more FromParser

This commit is contained in:
rhiannon morris 2023-03-13 19:33:09 +01:00
parent 90232dd1f8
commit 765c62866a
6 changed files with 110 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ mkPostulate : IsQty q => (qty : q) -> (0 _ : IsGlobal qty) =>
(type : forall d, n. Term q d n) -> Definition q
mkPostulate qty type = MkDef {qty, type = T type, body = Postulate}
public export %inline
mkDef0 : IsQty q => (qty : q) -> (0 _ : IsGlobal qty) =>
(type, term : Term q 0 0) -> Definition q
mkDef0 qty type term = mkDef qty (inject type) (inject term)
public export %inline
(.get0) : AnyTerm q -> Term q 0 0

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Quox.Parser.FromParser
import Quox.Parser.Syntax
import Quox.Parser.Parser
import Quox.Typechecker
import Data.List
@ -9,6 +10,13 @@ import public Control.Monad.Either
import public Control.Monad.State
import public Control.Monad.Reader
import System.File
import System.Path
public export
0 Defs : Type
Defs = Definitions Three
public export
data FromParserError =
@ -17,26 +25,34 @@ data FromParserError =
| DimNotInScope PBaseName
| QtyNotGlobal PQty
| DimNameInTerm PBaseName
public export
interface LoadFile m where
loadFile : (file : String) -> m PTopLevel
| TypeError (Typing.Error Three)
| LoadError String FileError
| ParseError Parser.Error
public export
0 CanError : (Type -> Type) -> Type
CanError = MonadError FromParserError
public export
0 HasDefsRW : (Type -> Type) -> Type
HasDefsRW = MonadState Defs
public export
0 HasNamespace : (Type -> Type) -> Type
HasNamespace = MonadReader Mods
public export
0 HasSeenFiles : (Type -> Type) -> Type
HasSeenFiles = MonadState (SortedSet String)
0 LoadFile : (Type -> Type) -> Type
LoadFile m =
(HasIO m, MonadReader (List String) m, MonadState (SortedSet String) m)
-- reader for include paths, state for seen files
public export
0 FromParser : (Type -> Type) -> Type
FromParser m = (CanError m, HasNamespace m, HasSeenFiles m)
FromParser m =
(CanError m, HasDefsRW m, HasNamespace m, LoadFile m)
@ -179,34 +195,61 @@ globalPQty pi = case isGlobal pi of
No n => throwError $ QtyNotGlobal pi
fromPNameNS : HasNamespace m => PName -> m Name
fromPNameNS name = asks $ \ns => addMods ns $ fromPName name
-- -- [todo] extend substitutions so they can do this injection. that's the sort of
-- -- thing they are for.
-- export
-- fromPDefinition : FromParser m => PDefinition -> m (Name, Definition Three)
-- fromPDefinition (MkPDef {name, qty, type, term}) =
-- pure (addMods !ask $ fromPName name, MkDef' {
-- qty, qtyGlobal = !(globalPQty qty),
-- type = T $ inject !(fromPTerm type),
-- term = Just $ T $ inject !(fromPTerm term)
-- })
injTC : (CanError m, HasDefsRW m) => (forall m'. CanTC Three m' => m' a) -> m a
injTC act =
either (throwError . TypeError) pure $
runReaderT {m = Either _} !get act
fromPDef : (CanError m, HasDefsRW m, HasNamespace m) => PDefinition -> m ()
fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname ptype pterm) = do
name <- fromPNameNS pname
qtyGlobal <- globalPQty qty
let sqty = globalToSubj $ Element qty qtyGlobal
type <- traverse fromPTerm ptype
term <- fromPTerm pterm
case type of
Just type => do
injTC $ checkTypeC empty type Nothing
injTC $ ignore $ checkC empty sqty term type
modify $ insert name $ mkDef0 qty type term
Nothing => do
let E elim = term | _ => throwError $ AnnotationNeeded pterm
res <- injTC $ inferC empty sqty elim
modify $ insert name $ mkDef0 qty res.type term
fromPDecl : FromParser m => PDecl -> m ()
fromPDecl (PDef def) = fromPDef def
fromPDecl (PNs ns) =
local (<+> $ concat <$> traverse fromPDecl ns.decls
-- export
-- fromPDecl : FromParser m => PDecl -> m (List (Name, Definition Three))
-- fromPDecl (PDef def) = singleton <$> fromPDefinition def
-- fromPDecl (PNs ns) = local (<+> $
-- concat <$> assert_total traverse fromPDecl ns.decls
loadFile : (LoadFile m, CanError m) => String -> m (Maybe String)
loadFile file =
if contains file !get then
pure Nothing
else do
Just file <- firstExists (map (</> file) !ask)
| Nothing => throwError $ LoadError file FileNotFound
case !(readFile file) of
Right res => pure $ Just res
Left err => throwError $ LoadError file err
-- export covering
-- fromPTopLevel : (FromParser m, LoadFile m) =>
-- PTopLevel -> m (List (Name, Definition Three))
-- fromPTopLevel (PD decl) = fromPDecl decl
-- fromPTopLevel (PLoad file) =
-- if contains file !get then
-- pure []
-- else do
-- modify $ insert file
-- t <- loadFile file
-- fromPTopLevel t
||| populates the `defs` field of the state
fromPTopLevel : FromParser m => PTopLevel -> m ()
fromPTopLevel (PD decl) = fromPDecl decl
fromPTopLevel (PLoad file) =
case !(loadFile file) of
Just inp => do
tl <- either (throwError . ParseError) pure $ lexParseInput inp
traverse_ fromPTopLevel tl
Nothing => pure ()

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@ -277,9 +277,7 @@ defIntro = Zero <$ resC "def0"
export covering
definition : Grammar True PDefinition
definition =
[|MkPDef defIntro name
(optional (resC ":" *> term))
(resC "" *> term)|]
[|MkPDef defIntro name (optional (resC ":" *> term)) (resC "" *> term)|]
load : Grammar True String

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@ -88,3 +88,7 @@ GQty q = Subset q IsGlobal
public export %inline
gzero : IsQty q => GQty q
gzero = Element zero $ zeroIsGlobal zeroIsZero
export %inline
globalToSubj : IsQty q => GQty q -> SQty q
globalToSubj q = if isYes $ isZero q.fst then szero else sone

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@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ module Tests.FromPTerm
import Quox.Parser.Syntax
import Quox.Parser
import TermImpls
import TypingImpls
import Tests.Parser as TParser
import TAP
import System.File
import Derive.Prelude
%language ElabReflection
@ -15,16 +17,18 @@ import Derive.Prelude
public export
data Failure =
ParseError (Parser.Error)
| FromParserError FromParserError
| FromParser FromParserError
| WrongResult String
| ExpectedFail String
%runElab derive "FromParser.FromParserError" [Show]
%runElab derive "FileError" [Show]
%runElab derive "Parser.Error" [Show]
%runElab derive "FromParserError" [Show]
ToInfo Failure where
toInfo (ParseError err) = toInfo err
toInfo (FromParserError err) =
toInfo (FromParser err) =
[("type", "FromParserError"),
("got", show err)]
toInfo (WrongResult got) =
@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ parameters {c : Bool} {auto _ : Show b}
parsesWith : (b -> Bool) -> Test
parsesWith p = test label $ do
pres <- mapFst ParseError $ lexParseWith grm inp
res <- mapFst FromParserError $ fromP pres
res <- mapFst FromParser $ fromP pres
unless (p res) $ Left $ WrongResult $ show res
parses : Test

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@ -3,7 +3,23 @@ module TypingImpls
import TAP
import public Quox.Typing
import public Quox.Pretty
import public TermImpls
import Derive.Prelude
%language ElabReflection
%runElab derive "WhnfErr" [Show]
%runElab deriveIndexed "DimEq" [Show]
export %hint
showTyContext : (PrettyHL q, Show q) => Show (TyContext q d n)
showTyContext = deriveShow
export %hint
showTypingError : (PrettyHL q, Show q) => Show (Error q)
showTypingError = deriveShow
ToInfo WhnfErr where