remove IsQty interface

This commit is contained in:
rhiannon morris 2023-04-01 19:16:43 +02:00
parent 5fdba77d04
commit ba2818a865
24 changed files with 729 additions and 889 deletions

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@ -8,85 +8,60 @@ import Decidable.Decidable
public export
data DefBody q =
Concrete (Term q 0 0)
data DefBody =
Concrete (Term 0 0)
| Postulate
namespace DefBody
public export
(.term0) : DefBody q -> Maybe (Term q 0 0)
(.term0) : DefBody -> Maybe (Term 0 0)
(Concrete t).term0 = Just t
(Postulate).term0 = Nothing
public export
record Definition' q (isGlobal : Pred q) where
record Definition where
constructor MkDef
qty : q
type0 : Term q 0 0
body0 : DefBody q
{auto 0 qtyGlobal : isGlobal qty}
public export
0 Definition : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => Type
Definition q = Definition' q IsGlobal
qty : GQty
type0 : Term 0 0
body0 : DefBody
public export %inline
mkPostulate : IsQty q => (qty : q) -> (0 _ : IsGlobal qty) =>
(type0 : Term q 0 0) -> Definition q
mkPostulate : GQty -> (type0 : Term 0 0) -> Definition
mkPostulate qty type0 = MkDef {qty, type0, body0 = Postulate}
public export %inline
mkDef : IsQty q => (qty : q) -> (0 _ : IsGlobal qty) =>
(type0, term0 : Term q 0 0) -> Definition q
mkDef : GQty -> (type0, term0 : Term 0 0) -> Definition
mkDef qty type0 term0 = MkDef {qty, type0, body0 = Concrete term0}
public export %inline
(.qtyP) : forall q, isGlobal. Definition' q isGlobal -> Subset q isGlobal
g.qtyP = Element g.qty g.qtyGlobal
parameters {d, n : Nat}
public export %inline
(.type) : Definition' q _ -> Term q d n
(.type) : Definition -> Term d n
g.type = g.type0 // shift0 d // shift0 n
public export %inline
(.term) : Definition' q _ -> Maybe (Term q d n)
(.term) : Definition -> Maybe (Term d n)
g.term = g.body0.term0 <&> \t => t // shift0 d // shift0 n
public export %inline
toElim : Definition' q _ -> Maybe $ Elim q d n
toElim : Definition -> Maybe $ Elim d n
toElim def = pure $ !def.term :# def.type
public export %inline
isZero : Definition -> Bool
isZero g = g.qty.fst == Zero
public export
0 IsZero : IsQty q => Pred $ Definition q
IsZero g = IsZero g.qty
Definitions : Type
Definitions = SortedMap Name Definition
public export
0 DefsReader : Type -> Type
DefsReader = Reader Definitions
public export %inline
isZero : (p : IsQty q) => Dec1 $ Definition.IsZero @{p}
isZero g = isZero g.qty
public export
0 Definitions' : (q : Type) -> Pred q -> Type
Definitions' q isGlobal = SortedMap Name $ Definition' q isGlobal
public export
0 Definitions : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => Type
Definitions q = Definitions' q IsGlobal
public export
0 DefsReader' : (q : Type) -> (q -> Type) -> Type -> Type
DefsReader' q isGlobal = Reader (Definitions' q isGlobal)
public export
0 DefsReader : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => Type -> Type
DefsReader q = DefsReader' q IsGlobal
public export %inline
lookupElim : forall isGlobal. {d, n : Nat} ->
Name -> Definitions' q isGlobal -> Maybe (Elim q d n)
lookupElim : {d, n : Nat} -> Name -> Definitions -> Maybe (Elim d n)
lookupElim x defs = toElim !(lookup x defs)

View file

@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ public export
EqModeState = State EqMode
public export
0 EqualEff : Type -> List (Type -> Type)
EqualEff q = [ErrorEff q, EqModeState]
0 EqualEff : List (Type -> Type)
EqualEff = [ErrorEff, EqModeState]
public export
0 EqualE : Type -> Type -> Type
EqualE q = Eff $ EqualEff q
0 EqualE : Type -> Type
EqualE = Eff $ EqualEff
export %inline
@ -26,21 +26,21 @@ mode : Has EqModeState fs => Eff fs EqMode
mode = get
parameters (ctx : EqContext q n)
parameters (ctx : EqContext n)
private %inline
clashT : Term q 0 n -> Term q 0 n -> Term q 0 n -> EqualE q a
clashT : Term 0 n -> Term 0 n -> Term 0 n -> EqualE a
clashT ty s t = throw $ ClashT ctx !mode ty s t
private %inline
clashTy : Term q 0 n -> Term q 0 n -> EqualE q a
clashTy : Term 0 n -> Term 0 n -> EqualE a
clashTy s t = throw $ ClashTy ctx !mode s t
private %inline
clashE : Elim q 0 n -> Elim q 0 n -> EqualE q a
clashE : Elim 0 n -> Elim 0 n -> EqualE a
clashE e f = throw $ ClashE ctx !mode e f
private %inline
wrongType : Term q 0 n -> Term q 0 n -> EqualE q a
wrongType : Term 0 n -> Term 0 n -> EqualE a
wrongType ty s = throw $ WrongType ctx ty s
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ isTyCon (CloT {}) = False
isTyCon (DCloT {}) = False
public export %inline
sameTyCon : (s, t : Term q d n) ->
sameTyCon : (s, t : Term d n) ->
(0 ts : So (isTyCon s)) => (0 tt : So (isTyCon t)) =>
sameTyCon (TYPE {}) (TYPE {}) = True
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ sameTyCon (E {}) (E {}) = True
sameTyCon (E {}) _ = False
parameters (defs : Definitions' q g)
parameters (defs : Definitions)
||| true if a type is known to be a subsingleton purely by its form.
||| a subsingleton is a type with only zero or one possible values.
||| equality/subtyping accepts immediately on values of subsingleton types.
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q g)
||| boundary separation.
||| * an enum type is a subsingleton if it has zero or one tags.
public export covering
isSubSing : Has (ErrorEff q) fs =>
{n : Nat} -> Term q 0 n -> Eff fs Bool
isSubSing : Has ErrorEff fs =>
{n : Nat} -> Term 0 n -> Eff fs Bool
isSubSing ty0 = do
Element ty0 nc <- whnfT defs ty0
case ty0 of
@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q g)
ensureTyCon : Has (ErrorEff q) fs =>
(ctx : EqContext q n) -> (t : Term q 0 n) ->
ensureTyCon : Has ErrorEff fs =>
(ctx : EqContext n) -> (t : Term 0 n) ->
Eff fs (So (isTyCon t))
ensureTyCon ctx t = case nchoose $ isTyCon t of
Left y => pure y
Right n => throw $ NotType (toTyContext ctx) (t // shift0 ctx.dimLen)
parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
parameters (defs : Definitions)
namespace Term
||| `compare0 ctx ty s t` compares `s` and `t` at type `ty`, according to
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
||| ⚠ **assumes that `s`, `t` have already been checked against `ty`**. ⚠
export covering %inline
compare0 : EqContext q n -> (ty, s, t : Term q 0 n) -> EqualE q ()
compare0 : EqContext n -> (ty, s, t : Term 0 n) -> EqualE ()
compare0 ctx ty s t =
wrapErr (WhileComparingT ctx !mode ty s t) $ do
let Val n = ctx.termLen
@ -154,15 +154,15 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
||| converts an elim "Γ ⊢ e" to "Γ, x ⊢ e x", for comparing with
||| a lambda "Γ ⊢ λx ⇒ t" that has been converted to "Γ, x ⊢ t".
private %inline
toLamBody : Elim q d n -> Term q d (S n)
toLamBody : Elim d n -> Term d (S n)
toLamBody e = E $ weakE e :@ BVT 0
private covering
compare0' : EqContext q n ->
(ty, s, t : Term q 0 n) ->
compare0' : EqContext n ->
(ty, s, t : Term 0 n) ->
(0 nty : NotRedex defs ty) => (0 tty : So (isTyCon ty)) =>
(0 ns : NotRedex defs s) => (0 nt : NotRedex defs t) =>
EqualE q ()
EqualE ()
compare0' ctx (TYPE _) s t = compareType ctx s t
compare0' ctx ty@(Pi {qty, arg, res}) s t {n} = local_ Equal $
@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
(E _, t) => wrongType ctx ty t
(s, _) => wrongType ctx ty s
ctx' : EqContext q (S n)
ctx' : EqContext (S n)
ctx' = extendTy qty arg ctx
eta : Elim q 0 n -> ScopeTerm q 0 n -> EqualE q ()
eta : Elim 0 n -> ScopeTerm 0 n -> EqualE ()
eta e (S _ (Y b)) = compare0 ctx' res.term (toLamBody e) b
eta e (S _ (N _)) = clashT ctx ty s t
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
||| compares two types, using the current variance `mode` for universes.
||| fails if they are not types, even if they would happen to be equal.
export covering %inline
compareType : EqContext q n -> (s, t : Term q 0 n) -> EqualE q ()
compareType : EqContext n -> (s, t : Term 0 n) -> EqualE ()
compareType ctx s t = do
let Val n = ctx.termLen
Element s ns <- whnfT defs s
@ -293,11 +293,11 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
compareType' ctx s t
private covering
compareType' : EqContext q n -> (s, t : Term q 0 n) ->
compareType' : EqContext n -> (s, t : Term 0 n) ->
(0 ns : NotRedex defs s) => (0 ts : So (isTyCon s)) =>
(0 nt : NotRedex defs t) => (0 tt : So (isTyCon t)) =>
(0 st : So (sameTyCon s t)) =>
EqualE q ()
EqualE ()
-- equality is the same as subtyping, except with the
-- "≤" in the TYPE rule being replaced with "="
compareType' ctx (TYPE k) (TYPE l) =
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
-- Γ ⊢ (π·x : A₁) → B₁ <: (π·x : A₂) → B₂
expectEqualQ sQty tQty
local flip $ compareType ctx sArg tArg -- contra
compareType (extendTy zero sArg ctx) sRes.term tRes.term
compareType (extendTy Zero sArg ctx) sRes.term tRes.term
compareType' ctx (Sig {fst = sFst, snd = sSnd, _})
(Sig {fst = tFst, snd = tSnd, _}) = do
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
-- --------------------------------------
-- Γ ⊢ (x : A₁) × B₁ <: (x : A₂) × B₂
compareType ctx sFst tFst
compareType (extendTy zero sFst ctx) sSnd.term tSnd.term
compareType (extendTy Zero sFst ctx) sSnd.term tSnd.term
compareType' ctx (Eq {ty = sTy, l = sl, r = sr, _})
(Eq {ty = tTy, l = tl, r = tr, _}) = do
@ -361,9 +361,9 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
||| ⚠ **assumes the elim is already typechecked.** ⚠
private covering
computeElimType : EqContext q n -> (e : Elim q 0 n) ->
computeElimType : EqContext n -> (e : Elim 0 n) ->
(0 ne : NotRedex defs e) ->
EqualE q (Term q 0 n)
EqualE (Term 0 n)
computeElimType ctx (F x) _ = do
defs <- lookupFree' defs x
pure $ injectT ctx defs.type
@ -381,9 +381,9 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
computeElimType ctx (_ :# ty) _ = pure ty
private covering
replaceEnd : EqContext q n ->
(e : Elim q 0 n) -> DimConst -> (0 ne : NotRedex defs e) ->
EqualE q (Elim q 0 n)
replaceEnd : EqContext n ->
(e : Elim 0 n) -> DimConst -> (0 ne : NotRedex defs e) ->
EqualE (Elim 0 n)
replaceEnd ctx e p ne = do
(ty, l, r) <- expectEqE defs ctx !(computeElimType ctx e ne)
pure $ ends l r p :# dsub1 ty (K p)
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
||| ⚠ **assumes that they have both been typechecked, and have
||| equal types.** ⚠
export covering %inline
compare0 : EqContext q n -> (e, f : Elim q 0 n) -> EqualE q ()
compare0 : EqContext n -> (e, f : Elim 0 n) -> EqualE ()
compare0 ctx e f =
wrapErr (WhileComparingE ctx !mode e f) $ do
let Val n = ctx.termLen
@ -408,10 +408,10 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
compare0' ctx e f ne nf
private covering
compare0' : EqContext q n ->
(e, f : Elim q 0 n) ->
compare0' : EqContext n ->
(e, f : Elim 0 n) ->
(0 ne : NotRedex defs e) -> (0 nf : NotRedex defs f) ->
EqualE q ()
EqualE ()
-- replace applied equalities with the appropriate end first
-- e.g. e : Eq [i ⇒ A] s t ⊢ e 𝟎 = s : A𝟎/i
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
local_ Equal $ do
compare0 ctx e f
ety <- computeElimType ctx e (noOr1 ne)
compareType (extendTy zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
compareType (extendTy Zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
(fst, snd) <- expectSigE defs ctx ety
let [< x, y] = ebody.names
Term.compare0 (extendTyN [< (epi, x, fst), (epi, y, snd.term)] ctx)
@ -453,13 +453,13 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
local_ Equal $ do
compare0 ctx e f
ety <- computeElimType ctx e (noOr1 ne)
compareType (extendTy zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
compareType (extendTy Zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
for_ !(expectEnumE defs ctx ety) $ \t =>
compare0 ctx (sub1 eret $ Tag t :# ety)
!(lookupArm t earms) !(lookupArm t farms)
expectEqualQ epi fpi
lookupArm : TagVal -> CaseEnumArms q d n -> EqualE q (Term q d n)
lookupArm : TagVal -> CaseEnumArms d n -> EqualE (Term d n)
lookupArm t arms = case lookup t arms of
Just arm => pure arm
Nothing => throw $ TagNotIn t (fromList $ keys arms)
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
local_ Equal $ do
compare0 ctx e f
ety <- computeElimType ctx e (noOr1 ne)
compareType (extendTy zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
compareType (extendTy Zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
compare0 ctx (sub1 eret (Zero :# Nat)) ezer fzer
let [< p, ih] = esuc.names
compare0 (extendTyN [< (epi, p, Nat), (epi', ih, eret.term)] ctx)
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
local_ Equal $ do
compare0 ctx e f
ety <- computeElimType ctx e (noOr1 ne)
compareType (extendTy zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
compareType (extendTy Zero ety ctx) eret.term fret.term
(q, ty) <- expectBOXE defs ctx ety
compare0 (extendTy (epi * q) ty ctx)
(substCaseBoxRet ety eret)
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
compare0' ctx (s :# a) (t :# b) _ _ =
Term.compare0 ctx !(bigger a b) s t
bigger : forall a. a -> a -> EqualE q a
bigger : forall a. a -> a -> EqualE a
bigger l r = mode <&> \case Super => l; _ => r
compare0' ctx (s :# a) f _ _ = Term.compare0 ctx a s (E f)
@ -504,16 +504,14 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : IsQty q}
compare0' ctx e@(_ :# _) f _ _ = clashE ctx e f
parameters {auto _ : (Has (DefsReader' q _) fs, Has (ErrorEff q) fs)}
{auto _ : IsQty q}
(ctx : TyContext q d n)
parameters {auto _ : (Has DefsReader fs, Has ErrorEff fs)} (ctx : TyContext d n)
-- [todo] only split on the dvars that are actually used anywhere in
-- the calls to `splits`
parameters (mode : EqMode)
namespace Term
export covering
compare : (ty, s, t : Term q d n) -> Eff fs ()
compare : (ty, s, t : Term d n) -> Eff fs ()
compare ty s t = do
defs <- ask
map fst $ runState @{Z} mode $
@ -522,7 +520,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Has (DefsReader' q _) fs, Has (ErrorEff q) fs)}
lift $ compare0 defs ectx (ty // th) (s // th) (t // th)
export covering
compareType : (s, t : Term q d n) -> Eff fs ()
compareType : (s, t : Term d n) -> Eff fs ()
compareType s t = do
defs <- ask
map fst $ runState @{Z} mode $
@ -534,7 +532,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Has (DefsReader' q _) fs, Has (ErrorEff q) fs)}
||| you don't have to pass the type in but the arguments must still be
||| of the same type!!
export covering %inline
compare : (e, f : Elim q d n) -> Eff fs ()
compare : (e, f : Elim d n) -> Eff fs ()
compare e f = do
defs <- ask
map fst $ runState @{Z} mode $
@ -544,20 +542,20 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Has (DefsReader' q _) fs, Has (ErrorEff q) fs)}
namespace Term
export covering %inline
equal, sub, super : (ty, s, t : Term q d n) -> Eff fs ()
equal, sub, super : (ty, s, t : Term d n) -> Eff fs ()
equal = compare Equal
sub = compare Sub
super = compare Super
export covering %inline
equalType, subtype, supertype : (s, t : Term q d n) -> Eff fs ()
equalType, subtype, supertype : (s, t : Term d n) -> Eff fs ()
equalType = compareType Equal
subtype = compareType Sub
supertype = compareType Super
namespace Elim
export covering %inline
equal, sub, super : (e, f : Elim q d n) -> Eff fs ()
equal, sub, super : (e, f : Elim d n) -> Eff fs ()
equal = compare Equal
sub = compare Sub
super = compare Super

View file

@ -23,16 +23,8 @@ import public Quox.Parser.FromParser.Error as Quox.Parser.FromParser
public export
0 Def : Type
Def = Definition Three
public export
0 NDef : Type
NDef = (Name, Def)
public export
0 Defs : Type
Defs = Definitions Three
0 NDefinition : Type
NDefinition = (Name, Definition)
public export
0 IncludePath : Type
@ -49,7 +41,7 @@ data StateTag = DEFS | NS | SEEN
public export
0 FromParserEff : List (Type -> Type)
FromParserEff =
[Except Error, StateL DEFS Defs, StateL NS Mods,
[Except Error, StateL DEFS Definitions, StateL NS Mods,
Reader IncludePath, StateL SEEN SeenFiles, IO]
public export
@ -76,7 +68,7 @@ fromPDimWith ds (V i) =
avoidDim : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> PName -> Eff fs (Term q d n)
Context' BName d -> PName -> Eff fs (Term d n)
avoidDim ds x =
fromName (const $ throw $ DimNameInTerm x.base) (pure . FT . fromPName) ds x
@ -85,7 +77,7 @@ mutual
fromPTermWith : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
PTerm -> Eff fs (Term Three d n)
PTerm -> Eff fs (Term d n)
fromPTermWith ds ns t0 = case t0 of
TYPE k =>
pure $ TYPE $ k
@ -168,14 +160,14 @@ mutual
fromPTermEnumArms : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
List (TagVal, PTerm) -> Eff fs (CaseEnumArms Three d n)
List (TagVal, PTerm) -> Eff fs (CaseEnumArms d n)
fromPTermEnumArms ds ns =
map SortedMap.fromList . traverse (traverse $ fromPTermWith ds ns)
fromPTermElim : Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
PTerm -> Eff fs (Elim Three d n)
PTerm -> Eff fs (Elim d n)
fromPTermElim ds ns e =
case !(fromPTermWith ds ns e) of
E e => pure e
@ -186,7 +178,7 @@ mutual
fromPTermTScope : {s : Nat} -> Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
SnocVect s BName ->
PTerm -> Eff fs (ScopeTermN s Three d n)
PTerm -> Eff fs (ScopeTermN s d n)
fromPTermTScope ds ns xs t =
if all isNothing xs then
SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t
@ -198,7 +190,7 @@ mutual
fromPTermDScope : {s : Nat} -> Has (Except Error) fs =>
Context' BName d -> Context' BName n ->
SnocVect s BName ->
PTerm -> Eff fs (DScopeTermN s Three d n)
PTerm -> Eff fs (DScopeTermN s d n)
fromPTermDScope ds ns xs t =
if all isNothing xs then
SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t
@ -208,16 +200,16 @@ mutual
export %inline
fromPTerm : Has (Except Error) fs => PTerm -> Eff fs (Term Three 0 0)
fromPTerm : Has (Except Error) fs => PTerm -> Eff fs (Term 0 0)
fromPTerm = fromPTermWith [<] [<]
globalPQty : Has (Except Error) fs =>
(q : PQty) -> Eff fs (IsGlobal q)
globalPQty pi = case isGlobal pi of
Yes y => pure y
No n => throw $ QtyNotGlobal pi
(q : Qty) -> Eff fs (So $ isGlobal q)
globalPQty pi = case choose $ isGlobal pi of
Left y => pure y
Right _ => throw $ QtyNotGlobal pi
@ -225,40 +217,41 @@ fromPNameNS : Has (StateL NS Mods) fs => PName -> Eff fs Name
fromPNameNS name = pure $ addMods !(getAt NS) $ fromPName name
injTC : (Has (StateL DEFS Defs) fs, Has (Except Error) fs) =>
TC Three a -> Eff fs a
injTC : (Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs, Has (Except Error) fs) =>
TC a -> Eff fs a
injTC act = rethrow $ mapFst TypeError $ runTC !(getAt DEFS) act
export covering
fromPDef : (Has (StateL DEFS Defs) fs,
fromPDef : (Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs,
Has (StateL NS Mods) fs,
Has (Except Error) fs) =>
PDefinition -> Eff fs NDef
PDefinition -> Eff fs NDefinition
fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname ptype pterm) = do
name <- fromPNameNS pname
qtyGlobal <- globalPQty qty
let sqty = globalToSubj $ Element qty qtyGlobal
let gqty = Element qty qtyGlobal
let sqty = globalToSubj gqty
type <- traverse fromPTerm ptype
term <- fromPTerm pterm
case type of
Just type => do
injTC $ checkTypeC empty type Nothing
injTC $ ignore $ checkC empty sqty term type
let def = mkDef qty type term
let def = mkDef gqty type term
modifyAt DEFS $ insert name def
pure (name, def)
Nothing => do
let E elim = term | _ => throw $ AnnotationNeeded pterm
res <- injTC $ inferC empty sqty elim
let def = mkDef qty res.type term
let def = mkDef gqty res.type term
modifyAt DEFS $ insert name def
pure (name, def)
export covering
fromPDecl : (Has (StateL DEFS Defs) fs,
fromPDecl : (Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs,
Has (StateL NS Mods) fs,
Has (Except Error) fs) =>
PDecl -> Eff fs (List NDef)
PDecl -> Eff fs (List NDefinition)
fromPDecl (PDef def) = singleton <$> fromPDef def
fromPDecl (PNs ns) =
localAt NS (<+> $ concat <$> traverse fromPDecl ns.decls
@ -284,11 +277,11 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Has IO fs,
Has (StateL SEEN SeenFiles) fs,
Has (Reader IncludePath) fs,
Has (Except Error) fs,
Has (StateL DEFS Defs) fs,
Has (StateL DEFS Definitions) fs,
Has (StateL NS Mods) fs)}
export covering
loadProcessFile : String -> Eff fs (List NDef)
loadProcessFile : String -> Eff fs (List NDefinition)
loadProcessFile file =
case !(loadFile file) of
Just inp => do
@ -298,14 +291,14 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Has IO fs,
||| populates the `defs` field of the state
export covering
fromPTopLevel : PTopLevel -> Eff fs (List NDef)
fromPTopLevel : PTopLevel -> Eff fs (List NDefinition)
fromPTopLevel (PD decl) = fromPDecl decl
fromPTopLevel (PLoad file) = loadProcessFile file
fromParserIO : (MonadRec io, HasIO io) =>
IncludePath -> IORef SeenFiles -> IORef Defs ->
IncludePath -> IORef SeenFiles -> IORef Definitions ->
FromParser a -> io (Either Error a)
fromParserIO inc seen defs act =
runIO $

View file

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ data Error =
AnnotationNeeded PTerm
| DuplicatesInEnum (List TagVal)
| DimNotInScope PBaseName
| QtyNotGlobal PQty
| QtyNotGlobal Qty
| DimNameInTerm PBaseName
| TypeError (Typing.Error Three)
| TypeError Typing.Error
| LoadError String FileError
| ParseError Parser.Error
%hide Typing.Error

View file

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ dimConst = terminal "expecting 0 or 1" $
\case Nat 0 => Just Zero; Nat 1 => Just One; _ => Nothing
qty : Grammar True PQty
qty : Grammar True Qty
qty = terminal "expecting quantity" $
\case Nat 0 => Just Zero; Nat 1 => Just One; Reserved "ω" => Just Any
_ => Nothing
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ symbolsC lst = symbols lst <* commit
private covering
qtys : Grammar False (List PQty)
qtys : Grammar False (List Qty)
qtys = option [] [|toList $ some qty <* res "."|]
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ dim = [|V baseName|] <|> [|K dimConst|]
0 PBinderHead : Nat -> Type
PBinderHead n = (Vect n PQty, BName, PTerm)
PBinderHead n = (Vect n Qty, BName, PTerm)
toVect : List a -> (n ** Vect n a)
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ lamIntro : Grammar True (BName -> PTerm -> PTerm)
lamIntro = symbolsC [(Lam, "λ"), (DLam, "δ")]
private covering
caseIntro : Grammar True PQty
caseIntro : Grammar True Qty
caseIntro = symbols [(One, "case1"), (Any, "caseω")]
<|> resC "case" *>
(qty <* resC "." <|>
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ mutual
zeroCase : Grammar True PTerm
zeroCase = (resC "zero" <|> zero) *> darr *> term
succCase : Grammar True (BName, PQty, BName, PTerm)
succCase : Grammar True (BName, Qty, BName, PTerm)
succCase = do
resC "succ"
n <- bname
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ mutual
pi, sigma : Grammar True PTerm
pi = [|makePi (qty <* res ".") domain (resC "" *> term)|]
makePi : PQty -> (BName, PTerm) -> PTerm -> PTerm
makePi : Qty -> (BName, PTerm) -> PTerm -> PTerm
makePi q (x, s) t = Pi q x s t
domain = binderHead <|> [|(Nothing,) aTerm|]
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mutual
export covering
defIntro : Grammar True PQty
defIntro : Grammar True Qty
defIntro = symbols [(Zero, "def0"), (Any, "defω")]
<|> resC "def" *> option Any (qty <* resC ".")

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module Quox.Parser.Syntax
import public Quox.Syntax
import public Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three
import public Quox.Definition
import Derive.Prelude
@ -19,10 +18,6 @@ public export
0 PUniverse : Type
PUniverse = Nat
public export
0 PQty : Type
PQty = Three
namespace PDim
public export
data PDim = K DimConst | V PBaseName
@ -36,13 +31,13 @@ namespace PTerm
data PTerm =
| Pi PQty BName PTerm PTerm
| Pi Qty BName PTerm PTerm
| Lam BName PTerm
| (:@) PTerm PTerm
| Sig BName PTerm PTerm
| Pair PTerm PTerm
| Case PQty PTerm (BName, PTerm) (PCaseBody)
| Case Qty PTerm (BName, PTerm) (PCaseBody)
| Enum (List TagVal)
| Tag TagVal
@ -54,7 +49,7 @@ namespace PTerm
| Nat
| Zero | Succ PTerm
| BOX PQty PTerm
| BOX Qty PTerm
| Box PTerm
| V PName
@ -65,7 +60,7 @@ namespace PTerm
data PCaseBody =
CasePair (BName, BName) PTerm
| CaseEnum (List (TagVal, PTerm))
| CaseNat PTerm (BName, PQty, BName, PTerm)
| CaseNat PTerm (BName, Qty, BName, PTerm)
| CaseBox BName PTerm
%name PCaseBody body
@ -75,7 +70,7 @@ namespace PTerm
public export
record PDefinition where
constructor MkPDef
qty : PQty
qty : Qty
name : PName
type : Maybe PTerm
term : PTerm
@ -117,14 +112,14 @@ mutual
namespace Term
toPTermWith : Context' PBaseName d -> Context' PBaseName n ->
Term Three d n -> PTerm
Term d n -> PTerm
toPTermWith ds ns t =
let Element t _ = pushSubsts t in
toPTermWith' ds ns t
toPTermWith' : Context' PBaseName d -> Context' PBaseName n ->
(t : Term Three d n) -> (0 _ : NotClo t) =>
(t : Term d n) -> (0 _ : NotClo t) =>
toPTermWith' ds ns s = case s of
TYPE l =>
@ -162,14 +157,14 @@ mutual
namespace Elim
toPTermWith : Context' PBaseName d -> Context' PBaseName n ->
Elim Three d n -> PTerm
Elim d n -> PTerm
toPTermWith ds ns e =
let Element e _ = pushSubsts e in
toPTermWith' ds ns e
toPTermWith' : Context' PBaseName d -> Context' PBaseName n ->
(e : Elim Three d n) -> (0 _ : NotClo e) =>
(e : Elim d n) -> (0 _ : NotClo e) =>
toPTermWith' ds ns e = case e of
F x =>
@ -205,12 +200,12 @@ mutual
namespace Term
toPTerm : Term Three 0 0 -> PTerm
toPTerm : Term 0 0 -> PTerm
toPTerm = toPTermWith [<] [<]
namespace Elim
toPTerm : Elim Three 0 0 -> PTerm
toPTerm : Elim 0 0 -> PTerm
toPTerm = toPTermWith [<] [<]
public export

View file

@ -18,31 +18,30 @@ data WhnfError = MissingEnumArm TagVal (List TagVal)
public export
0 RedexTest : TermLike -> Type
RedexTest tm = forall q, g. {d, n : Nat} -> Definitions' q g -> tm q d n -> Bool
RedexTest tm = {d, n : Nat} -> Definitions -> tm d n -> Bool
public export
interface Whnf (0 tm : TermLike) (0 isRedex : RedexTest tm) (0 err : Type) | tm
whnf : {d, n : Nat} -> (defs : Definitions' q g) ->
tm q d n -> Either err (Subset (tm q d n) (No . isRedex defs))
whnf : {d, n : Nat} -> (defs : Definitions) ->
tm d n -> Either err (Subset (tm d n) (No . isRedex defs))
public export
0 IsRedex, NotRedex : {isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> Whnf tm isRedex err =>
Definitions' q g -> Pred (tm q d n)
Definitions -> Pred (tm d n)
IsRedex defs = So . isRedex defs
NotRedex defs = No . isRedex defs
public export
0 NonRedex : (tm : TermLike) -> {isRedex : RedexTest tm} ->
Whnf tm isRedex err =>
(q : Type) -> (d, n : Nat) -> {g : _} ->
(defs : Definitions' q g) -> Type
NonRedex tm q d n defs = Subset (tm q d n) (NotRedex defs)
(d, n : Nat) -> (defs : Definitions) -> Type
NonRedex tm d n defs = Subset (tm d n) (NotRedex defs)
public export %inline
nred : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> (0 _ : Whnf tm isRedex err) =>
(t : tm q d n) -> (0 nr : NotRedex defs t) =>
NonRedex tm q d n defs
(t : tm d n) -> (0 nr : NotRedex defs t) =>
NonRedex tm d n defs
nred t = Element t nr

View file

@ -1,91 +1,144 @@
||| quantities count how many times a bound variable is used [@nuttin; @qtt].
||| i tried grtt [@grtt] for a bit but i think it was more complex than
||| it's worth in a language that has other stuff going on too
module Quox.Syntax.Qty
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Name
import public Quox.Decidable
import Quox.Decidable
import Data.DPair
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
%language ElabReflection
||| the possibilities we care about are:
||| - 0: a variable is used only at compile time, not run time
||| - 1: a variable is used exactly once at run time
||| - ω (or #): don't care. an ω variable *can* also be used 0/1 time
public export
data Qty = Zero | One | Any
%name Qty.Qty pi, rh
%runElab derive "Qty" [Eq, Ord, Show]
PrettyHL Qty where
prettyM pi = hl Qty <$>
case pi of
Zero => pure "0"
One => pure "1"
Any => ifUnicode "ω" "#"
||| prints in a form that can be a suffix of "case"
public export
prettySuffix : Pretty.HasEnv m => Qty -> m (Doc HL)
prettySuffix = prettyM
public export
interface Eq q => IsQty q where
zero, one, any : q
DecEq Qty where
decEq Zero Zero = Yes Refl
decEq Zero One = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq Zero Any = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq One Zero = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq One One = Yes Refl
decEq One Any = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq Any Zero = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq Any One = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq Any Any = Yes Refl
(+), (*) : q -> q -> q
lub : q -> q -> Maybe q
||| true if bindings of this quantity will be erased
||| and must not be runtime relevant
IsZero : Pred q
isZero : Dec1 IsZero
zeroIsZero : IsZero zero
||| e.g. if in the expression `(s, t)`, the variable `x` is
||| used π times in `s` and ρ times in `t`, then it's used
||| (π + ρ) times in the whole expression
public export
(+) : Qty -> Qty -> Qty
Zero + rh = rh
pi + Zero = pi
_ + _ = Any
||| true if bindings of this quantity can be used any number of times.
||| this is needed for natural elimination
IsAny : Pred q
isAny : Dec1 IsAny
anyIsAny : IsAny any
||| e.g. if a function `f` uses its argument π times,
||| and `f x` occurs in a σ context, then `x` is used `πσ` times overall
public export
(*) : Qty -> Qty -> Qty
Zero * _ = Zero
_ * Zero = Zero
One * rh = rh
pi * One = pi
Any * Any = Any
||| ``p `Compat` q`` if it is ok for a binding of quantity `q` to be used
||| exactly `p` times. e.g. ``1 `Compat` 1``, ``1 `Compat` ω``.
||| if ``π `lub` ρ`` exists, then both `π` and `ρ` must be compatible with it
Compat : Rel q
compat : Dec2 Compat
||| "π ≤ ρ"
||| if a variable is bound with quantity ρ, then it can be used with a total
||| quantity π as long as π ≤ ρ. for example, an ω variable can be used any
||| number of times, so π ≤ ω for any π.
public export
compat : Qty -> Qty -> Bool
compat pi Any = True
compat pi rh = pi == rh
||| true if it is ok for this quantity to appear for the
||| subject of a typing judgement [@qtt, §2.3].
IsSubj : Pred q
isSubj : Dec1 IsSubj
zeroIsSubj : forall pi. IsZero pi -> IsSubj pi
oneIsSubj : IsSubj one
timesSubj : forall pi, rh. IsSubj pi -> IsSubj rh -> IsSubj (pi * rh)
||| true if it is ok for a global definition to have this
||| quantity. so not exact usage counts, maybe.
IsGlobal : Pred q
isGlobal : Dec1 IsGlobal
zeroIsGlobal : forall pi. IsZero pi -> IsGlobal pi
anyIsGlobal : forall pi. IsAny pi -> IsGlobal pi
||| "π ∧ ρ"
||| returns some quantity τ where π ≤ τ and ρ ≤ τ, if one exists.
public export
lub : Qty -> Qty -> Maybe Qty
lub p q =
if p == Any || q == Any then Just Any
else if p == q then Just p
else Nothing
||| prints in a form that can be a suffix of "case"
prettySuffix : Pretty.HasEnv m => q -> m (Doc HL)
||| to maintain subject reduction, only 0 or 1 can occur
||| for the subject of a typing judgment. see @qtt, §2.3 for more detail
public export
isSubj : Qty -> Bool
isSubj Zero = True
isSubj One = True
isSubj Any = False
public export
0 SQty : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => Type
SQty q = Subset q IsSubj
SQty : Type
SQty = Subset Qty $ So . isSubj
public export %inline
szero : IsQty q => SQty q
szero = Element zero $ zeroIsSubj zeroIsZero
public export %inline
sone : IsQty q => SQty q
sone = Element one oneIsSubj
szero, sone : SQty
szero = Element Zero Oh
sone = Element One Oh
||| "σ ⨴ π"
||| ``sg `subjMult` pi`` is equal to `pi` if it is zero, otherwise it
||| is equal to `sg`.
public export %inline
subjMult : IsQty q => SQty q -> q -> SQty q
subjMult sg pi = case isZero pi of
Yes y => Element pi $ zeroIsSubj y
No _ => sg
||| σ ⨭ π is 0 if either of σ or π are, otherwise it is σ.
public export
subjMult : SQty -> Qty -> SQty
subjMult _ Zero = szero
subjMult sg _ = sg
||| it doesn't make much sense for a top level declaration to have a
||| quantity of 1, so the only distinction is whether it is present
||| at runtime at all or not
public export
isGlobal : Qty -> Bool
isGlobal Zero = True
isGlobal One = False
isGlobal Any = True
public export
0 GQty : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => Type
GQty q = Subset q IsGlobal
GQty : Type
GQty = Subset Qty $ So . isGlobal
public export
gzero, gany : GQty
gzero = Element Zero Oh
gany = Element Any Oh
||| when checking a definition, a 0 definition is checked at 0,
||| but an ω definition is checked at 1 since ω isn't a subject quantity
public export %inline
gzero : IsQty q => GQty q
gzero = Element zero $ zeroIsGlobal zeroIsZero
public export %inline
gany : IsQty q => GQty q
gany = Element any $ anyIsGlobal anyIsAny
export %inline
globalToSubj : IsQty q => GQty q -> SQty q
globalToSubj q = if isYes $ isZero q.fst then szero else sone
globalToSubj : GQty -> SQty
globalToSubj (Element Zero _) = szero
globalToSubj (Element Any _) = sone

View file

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
module Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three
import Quox.Pretty
import public Quox.Syntax.Qty
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
%language ElabReflection
public export
data Three = Zero | One | Any
%name Three pi, rh
%runElab derive "Three" [Eq, Ord, Show]
PrettyHL Three where
prettyM pi = hl Qty <$>
case pi of
Zero => pure "0"
One => pure "1"
Any => ifUnicode "ω" "#"
public export
DecEq Three where
decEq Zero Zero = Yes Refl
decEq Zero One = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq Zero Any = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq One Zero = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq One One = Yes Refl
decEq One Any = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq Any Zero = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq Any One = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq Any Any = Yes Refl
public export
plus : Three -> Three -> Three
plus Zero rh = rh
plus pi Zero = pi
plus _ _ = Any
public export
times : Three -> Three -> Three
times Zero _ = Zero
times _ Zero = Zero
times One rh = rh
times pi One = pi
times Any Any = Any
public export
lub3 : Three -> Three -> Maybe Three
lub3 p q =
if p == Any || q == Any then Just Any
else if p == q then Just p
else Nothing
public export
data Compat3 : Rel Three where
CmpRefl : Compat3 rh rh
CmpAny : Compat3 rh Any
public export
compat3 : Dec2 Compat3
compat3 pi rh with (decEq pi rh) | (decEq rh Any)
compat3 pi pi | Yes Refl | _ = Yes CmpRefl
compat3 pi Any | No _ | Yes Refl = Yes CmpAny
compat3 pi rh | No ne | No na =
No $ \case CmpRefl => ne Refl; CmpAny => na Refl
public export
data IsSubj3 : Pred Three where
SZero : IsSubj3 Zero
SOne : IsSubj3 One
public export
isSubj3 : Dec1 IsSubj3
isSubj3 Zero = Yes SZero
isSubj3 One = Yes SOne
isSubj3 Any = No $ \case _ impossible
public export
timesSubj3 : forall pi, rh. IsSubj3 pi -> IsSubj3 rh -> IsSubj3 (times pi rh)
timesSubj3 SZero SZero = SZero
timesSubj3 SZero SOne = SZero
timesSubj3 SOne SZero = SZero
timesSubj3 SOne SOne = SOne
public export
data IsGlobal3 : Pred Three where
GZero : IsGlobal3 Zero
GAny : IsGlobal3 Any
public export
isGlobal3 : Dec1 IsGlobal3
isGlobal3 Zero = Yes GZero
isGlobal3 One = No $ \case _ impossible
isGlobal3 Any = Yes GAny
public export
IsQty Three where
zero = Zero
one = One
any = Any
(+) = plus
(*) = times
lub = lub3
IsZero = Equal Zero
isZero = decEq Zero
zeroIsZero = Refl
IsAny = Equal Three.Any
isAny = decEq Any
anyIsAny = Refl
Compat = Compat3
compat = compat3
IsSubj = IsSubj3
isSubj = isSubj3
zeroIsSubj = \Refl => SZero
oneIsSubj = SOne
timesSubj = timesSubj3
IsGlobal = IsGlobal3
isGlobal = isGlobal3
zeroIsGlobal = \Refl => GZero
anyIsGlobal = \Refl => GAny
prettySuffix = pretty0M
export Uninhabited (IsGlobal3 One) where uninhabited _ impossible
export Uninhabited (IsSubj3 Any) where uninhabited _ impossible

View file

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import public Quox.Syntax.Qty
import public Quox.Syntax.Dim
import public Quox.Name
import public Quox.Context
-- import public Quox.OPE
import Quox.Pretty
@ -25,11 +24,11 @@ import public Data.SortedSet
public export
0 TermLike : Type
TermLike = Type -> Nat -> Nat -> Type
TermLike = Nat -> Nat -> Type
public export
0 TSubstLike : Type
TSubstLike = Type -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type
TSubstLike = Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type
public export
0 Universe : Type
@ -44,112 +43,111 @@ infixl 9 :@, :%
public export
0 TSubst : TSubstLike
TSubst q d = Subst $ Elim q d
TSubst d = Subst $ Elim d
||| first argument `q` is quantity type;
||| second argument `d` is dimension scope size;
||| third `n` is term scope size
||| first argument `d` is dimension scope size;
||| second `n` is term scope size
public export
data Term : TermLike where
||| type of types
TYPE : (l : Universe) -> Term q d n
TYPE : (l : Universe) -> Term d n
||| function type
Pi : (qty : q) -> (arg : Term q d n) ->
(res : ScopeTerm q d n) -> Term q d n
Pi : (qty : Qty) -> (arg : Term d n) ->
(res : ScopeTerm d n) -> Term d n
||| function term
Lam : (body : ScopeTerm q d n) -> Term q d n
Lam : (body : ScopeTerm d n) -> Term d n
||| pair type
Sig : (fst : Term q d n) -> (snd : ScopeTerm q d n) -> Term q d n
Sig : (fst : Term d n) -> (snd : ScopeTerm d n) -> Term d n
||| pair value
Pair : (fst, snd : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
Pair : (fst, snd : Term d n) -> Term d n
||| enumeration type
Enum : (cases : SortedSet TagVal) -> Term q d n
Enum : (cases : SortedSet TagVal) -> Term d n
||| enumeration value
Tag : (tag : TagVal) -> Term q d n
Tag : (tag : TagVal) -> Term d n
||| equality type
Eq : (ty : DScopeTerm q d n) -> (l, r : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
Eq : (ty : DScopeTerm d n) -> (l, r : Term d n) -> Term d n
||| equality term
DLam : (body : DScopeTerm q d n) -> Term q d n
DLam : (body : DScopeTerm d n) -> Term d n
||| natural numbers (temporary until 𝐖 gets added)
Nat : Term q d n
Nat : Term d n
-- [todo] can these be elims?
Zero : Term q d n
Succ : (p : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
Zero : Term d n
Succ : (p : Term d n) -> Term d n
||| "box" (package a value up with a certain quantity)
BOX : (qty : q) -> (ty : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
Box : (val : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
BOX : (qty : Qty) -> (ty : Term d n) -> Term d n
Box : (val : Term d n) -> Term d n
||| elimination
E : (e : Elim q d n) -> Term q d n
E : (e : Elim d n) -> Term d n
||| term closure/suspended substitution
CloT : (tm : Term q d from) -> (th : Lazy (TSubst q d from to)) ->
Term q d to
CloT : (tm : Term d from) -> (th : Lazy (TSubst d from to)) ->
Term d to
||| dimension closure/suspended substitution
DCloT : (tm : Term q dfrom n) -> (th : Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto)) ->
Term q dto n
DCloT : (tm : Term dfrom n) -> (th : Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto)) ->
Term dto n
||| first argument `d` is dimension scope size, second `n` is term scope size
public export
data Elim : TermLike where
||| free variable
F : (x : Name) -> Elim q d n
F : (x : Name) -> Elim d n
||| bound variable
B : (i : Var n) -> Elim q d n
B : (i : Var n) -> Elim d n
||| term application
(:@) : (fun : Elim q d n) -> (arg : Term q d n) -> Elim q d n
(:@) : (fun : Elim d n) -> (arg : Term d n) -> Elim d n
||| pair destruction
||| `CasePair 𝜋 𝑒 ([𝑟], 𝐴) ([𝑥, 𝑦], 𝑡)` is
||| `𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝜋 · 𝑒 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝑟𝐴 𝐨𝐟 { (𝑥, 𝑦) ⇒ 𝑡 }`
CasePair : (qty : q) -> (pair : Elim q d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm q d n) ->
(body : ScopeTermN 2 q d n) ->
Elim q d n
CasePair : (qty : Qty) -> (pair : Elim d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm d n) ->
(body : ScopeTermN 2 d n) ->
Elim d n
||| enum matching
CaseEnum : (qty : q) -> (tag : Elim q d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm q d n) ->
(arms : CaseEnumArms q d n) ->
Elim q d n
CaseEnum : (qty : Qty) -> (tag : Elim d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm d n) ->
(arms : CaseEnumArms d n) ->
Elim d n
||| nat matching
CaseNat : (qty, qtyIH : q) -> (nat : Elim q d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm q d n) ->
(zero : Term q d n) ->
(succ : ScopeTermN 2 q d n) ->
Elim q d n
CaseNat : (qty, qtyIH : Qty) -> (nat : Elim d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm d n) ->
(zero : Term d n) ->
(succ : ScopeTermN 2 d n) ->
Elim d n
||| unboxing
CaseBox : (qty : q) -> (box : Elim q d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm q d n) ->
(body : ScopeTerm q d n) ->
Elim q d n
CaseBox : (qty : Qty) -> (box : Elim d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm d n) ->
(body : ScopeTerm d n) ->
Elim d n
||| dim application
(:%) : (fun : Elim q d n) -> (arg : Dim d) -> Elim q d n
(:%) : (fun : Elim d n) -> (arg : Dim d) -> Elim d n
||| type-annotated term
(:#) : (tm, ty : Term q d n) -> Elim q d n
(:#) : (tm, ty : Term d n) -> Elim d n
||| term closure/suspended substitution
CloE : (el : Elim q d from) -> (th : Lazy (TSubst q d from to)) ->
Elim q d to
CloE : (el : Elim d from) -> (th : Lazy (TSubst d from to)) ->
Elim d to
||| dimension closure/suspended substitution
DCloE : (el : Elim q dfrom n) -> (th : Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto)) ->
Elim q dto n
DCloE : (el : Elim dfrom n) -> (th : Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto)) ->
Elim dto n
public export
0 CaseEnumArms : TermLike
CaseEnumArms q d n = SortedMap TagVal (Term q d n)
CaseEnumArms d n = SortedMap TagVal (Term d n)
||| a scoped term with names
public export
@ -165,8 +163,8 @@ mutual
public export
0 ScopeTermN, DScopeTermN : Nat -> TermLike
ScopeTermN s q d n = Scoped s (Term q d) n
DScopeTermN s q d n = Scoped s (\d => Term q d n) d
ScopeTermN s d n = Scoped s (Term d) n
DScopeTermN s d n = Scoped s (\d => Term d n) d
public export
0 ScopeTerm, DScopeTerm : TermLike
@ -198,58 +196,58 @@ = name s
||| more convenient Pi
public export %inline
Pi_ : (qty : q) -> (x : BaseName) ->
(arg : Term q d n) -> (res : Term q d (S n)) -> Term q d n
Pi_ : (qty : Qty) -> (x : BaseName) ->
(arg : Term d n) -> (res : Term d (S n)) -> Term d n
Pi_ {qty, x, arg, res} = Pi {qty, arg, res = S [< x] $ Y res}
||| non dependent function type
public export %inline
Arr : (qty : q) -> (arg, res : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
Arr : (qty : Qty) -> (arg, res : Term d n) -> Term d n
Arr {qty, arg, res} = Pi {qty, arg, res = SN res}
||| more convenient Sig
public export %inline
Sig_ : (x : BaseName) -> (fst : Term q d n) ->
(snd : Term q d (S n)) -> Term q d n
Sig_ : (x : BaseName) -> (fst : Term d n) ->
(snd : Term d (S n)) -> Term d n
Sig_ {x, fst, snd} = Sig {fst, snd = S [< x] $ Y snd}
||| non dependent pair type
public export %inline
And : (fst, snd : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
And : (fst, snd : Term d n) -> Term d n
And {fst, snd} = Sig {fst, snd = SN snd}
||| more convenient Eq
public export %inline
Eq_ : (i : BaseName) -> (ty : Term q (S d) n) ->
(l, r : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
Eq_ : (i : BaseName) -> (ty : Term (S d) n) ->
(l, r : Term d n) -> Term d n
Eq_ {i, ty, l, r} = Eq {ty = S [< i] $ Y ty, l, r}
||| non dependent equality type
public export %inline
Eq0 : (ty, l, r : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
Eq0 : (ty, l, r : Term d n) -> Term d n
Eq0 {ty, l, r} = Eq {ty = SN ty, l, r}
||| same as `F` but as a term
public export %inline
FT : Name -> Term q d n
FT : Name -> Term d n
FT = E . F
||| abbreviation for a bound variable like `BV 4` instead of
||| `B (VS (VS (VS (VS VZ))))`
public export %inline
BV : (i : Nat) -> (0 _ : LT i n) => Elim q d n
BV : (i : Nat) -> (0 _ : LT i n) => Elim d n
BV i = B $ V i
||| same as `BV` but as a term
public export %inline
BVT : (i : Nat) -> (0 _ : LT i n) => Term q d n
BVT : (i : Nat) -> (0 _ : LT i n) => Term d n
BVT i = E $ BV i
public export
makeNat : Nat -> Term q d n
makeNat : Nat -> Term d n
makeNat 0 = Zero
makeNat (S k) = Succ $ makeNat k
public export
enum : List TagVal -> Term q d n
enum : List TagVal -> Term d n
enum = Enum . SortedSet.fromList

View file

@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ prettyUniverse = hl Syntax . pretty
public export
data WithQty q a = MkWithQty q a
data WithQty a = MkWithQty Qty a
PrettyHL q => PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (WithQty q a) where
PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (WithQty a) where
prettyM (MkWithQty q x) = do
q <- pretty0M q
x <- withPrec Arg $ prettyM x
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (Binder a) where
prettyBindType : PrettyHL a => PrettyHL b => PrettyHL q =>
prettyBindType : PrettyHL a => PrettyHL b =>
Pretty.HasEnv m =>
Maybe q -> BaseName -> a -> Doc HL -> b -> m (Doc HL)
Maybe Qty -> BaseName -> a -> Doc HL -> b -> m (Doc HL)
prettyBindType q x s arr t = do
bind <- case q of
Nothing => pretty0M $ MkBinder x s
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ prettyArms =
traverse (\(xs, l, r) => prettyArm T xs l r)
prettyCase : PrettyHL a => PrettyHL b => PrettyHL c => IsQty q =>
Pretty.HasEnv m =>
q -> a -> BaseName -> b -> List (SnocList BaseName, Doc HL, c) ->
prettyCase : (PrettyHL a, PrettyHL b, PrettyHL c, Pretty.HasEnv m) =>
Qty -> a -> BaseName -> b ->
List (SnocList BaseName, Doc HL, c) ->
m (Doc HL)
prettyCase pi elim r ret arms = do
caseq <- (caseD <+>) <$> prettySuffix pi
@ -167,20 +167,20 @@ prettyBoxVal : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyBoxVal val = bracks <$> pretty0M val
toNatLit : Term q d n -> Maybe Nat
toNatLit : Term d n -> Maybe Nat
toNatLit Zero = Just 0
toNatLit (Succ n) = [|S $ toNatLit n|]
toNatLit _ = Nothing
eterm : Term q d n -> Exists (Term q d)
eterm : Term d n -> Exists (Term d)
eterm = Evidence n
parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
export covering
[TermSubst] IsQty q => PrettyHL q => PrettyHL (Term q d n) using ElimSubst
[TermSubst] PrettyHL (Term d n) using ElimSubst
prettyM (TYPE l) =
parensIfM App $ !typeD <+> hl Syntax !(prettyUnivSuffix l)
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
t <- withPrec Times $ prettyM t
parensIfM Times $ asep [s <++> !timesD, t]
prettyM (Sig s (S [< x] (Y t))) =
prettyBindType {q} Nothing x s !timesD t
prettyBindType Nothing x s !timesD t
prettyM (Pair s t) =
let GotPairs {init, last, _} = getPairs' [< s] t in
prettyTuple $ toList $ init :< last
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' th id s
export covering
[ElimSubst] IsQty q => PrettyHL q => PrettyHL (Elim q d n) using TermSubst
[ElimSubst] PrettyHL (Elim d n) using TermSubst
prettyM (F x) =
hl' Free <$> prettyM x
@ -297,23 +297,20 @@ parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' th id e
export covering
prettyTSubst : Pretty.HasEnv m => IsQty q => PrettyHL q =>
TSubst q d from to -> m (Doc HL)
prettyTSubst : Pretty.HasEnv m => TSubst d from to -> m (Doc HL)
prettyTSubst s =
prettySubstM (prettyM @{ElimSubst}) (!ask).tnames TVar "[" "]" s
export covering %inline
IsQty q => PrettyHL q => PrettyHL (Term q d n) where
prettyM = prettyM @{TermSubst False}
PrettyHL (Term d n) where prettyM = prettyM @{TermSubst False}
export covering %inline
IsQty q => PrettyHL q => PrettyHL (Elim q d n) where
prettyM = prettyM @{ElimSubst False}
PrettyHL (Elim d n) where prettyM = prettyM @{ElimSubst False}
export covering
prettyTerm : IsQty q => PrettyHL q => (unicode : Bool) ->
prettyTerm : (unicode : Bool) ->
(dnames : NContext d) -> (tnames : NContext n) ->
Term q d n -> Doc HL
Term d n -> Doc HL
prettyTerm unicode dnames tnames term =
pretty0With unicode (toSnocList' dnames) (toSnocList' tnames) term

View file

@ -63,26 +63,26 @@ NotDApp = No . isDApp
infixl 9 :@@
||| apply multiple arguments at once
public export %inline
(:@@) : Elim q d n -> List (Term q d n) -> Elim q d n
(:@@) : Elim d n -> List (Term d n) -> Elim d n
f :@@ ss = foldl (:@) f ss
public export
record GetArgs q d n where
record GetArgs d n where
constructor GotArgs
fun : Elim q d n
args : List (Term q d n)
fun : Elim d n
args : List (Term d n)
0 notApp : NotApp fun
export %inline
getArgs' : Elim q d n -> List (Term q d n) -> GetArgs q d n
getArgs' : Elim d n -> List (Term d n) -> GetArgs d n
getArgs' fun0 args =
let Element fun nc = pushSubsts fun0 in
getArgsNc (assert_smaller fun0 fun) args
getArgsNc : (e : Elim q d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo e) =>
List (Term q d n) -> GetArgs q d n
getArgsNc : (e : Elim d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo e) =>
List (Term d n) -> GetArgs d n
getArgsNc fun args = case nchoose $ isApp fun of
Left y => let f :@ a = fun in getArgs' f (a :: args)
Right n => GotArgs {fun, args, notApp = n}
@ -91,33 +91,33 @@ mutual
||| application then the list is just empty.
||| looks through substitutions for applications.
export %inline
getArgs : Elim q d n -> GetArgs q d n
getArgs : Elim d n -> GetArgs d n
getArgs e = getArgs' e []
infixl 9 :%%
||| apply multiple dimension arguments at once
public export %inline
(:%%) : Elim q d n -> List (Dim d) -> Elim q d n
(:%%) : Elim d n -> List (Dim d) -> Elim d n
f :%% ss = foldl (:%) f ss
public export
record GetDArgs q d n where
record GetDArgs d n where
constructor GotDArgs
fun : Elim q d n
fun : Elim d n
args : List (Dim d)
0 notDApp : NotDApp fun
export %inline
getDArgs' : Elim q d n -> List (Dim d) -> GetDArgs q d n
getDArgs' : Elim d n -> List (Dim d) -> GetDArgs d n
getDArgs' fun0 args =
let Element fun nc = pushSubsts fun0 in
getDArgsNc (assert_smaller fun0 fun) args
getDArgsNc : (e : Elim q d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo e) =>
List (Dim d) -> GetDArgs q d n
getDArgsNc : (e : Elim d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo e) =>
List (Dim d) -> GetDArgs d n
getDArgsNc fun args = case nchoose $ isDApp fun of
Left y => let f :% d = fun in getDArgs' f (d :: args)
Right n => GotDArgs {fun, args, notDApp = n}
@ -125,46 +125,46 @@ mutual
||| splits a dimension application into its head and arguments. if it's not an
||| d application then the list is just empty
export %inline
getDArgs : Elim q d n -> GetDArgs q d n
getDArgs : Elim d n -> GetDArgs d n
getDArgs e = getDArgs' e []
infixr 1 :\\
public export
absN : NContext m -> Term q d (m + n) -> Term q d n
absN : NContext m -> Term d (m + n) -> Term d n
absN [<] s = s
absN (xs :< x) s = absN xs $ Lam $ SY [< x] s
public export %inline
(:\\) : NContext m -> Term q d (m + n) -> Term q d n
(:\\) : NContext m -> Term d (m + n) -> Term d n
(:\\) = absN
infixr 1 :\\%
public export
dabsN : NContext m -> Term q (m + d) n -> Term q d n
dabsN : NContext m -> Term (m + d) n -> Term d n
dabsN [<] s = s
dabsN (xs :< x) s = dabsN xs $ DLam $ SY [< x] s
public export %inline
(:\\%) : NContext m -> Term q (m + d) n -> Term q d n
(:\\%) : NContext m -> Term (m + d) n -> Term d n
(:\\%) = dabsN
public export
record GetLams q d n where
record GetLams d n where
constructor GotLams
{0 lams, rest : Nat}
names : NContext lams
body : Term q d rest
body : Term d rest
0 eq : lams + n = rest
0 notLam : NotLam body
export %inline
getLams' : forall lams, rest.
NContext lams -> Term q d rest -> (0 eq : lams + n = rest) ->
GetLams q d n
NContext lams -> Term d rest -> (0 eq : lams + n = rest) ->
GetLams d n
getLams' xs s0 eq =
let Element s nc = pushSubsts s0 in
getLamsNc xs (assert_smaller s0 s) eq
@ -172,33 +172,33 @@ mutual
getLamsNc : forall lams, rest.
NContext lams ->
(t : Term q d rest) -> (0 nc : NotClo t) =>
(t : Term d rest) -> (0 nc : NotClo t) =>
(0 eq : lams + n = rest) ->
GetLams q d n
GetLams d n
getLamsNc xs s Refl = case nchoose $ isLam s of
Left y => let Lam (S [< x] body) = s in
getLams' (xs :< x) (assert_smaller s body.term) Refl
Right n => GotLams xs s Refl n
export %inline
getLams : Term q d n -> GetLams q d n
getLams : Term d n -> GetLams d n
getLams s = getLams' [<] s Refl
public export
record GetDLams q d n where
record GetDLams d n where
constructor GotDLams
{0 lams, rest : Nat}
names : NContext lams
body : Term q rest n
body : Term rest n
0 eq : lams + d = rest
0 notDLam : NotDLam body
export %inline
getDLams' : forall lams, rest.
NContext lams -> Term q rest n -> (0 eq : lams + d = rest) ->
GetDLams q d n
NContext lams -> Term rest n -> (0 eq : lams + d = rest) ->
GetDLams d n
getDLams' xs s0 eq =
let Element s nc = pushSubsts s0 in
getDLamsNc xs (assert_smaller s0 s) eq
@ -206,41 +206,41 @@ mutual
getDLamsNc : forall lams, rest.
NContext lams ->
(t : Term q rest n) -> (0 nc : NotClo t) =>
(t : Term rest n) -> (0 nc : NotClo t) =>
(0 eq : lams + d = rest) ->
GetDLams q d n
GetDLams d n
getDLamsNc is s Refl = case nchoose $ isDLam s of
Left y => let DLam (S [< i] body) = s in
getDLams' (is :< i) (assert_smaller s body.term) Refl
Right n => GotDLams is s Refl n
export %inline
getDLams : Term q d n -> GetDLams q d n
getDLams : Term d n -> GetDLams d n
getDLams s = getDLams' [<] s Refl
public export
record GetPairs q d n where
record GetPairs d n where
constructor GotPairs
init : SnocList $ Term q d n
last : Term q d n
init : SnocList $ Term d n
last : Term d n
notPair : NotPair last
export %inline
getPairs' : SnocList (Term q d n) -> Term q d n -> GetPairs q d n
getPairs' : SnocList (Term d n) -> Term d n -> GetPairs d n
getPairs' ss t0 =
let Element t nc = pushSubsts t0 in getPairsNc ss (assert_smaller t0 t)
getPairsNc : SnocList (Term q d n) ->
(t : Term q d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo t) =>
GetPairs q d n
getPairsNc : SnocList (Term d n) ->
(t : Term d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo t) =>
GetPairs d n
getPairsNc ss t = case nchoose $ isPair t of
Left y => let Pair s t = t in
getPairs' (ss :< s) t
Right n => GotPairs ss t n
getPairs : Term q d n -> GetPairs q d n
getPairs : Term d n -> GetPairs d n
getPairs = getPairs' [<]

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Data.SnocVect
namespace CanDSubst
public export
interface CanDSubst (0 tm : Nat -> Nat -> Type) where
interface CanDSubst (0 tm : TermLike) where
(//) : tm dfrom n -> Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto) -> tm dto n
||| does the minimal reasonable work:
@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ namespace CanDSubst
||| - composes (lazily) with an existing top-level dim-closure
||| - otherwise, wraps in a new closure
CanDSubst (Term q) where
CanDSubst Term where
s // Shift SZ = s
TYPE l // _ = TYPE l
DCloT s ph // th = DCloT s $ ph . th
s // th = DCloT s th
subDArgs : Elim q dfrom n -> DSubst dfrom dto -> Elim q dto n
subDArgs : Elim dfrom n -> DSubst dfrom dto -> Elim dto n
subDArgs (f :% d) th = subDArgs f th :% (d // th)
subDArgs e th = DCloE e th
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ subDArgs e th = DCloE e th
||| top-level sequence of dimension applications
||| - otherwise, wraps in a new closure
CanDSubst (Elim q) where
CanDSubst Elim where
e // Shift SZ = e
F x // _ = F x
B i // _ = B i
@ -46,22 +46,22 @@ CanDSubst (Elim q) where
namespace DSubst.ScopeTermN
export %inline
(//) : ScopeTermN s q dfrom n -> Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto) ->
ScopeTermN s q dto n
(//) : ScopeTermN s dfrom n -> Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto) ->
ScopeTermN s dto n
S ns (Y body) // th = S ns $ Y $ body // th
S ns (N body) // th = S ns $ N $ body // th
namespace DSubst.DScopeTermN
export %inline
(//) : {s : Nat} ->
DScopeTermN s q dfrom n -> Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto) ->
DScopeTermN s q dto n
DScopeTermN s dfrom n -> Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto) ->
DScopeTermN s dto n
S ns (Y body) // th = S ns $ Y $ body // pushN s th
S ns (N body) // th = S ns $ N $ body // th
export %inline FromVar (Elim q d) where fromVar = B
export %inline FromVar (Term q d) where fromVar = E . fromVar
export %inline FromVar (Elim d) where fromVar = B
export %inline FromVar (Term d) where fromVar = E . fromVar
||| does the minimal reasonable work:
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export %inline FromVar (Term q d) where fromVar = E . fromVar
||| - immediately looks up a bound variable
||| - otherwise, wraps in a new closure
CanSubstSelf (Elim q d) where
CanSubstSelf (Elim d) where
F x // _ = F x
B i // th = th !! i
CloE e ph // th = assert_total CloE e $ ph . th
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ CanSubstSelf (Elim q d) where
namespace CanTSubst
public export
interface CanTSubst (0 tm : TermLike) where
(//) : tm q d from -> Lazy (TSubst q d from to) -> tm q d to
(//) : tm d from -> Lazy (TSubst d from to) -> tm d to
||| does the minimal reasonable work:
||| - deletes the closure around an atomic constant like `TYPE`
@ -102,135 +102,135 @@ CanTSubst Term where
namespace ScopeTermN
export %inline
(//) : {s : Nat} ->
ScopeTermN s q d from -> Lazy (TSubst q d from to) ->
ScopeTermN s q d to
ScopeTermN s d from -> Lazy (TSubst d from to) ->
ScopeTermN s d to
S ns (Y body) // th = S ns $ Y $ body // pushN s th
S ns (N body) // th = S ns $ N $ body // th
namespace DScopeTermN
export %inline
(//) : {s : Nat} ->
DScopeTermN s q d from -> Lazy (TSubst q d from to) ->
DScopeTermN s q d to
DScopeTermN s d from -> Lazy (TSubst d from to) ->
DScopeTermN s d to
S ns (Y body) // th = S ns $ Y $ body // map (// shift s) th
S ns (N body) // th = S ns $ N $ body // th
export %inline CanShift (Term q d) where s // by = s // Shift by
export %inline CanShift (Elim q d) where e // by = e // Shift by
export %inline CanShift (Term d) where s // by = s // Shift by
export %inline CanShift (Elim d) where e // by = e // Shift by
export %inline
{s : Nat} -> CanShift (ScopeTermN s q d) where
{s : Nat} -> CanShift (ScopeTermN s d) where
b // by = b // Shift by
export %inline
comp : DSubst dfrom dto -> TSubst q dfrom from mid -> TSubst q dto mid to ->
TSubst q dto from to
comp : DSubst dfrom dto -> TSubst dfrom from mid -> TSubst dto mid to ->
TSubst dto from to
comp th ps ph = map (// th) ps . ph
public export %inline
dweakT : {by : Nat} -> Term q d n -> Term q (by + d) n
dweakT : {by : Nat} -> Term d n -> Term (by + d) n
dweakT t = t // shift by
public export %inline
dweakE : {by : Nat} -> Elim q d n -> Elim q (by + d) n
dweakE : {by : Nat} -> Elim d n -> Elim (by + d) n
dweakE t = t // shift by
public export %inline
weakT : {default 1 by : Nat} -> Term q d n -> Term q d (by + n)
weakT : {default 1 by : Nat} -> Term d n -> Term d (by + n)
weakT t = t // shift by
public export %inline
weakE : {default 1 by : Nat} -> Elim q d n -> Elim q d (by + n)
weakE : {default 1 by : Nat} -> Elim d n -> Elim d (by + n)
weakE t = t // shift by
parameters {s : Nat}
namespace ScopeTermBody
export %inline
(.term) : ScopedBody s (Term q d) n -> Term q d (s + n)
(.term) : ScopedBody s (Term d) n -> Term d (s + n)
(Y b).term = b
(N b).term = weakT b {by = s}
namespace ScopeTermN
export %inline
(.term) : ScopeTermN s q d n -> Term q d (s + n)
(.term) : ScopeTermN s d n -> Term d (s + n)
t.term = t.body.term
namespace DScopeTermBody
export %inline
(.term) : ScopedBody s (\d => Term q d n) d -> Term q (s + d) n
(.term) : ScopedBody s (\d => Term d n) d -> Term (s + d) n
(Y b).term = b
(N b).term = dweakT b {by = s}
namespace DScopeTermN
export %inline
(.term) : DScopeTermN s q d n -> Term q (s + d) n
(.term) : DScopeTermN s d n -> Term (s + d) n
t.term = t.body.term
export %inline
subN : ScopeTermN s q d n -> SnocVect s (Elim q d n) -> Term q d n
subN : ScopeTermN s d n -> SnocVect s (Elim d n) -> Term d n
subN (S _ (Y body)) es = body // fromSnocVect es
subN (S _ (N body)) _ = body
export %inline
sub1 : ScopeTerm q d n -> Elim q d n -> Term q d n
sub1 : ScopeTerm d n -> Elim d n -> Term d n
sub1 t e = subN t [< e]
export %inline
dsubN : DScopeTermN s q d n -> SnocVect s (Dim d) -> Term q d n
dsubN : DScopeTermN s d n -> SnocVect s (Dim d) -> Term d n
dsubN (S _ (Y body)) ps = body // fromSnocVect ps
dsubN (S _ (N body)) _ = body
export %inline
dsub1 : DScopeTerm q d n -> Dim d -> Term q d n
dsub1 : DScopeTerm d n -> Dim d -> Term d n
dsub1 t p = dsubN t [< p]
public export %inline
(.zero) : DScopeTerm q d n -> Term q d n
(.zero) : DScopeTerm d n -> Term d n = dsub1 body $ K Zero
public export %inline
(.one) : DScopeTerm q d n -> Term q d n
(.one) : DScopeTerm d n -> Term d n = dsub1 body $ K One
public export
0 CloTest : TermLike -> Type
CloTest tm = forall q, d, n. tm q d n -> Bool
CloTest tm = forall d, n. tm d n -> Bool
interface PushSubsts (0 tm : TermLike) (0 isClo : CloTest tm) | tm where
pushSubstsWith : DSubst dfrom dto -> TSubst q dto from to ->
tm q dfrom from -> Subset (tm q dto to) (No . isClo)
pushSubstsWith : DSubst dfrom dto -> TSubst dto from to ->
tm dfrom from -> Subset (tm dto to) (No . isClo)
public export
0 NotClo : {isClo : CloTest tm} -> PushSubsts tm isClo => Pred (tm q d n)
0 NotClo : {isClo : CloTest tm} -> PushSubsts tm isClo => Pred (tm d n)
NotClo = No . isClo
public export
0 NonClo : (tm : TermLike) -> {isClo : CloTest tm} ->
PushSubsts tm isClo => TermLike
NonClo tm q d n = Subset (tm q d n) NotClo
NonClo tm d n = Subset (tm d n) NotClo
public export %inline
nclo : {isClo : CloTest tm} -> (0 _ : PushSubsts tm isClo) =>
(t : tm q d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo t) => NonClo tm q d n
(t : tm d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo t) => NonClo tm d n
nclo t = Element t nc
parameters {0 isClo : CloTest tm} {auto _ : PushSubsts tm isClo}
||| if the input term has any top-level closures, push them under one layer of
||| syntax
export %inline
pushSubsts : tm q d n -> NonClo tm q d n
pushSubsts : tm d n -> NonClo tm d n
pushSubsts s = pushSubstsWith id id s
export %inline
pushSubstsWith' : DSubst dfrom dto -> TSubst q dto from to ->
tm q dfrom from -> tm q dto to
pushSubstsWith' : DSubst dfrom dto -> TSubst dto from to ->
tm dfrom from -> tm dto to
pushSubstsWith' th ph x = fst $ pushSubstsWith th ph x

View file

@ -12,44 +12,41 @@ import Quox.EffExtra
public export
0 TCEff : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => List (Type -> Type)
TCEff q = [ErrorEff q, DefsReader q]
0 TCEff : List (Type -> Type)
TCEff = [ErrorEff, DefsReader]
public export
0 TC : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => Type -> Type
TC q = Eff $ TCEff q
0 TC : Type -> Type
TC = Eff TCEff
runTC : (0 _ : IsQty q) => Definitions q -> TC q a -> Either (Error q) a
runTC : Definitions -> TC a -> Either Error a
runTC defs = extract . runExcept . runReader defs
popQs : IsQty q => Has (ErrorEff q) fs =>
QOutput q s -> QOutput q (s + n) -> Eff fs (QOutput q n)
popQs : Has ErrorEff fs => QOutput s -> QOutput (s + n) -> Eff fs (QOutput n)
popQs [<] qout = pure qout
popQs (pis :< pi) (qout :< rh) = do expectCompatQ rh pi; popQs pis qout
export %inline
popQ : IsQty q => Has (ErrorEff q) fs =>
q -> QOutput q (S n) -> Eff fs (QOutput q n)
popQ : Has ErrorEff fs => Qty -> QOutput (S n) -> Eff fs (QOutput n)
popQ pi = popQs [< pi]
lubs1 : IsQty q => List1 (QOutput q n) -> Maybe (QOutput q n)
lubs1 : List1 (QOutput n) -> Maybe (QOutput n)
lubs1 ([<] ::: _) = Just [<]
lubs1 ((qs :< p) ::: pqs) =
let (qss, ps) = unzip $ map unsnoc pqs in
[|lubs1 (qs ::: qss) :< foldlM lub p ps|]
lubs : IsQty q => TyContext q d n -> List (QOutput q n) -> Maybe (QOutput q n)
lubs : TyContext d n -> List (QOutput n) -> Maybe (QOutput n)
lubs ctx [] = Just $ zeroFor ctx
lubs ctx (x :: xs) = lubs1 $ x ::: xs
parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
||| "Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · s ⇐ A ⊳ Σ"
||| `check ctx sg subj ty` checks that in the context `ctx`, the term
@ -59,22 +56,22 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
||| if the dimension context is inconsistent, then return `Nothing`, without
||| doing any further work.
export covering %inline
check : (ctx : TyContext q d n) -> SQty q -> Term q d n -> Term q d n ->
TC q (CheckResult ctx.dctx q n)
check : (ctx : TyContext d n) -> SQty -> Term d n -> Term d n ->
TC (CheckResult ctx.dctx n)
check ctx sg subj ty = ifConsistent ctx.dctx $ checkC ctx sg subj ty
||| "Ψ | Γ ⊢₀ s ⇐ A"
||| `check0 ctx subj ty` checks a term (as `check`) in a zero context.
export covering %inline
check0 : TyContext q d n -> Term q d n -> Term q d n -> TC q ()
check0 : TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Term d n -> TC ()
check0 ctx tm ty = ignore $ check ctx szero tm ty
-- the output will always be 𝟎 because the subject quantity is 0
||| `check`, assuming the dimension context is consistent
export covering %inline
checkC : (ctx : TyContext q d n) -> SQty q -> Term q d n -> Term q d n ->
TC q (CheckResult' q n)
checkC : (ctx : TyContext d n) -> SQty -> Term d n -> Term d n ->
TC (CheckResult' n)
checkC ctx sg subj ty =
wrapErr (WhileChecking ctx sg.fst subj ty) $
let Element subj nc = pushSubsts subj in
@ -85,16 +82,16 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
||| `checkType ctx subj ty` checks a type (in a zero context). sometimes the
||| universe doesn't matter, only that a term is _a_ type, so it is optional.
export covering %inline
checkType : TyContext q d n -> Term q d n -> Maybe Universe -> TC q ()
checkType : TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Maybe Universe -> TC ()
checkType ctx subj l = ignore $ ifConsistent ctx.dctx $ checkTypeC ctx subj l
export covering %inline
checkTypeC : TyContext q d n -> Term q d n -> Maybe Universe -> TC q ()
checkTypeC : TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Maybe Universe -> TC ()
checkTypeC ctx subj l =
wrapErr (WhileCheckingTy ctx subj l) $ checkTypeNoWrap ctx subj l
export covering %inline
checkTypeNoWrap : TyContext q d n -> Term q d n -> Maybe Universe -> TC q ()
checkTypeNoWrap : TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Maybe Universe -> TC ()
checkTypeNoWrap ctx subj l =
let Element subj nc = pushSubsts subj in
checkType' ctx subj l
@ -107,14 +104,14 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
||| if the dimension context is inconsistent, then return `Nothing`, without
||| doing any further work.
export covering %inline
infer : (ctx : TyContext q d n) -> SQty q -> Elim q d n ->
TC q (InferResult ctx.dctx q d n)
infer : (ctx : TyContext d n) -> SQty -> Elim d n ->
TC (InferResult ctx.dctx d n)
infer ctx sg subj = ifConsistent ctx.dctx $ inferC ctx sg subj
||| `infer`, assuming the dimension context is consistent
export covering %inline
inferC : (ctx : TyContext q d n) -> SQty q -> Elim q d n ->
TC q (InferResult' q d n)
inferC : (ctx : TyContext d n) -> SQty -> Elim d n ->
TC (InferResult' d n)
inferC ctx sg subj =
wrapErr (WhileInferring ctx sg.fst subj) $
let Element subj nc = pushSubsts subj in
@ -122,19 +119,19 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
private covering
toCheckType : TyContext q d n -> SQty q ->
(subj : Term q d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo subj) => Term q d n ->
TC q (CheckResult' q n)
toCheckType : TyContext d n -> SQty ->
(subj : Term d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo subj) => Term d n ->
TC (CheckResult' n)
toCheckType ctx sg t ty = do
u <- expectTYPE !ask ctx ty
expectEqualQ zero sg.fst
expectEqualQ Zero sg.fst
checkTypeNoWrap ctx t (Just u)
pure $ zeroFor ctx
private covering
check' : TyContext q d n -> SQty q ->
(subj : Term q d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo subj) => Term q d n ->
TC q (CheckResult' q n)
check' : TyContext d n -> SQty ->
(subj : Term d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo subj) => Term d n ->
TC (CheckResult' n)
check' ctx sg t@(TYPE _) ty = toCheckType ctx sg t ty
@ -211,9 +208,9 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
pure infres.qout
private covering
checkType' : TyContext q d n ->
(subj : Term q d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo subj) =>
Maybe Universe -> TC q ()
checkType' : TyContext d n ->
(subj : Term d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo subj) =>
Maybe Universe -> TC ()
checkType' ctx (TYPE k) u = do
-- if 𝓀 < then Ψ | Γ ⊢₀ Type 𝓀 ⇐ Type
@ -226,7 +223,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
checkTypeC ctx arg u
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : A ⊢₀ B ⇐ Type
case res.body of
Y res' => checkTypeC (extendTy zero arg ctx) res' u
Y res' => checkTypeC (extendTy Zero arg ctx) res' u
N res' => checkTypeC ctx res' u
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢₀ (π·x : A) → B ⇐ Type
@ -238,7 +235,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
checkTypeC ctx fst u
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : A ⊢₀ B ⇐ Type
case snd.body of
Y snd' => checkTypeC (extendTy zero fst ctx) snd' u
Y snd' => checkTypeC (extendTy Zero fst ctx) snd' u
N snd' => checkTypeC ctx snd' u
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢₀ (x : A) × B ⇐ Type
@ -283,19 +280,19 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
private covering
infer' : TyContext q d n -> SQty q ->
(subj : Elim q d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo subj) =>
TC q (InferResult' q d n)
infer' : TyContext d n -> SQty ->
(subj : Elim d n) -> (0 nc : NotClo subj) =>
TC (InferResult' d n)
infer' ctx sg (F x) = do
-- if π·x : A {≔ s} in global context
g <- lookupFree x
-- if σ ≤ π
expectCompatQ sg.fst g.qty
expectCompatQ sg.fst g.qty.fst
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · x ⇒ A ⊳ 𝟎
pure $ InfRes {type = injectT ctx g.type, qout = zeroFor ctx}
lookupFree : Name -> TC q (Definition q)
lookupFree : Name -> TC Definition
lookupFree x = lookupFree' !ask x
infer' ctx sg (B i) =
@ -303,12 +300,12 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · x ⇒ A ⊳ (𝟎, σ·x, 𝟎)
pure $ lookupBound sg.fst i ctx.tctx
lookupBound : q -> Var n -> TContext q d n -> InferResult' q d n
lookupBound : forall n. Qty -> Var n -> TContext d n -> InferResult' d n
lookupBound pi VZ (ctx :< ty) =
InfRes {type = weakT ty, qout = zeroFor ctx :< pi}
lookupBound pi (VS i) (ctx :< _) =
let InfRes {type, qout} = lookupBound pi i ctx in
InfRes {type = weakT type, qout = qout :< zero}
InfRes {type = weakT type, qout = qout :< Zero}
infer' ctx sg (fun :@ arg) = do
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · f ⇒ (π·x : A) → B ⊳ Σ₁
@ -329,7 +326,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · pair ⇒ (x : A) × B ⊳ Σ₁
pairres <- inferC ctx sg pair
-- if Ψ | Γ, p : (x : A) × B ⊢₀ ret ⇐ Type
checkTypeC (extendTy zero pairres.type ctx) ret.term Nothing
checkTypeC (extendTy Zero pairres.type ctx) ret.term Nothing
(tfst, tsnd) <- expectSig !ask ctx pairres.type
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : A, y : B ⊢ σ · body ⇐
-- ret[(x, y) ∷ (x : A) × B/p] ⊳ Σ₂, ρ₁·x, ρ₂·y
@ -350,9 +347,9 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
tres <- inferC ctx sg t
ttags <- expectEnum !ask ctx tres.type
-- if 1 ≤ π, OR there is only zero or one option
unless (length (SortedSet.toList ttags) <= 1) $ expectCompatQ one pi
unless (length (SortedSet.toList ttags) <= 1) $ expectCompatQ One pi
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : {ts} ⊢₀ A ⇐ Type
checkTypeC (extendTy zero tres.type ctx) ret.term Nothing
checkTypeC (extendTy Zero tres.type ctx) ret.term Nothing
-- if for each "a ⇒ s" in arms,
-- Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · s ⇐ A[a ∷ {ts}/x] ⊳ Σᵢ
-- with Σ₂ = lubs Σᵢ
@ -371,12 +368,12 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
infer' ctx sg (CaseNat pi pi' n ret zer suc) = do
-- if 1 ≤ π
expectCompatQ one pi
expectCompatQ One pi
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · n ⇒ ⊳ Σn
nres <- inferC ctx sg n
expectNat !ask ctx nres.type
-- if Ψ | Γ, n : ⊢₀ A ⇐ Type
checkTypeC (extendTy zero Nat ctx) ret.term Nothing
checkTypeC (extendTy Zero Nat ctx) ret.term Nothing
-- if Ψ | Γ ⊢ σ · zer ⇐ A[0 ∷ /n] ⊳ Σz
zerout <- checkC ctx sg zer (sub1 ret (Zero :# Nat))
-- if Ψ | Γ, n : , ih : A ⊢ σ · suc ⇐ A[succ p ∷ /n] ⊳ Σs, ρ₁.p, ρ₂.ih
@ -392,7 +389,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
-- then Ψ | Γ ⊢ case ⋯ ⇒ A[n] ⊳ πΣn + Σz + ωΣs
pure $ InfRes {
type = sub1 ret n,
qout = pi * nres.qout + zerout + any * sucout
qout = pi * nres.qout + zerout + Any * sucout
infer' ctx sg (CaseBox pi box ret body) = do
@ -400,7 +397,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
boxres <- inferC ctx sg box
(q, ty) <- expectBOX !ask ctx boxres.type
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : [ρ.A] ⊢₀ R ⇐ Type
checkTypeC (extendTy zero boxres.type ctx) ret.term Nothing
checkTypeC (extendTy Zero boxres.type ctx) ret.term Nothing
-- if Ψ | Γ, x : A ⊢ t ⇐ R[[x] ∷ [ρ.A/x]] ⊳ Σ₂, ς·x
-- with ς ≤ ρπσ
let qpisg = q * pi * sg.fst

View file

@ -14,27 +14,26 @@ import Control.Eff
public export
CheckResult' : Type -> Nat -> Type
CheckResult' : Nat -> Type
CheckResult' = QOutput
public export
CheckResult : DimEq d -> Type -> Nat -> Type
CheckResult eqs q n = IfConsistent eqs $ CheckResult' q n
CheckResult : DimEq d -> Nat -> Type
CheckResult eqs n = IfConsistent eqs $ CheckResult' n
public export
record InferResult' q d n where
record InferResult' d n where
constructor InfRes
type : Term q d n
qout : QOutput q n
type : Term d n
qout : QOutput n
public export
InferResult : DimEq d -> TermLike
InferResult eqs q d n = IfConsistent eqs $ InferResult' q d n
InferResult eqs d n = IfConsistent eqs $ InferResult' d n
lookupFree' : Has (ErrorEff q) fs =>
Definitions' q g -> Name -> Eff fs (Definition' q g)
lookupFree' : Has ErrorEff fs => Definitions -> Name -> Eff fs Definition
lookupFree' defs x =
case lookup x defs of
Just d => pure d
@ -42,68 +41,68 @@ lookupFree' defs x =
public export
substCasePairRet : Term q d n -> ScopeTerm q d n -> Term q d (2 + n)
substCasePairRet : Term d n -> ScopeTerm d n -> Term d (2 + n)
substCasePairRet dty retty =
let arg = Pair (BVT 1) (BVT 0) :# (dty // fromNat 2) in
retty.term // (arg ::: shift 2)
public export
substCaseSuccRet : ScopeTerm q d n -> Term q d (2 + n)
substCaseSuccRet : ScopeTerm d n -> Term d (2 + n)
substCaseSuccRet retty = retty.term // (Succ (BVT 1) :# Nat ::: shift 2)
public export
substCaseBoxRet : Term q d n -> ScopeTerm q d n -> Term q d (S n)
substCaseBoxRet : Term d n -> ScopeTerm d n -> Term d (S n)
substCaseBoxRet dty retty =
retty.term // (Box (BVT 0) :# weakT dty ::: shift 1)
parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : Has (ErrorEff q) fs}
parameters (defs : Definitions) {auto _ : Has ErrorEff fs}
export covering %inline
whnfT : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> Whnf tm isRedex WhnfError =>
{d, n : Nat} -> tm q d n -> Eff fs (NonRedex tm q d n defs)
{d, n : Nat} -> tm d n -> Eff fs (NonRedex tm d n defs)
whnfT = either (throw . WhnfError) pure . whnf defs
parameters {d2, n : Nat} (ctx : Lazy (TyContext q d1 n))
parameters {d2, n : Nat} (ctx : Lazy (TyContext d1 n))
(th : Lazy (DSubst d2 d1))
export covering %inline
expectTYPE_ : Term q d2 n -> Eff fs Universe
expectTYPE_ : Term d2 n -> Eff fs Universe
expectTYPE_ s = case fst !(whnfT s) of
TYPE l => pure l
_ => throw $ ExpectedTYPE ctx (s // th)
export covering %inline
expectPi_ : Term q d2 n -> Eff fs (q, Term q d2 n, ScopeTerm q d2 n)
expectPi_ : Term d2 n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term d2 n, ScopeTerm d2 n)
expectPi_ s = case fst !(whnfT s) of
Pi {qty, arg, res, _} => pure (qty, arg, res)
_ => throw $ ExpectedPi ctx (s // th)
export covering %inline
expectSig_ : Term q d2 n -> Eff fs (Term q d2 n, ScopeTerm q d2 n)
expectSig_ : Term d2 n -> Eff fs (Term d2 n, ScopeTerm d2 n)
expectSig_ s = case fst !(whnfT s) of
Sig {fst, snd, _} => pure (fst, snd)
_ => throw $ ExpectedSig ctx (s // th)
export covering %inline
expectEnum_ : Term q d2 n -> Eff fs (SortedSet TagVal)
expectEnum_ : Term d2 n -> Eff fs (SortedSet TagVal)
expectEnum_ s = case fst !(whnfT s) of
Enum tags => pure tags
_ => throw $ ExpectedEnum ctx (s // th)
export covering %inline
expectEq_ : Term q d2 n ->
Eff fs (DScopeTerm q d2 n, Term q d2 n, Term q d2 n)
expectEq_ : Term d2 n ->
Eff fs (DScopeTerm d2 n, Term d2 n, Term d2 n)
expectEq_ s = case fst !(whnfT s) of
Eq {ty, l, r, _} => pure (ty, l, r)
_ => throw $ ExpectedEq ctx (s // th)
export covering %inline
expectNat_ : Term q d2 n -> Eff fs ()
expectNat_ : Term d2 n -> Eff fs ()
expectNat_ s = case fst !(whnfT s) of
Nat => pure ()
_ => throw $ ExpectedNat ctx (s // th)
export covering %inline
expectBOX_ : Term q d2 n -> Eff fs (q, Term q d2 n)
expectBOX_ : Term d2 n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term d2 n)
expectBOX_ s = case fst !(whnfT s) of
BOX q a => pure (q, a)
_ => throw $ ExpectedBOX ctx (s // th)
@ -111,89 +110,89 @@ parameters (defs : Definitions' q _) {auto _ : Has (ErrorEff q) fs}
-- [fixme] refactor this stuff
parameters (ctx : TyContext q d n)
parameters (ctx : TyContext d n)
export covering %inline
expectTYPE : Term q d n -> Eff fs Universe
expectTYPE : Term d n -> Eff fs Universe
expectTYPE =
let Val d = ctx.dimLen; Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectTYPE_ ctx id
export covering %inline
expectPi : Term q d n -> Eff fs (q, Term q d n, ScopeTerm q d n)
expectPi : Term d n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term d n, ScopeTerm d n)
expectPi =
let Val d = ctx.dimLen; Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectPi_ ctx id
export covering %inline
expectSig : Term q d n -> Eff fs (Term q d n, ScopeTerm q d n)
expectSig : Term d n -> Eff fs (Term d n, ScopeTerm d n)
expectSig =
let Val d = ctx.dimLen; Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectSig_ ctx id
export covering %inline
expectEnum : Term q d n -> Eff fs (SortedSet TagVal)
expectEnum : Term d n -> Eff fs (SortedSet TagVal)
expectEnum =
let Val d = ctx.dimLen; Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectEnum_ ctx id
export covering %inline
expectEq : Term q d n -> Eff fs (DScopeTerm q d n, Term q d n, Term q d n)
expectEq : Term d n -> Eff fs (DScopeTerm d n, Term d n, Term d n)
expectEq =
let Val d = ctx.dimLen; Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectEq_ ctx id
export covering %inline
expectNat : Term q d n -> Eff fs ()
expectNat : Term d n -> Eff fs ()
expectNat =
let Val d = ctx.dimLen; Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectNat_ ctx id
export covering %inline
expectBOX : Term q d n -> Eff fs (q, Term q d n)
expectBOX : Term d n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term d n)
expectBOX =
let Val d = ctx.dimLen; Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectBOX_ ctx id
parameters (ctx : EqContext q n)
parameters (ctx : EqContext n)
export covering %inline
expectTYPEE : Term q 0 n -> Eff fs Universe
expectTYPEE : Term 0 n -> Eff fs Universe
expectTYPEE t =
let Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectTYPE_ (toTyContext ctx) (shift0 ctx.dimLen) t
export covering %inline
expectPiE : Term q 0 n -> Eff fs (q, Term q 0 n, ScopeTerm q 0 n)
expectPiE : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term 0 n, ScopeTerm 0 n)
expectPiE t =
let Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectPi_ (toTyContext ctx) (shift0 ctx.dimLen) t
export covering %inline
expectSigE : Term q 0 n -> Eff fs (Term q 0 n, ScopeTerm q 0 n)
expectSigE : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (Term 0 n, ScopeTerm 0 n)
expectSigE t =
let Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectSig_ (toTyContext ctx) (shift0 ctx.dimLen) t
export covering %inline
expectEnumE : Term q 0 n -> Eff fs (SortedSet TagVal)
expectEnumE : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (SortedSet TagVal)
expectEnumE t =
let Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectEnum_ (toTyContext ctx) (shift0 ctx.dimLen) t
export covering %inline
expectEqE : Term q 0 n -> Eff fs (DScopeTerm q 0 n, Term q 0 n, Term q 0 n)
expectEqE : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (DScopeTerm 0 n, Term 0 n, Term 0 n)
expectEqE t =
let Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectEq_ (toTyContext ctx) (shift0 ctx.dimLen) t
export covering %inline
expectNatE : Term q 0 n -> Eff fs ()
expectNatE : Term 0 n -> Eff fs ()
expectNatE t =
let Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectNat_ (toTyContext ctx) (shift0 ctx.dimLen) t
export covering %inline
expectBOXE : Term q 0 n -> Eff fs (q, Term q 0 n)
expectBOXE : Term 0 n -> Eff fs (Qty, Term 0 n)
expectBOXE t =
let Val n = ctx.termLen in
expectBOX_ (toTyContext ctx) (shift0 ctx.dimLen) t

View file

@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ import public Data.Singleton
public export
QContext : Type -> Nat -> Type
QContext = Context'
QContext : Nat -> Type
QContext = Context' Qty
public export
TContext : Type -> Nat -> Nat -> Type
TContext q d = Context (Term q d)
TContext : TermLike
TContext d = Context (Term d)
public export
QOutput : Type -> Nat -> Type
QOutput = Context'
QOutput : Nat -> Type
QOutput = Context' Qty
public export
DimAssign : Nat -> Type
@ -26,39 +26,39 @@ DimAssign = Context' DimConst
public export
record TyContext q d n where
record TyContext d n where
constructor MkTyContext
{auto dimLen : Singleton d}
{auto termLen : Singleton n}
dctx : DimEq d
dnames : NContext d
tctx : TContext q d n
tctx : TContext d n
tnames : NContext n
qtys : QContext q n -- only used for printing
qtys : QContext n -- only used for printing
%name TyContext ctx
public export
record EqContext q n where
record EqContext n where
constructor MkEqContext
{dimLen : Nat}
{auto termLen : Singleton n}
dassign : DimAssign dimLen -- only used for printing
dnames : NContext dimLen -- only used for printing
tctx : TContext q 0 n
tctx : TContext 0 n
tnames : NContext n
qtys : QContext q n -- only used for printing
qtys : QContext n -- only used for printing
%name EqContext ctx
namespace TContext
export %inline
pushD : TContext q d n -> TContext q (S d) n
pushD : TContext d n -> TContext (S d) n
pushD tel = map (// shift 1) tel
export %inline
zeroFor : IsQty q => Context tm n -> QOutput q n
zeroFor ctx = zero <$ ctx
zeroFor : Context tm n -> QOutput n
zeroFor ctx = Zero <$ ctx
extendLen : Telescope a from to -> Singleton from -> Singleton to
@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ extendLen (tel :< _) x = [|S $ extendLen tel x|]
namespace TyContext
public export %inline
empty : TyContext q 0 0
empty : TyContext 0 0
empty =
MkTyContext {dctx = new, dnames = [<], tctx = [<], tnames = [<], qtys = [<]}
public export %inline
null : TyContext q d n -> Bool
null : TyContext d n -> Bool
null ctx = null ctx.dnames && null ctx.tnames
export %inline
extendTyN : Telescope (\n => (q, BaseName, Term q d n)) from to ->
TyContext q d from -> TyContext q d to
extendTyN : Telescope (\n => (Qty, BaseName, Term d n)) from to ->
TyContext d from -> TyContext d to
extendTyN xss (MkTyContext {termLen, dctx, dnames, tctx, tnames, qtys}) =
let (qs, xs, ss) = unzip3 xss in
MkTyContext {
@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ namespace TyContext
export %inline
extendTy : q -> BaseName -> Term q d n -> TyContext q d n ->
TyContext q d (S n)
extendTy : Qty -> BaseName -> Term d n -> TyContext d n ->
TyContext d (S n)
extendTy q x s = extendTyN [< (q, x, s)]
export %inline
extendDim : BaseName -> TyContext q d n -> TyContext q (S d) n
extendDim : BaseName -> TyContext d n -> TyContext (S d) n
extendDim x (MkTyContext {dimLen, dctx, dnames, tctx, tnames, qtys}) =
MkTyContext {
dctx = dctx :<? Nothing,
@ -105,33 +105,32 @@ namespace TyContext
export %inline
eqDim : Dim d -> Dim d -> TyContext q d n -> TyContext q d n
eqDim : Dim d -> Dim d -> TyContext d n -> TyContext d n
eqDim p q = {dctx $= set p q, dimLen $= id, termLen $= id}
injectT : TyContext q d n -> Term q 0 0 -> Term q d n
injectT : TyContext d n -> Term 0 0 -> Term d n
injectT (MkTyContext {dimLen = Val d, termLen = Val n, _}) tm =
tm // shift0 d // shift0 n
injectE : TyContext q d n -> Elim q 0 0 -> Elim q d n
injectE : TyContext d n -> Elim 0 0 -> Elim d n
injectE (MkTyContext {dimLen = Val d, termLen = Val n, _}) el =
el // shift0 d // shift0 n
namespace QOutput
parameters {auto _ : IsQty q}
export %inline
(+) : QOutput q n -> QOutput q n -> QOutput q n
(+) = zipWith (+)
export %inline
(+) : QOutput n -> QOutput n -> QOutput n
(+) = zipWith (+)
export %inline
(*) : q -> QOutput q n -> QOutput q n
(*) pi = map (pi *)
export %inline
(*) : Qty -> QOutput n -> QOutput n
(*) pi = map (pi *)
export %inline
zeroFor : TyContext q _ n -> QOutput q n
zeroFor ctx = zeroFor ctx.tctx
export %inline
zeroFor : TyContext _ n -> QOutput n
zeroFor ctx = zeroFor ctx.tctx
@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ makeDAssign (Shift SZ) = [<]
makeDAssign (K e ::: th) = makeDAssign th :< e
makeEqContext' : {d : Nat} -> TyContext q d n -> DSubst d 0 -> EqContext q n
makeEqContext' : {d : Nat} -> TyContext d n -> DSubst d 0 -> EqContext n
makeEqContext' ctx th = MkEqContext {
termLen = ctx.termLen,
dassign = makeDAssign th,
@ -151,24 +150,24 @@ makeEqContext' ctx th = MkEqContext {
makeEqContext : TyContext q d n -> DSubst d 0 -> EqContext q n
makeEqContext : TyContext d n -> DSubst d 0 -> EqContext n
makeEqContext ctx@(MkTyContext {dnames, _}) th =
let (d' ** Refl) = lengthPrf0 dnames in makeEqContext' ctx th
namespace EqContext
public export %inline
empty : EqContext q 0
empty : EqContext 0
empty = MkEqContext {
dassign = [<], dnames = [<], tctx = [<], tnames = [<], qtys = [<]
public export %inline
null : EqContext q n -> Bool
null : EqContext n -> Bool
null ctx = null ctx.dnames && null ctx.tnames
export %inline
extendTyN : Telescope (\n => (q, BaseName, Term q 0 n)) from to ->
EqContext q from -> EqContext q to
extendTyN : Telescope (\n => (Qty, BaseName, Term 0 n)) from to ->
EqContext from -> EqContext to
extendTyN xss (MkEqContext {termLen, dassign, dnames, tctx, tnames, qtys}) =
let (qs, xs, ss) = unzip3 xss in
MkEqContext {
@ -180,17 +179,17 @@ namespace EqContext
export %inline
extendTy : q -> BaseName -> Term q 0 n -> EqContext q n -> EqContext q (S n)
extendTy : Qty -> BaseName -> Term 0 n -> EqContext n -> EqContext (S n)
extendTy q x s = extendTyN [< (q, x, s)]
export %inline
extendDim : BaseName -> DimConst -> EqContext q n -> EqContext q n
extendDim : BaseName -> DimConst -> EqContext n -> EqContext n
extendDim x e (MkEqContext {dassign, dnames, tctx, tnames, qtys}) =
MkEqContext {dassign = dassign :< e, dnames = dnames :< x,
tctx, tnames, qtys}
toTyContext : (e : EqContext q n) -> TyContext q e.dimLen n
toTyContext : (e : EqContext n) -> TyContext e.dimLen n
toTyContext (MkEqContext {dimLen, dassign, dnames, tctx, tnames, qtys}) =
MkTyContext {
dctx = fromGround dassign,
@ -199,11 +198,11 @@ namespace EqContext
injectT : EqContext q n -> Term q 0 0 -> Term q 0 n
injectT : EqContext n -> Term 0 0 -> Term 0 n
injectT (MkEqContext {termLen = Val n, _}) tm = tm // shift0 n
injectE : EqContext q n -> Elim q 0 0 -> Elim q 0 n
injectE : EqContext n -> Elim 0 0 -> Elim 0 n
injectE (MkEqContext {termLen = Val n, _}) el = el // shift0 n
@ -214,17 +213,17 @@ PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (CtxBinder a) where
prettyM (MkCtxBinder x t) = pure $
sep [hsep [!(pretty0M $ TV x), colonD], !(pretty0M t)]
parameters {auto _ : (Eq q, PrettyHL q, IsQty q)} (unicode : Bool)
parameters (unicode : Bool)
pipeD : Doc HL
pipeD = hl Syntax "|"
export covering
prettyTContext : NContext d ->
QContext q n -> NContext n ->
TContext q d n -> Doc HL
QContext n -> NContext n ->
TContext d n -> Doc HL
prettyTContext ds qs xs ctx = separate comma $ toList $ go qs xs ctx where
go : QContext q m -> NContext m -> TContext q d m -> SnocList (Doc HL)
go : QContext m -> NContext m -> TContext d m -> SnocList (Doc HL)
go [<] [<] [<] = [<]
go (qs :< q) (xs :< x) (ctx :< t) =
let bind = MkWithQty q $ MkCtxBinder x t in
@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Eq q, PrettyHL q, IsQty q)} (unicode : Bool)
runPrettyWith unicode (toSnocList' ds) (toSnocList' xs) (pretty0M bind)
export covering
prettyTyContext : TyContext q d n -> Doc HL
prettyTyContext : TyContext d n -> Doc HL
prettyTyContext (MkTyContext dctx dnames tctx tnames qtys) =
case dctx of
C [<] => prettyTContext dnames qtys tnames tctx
@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Eq q, PrettyHL q, IsQty q)} (unicode : Bool)
prettyTContext dnames qtys tnames tctx]
export covering
prettyEqContext : EqContext q n -> Doc HL
prettyEqContext : EqContext n -> Doc HL
prettyEqContext (MkEqContext dassign dnames tctx tnames qtys) =
case dassign of
[<] => prettyTContext [<] qtys tnames tctx

View file

@ -11,67 +11,67 @@ import Control.Eff
public export
data Error q
= ExpectedTYPE (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedPi (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedSig (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedEnum (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedEq (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedNat (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedBOX (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
data Error
= ExpectedTYPE (TyContext d n) (Term d n)
| ExpectedPi (TyContext d n) (Term d n)
| ExpectedSig (TyContext d n) (Term d n)
| ExpectedEnum (TyContext d n) (Term d n)
| ExpectedEq (TyContext d n) (Term d n)
| ExpectedNat (TyContext d n) (Term d n)
| ExpectedBOX (TyContext d n) (Term d n)
| BadUniverse Universe Universe
| TagNotIn TagVal (SortedSet TagVal)
| BadCaseEnum (SortedSet TagVal) (SortedSet TagVal)
| BadCaseQtys (TyContext q d n) (List (QOutput q n, Term q d n))
| BadCaseQtys (TyContext d n) (List (QOutput n, Term d n))
-- first term arg of ClashT is the type
| ClashT (EqContext q n) EqMode (Term q 0 n) (Term q 0 n) (Term q 0 n)
| ClashTy (EqContext q n) EqMode (Term q 0 n) (Term q 0 n)
| ClashE (EqContext q n) EqMode (Elim q 0 n) (Elim q 0 n)
| ClashT (EqContext n) EqMode (Term 0 n) (Term 0 n) (Term 0 n)
| ClashTy (EqContext n) EqMode (Term 0 n) (Term 0 n)
| ClashE (EqContext n) EqMode (Elim 0 n) (Elim 0 n)
| ClashU EqMode Universe Universe
| ClashQ q q
| ClashQ Qty Qty
| NotInScope Name
| NotType (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| WrongType (EqContext q n) (Term q 0 n) (Term q 0 n)
| NotType (TyContext d n) (Term d n)
| WrongType (EqContext n) (Term 0 n) (Term 0 n)
-- extra context
| WhileChecking
(TyContext q d n) q
(Term q d n) -- term
(Term q d n) -- type
(Error q)
(TyContext d n) Qty
(Term d n) -- term
(Term d n) -- type
| WhileCheckingTy
(TyContext q d n)
(Term q d n)
(TyContext d n)
(Term d n)
(Maybe Universe)
(Error q)
| WhileInferring
(TyContext q d n) q
(Elim q d n)
(Error q)
(TyContext d n) Qty
(Elim d n)
| WhileComparingT
(EqContext q n) EqMode
(Term q 0 n) -- type
(Term q 0 n) (Term q 0 n) -- lhs/rhs
(Error q)
(EqContext n) EqMode
(Term 0 n) -- type
(Term 0 n) (Term 0 n) -- lhs/rhs
| WhileComparingE
(EqContext q n) EqMode
(Elim q 0 n) (Elim q 0 n)
(Error q)
(EqContext n) EqMode
(Elim 0 n) (Elim 0 n)
| WhnfError WhnfError
%name Error err
public export
ErrorEff : Type -> Type -> Type
ErrorEff q = Except $ Error q
ErrorEff : Type -> Type
ErrorEff = Except Error
||| whether the error is surrounded in some context
||| (e.g. "while checking s : A, …")
public export
isErrorContext : Error q -> Bool
isErrorContext : Error -> Bool
isErrorContext (WhileChecking {}) = True
isErrorContext (WhileCheckingTy {}) = True
isErrorContext (WhileInferring {}) = True
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ isErrorContext _ = False
||| remove one layer of context
peelContext : (e : Error q) -> (0 _ : So (isErrorContext e)) =>
(Error q -> Error q, Error q)
peelContext : (e : Error) -> (0 _ : So (isErrorContext e)) =>
(Error -> Error, Error)
peelContext (WhileChecking ctx x s t err) =
(WhileChecking ctx x s t, err)
peelContext (WhileCheckingTy ctx s k err) =
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ peelContext (WhileComparingE ctx x e f err) =
||| separates out all the error context layers
||| (e.g. "while checking s : A, …")
explodeContext : Error q -> (List (Error q -> Error q), Error q)
explodeContext : Error -> (List (Error -> Error), Error)
explodeContext err =
case choose $ isErrorContext err of
Left y =>
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ explodeContext err =
||| leaves the outermost context layer, and the innermost (up to) n, and removes
||| the rest if there are more than n+1 in total
trimContext : Nat -> Error q -> Error q
trimContext : Nat -> Error -> Error
trimContext n err =
case explodeContext err of
([], err) => err
@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ expect : Has (Except e) fs =>
(a -> a -> e) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> Eff fs ()
expect err cmp x y = unless (x `cmp` y) $ throw $ err x y
parameters {auto _ : Has (Except $ Error q) fs}
parameters {auto _ : Has ErrorEff fs}
export %inline
expectEqualQ : Eq q => q -> q -> Eff fs ()
expectEqualQ : Qty -> Qty -> Eff fs ()
expectEqualQ = expect ClashQ (==)
export %inline
expectCompatQ : IsQty q => q -> q -> Eff fs ()
expectCompatQ = expect ClashQ $ \pi, rh => isYes $ pi `compat` rh
expectCompatQ : Qty -> Qty -> Eff fs ()
expectCompatQ = expect ClashQ compat
export %inline
expectModeU : EqMode -> Universe -> Universe -> Eff fs ()
@ -155,18 +155,18 @@ isTypeInUniverse : Maybe Universe -> Doc HL
isTypeInUniverse Nothing = "is a type"
isTypeInUniverse (Just k) = "is a type in universe" <++> prettyUniverse k
parameters {auto _ : (Eq q, IsQty q, PrettyHL q)} (unicode : Bool)
parameters (unicode : Bool)
termt : TyContext q d n -> Term q d n -> Doc HL
termt : TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Doc HL
termt ctx = hang 4 . prettyTerm unicode ctx.dnames ctx.tnames
terme : EqContext q n -> Term q 0 n -> Doc HL
terme : EqContext n -> Term 0 n -> Doc HL
terme ctx = hang 4 . prettyTerm unicode [<] ctx.tnames
dissectCaseQtys : TyContext q d n ->
NContext n' -> List (QOutput q n', z) ->
dissectCaseQtys : TyContext d n ->
NContext n' -> List (QOutput n', z) ->
List (Doc HL)
dissectCaseQtys ctx [<] arms = []
dissectCaseQtys ctx (tel :< x) arms =
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Eq q, IsQty q, PrettyHL q)} (unicode : Bool)
("-" <++> asep [hsep [pretty0 unicode $ TV x, "is used with quantities"],
hseparate comma $ map (pretty0 unicode) qs]) :: tl
allSame : List q -> Bool
allSame : List Qty -> Bool
allSame [] = True
allSame (q :: qs) = all (== q) qs
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Eq q, IsQty q, PrettyHL q)} (unicode : Bool)
-- [todo] only show some contexts, probably
prettyError : (showContext : Bool) -> Error q -> Doc HL
prettyError : (showContext : Bool) -> Error -> Doc HL
prettyError showContext = \case
ExpectedTYPE ctx s =>
sep ["expected a type universe, but got", termt ctx s]
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Eq q, IsQty q, PrettyHL q)} (unicode : Bool)
sep ["expected an equality type, but got", termt ctx s]
ExpectedNat ctx s {d, n} =>
sep ["expected the type", pretty0 unicode $ Nat {q, d, n},
sep ["expected the type", pretty0 unicode $ Nat {d, n},
"but got", termt ctx s]
ExpectedBOX ctx s =>
@ -301,13 +301,13 @@ parameters {auto _ : (Eq q, IsQty q, PrettyHL q)} (unicode : Bool)
WhnfError err => prettyWhnfError err
inTContext : TyContext q d n -> Doc HL -> Doc HL
inTContext : TyContext d n -> Doc HL -> Doc HL
inTContext ctx doc =
if showContext && not (null ctx) then
vsep [sep ["in context", prettyTyContext unicode ctx], doc]
else doc
inEContext : EqContext q n -> Doc HL -> Doc HL
inEContext : EqContext n -> Doc HL -> Doc HL
inEContext ctx doc =
if showContext && not (null ctx) then
vsep [sep ["in context", prettyEqContext unicode ctx], doc]

View file

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ modules =

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ eqSubstLen _ _ = Nothing
export covering
Eq q => Eq (Term q d n) where
Eq (Term d n) where
TYPE k == TYPE l = k == l
TYPE _ == _ = False
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ mutual
DCloT {} == _ = False
export covering
Eq q => Eq (Elim q d n) where
Eq (Elim d n) where
F x == F y = x == y
F _ == _ = False
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ mutual
DCloE {} == _ = False
export covering
IsQty q => PrettyHL q => Show (Term q d n) where
Show (Term d n) where
showPrec d t = showParens (d /= Open) $ prettyStr True t
export covering
IsQty q => PrettyHL q => Show (Elim q d n) where
Show (Elim d n) where
showPrec d e = showParens (d /= Open) $ prettyStr True e

View file

@ -2,28 +2,24 @@ module Tests.Equal
import Quox.Equal
import Quox.Typechecker
import Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three
import public TypingImpls
import TAP
import Quox.EffExtra
0 M : Type -> Type
M = TC Three
defGlobals : Definitions Three
defGlobals : Definitions
defGlobals = fromList
[("A", mkPostulate Zero $ TYPE 0),
("B", mkPostulate Zero $ TYPE 0),
("a", mkPostulate Any $ FT "A"),
("a'", mkPostulate Any $ FT "A"),
("b", mkPostulate Any $ FT "B"),
("f", mkPostulate Any $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")),
("id", mkDef Any (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) ([< "x"] :\\ BVT 0)),
("eq-AB", mkPostulate Zero $ Eq0 (TYPE 0) (FT "A") (FT "B")),
("two", mkDef Any Nat (Succ (Succ Zero)))]
[("A", mkPostulate gzero $ TYPE 0),
("B", mkPostulate gzero $ TYPE 0),
("a", mkPostulate gany $ FT "A"),
("a'", mkPostulate gany $ FT "A"),
("b", mkPostulate gany $ FT "B"),
("f", mkPostulate gany $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")),
("id", mkDef gany (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) ([< "x"] :\\ BVT 0)),
("eq-AB", mkPostulate gzero $ Eq0 (TYPE 0) (FT "A") (FT "B")),
("two", mkDef gany Nat (Succ (Succ Zero)))]
parameters (label : String) (act : Lazy (M ()))
{default defGlobals globals : Definitions Three}
parameters (label : String) (act : Lazy (TC ()))
{default defGlobals globals : Definitions}
testEq : Test
testEq = test label $ runTC globals act
@ -31,29 +27,29 @@ parameters (label : String) (act : Lazy (M ()))
testNeq = testThrows label (const True) $ runTC globals act $> "()"
parameters (0 d : Nat) (ctx : TyContext Three d n)
subTD, equalTD : Term Three d n -> Term Three d n -> Term Three d n -> M ()
parameters (0 d : Nat) (ctx : TyContext d n)
subTD, equalTD : Term d n -> Term d n -> Term d n -> TC ()
subTD ty s t = Term.sub ctx ty s t
equalTD ty s t = Term.equal ctx ty s t
equalTyD : Term Three d n -> Term Three d n -> M ()
equalTyD : Term d n -> Term d n -> TC ()
equalTyD s t = Term.equalType ctx s t
subED, equalED : Elim Three d n -> Elim Three d n -> M ()
subED, equalED : Elim d n -> Elim d n -> TC ()
subED e f = Elim.sub ctx e f
equalED e f = Elim.equal ctx e f
parameters (ctx : TyContext Three 0 n)
subT, equalT : Term Three 0 n -> Term Three 0 n -> Term Three 0 n -> M ()
parameters (ctx : TyContext 0 n)
subT, equalT : Term 0 n -> Term 0 n -> Term 0 n -> TC ()
subT = subTD 0 ctx
equalT = equalTD 0 ctx
equalTy : Term Three 0 n -> Term Three 0 n -> M ()
equalTy : Term 0 n -> Term 0 n -> TC ()
equalTy = equalTyD 0 ctx
subE, equalE : Elim Three 0 n -> Elim Three 0 n -> M ()
subE, equalE : Elim 0 n -> Elim 0 n -> TC ()
subE = subED 0 ctx
equalE = equalED 0 ctx
empty01 : TyContext q 0 0
empty01 : TyContext 0 0
empty01 = eqDim (K Zero) (K One) empty
@ -166,7 +162,7 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
let tm = Eq0 (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0) in
equalT empty (TYPE 2) tm tm,
testEq "A ≔ ★₁ ⊢ (★₀ ≡ ★₀ : ★₁) = (★₀ ≡ ★₀ : A)"
{globals = fromList [("A", mkDef zero (TYPE 2) (TYPE 1))]} $
{globals = fromList [("A", mkDef gzero (TYPE 2) (TYPE 1))]} $
equalT empty (TYPE 2)
(Eq0 (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0))
(Eq0 (FT "A") (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0)),
@ -174,7 +170,7 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
"equalities and uip" :-
let refl : Term q d n -> Term q d n -> Elim q d n
let refl : Term d n -> Term d n -> Elim d n
refl a x = (DLam $ S [< "_"] $ N x) :# (Eq0 a x x)
@ -185,53 +181,53 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
testEq "p : (a ≡ a' : A), q : (a ≡ a' : A) ∥ ⊢ p = q (free)"
{globals =
let def = mkPostulate Zero $ Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'") in
let def = mkPostulate gzero $ Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'") in
defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList [("p", def), ("q", def)]} $
equalE empty (F "p") (F "q"),
testEq "∥ x : (a ≡ a' : A), y : (a ≡ a' : A) ⊢ x = y (bound)" $
let ty : forall n. Term Three 0 n := Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'") in
let ty : forall n. Term 0 n := Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'") in
equalE (extendTyN [< (Any, "x", ty), (Any, "y", ty)] empty)
(BV 0) (BV 1),
testEq "∥ x : [(a ≡ a' : A) ∷ Type 0], y : [ditto] ⊢ x = y" $
let ty : forall n. Term Three 0 n :=
let ty : forall n. Term 0 n :=
E (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'") :# TYPE 0) in
equalE (extendTyN [< (Any, "x", ty), (Any, "y", ty)] empty)
(BV 0) (BV 1),
testEq "E ≔ a ≡ a' : A, EE ≔ E ∥ x : EE, y : EE ⊢ x = y"
{globals = defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList
[("E", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'"))),
("EE", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (FT "E"))]} $
[("E", mkDef gzero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'"))),
("EE", mkDef gzero (TYPE 0) (FT "E"))]} $
equalE (extendTyN [< (Any, "x", FT "EE"), (Any, "y", FT "EE")] empty)
(BV 0) (BV 1),
testEq "E ≔ a ≡ a' : A, EE ≔ E ∥ x : EE, y : E ⊢ x = y"
{globals = defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList
[("E", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'"))),
("EE", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (FT "E"))]} $
[("E", mkDef gzero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'"))),
("EE", mkDef gzero (TYPE 0) (FT "E"))]} $
equalE (extendTyN [< (Any, "x", FT "EE"), (Any, "y", FT "E")] empty)
(BV 0) (BV 1),
testEq "E ≔ a ≡ a' : A ∥ x : E, y : E ⊢ x = y"
{globals = defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList
[("E", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'")))]} $
[("E", mkDef gzero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'")))]} $
equalE (extendTyN [< (Any, "x", FT "E"), (Any, "y", FT "E")] empty)
(BV 0) (BV 1),
testEq "E ≔ a ≡ a' : A ∥ x : (E×E), y : (E×E) ⊢ x = y"
{globals = defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList
[("E", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'")))]} $
let ty : forall n. Term Three 0 n :=
[("E", mkDef gzero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'")))]} $
let ty : forall n. Term 0 n :=
Sig (FT "E") $ S [< "_"] $ N $ FT "E" in
equalE (extendTyN [< (Any, "x", ty), (Any, "y", ty)] empty)
(BV 0) (BV 1),
testEq "E ≔ a ≡ a' : A, W ≔ E × E ∥ x : W, y : W ⊢ x = y"
{globals = defGlobals `mergeLeft` fromList
[("E", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'"))),
("W", mkDef zero (TYPE 0) (FT "E" `And` FT "E"))]} $
[("E", mkDef gzero (TYPE 0) (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a'"))),
("W", mkDef gzero (TYPE 0) (FT "E" `And` FT "E"))]} $
(extendTyN [< (Any, "x", FT "W"), (Any, "y", FT "W")] empty)
(BV 0) (BV 1)
@ -281,11 +277,11 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
"free var" :-
let au_bu = fromList
[("A", mkDef Any (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0)),
("B", mkDef Any (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0))]
[("A", mkDef gany (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0)),
("B", mkDef gany (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0))]
au_ba = fromList
[("A", mkDef Any (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0)),
("B", mkDef Any (TYPE 1) (FT "A"))]
[("A", mkDef gany (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0)),
("B", mkDef gany (TYPE 1) (FT "A"))]
in [
testEq "A = A" $
equalE empty (F "A") (F "A"),
@ -306,13 +302,13 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
testNeq "A ≮: B" $
subE empty (F "A") (F "B"),
testEq "A : ★₃ ≔ ★₀, B : ★₃ ≔ ★₂ ⊢ A <: B"
{globals = fromList [("A", mkDef Any (TYPE 3) (TYPE 0)),
("B", mkDef Any (TYPE 3) (TYPE 2))]} $
{globals = fromList [("A", mkDef gany (TYPE 3) (TYPE 0)),
("B", mkDef gany (TYPE 3) (TYPE 2))]} $
subE empty (F "A") (F "B"),
note "(A and B in different universes)",
testEq "A : ★₁ ≔ ★₀, B : ★₃ ≔ ★₂ ⊢ A <: B"
{globals = fromList [("A", mkDef Any (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0)),
("B", mkDef Any (TYPE 3) (TYPE 2))]} $
{globals = fromList [("A", mkDef gany (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0)),
("B", mkDef gany (TYPE 3) (TYPE 2))]} $
subE empty (F "A") (F "B"),
testEq "0=1 ⊢ A <: B" $
subE empty01 (F "A") (F "B")

View file

@ -2,25 +2,24 @@ module Tests.PrettyTerm
import TAP
import Quox.Syntax
import Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three
import PrettyExtra
parameters (ds : NContext d) (ns : NContext n)
testPrettyT : Term Three d n -> (uni, asc : String) ->
testPrettyT : Term d n -> (uni, asc : String) ->
{default uni label : String} -> Test
testPrettyT t uni asc {label} =
testPretty (toSnocList' ds) (toSnocList' ns) t uni asc {label}
testPrettyT1 : Term Three d n -> (str : String) ->
testPrettyT1 : Term d n -> (str : String) ->
{default str label : String} -> Test
testPrettyT1 t str {label} = testPrettyT t str str {label}
testPrettyE : Elim Three d n -> (uni, asc : String) ->
testPrettyE : Elim d n -> (uni, asc : String) ->
{default uni label : String} -> Test
testPrettyE e uni asc {label} = testPrettyT (E e) uni asc {label}
testPrettyE1 : Elim Three d n -> (str : String) ->
testPrettyE1 : Elim d n -> (str : String) ->
{default str label : String} -> Test
testPrettyE1 e str {label} = testPrettyT1 (E e) str {label}

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module Tests.Reduce
import Quox.Syntax as Lib
import Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three
import Quox.Equal
import TermImpls
import TypingImpls
@ -10,16 +9,16 @@ import TAP
parameters {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} {auto _ : Whnf tm isRedex err}
{auto _ : ToInfo err}
{auto _ : forall d, n. Eq (tm Three d n)}
{auto _ : forall d, n. Show (tm Three d n)}
{default empty defs : Definitions Three}
{auto _ : forall d, n. Eq (tm d n)}
{auto _ : forall d, n. Show (tm d n)}
{default empty defs : Definitions}
{default 0 d, n : Nat}
testWhnf : String -> tm Three d n -> tm Three d n -> Test
testWhnf : String -> tm d n -> tm d n -> Test
testWhnf label from to = test "\{label} (whnf)" $ do
result <- bimap toInfo fst $ whnf defs from
unless (result == to) $ Left [("exp", show to), ("got", show result)]
testNoStep : String -> tm Three d n -> Test
testNoStep : String -> tm d n -> Test
testNoStep label e = testWhnf label e e
@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ tests = "whnf" :- [
"definitions" :- [
testWhnf "a (transparent)"
{defs = fromList [("a", mkDef Zero (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0))]}
{defs = fromList [("a", mkDef gzero (TYPE 1) (TYPE 0))]}
(F "a") (TYPE 0 :# TYPE 1)

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module Tests.Typechecker
import Quox.Syntax
import Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three
import Quox.Typechecker as Lib
import public TypingImpls
import TAP
@ -9,9 +8,9 @@ import Quox.EffExtra
data Error'
= TCError (Typing.Error Three)
| WrongInfer (Term Three d n) (Term Three d n)
| WrongQOut (QOutput Three n) (QOutput Three n)
= TCError Typing.Error
| WrongInfer (Term d n) (Term d n)
| WrongQOut (QOutput n) (QOutput n)
ToInfo Error' where
@ -26,41 +25,41 @@ ToInfo Error' where
("wanted", prettyStr True bad)]
0 M : Type -> Type
M = Eff [Except Error', DefsReader Three]
M = Eff [Except Error', DefsReader]
inj : TC Three a -> M a
inj : TC a -> M a
inj = rethrow . mapFst TCError <=< lift . runExcept
reflTy : IsQty q => Term q d n
reflTy : Term d n
reflTy =
Pi_ zero "A" (TYPE 0) $
Pi_ one "x" (BVT 0) $
Pi_ Zero "A" (TYPE 0) $
Pi_ One "x" (BVT 0) $
Eq0 (BVT 1) (BVT 0) (BVT 0)
reflDef : IsQty q => Term q d n
reflDef : Term d n
reflDef = [< "A","x"] :\\ [< "i"] :\\% BVT 0
fstTy : Term Three d n
fstTy : Term d n
fstTy =
(Pi_ Zero "A" (TYPE 1) $
Pi_ Zero "B" (Arr Any (BVT 0) (TYPE 1)) $
Arr Any (Sig_ "x" (BVT 1) $ E $ BV 1 :@ BVT 0) (BVT 1))
fstDef : Term Three d n
fstDef : Term d n
fstDef =
([< "A","B","p"] :\\
E (CasePair Any (BV 0) (SN $ BVT 2) (SY [< "x","y"] $ BVT 1)))
sndTy : Term Three d n
sndTy : Term d n
sndTy =
(Pi_ Zero "A" (TYPE 1) $
Pi_ Zero "B" (Arr Any (BVT 0) (TYPE 1)) $
Pi_ Any "p" (Sig_ "x" (BVT 1) $ E $ BV 1 :@ BVT 0) $
E (BV 1 :@ E (F "fst" :@@ [BVT 2, BVT 1, BVT 0])))
sndDef : Term Three d n
sndDef : Term d n
sndDef =
([< "A","B","p"] :\\
E (CasePair Any (BV 0)
@ -68,27 +67,27 @@ sndDef =
(SY [< "x","y"] $ BVT 0)))
defGlobals : Definitions Three
defGlobals : Definitions
defGlobals = fromList
[("A", mkPostulate Zero $ TYPE 0),
("B", mkPostulate Zero $ TYPE 0),
("C", mkPostulate Zero $ TYPE 1),
("D", mkPostulate Zero $ TYPE 1),
("P", mkPostulate Zero $ Arr Any (FT "A") (TYPE 0)),
("a", mkPostulate Any $ FT "A"),
("a'", mkPostulate Any $ FT "A"),
("b", mkPostulate Any $ FT "B"),
("f", mkPostulate Any $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")),
("g", mkPostulate Any $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B")),
("f2", mkPostulate Any $ Arr One (FT "A") $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B")),
("p", mkPostulate Any $ Pi_ One "x" (FT "A") $ E $ F "P" :@ BVT 0),
("q", mkPostulate Any $ Pi_ One "x" (FT "A") $ E $ F "P" :@ BVT 0),
("refl", mkDef Any reflTy reflDef),
("fst", mkDef Any fstTy fstDef),
("snd", mkDef Any sndTy sndDef)]
[("A", mkPostulate gzero $ TYPE 0),
("B", mkPostulate gzero $ TYPE 0),
("C", mkPostulate gzero $ TYPE 1),
("D", mkPostulate gzero $ TYPE 1),
("P", mkPostulate gzero $ Arr Any (FT "A") (TYPE 0)),
("a", mkPostulate gany $ FT "A"),
("a'", mkPostulate gany $ FT "A"),
("b", mkPostulate gany $ FT "B"),
("f", mkPostulate gany $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")),
("g", mkPostulate gany $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B")),
("f2", mkPostulate gany $ Arr One (FT "A") $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "B")),
("p", mkPostulate gany $ Pi_ One "x" (FT "A") $ E $ F "P" :@ BVT 0),
("q", mkPostulate gany $ Pi_ One "x" (FT "A") $ E $ F "P" :@ BVT 0),
("refl", mkDef gany reflTy reflDef),
("fst", mkDef gany fstTy fstDef),
("snd", mkDef gany sndTy sndDef)]
parameters (label : String) (act : Lazy (M ()))
{default defGlobals globals : Definitions Three}
{default defGlobals globals : Definitions}
testTC : Test
testTC = test label {e = Error', a = ()} $
extract $ runExcept $ runReader globals act
@ -98,36 +97,35 @@ parameters (label : String) (act : Lazy (M ()))
(extract $ runExcept $ runReader globals act) $> "()"
anys : {n : Nat} -> QContext Three n
anys : {n : Nat} -> QContext n
anys {n = 0} = [<]
anys {n = S n} = anys :< Any
ctx, ctx01 : {n : Nat} -> Context (\n => (BaseName, Term Three 0 n)) n ->
TyContext Three 0 n
ctx, ctx01 : {n : Nat} -> Context (\n => (BaseName, Term 0 n)) n ->
TyContext 0 n
ctx tel = let (ns, ts) = unzip tel in
MkTyContext new [<] ts ns anys
ctx01 tel = let (ns, ts) = unzip tel in
MkTyContext ZeroIsOne [<] ts ns anys
empty01 : TyContext Three 0 0
empty01 : TyContext 0 0
empty01 = eqDim (K Zero) (K One) empty
inferredTypeEq : TyContext Three d n -> (exp, got : Term Three d n) -> M ()
inferredTypeEq : TyContext d n -> (exp, got : Term d n) -> M ()
inferredTypeEq ctx exp got =
wrapErr (const $ WrongInfer exp got) $ inj $ equalType ctx exp got
qoutEq : (exp, got : QOutput Three n) -> M ()
qoutEq : (exp, got : QOutput n) -> M ()
qoutEq qout res = unless (qout == res) $ throw $ WrongQOut qout res
inferAs : TyContext Three d n -> (sg : SQty Three) ->
Elim Three d n -> Term Three d n -> M ()
inferAs : TyContext d n -> (sg : SQty) -> Elim d n -> Term d n -> M ()
inferAs ctx@(MkTyContext {dctx, _}) sg e ty = do
case !(inj $ infer ctx sg e) of
Just res => inferredTypeEq ctx ty res.type
Nothing => pure ()
inferAsQ : TyContext Three d n -> (sg : SQty Three) ->
Elim Three d n -> Term Three d n -> QOutput Three n -> M ()
inferAsQ : TyContext d n -> (sg : SQty) ->
Elim d n -> Term d n -> QOutput n -> M ()
inferAsQ ctx@(MkTyContext {dctx, _}) sg e ty qout = do
case !(inj $ infer ctx sg e) of
Just res => do
@ -135,30 +133,23 @@ inferAsQ ctx@(MkTyContext {dctx, _}) sg e ty qout = do
qoutEq qout res.qout
Nothing => pure ()
infer_ : TyContext Three d n -> (sg : SQty Three) -> Elim Three d n -> M ()
infer_ : TyContext d n -> (sg : SQty) -> Elim d n -> M ()
infer_ ctx sg e = ignore $ inj $ infer ctx sg e
checkQ : TyContext Three d n -> SQty Three ->
Term Three d n -> Term Three d n -> QOutput Three n -> M ()
checkQ : TyContext d n -> SQty ->
Term d n -> Term d n -> QOutput n -> M ()
checkQ ctx@(MkTyContext {dctx, _}) sg s ty qout = do
case !(inj $ check ctx sg s ty) of
Just res => qoutEq qout res
Nothing => pure ()
check_ : TyContext Three d n -> SQty Three ->
Term Three d n -> Term Three d n -> M ()
check_ : TyContext d n -> SQty -> Term d n -> Term d n -> M ()
check_ ctx sg s ty = ignore $ inj $ check ctx sg s ty
checkType_ : TyContext Three d n -> Term Three d n -> Maybe Universe -> M ()
checkType_ : TyContext d n -> Term d n -> Maybe Universe -> M ()
checkType_ ctx s u = inj $ checkType ctx s u
-- ω is not a subject qty
failing "Can't find an implementation"
sany : SQty Three
sany = Element Any %search
tests : Test
tests = "typechecker" :- [
@ -253,9 +244,9 @@ tests = "typechecker" :- [
"bound vars" :- [
testTC "x : A ⊢ 1 · x ⇒ A ⊳ 1·x" $
inferAsQ {n = 1} (ctx [< ("x", FT "A")]) sone
(BV 0) (FT "A") [< one],
(BV 0) (FT "A") [< One],
testTC "x : A ⊢ 1 · [x] ⇐ A ⊳ 1·x" $
checkQ {n = 1} (ctx [< ("x", FT "A")]) sone (BVT 0) (FT "A") [< one],
checkQ {n = 1} (ctx [< ("x", FT "A")]) sone (BVT 0) (FT "A") [< One],
note "f2 : A ⊸ A ⊸ B",
testTC "x : A ⊢ 1 · f2 [x] [x] ⇒ B ⊳ ω·x" $
inferAsQ {n = 1} (ctx [< ("x", FT "A")]) sone
@ -371,24 +362,30 @@ tests = "typechecker" :- [
"equality types" :- [
testTC "0 · = : ★₀ ⇐ ★₁" $
testTC "0 · : ★₀ ⇐ Type" $
checkType_ empty (Eq0 (TYPE 0) Nat Nat) Nothing,
testTC "0 · : ★₀ ⇐ ★₁" $
check_ empty szero (Eq0 (TYPE 0) Nat Nat) (TYPE 1),
testTC "0 · = : ★₀ ⇐ ★₂" $
testTCFail "1 · : ★₀ ⇍ ★₁" $
check_ empty sone (Eq0 (TYPE 0) Nat Nat) (TYPE 1),
testTC "0 · : ★₀ ⇐ ★₂" $
check_ empty szero (Eq0 (TYPE 0) Nat Nat) (TYPE 2),
testTC "0 · = : ★₁ ⇐ ★₂" $
testTC "0 · : ★₁ ⇐ ★₂" $
check_ empty szero (Eq0 (TYPE 1) Nat Nat) (TYPE 2),
testTCFail "0 · = : ★₁ ⇍ ★₁" $
testTCFail "0 · : ★₁ ⇍ ★₁" $
check_ empty szero (Eq0 (TYPE 1) Nat Nat) (TYPE 1),
testTC "ab : A ≡ B : ★₀, x : A, y : B ⊢ Eq [i ⇒ ab i] x y ⇐ ★₀" $
testTCFail "0 ≡ 'beep : {beep} ⇍ Type" $
checkType_ empty (Eq0 (enum ["beep"]) Zero (Tag "beep")) Nothing,
testTC "ab : A ≡ B : ★₀, x : A, y : B ⊢ 0 · Eq [i ⇒ ab i] x y ⇐ ★₀" $
check_ (ctx [< ("ab", Eq0 (TYPE 0) (FT "A") (FT "B")),
("x", FT "A"), ("y", FT "B")]) szero
(Eq (SY [< "i"] $ E $ BV 2 :% BV 0) (BVT 1) (BVT 0))
(TYPE 0),
testTCFail "ab : A ≡ B : ★₀, x : A, y : B ⊢ Eq [i ⇒ ab i] y x ⇍ ★₀" $
check_ (ctx [< ("ab", Eq0 (TYPE 0) (FT "A") (FT "B")),
("x", FT "A"), ("y", FT "B")]) szero
testTCFail "ab : A ≡ B : ★₀, x : A, y : B ⊢ Eq [i ⇒ ab i] y x ⇍ Type" $
checkType_ (ctx [< ("ab", Eq0 (TYPE 0) (FT "A") (FT "B")),
("x", FT "A"), ("y", FT "B")])
(Eq (SY [< "i"] $ E $ BV 2 :% BV 0) (BVT 0) (BVT 1))
(TYPE 0)
"equalities" :- [

View file

@ -10,18 +10,9 @@ import Derive.Prelude
%runElab derive "Reduce.WhnfError" [Show]
export %hint
showTyContext : (IsQty q, PrettyHL q, Show q) => Show (TyContext q d n)
showTyContext = deriveShow
export %hint
showEqContext : (IsQty q, PrettyHL q, Show q) => Show (EqContext q n)
showEqContext = deriveShow
export %hint
showTypingError : (IsQty q, PrettyHL q, Show q) => Show (Error q)
showTypingError = deriveShow
%runElab deriveIndexed "TyContext" [Show]
%runElab deriveIndexed "EqContext" [Show]
%runElab derive "Error" [Show]
ToInfo WhnfError where
@ -31,5 +22,4 @@ ToInfo WhnfError where
("list", show ts)]
(IsQty q, PrettyHL q) => ToInfo (Error q) where
toInfo err = [("err", show $ prettyError True True err)]
ToInfo Error where toInfo err = [("err", show $ prettyError True True err)]