Test
@ -79,7 +80,9 @@ tests = "PTerm → Term" :- [
"terms" :-
let fromPTerm = runFromParser .
let defs = fromList [("f", mkDef gany Nat Zero)]
-- doesn't have to be well typed yet, just well scoped
fromPTerm = runFromParser {defs} .
fromPTermWith [< "𝑖", "𝑗"] [< "A", "x", "y", "z"]
in [
note "dim ctx: [𝑖, 𝑗]; term ctx: [A, x, y, z]",
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ parameters {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} {auto _ : Whnf tm isRedex} {d, n : Nat}
testWhnf : String -> WhnfContext d n -> tm d n -> tm d n -> Test
testWhnf label ctx from to = test "\{label} (whnf)" $ do
result <- bimap toInfo fst $ whnf [<] defs ctx from
result <- bimap toInfo fst $ whnf defs ctx from
unless (result == to) $ Left [("exp", show to), ("got", show result)]
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ToInfo Error' where
M = Eff [Except Error', DefsReader]
inj : TC a -> M a
inj = rethrow . mapFst TCError <=< lift . runExcept . runReaderAt NS [<]
inj = rethrow . mapFst TCError <=< lift . runExcept
reflTy : Term d n
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