split and extend Quox.Thin

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@ -1,388 +1,13 @@
||| thinnings, covers, partitions, etc,
||| for co-de Bruijn representation [@egtbs]
module Quox.Thin module Quox.Thin
import Quox.NatExtra import public Quox.Thin.Base
import Data.Nat.Views import public Quox.Thin.View
import Data.Singleton import public Quox.Thin.Eqv
import Data.DPair import public Quox.Thin.Cons
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning import public Quox.Thin.List
import public Quox.Thin.Append
%default total import public Quox.Thin.Comp
import public Quox.Thin.Cover
import public Quox.Thin.Coprod
||| "order preserving embeddings", for recording a correspondence between a import public Quox.Thin.Split
||| smaller scope and part of a larger one. the third argument is a bitmask import public Quox.Thin.Term
||| representing this OPE, unique for a given `n`.
public export
data OPE : (m, n, mask : Nat) -> Type where
[search m n]
Stop : OPE 0 0 0
Drop : OPE m n mask -> mask' = mask + mask -> OPE m (S n) mask'
Keep : OPE m n mask -> mask' = (S (mask + mask)) -> OPE (S m) (S n) mask'
%name OPE ope
||| everything selected
public export
id : {m : Nat} -> Subset Nat (OPE m m)
id {m = 0} = Element _ Stop
id {m = S m} = Element _ $ Keep id.snd Refl
||| nothing selected
public export
zero : {m : Nat} -> OPE 0 m 0
zero {m = 0} = Stop
zero {m = S m} = Drop zero Refl
infix 6 `Eqv`
public export
data Eqv : OPE m1 n1 mask1 -> OPE m2 n2 mask2 -> Type where
EqvStop : Eqv Stop Stop
EqvDrop : {0 p : OPE m1 n1 mask1} ->
{0 q : OPE m2 n2 mask2} ->
Eqv p q -> Eqv (Drop p eq1) (Drop q eq2)
EqvKeep : {0 p : OPE m1 n1 mask1} ->
{0 q : OPE m2 n2 mask2} ->
Eqv p q -> Eqv (Keep p eq1) (Keep q eq2)
%name Eqv eqv
Reflexive (OPE m n mask) Eqv where
reflexive {x = Stop} = EqvStop
reflexive {x = Drop {}} = EqvDrop reflexive
reflexive {x = Keep {}} = EqvKeep reflexive
symmetric : p `Eqv` q -> q `Eqv` p
symmetric EqvStop = EqvStop
symmetric (EqvDrop eqv) = EqvDrop $ symmetric eqv
symmetric (EqvKeep eqv) = EqvKeep $ symmetric eqv
transitive : p `Eqv` q -> q `Eqv` r -> p `Eqv` r
transitive EqvStop EqvStop = EqvStop
transitive (EqvDrop x) (EqvDrop y) = EqvDrop (transitive x y)
transitive (EqvKeep x) (EqvKeep y) = EqvKeep (transitive x y)
eqvIndices : {0 p : OPE m1 n1 mask1} -> {0 q : OPE m2 n2 mask2} ->
p `Eqv` q -> (m1 = m2, n1 = n2, mask1 = mask2)
eqvIndices EqvStop = (Refl, Refl, Refl)
eqvIndices (EqvDrop eqv {eq1 = Refl, eq2 = Refl}) =
let (Refl, Refl, Refl) = eqvIndices eqv in (Refl, Refl, Refl)
eqvIndices (EqvKeep eqv {eq1 = Refl, eq2 = Refl}) =
let (Refl, Refl, Refl) = eqvIndices eqv in (Refl, Refl, Refl)
0 eqvMask : (p : OPE m1 n mask1) -> (q : OPE m2 n mask2) ->
mask1 = mask2 -> p `Eqv` q
eqvMask Stop Stop _ = EqvStop
eqvMask (Drop ope1 Refl) (Drop {mask = mm2} ope2 eq2) Refl =
EqvDrop $ eqvMask ope1 ope2 (doubleInj _ _ eq2)
eqvMask (Drop ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 eq2) Refl =
void $ notEvenOdd _ _ eq2
eqvMask (Keep ope1 eq1) (Keep ope2 eq2) Refl =
EqvKeep $ eqvMask ope1 ope2 (doubleInj _ _ $ inj S $ trans (sym eq1) eq2)
eqvMask (Keep ope1 eq1) (Drop ope2 eq2) Refl =
void $ notEvenOdd _ _ $ trans (sym eq2) eq1
uip : (p, q : a = b) -> p = q
uip Refl Refl = Refl
0 eqvEq' : (p, q : OPE m n mask) -> p `Eqv` q -> p === q
eqvEq' Stop Stop EqvStop = Refl
eqvEq' (Drop p eq1) (Drop q eq2) (EqvDrop eqv)
with (doubleInj _ _ $ trans (sym eq1) eq2)
_ | Refl = cong2 Drop (eqvEq' p q eqv) (uip eq1 eq2)
eqvEq' (Keep p eq1) (Keep q eq2) (EqvKeep eqv)
with (doubleInj _ _ $ inj S $ trans (sym eq1) eq2)
_ | Refl = cong2 Keep (eqvEq' p q eqv) (uip eq1 eq2)
0 eqvEq : (p : OPE m1 n1 mask1) -> (q : OPE m2 n2 mask2) ->
p `Eqv` q -> p ~=~ q
eqvEq p q eqv = let (Refl, Refl, Refl) = eqvIndices eqv in eqvEq' p q eqv
public export
data View : OPE m n mask -> Type where
StopV : View Stop
DropV : (mask : Nat) -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> View (Drop ope Refl)
KeepV : (mask : Nat) -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> View (Keep ope Refl)
%name Thin.View v
0 stopEqs : OPE m 0 mask -> (m = 0, mask = 0)
stopEqs Stop = (Refl, Refl)
0 fromStop : (ope : OPE 0 0 0) -> ope = Stop
fromStop Stop = Refl
0 fromDrop : (ope : OPE m (S n) (k + k)) ->
(inner : OPE m n k ** ope === Drop inner Refl)
fromDrop (Drop ope eq) with (doubleInj _ _ eq)
fromDrop (Drop ope Refl) | Refl = (ope ** Refl)
fromDrop (Keep ope eq) = void $ notEvenOdd _ _ eq
0 fromKeep : (ope : OPE (S m) (S n) (S (k + k))) ->
(inner : OPE m n k ** ope === Keep inner Refl)
fromKeep (Drop ope eq) = void $ notEvenOdd _ _ $ sym eq
fromKeep (Keep ope eq) with (doubleInj _ _ $ inj S eq)
fromKeep (Keep ope Refl) | Refl = (ope ** Refl)
0 keepIsSucc : (ope : OPE m n (S (k + k))) -> IsSucc m
keepIsSucc (Drop ope eq) = void $ notEvenOdd _ _ $ sym eq
keepIsSucc (Keep ope _) = ItIsSucc
view : {0 m : Nat} -> {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> View ope
view {n = 0} ope with 0 (fst $ stopEqs ope) | 0 (snd $ stopEqs ope)
_ | Refl | Refl = rewrite fromStop ope in StopV
view {n = S n} ope with (half mask)
_ | HalfOdd mask' with 0 (keepIsSucc ope)
_ | ItIsSucc with 0 (fromKeep ope)
_ | (ope' ** eq) = rewrite eq in KeepV mask' ope'
_ | HalfEven mask' with 0 (fromDrop ope)
_ | (ope' ** eq) = rewrite eq in DropV mask' ope'
appOpe : {0 m : Nat} -> (n : Nat) -> {mask : Nat} ->
(0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> Singleton m
appOpe n ope with (view ope)
appOpe 0 Stop | StopV = Val 0
appOpe (S n) (Drop ope' _) | DropV _ ope' = appOpe n ope'
appOpe (S n) (Keep ope' _) | KeepV _ ope' = [|S $ appOpe n ope'|]
||| inductive definition of OPE composition
public export
data Comp : (l : OPE n p mask1) -> (r : OPE m n mask2) ->
(res : OPE m p mask3) -> Type where
[search l r]
StopZ : Comp Stop Stop Stop
DropZ : Comp a b c -> Comp (Drop a Refl) b (Drop c Refl)
KeepZ : Comp a b c -> Comp (Keep a Refl) (Keep b Refl) (Keep c Refl)
KDZ : Comp a b c -> Comp (Keep a Refl) (Drop b Refl) (Drop c Refl)
public export
record CompResult (ope1 : OPE n p mask1) (ope2 : OPE m n mask2) where
constructor MkComp
{resultMask : Nat}
{0 result : OPE m p resultMask}
0 comp : Comp ope1 ope2 result
%name CompResult comp
||| compose two OPEs, if the middle scope size is already known at runtime
comp' : {n, p, mask1, mask2 : Nat} ->
(0 ope1 : OPE n p mask1) -> (0 ope2 : OPE m n mask2) ->
CompResult ope1 ope2
comp' ope1 ope2 with (view ope1) | (view ope2)
comp' Stop Stop | StopV | StopV =
MkComp StopZ
comp' (Drop ope1 Refl) ope2 | DropV _ ope1 | _ =
MkComp $ DropZ (comp' ope1 ope2).comp
comp' (Keep ope1 Refl) (Drop ope2 Refl) | KeepV _ ope1 | DropV _ ope2 =
MkComp $ KDZ (comp' ope1 ope2).comp
comp' (Keep ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 Refl) | KeepV _ ope1 | KeepV _ ope2 =
MkComp $ KeepZ (comp' ope1 ope2).comp
||| compose two OPEs, after recomputing the middle scope size using `appOpe`
comp : {p, mask1, mask2 : Nat} ->
(0 ope1 : OPE n p mask1) -> (0 ope2 : OPE m n mask2) ->
CompResult ope1 ope2
comp ope1 ope2 = let Val n = appOpe p ope1 in comp' ope1 ope2
-- [todo] is there a quick way to compute the mask of comp?
app' : OPE m1 n1 mask1 -> OPE m2 n2 mask2 -> Exists (OPE (m1 + m2) (n1 + n2))
app' Stop ope2 = Evidence _ ope2
app' (Drop ope1 Refl) ope2 = Evidence _ $ Drop (app' ope1 ope2).snd Refl
app' (Keep ope1 Refl) ope2 = Evidence _ $ Keep (app' ope1 ope2).snd Refl
(++) : {n1, n2, mask1, mask2 : Nat} ->
(0 ope1 : OPE m1 n1 mask1) -> (0 ope2 : OPE m2 n2 mask2) ->
Subset Nat (OPE (m1 + m2) (n1 + n2))
ope1 ++ ope2 with (view ope1)
Stop ++ ope2 | StopV = Element _ ope2
Drop ope1 Refl ++ ope2 | DropV mask ope1 =
Element _ $ Drop (ope1 ++ ope2).snd Refl
Keep ope1 Refl ++ ope2 | KeepV mask ope1 =
Element _ $ Keep (ope1 ++ ope2).snd Refl
-- [todo] this mask is just (mask1 << n2) | mask2
-- prove it and add %transform
||| the tail of a non-empty OPE is its behaviour on all but the innermost slot
public export
data Tail : (full : OPE m1 (S n) mask1) -> (tail : OPE m2 n mask2) -> Type where
[search full]
DropT : Tail (Drop ope eq) ope
KeepT : Tail (Keep ope eq) ope
%name Tail tail
public export
record TailRes (0 ope : OPE m (S n) mask) where
constructor MkTail
{0 scope : Nat}
{tailMask : Nat}
0 tail : OPE scope n tailMask
0 isTail : Tail ope tail
tail : {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m (S n) mask) -> TailRes ope
tail ope with (view ope)
tail (Drop ope _) | DropV _ ope = MkTail ope DropT
tail (Keep ope _) | KeepV _ ope = MkTail ope KeepT
namespace OPEList
||| a list of OPEs of a given outer scope size
public export
data OPEList : Nat -> Type where
Nil : OPEList n
(::) : OPE m n mask -> OPEList n -> OPEList n
%name OPEList opes
namespace Tails -- 🦊
||| `Tails opes tails` if each i'th element of `tails` is the tail of
||| the i'th element of `opes`
public export
data Tails : (full : OPEList (S n)) -> (tails : OPEList n) -> Type where
[search full]
Nil : Tails [] []
(::) : Tail ope tail -> Tails opes tails ->
Tails (ope :: opes) (tail :: tails)
namespace Cover
||| an OPE list is a cover if at least one of the OPEs has `Keep` as the head,
||| and the tails are also a cover
||| in @egtbs it is a binary relation which is fine for ×ᵣ but i don't want to
||| write my AST in universe-of-syntaxes style. sorry
public export data Cover : OPEList n -> Type
||| the "`Keep` in the head" condition of a cover
public export data Cover1 : OPEList n -> Type
data Cover where
Nil : Cover opes {n = 0}
(::) : Cover1 opes -> Tails opes tails => Cover tails -> Cover opes
%name Cover cov
data Cover1 where
Here : Cover1 (Keep p eq :: opes)
There : Cover1 opes -> Cover1 (ope :: opes)
%name Cover1 cov1
public export
record Coprod (ope1 : OPE m1 n mask1) (ope2 : OPE m2 n mask2) where
constructor MkCoprod
{0 size : Nat}
{sizeMask : Nat}
{leftMask : Nat}
{rightMask : Nat}
{0 sub : OPE size n sizeMask}
{0 left : OPE m1 size leftMask}
{0 right : OPE m2 size rightMask}
0 leftComp : Comp sub left ope1
0 rightComp : Comp sub right ope2
{auto 0 isCover : Cover [left, right]}
%name Coprod cop
coprod : {n, mask1, mask2 : Nat} ->
(0 ope1 : OPE m1 n mask1) -> (0 ope2 : OPE m2 n mask2) ->
Coprod ope1 ope2
coprod ope1 ope2 with (view ope1) | (view ope2)
coprod Stop Stop | StopV | StopV = MkCoprod StopZ StopZ
coprod (Drop ope1 Refl) (Drop ope2 Refl) | DropV _ ope1 | DropV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod l r = coprod ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod (DropZ l) (DropZ r)
coprod (Drop ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 Refl) | DropV _ ope1 | KeepV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod l r = coprod ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod (KDZ l) (KeepZ r)
coprod (Keep ope1 Refl) (Drop ope2 Refl) | KeepV _ ope1 | DropV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod l r = coprod ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod (KeepZ l) (KDZ r)
coprod (Keep ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 Refl) | KeepV _ ope1 | KeepV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod l r = coprod ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod (KeepZ l) (KeepZ r)
-- [todo] n-ary coprod
public export
record Chunks m n where
constructor MkChunks
{leftMask : Nat}
{rightMask : Nat}
0 left : OPE m (m + n) leftMask
0 right : OPE n (m + n) rightMask
{auto 0 isCover : Cover [left, right]}
%name Chunks chunks
chunks : (m, n : Nat) -> Chunks m n
chunks 0 0 = MkChunks Stop Stop
chunks 0 (S n) =
let MkChunks l r = chunks 0 n in
MkChunks (Drop l Refl) (Keep r Refl)
chunks (S m) n =
let MkChunks l r = chunks m n in
MkChunks (Keep l Refl) (Drop r Refl)
-- [todo] the masks here are just ((2 << m) - 1) << n and (2 << n) - 1
public export
record SplitAt m n1 n2 (ope : OPE m (n1 + n2) mask) where
constructor MkSplitAt
{leftMask, rightMask : Nat}
{0 leftScope, rightScope : Nat}
0 left : OPE leftScope n1 leftMask
0 right : OPE rightScope n2 rightMask
0 scopePrf : m = leftScope + rightScope
0 opePrf : ope `Eqv` (left `app'` right).snd
%name SplitAt split
splitAt : (n1 : Nat) -> {n2, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m (n1 + n2) mask) ->
SplitAt m n1 n2 ope
splitAt 0 ope = MkSplitAt zero ope Refl reflexive
splitAt (S n1) ope with (view ope)
splitAt (S n1) (Drop ope Refl) | DropV _ ope with (splitAt n1 ope)
_ | MkSplitAt left right scopePrf opePrf =
MkSplitAt (Drop left Refl) right scopePrf (EqvDrop opePrf)
splitAt (S n1) (Keep ope Refl) | KeepV _ ope with (splitAt n1 ope)
_ | MkSplitAt left right scopePrf opePrf =
MkSplitAt (Keep left Refl) right (cong S scopePrf) (EqvKeep opePrf)
public export
record Thinned f n where
constructor Th
{0 scope : Nat}
{scopeMask : Nat}
0 ope : OPE scope n scopeMask
term : f scope
%name Thinned s, t, u
pure : {n : Nat} -> f n -> Thinned f n
pure term = Th id.snd term
join : {n : Nat} -> Thinned (Thinned f) n -> Thinned f n
join (Th ope1 (Th ope2 term)) = Th (comp ope1 ope2).result term

lib/Quox/Thin/Append.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module Quox.Thin.Append
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import public Quox.Thin.View
import Data.DPair
%default total
public export
app' : OPE m1 n1 mask1 -> OPE m2 n2 mask2 -> Exists (OPE (m1 + m2) (n1 + n2))
app' Stop ope2 = Evidence _ ope2
app' (Drop ope1 Refl) ope2 = Evidence _ $ Drop (app' ope1 ope2).snd Refl
app' (Keep ope1 Refl) ope2 = Evidence _ $ Keep (app' ope1 ope2).snd Refl
public export
(++) : {n1, n2, mask1, mask2 : Nat} ->
(0 ope1 : OPE m1 n1 mask1) -> (0 ope2 : OPE m2 n2 mask2) ->
Subset Nat (OPE (m1 + m2) (n1 + n2))
ope1 ++ ope2 with %syntactic (view ope1)
Stop ++ ope2 | StopV = Element _ ope2
Drop ope1 Refl ++ ope2 | DropV mask ope1 =
Element _ $ Drop (ope1 ++ ope2).snd Refl
Keep ope1 Refl ++ ope2 | KeepV mask ope1 =
Element _ $ Keep (ope1 ++ ope2).snd Refl
-- [todo] this mask is just (mask1 << n2) | mask2
-- prove it and add %transform

lib/Quox/Thin/Base.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
module Quox.Thin.Base
import Data.Fin
import Data.DPair
%default total
||| "order preserving embeddings", for recording a correspondence between a
||| smaller scope and part of a larger one. the third argument is a bitmask
||| representing this OPE, unique for a given `n`.
public export
data OPE : (m, n, mask : Nat) -> Type where
[search m n]
Stop : OPE 0 0 0
Drop : OPE m n mask -> mask' = mask + mask -> OPE m (S n) mask'
Keep : OPE m n mask -> mask' = (S (mask + mask)) -> OPE (S m) (S n) mask'
%name OPE ope
Show (OPE m n mask) where
showPrec d Stop = "Stop"
showPrec d (Drop ope Refl) = showCon d "Drop" $ showArg ope ++ " Refl"
showPrec d (Keep ope Refl) = showCon d "Keep" $ showArg ope ++ " Refl"
public export %inline
drop : OPE m n mask -> OPE m (S n) (mask + mask)
drop ope = Drop ope Refl
public export %inline
keep : OPE m n mask -> OPE (S m) (S n) (S (mask + mask))
keep ope = Keep ope Refl
public export
data IsStop : OPE m n mask -> Type where ItIsStop : IsStop Stop
public export
data IsDrop : OPE m n mask -> Type where ItIsDrop : IsDrop (Drop ope eq)
public export
data IsKeep : OPE m n mask -> Type where ItIsKeep : IsKeep (Keep ope eq)
0 zeroIsStop : (ope : OPE m 0 mask) -> IsStop ope
zeroIsStop Stop = ItIsStop
||| everything selected
public export
id : {m : Nat} -> Subset Nat (OPE m m)
id {m = 0} = Element _ Stop
id {m = S m} = Element _ $ Keep id.snd Refl
public export %inline
0 id' : OPE m m Base.id.fst
id' = id.snd
||| nothing selected
public export
zero : {m : Nat} -> OPE 0 m 0
zero {m = 0} = Stop
zero {m = S m} = Drop zero Refl
||| a single slot selected
public export
one : Fin n -> Subset Nat (OPE 1 n)
one FZ = Element _ $ keep zero
one (FS i) = Element _ $ drop (one i).snd
public export %inline
0 one' : (i : Fin n) -> OPE 1 n (one i).fst
one' i = (one i).snd
public export
record SomeOPE n where
constructor MkOPE
{mask : Nat}
0 ope : OPE m n mask

lib/Quox/Thin/Comp.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
module Quox.Thin.Comp
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import public Quox.Thin.View
import Data.Singleton
%default total
||| inductive definition of OPE composition
public export
data Comp : (l : OPE n p mask1) -> (r : OPE m n mask2) ->
(res : OPE m p mask3) -> Type where
[search l r]
StopZ : Comp Stop Stop Stop
DropZ : Comp a b c -> Comp (Drop a Refl) b (Drop c Refl)
KeepZ : Comp a b c -> Comp (Keep a Refl) (Keep b Refl) (Keep c Refl)
KDZ : Comp a b c -> Comp (Keep a Refl) (Drop b Refl) (Drop c Refl)
public export
record CompResult (ope1 : OPE n p mask1) (ope2 : OPE m n mask2) where
constructor MkComp
{mask : Nat}
{0 ope : OPE m p mask}
0 comp : Comp ope1 ope2 ope
%name CompResult comp
||| compose two OPEs, if the middle scope size is already known at runtime
comp' : {n, p, mask1, mask2 : Nat} ->
(0 ope1 : OPE n p mask1) -> (0 ope2 : OPE m n mask2) ->
CompResult ope1 ope2
comp' ope1 ope2 with %syntactic (view ope1) | (view ope2)
comp' Stop Stop | StopV | StopV =
MkComp StopZ
comp' (Drop ope1 Refl) ope2 | DropV _ ope1 | _ =
MkComp $ DropZ (comp' ope1 ope2).comp
comp' (Keep ope1 Refl) (Drop ope2 Refl) | KeepV _ ope1 | DropV _ ope2 =
MkComp $ KDZ (comp' ope1 ope2).comp
comp' (Keep ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 Refl) | KeepV _ ope1 | KeepV _ ope2 =
MkComp $ KeepZ (comp' ope1 ope2).comp
||| compose two OPEs, after recomputing the middle scope size using `appOpe`
comp : {p, mask1, mask2 : Nat} ->
(0 ope1 : OPE n p mask1) -> (0 ope2 : OPE m n mask2) ->
CompResult ope1 ope2
comp ope1 ope2 = let Val n = appOpe p ope1 in comp' ope1 ope2
-- [todo] is there a quick way to compute the mask of comp?
0 (.) : (ope1 : OPE n p mask1) -> (ope2 : OPE m n mask2) ->
OPE m p (comp ope1 ope2).mask
ope1 . ope2 = (comp ope1 ope2).ope
-- export
-- 0 compMask : (ope1 : OPE n p mask1) -> (ope2 : OPE m n mask2) ->
-- (ope3 : OPE m p mask3) -> Comp ope1 ope2 ope3 ->
-- mask3 = ?aaa

lib/Quox/Thin/Cons.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
module Quox.Thin.Cons
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import Quox.Thin.Eqv
import Quox.Thin.View
import Data.DPair
import Control.Relation
%default total
public export
data IsHead : (ope : OPE m (S n) mask) -> Bool -> Type where
[search ope]
DropH : IsHead (Drop ope eq) False
KeepH : IsHead (Keep ope eq) True
public export
data IsTail : (full : OPE m (S n) mask) -> OPE m' n mask' -> Type where
[search full]
DropT : IsTail (Drop ope eq) ope
KeepT : IsTail (Keep ope eq) ope
public export
record Uncons (ope : OPE m (S n) mask) where
constructor MkUncons
0 head : Bool
{tailMask : Nat}
0 tail : OPE scope n tailMask
{auto isHead : IsHead ope head}
{auto 0 isTail : IsTail ope tail}
public export
uncons : {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m (S n) mask) -> Uncons ope
uncons ope with %syntactic (view ope)
uncons (Drop ope Refl) | DropV _ ope = MkUncons False ope
uncons (Keep ope Refl) | KeepV _ ope = MkUncons True ope
public export
head : {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m (S n) mask) -> Exists $ IsHead ope
head ope = Evidence _ (uncons ope).isHead
public export
record Tail (ope : OPE m (S n) mask) where
constructor MkTail
{tailMask : Nat}
0 tail : OPE scope n tailMask
{auto 0 isTail : IsTail ope tail}
public export
tail : {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m (S n) mask) -> Tail ope
tail ope = let u = uncons ope in MkTail u.tail @{u.isTail}
cons : {mask : Nat} -> (head : Bool) -> (0 tail : OPE m n mask) ->
Subset Nat (OPE (if head then S m else m) (S n))
cons False tail = Element _ $ drop tail
cons True tail = Element _ $ keep tail
0 consEquiv' : (self : OPE m' (S n) mask') ->
(head : Bool) -> (tail : OPE m n mask) ->
IsHead self head -> IsTail self tail ->
(cons head tail).snd `Eqv` self
consEquiv' (Drop tail _) False tail DropH DropT = EqvDrop reflexive
consEquiv' (Keep tail _) True tail KeepH KeepT = EqvKeep reflexive
0 consEquiv : (full : OPE m' (S n) mask') ->
(cons (uncons full).head (uncons full).tail).snd `Eqv` full
consEquiv full with %syntactic (uncons full)
_ | MkUncons head tail {isHead, isTail} =
consEquiv' full head tail isHead isTail

lib/Quox/Thin/Coprod.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
module Quox.Thin.Coprod
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import public Quox.Thin.Comp
import public Quox.Thin.View
import public Quox.Thin.List
import public Quox.Thin.Cover
import Data.DPair
%default total
public export
record Coprod2 (ope1 : OPE m1 n mask1) (ope2 : OPE m2 n mask2) where
constructor MkCoprod2
{sizeMask : Nat}
{leftMask : Nat}
{rightMask : Nat}
{0 sub : OPE size n sizeMask}
{0 left : OPE m1 size leftMask}
{0 right : OPE m2 size rightMask}
0 leftComp : Comp sub left ope1
0 rightComp : Comp sub right ope2
{auto 0 isCover : Cover [left, right]}
%name Coprod2 cop
coprod2 : {n, mask1, mask2 : Nat} ->
(0 ope1 : OPE m1 n mask1) -> (0 ope2 : OPE m2 n mask2) ->
Coprod2 ope1 ope2
coprod2 ope1 ope2 with (view ope1) | (view ope2)
coprod2 Stop Stop | StopV | StopV = MkCoprod2 StopZ StopZ
coprod2 (Drop ope1 Refl) (Drop ope2 Refl) | DropV _ ope1 | DropV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod2 l r = coprod2 ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod2 (DropZ l) (DropZ r)
coprod2 (Drop ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 Refl) | DropV _ ope1 | KeepV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod2 l r = coprod2 ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod2 (KDZ l) (KeepZ r)
coprod2 (Keep ope1 Refl) (Drop ope2 Refl) | KeepV _ ope1 | DropV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod2 l r = coprod2 ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod2 (KeepZ l) (KDZ r)
coprod2 (Keep ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 Refl) | KeepV _ ope1 | KeepV _ ope2 =
let MkCoprod2 l r = coprod2 ope1 ope2 in MkCoprod2 (KeepZ l) (KeepZ r)
-- [todo] n-ary coprod

lib/Quox/Thin/Cover.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Quox.Thin.Cover
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import public Quox.Thin.List
%default total
||| an OPE list is a cover if at least one of the OPEs has `Keep` as the head,
||| and the tails are also a cover
||| in @egtbs it is a binary relation which is fine for ×ᵣ but i don't want to
||| write my AST in universe-of-syntaxes style. sorry
public export data Cover : OPEList n -> Type
||| the "`Keep` in the head" condition of a cover
public export data Cover1 : OPEList n -> Type
data Cover where
Nil : Cover opes {n = 0}
(::) : Cover1 opes -> All2 IsTail opes tails => Cover tails -> Cover opes
%name Cover cov
data Cover1 where
Here : Cover1 (Keep ope eq :: opes)
There : Cover1 opes -> Cover1 (ope :: opes)
%name Cover1 cov1

lib/Quox/Thin/Eqv.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
module Quox.Thin.Eqv
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import public Quox.Thin.View
import Quox.NatExtra
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning
%default total
infix 6 `Eqv`
uip : (p, q : a = b) -> p = q
uip Refl Refl = Refl
public export
data Eqv : OPE m1 n1 mask1 -> OPE m2 n2 mask2 -> Type where
EqvStop : Eqv Stop Stop
EqvDrop : {0 p : OPE m1 n1 mask1} ->
{0 q : OPE m2 n2 mask2} ->
Eqv p q -> Eqv (Drop p eq1) (Drop q eq2)
EqvKeep : {0 p : OPE m1 n1 mask1} ->
{0 q : OPE m2 n2 mask2} ->
Eqv p q -> Eqv (Keep p eq1) (Keep q eq2)
%name Eqv eqv
export Uninhabited (Stop `Eqv` Drop p e) where uninhabited _ impossible
export Uninhabited (Stop `Eqv` Keep p e) where uninhabited _ impossible
export Uninhabited (Drop p e `Eqv` Stop) where uninhabited _ impossible
export Uninhabited (Drop p e `Eqv` Keep q f) where uninhabited _ impossible
export Uninhabited (Keep p e `Eqv` Stop) where uninhabited _ impossible
export Uninhabited (Keep p e `Eqv` Drop q f) where uninhabited _ impossible
Reflexive (OPE m n mask) Eqv where
reflexive {x = Stop} = EqvStop
reflexive {x = Drop {}} = EqvDrop reflexive
reflexive {x = Keep {}} = EqvKeep reflexive
symmetric : p `Eqv` q -> q `Eqv` p
symmetric EqvStop = EqvStop
symmetric (EqvDrop eqv) = EqvDrop $ symmetric eqv
symmetric (EqvKeep eqv) = EqvKeep $ symmetric eqv
transitive : p `Eqv` q -> q `Eqv` r -> p `Eqv` r
transitive EqvStop EqvStop = EqvStop
transitive (EqvDrop eqv1) (EqvDrop eqv2) = EqvDrop (transitive eqv1 eqv2)
transitive (EqvKeep eqv1) (EqvKeep eqv2) = EqvKeep (transitive eqv1 eqv2)
recompute' : {mask1, mask2, n1, n2 : Nat} ->
(0 p : OPE m1 n1 mask1) -> (0 q : OPE m2 n2 mask2) ->
(0 eqv : p `Eqv` q) -> p `Eqv` q
recompute' p q eqv with %syntactic (view p) | (view q)
recompute' Stop Stop _ | StopV | StopV = EqvStop
recompute' (Drop p _) (Drop q _) eqv | DropV _ p | DropV _ q =
EqvDrop $ recompute' {eqv = let EqvDrop e = eqv in e, _}
recompute' (Keep p _) (Keep q _) eqv | KeepV _ p | KeepV _ q =
EqvKeep $ recompute' {eqv = let EqvKeep e = eqv in e, _}
recompute' (Drop p _) (Keep q _) eqv | DropV _ p | KeepV _ q =
void $ absurd eqv
recompute' (Keep p _) (Drop q _) eqv | KeepV _ p | DropV _ q =
void $ absurd eqv
recompute : {mask1, mask2, n1, n2 : Nat} ->
{0 p : OPE m1 n1 mask1} -> {0 q : OPE m2 n2 mask2} ->
(0 _ : p `Eqv` q) -> p `Eqv` q
recompute eqv = recompute' {eqv, _}
eqvIndices : {0 p : OPE m1 n1 mask1} -> {0 q : OPE m2 n2 mask2} ->
p `Eqv` q -> (m1 = m2, n1 = n2, mask1 = mask2)
eqvIndices EqvStop = (Refl, Refl, Refl)
eqvIndices (EqvDrop eqv {eq1 = Refl, eq2 = Refl}) =
let (Refl, Refl, Refl) = eqvIndices eqv in (Refl, Refl, Refl)
eqvIndices (EqvKeep eqv {eq1 = Refl, eq2 = Refl}) =
let (Refl, Refl, Refl) = eqvIndices eqv in (Refl, Refl, Refl)
0 eqvMask : (p : OPE m1 n mask1) -> (q : OPE m2 n mask2) ->
mask1 = mask2 -> p `Eqv` q
eqvMask Stop Stop _ = EqvStop
eqvMask (Drop ope1 Refl) (Drop {mask = mm2} ope2 eq2) Refl =
EqvDrop $ eqvMask ope1 ope2 (doubleInj _ _ eq2)
eqvMask (Drop ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 eq2) Refl =
void $ notEvenOdd _ _ eq2
eqvMask (Keep ope1 eq1) (Keep ope2 eq2) Refl =
EqvKeep $ eqvMask ope1 ope2 (doubleInj _ _ $ inj S $ trans (sym eq1) eq2)
eqvMask (Keep ope1 eq1) (Drop ope2 eq2) Refl =
void $ notEvenOdd _ _ $ trans (sym eq2) eq1
0 eqvEq : (p, q : OPE m n mask) -> p `Eqv` q -> p === q
eqvEq Stop Stop EqvStop = Refl
eqvEq (Drop p eq1) (Drop q eq2) (EqvDrop eqv)
with %syntactic (doubleInj _ _ $ trans (sym eq1) eq2)
_ | Refl = cong2 Drop (eqvEq p q eqv) (uip eq1 eq2)
eqvEq (Keep p eq1) (Keep q eq2) (EqvKeep eqv)
with %syntactic (doubleInj _ _ $ inj S $ trans (sym eq1) eq2)
_ | Refl = cong2 Keep (eqvEq p q eqv) (uip eq1 eq2)
0 eqvEq' : (p : OPE m1 n1 mask1) -> (q : OPE m2 n2 mask2) ->
p `Eqv` q -> p ~=~ q
eqvEq' p q eqv = let (Refl, Refl, Refl) = eqvIndices eqv in eqvEq p q eqv
0 maskEqInner : (0 ope1 : OPE m1 n mask1) -> (0 ope2 : OPE m2 n mask2) ->
mask1 = mask2 -> m1 = m2
maskEqInner Stop Stop _ = Refl
maskEqInner (Drop ope1 Refl) (Drop ope2 Refl) eq =
maskEqInner ope1 ope2 (doubleInj _ _ eq)
maskEqInner (Keep ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 Refl) eq =
cong S $ maskEqInner ope1 ope2 $ doubleInj _ _ $ inj S eq
maskEqInner (Drop ope1 Refl) (Keep ope2 Refl) eq = void $ notEvenOdd _ _ eq
maskEqInner (Keep {mask = mask1'} ope1 eq1) (Drop {mask = mask2'} ope2 eq2) eq =
-- matching on eq1, eq2, or eq here triggers that weird coverage bug ☹
void $ notEvenOdd _ _ $ Calc $
|~ mask2' + mask2'
~~ mask2 ..<(eq2)
~~ mask1 ..<(eq)
~~ S (mask1' + mask1') ...(eq1)

lib/Quox/Thin/List.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
module Quox.Thin.List
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import public Quox.Thin.Cons
import Data.DPair
import Data.Nat
import Control.Function
%default total
||| a list of OPEs of a given outer scope size
||| (at runtime just the masks)
public export
data OPEList : Nat -> Type where
Nil : OPEList n
(::) : {mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> OPEList n -> OPEList n
%name OPEList opes
length : OPEList n -> Nat
length [] = 0
length (_ :: opes) = S $ length opes
toList : OPEList n -> List (SomeOPE n)
toList [] = []
toList (ope :: opes) = MkOPE ope :: toList opes
fromList : List (SomeOPE n) -> OPEList n
fromList [] = []
fromList (MkOPE ope :: xs) = ope :: fromList xs
public export
0 Pred : Nat -> Type
Pred n = forall m, mask. OPE m n mask -> Type
public export
0 Rel : Nat -> Nat -> Type
Rel n1 n2 = forall m1, m2, mask1, mask2.
OPE m1 n1 mask1 -> OPE m2 n2 mask2 -> Type
namespace All
public export
data All : Pred n -> OPEList n -> Type where
Nil : {0 p : Pred n} -> All p []
(::) : {0 p : Pred n} -> p ope -> All p opes -> All p (ope :: opes)
%name All.All ps, qs
namespace All2
public export
data All2 : Rel n1 n2 -> OPEList n1 -> OPEList n2 -> Type where
Nil : {0 p : Rel n1 n2} -> All2 p [] []
(::) : {0 p : Rel n1 n2} -> p a b -> All2 p as bs ->
All2 p (a :: as) (b :: bs)
%name All2.All2 ps, qs
namespace Any
public export
data Any : Pred n -> OPEList n -> Type where
Here : {0 p : Pred n} -> p ope -> Any p (ope :: opes)
There : {0 p : Pred n} -> Any p opes -> Any p (ope :: opes)
%name Any.Any p, q
{0 p : Pred n} -> Uninhabited (Any p []) where uninhabited _ impossible
all : {0 p : Pred n} ->
(forall m. {mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> p ope) ->
(opes : OPEList n) -> All p opes
all f [] = []
all f (ope :: opes) = f ope :: all f opes
allDec : {0 p : Pred n} ->
(forall m. {mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> Dec (p ope)) ->
(opes : OPEList n) -> Dec (All p opes)
allDec f [] = Yes []
allDec f (ope :: opes) = case f ope of
Yes y => case allDec f opes of
Yes ys => Yes $ y :: ys
No k => No $ \(_ :: ps) => k ps
No k => No $ \(p :: _) => k p
anyDec : {0 p : Pred n} ->
(forall m. {mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> Dec (p ope)) ->
(opes : OPEList n) -> Dec (Any p opes)
anyDec f [] = No absurd
anyDec f (ope :: opes) = case f ope of
Yes y => Yes $ Here y
No nh => case anyDec f opes of
Yes y => Yes $ There y
No nt => No $ \case Here h => nh h; There t => nt t
unconses : {n : Nat} -> (opes : OPEList (S n)) -> All Uncons opes
unconses = all uncons
heads : {n : Nat} -> (opes : OPEList (S n)) -> All (Exists . IsHead) opes
heads = all head
tails : {n : Nat} -> (opes : OPEList (S n)) -> All Tail opes
tails = all tail
-- [fixme] factor this out probably
tails_ : {n : Nat} -> (opes : OPEList (S n)) ->
Subset (OPEList n) (All2 IsTail opes)
tails_ [] = Element [] []
tails_ (ope :: opes) = Element _ $ (tail ope).isTail :: (tails_ opes).snd
conses : (heads : List Bool) -> (tails : OPEList n) ->
(0 len : length heads = length tails) =>
OPEList (S n)
conses [] [] = []
conses (h :: hs) (t :: ts) = snd (cons h t) :: conses hs ts @{inj S len}

lib/Quox/Thin/Split.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
module Quox.Thin.Split
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import public Quox.Thin.View
import public Quox.Thin.Eqv
import public Quox.Thin.Append
import public Quox.Thin.Cover
import Data.DPair
import Control.Relation
%default total
public export
record Chunks m n where
constructor MkChunks
{leftMask : Nat}
{rightMask : Nat}
0 left : OPE m (m + n) leftMask
0 right : OPE n (m + n) rightMask
{auto 0 isCover : Cover [left, right]}
%name Chunks chunks
chunks : (m, n : Nat) -> Chunks m n
chunks 0 0 = MkChunks Stop Stop
chunks 0 (S n) =
let MkChunks l r = chunks 0 n in
MkChunks (Drop l Refl) (Keep r Refl)
chunks (S m) n =
let MkChunks l r = chunks m n in
MkChunks (Keep l Refl) (Drop r Refl)
-- [todo] the masks here are just ((2 << m) - 1) << n and (2 << n) - 1
public export
record SplitAt m n1 n2 (ope : OPE m (n1 + n2) mask) where
constructor MkSplitAt
{leftMask, rightMask : Nat}
{0 leftScope, rightScope : Nat}
0 left : OPE leftScope n1 leftMask
0 right : OPE rightScope n2 rightMask
0 scopePrf : m = leftScope + rightScope
0 opePrf : ope `Eqv` (left `app'` right).snd
%name SplitAt split
splitAt : (n1 : Nat) -> {n2, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m (n1 + n2) mask) ->
SplitAt m n1 n2 ope
splitAt 0 ope = MkSplitAt zero ope Refl reflexive
splitAt (S n1) ope with %syntactic (view ope)
splitAt (S n1) (Drop ope Refl) | DropV _ ope with %syntactic (splitAt n1 ope)
_ | MkSplitAt left right scopePrf opePrf =
MkSplitAt (Drop left Refl) right scopePrf (EqvDrop opePrf)
splitAt (S n1) (Keep ope Refl) | KeepV _ ope with %syntactic (splitAt n1 ope)
_ | MkSplitAt left right scopePrf opePrf =
MkSplitAt (Keep left Refl) right (cong S scopePrf) (EqvKeep opePrf)

lib/Quox/Thin/Term.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
module Quox.Thin.Term
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import public Quox.Thin.Comp
import public Quox.Thin.List
import Quox.Thin.Eqv
import public Quox.Thin.Cover
import Quox.Name
import Quox.Loc
import Data.DPair
import public Data.List.Quantifiers
import Data.Vect
import Data.Singleton
import Decidable.Equality
%default total
public export
record Thinned f n where
constructor Th
{0 scope : Nat}
{scopeMask : Nat}
0 ope : OPE scope n scopeMask
term : f scope
%name Thinned s, t, u
(forall n. Eq (f n)) => Eq (Thinned f n) where
s == t = case decEq s.scopeMask t.scopeMask of
Yes eq => s.term == (rewrite maskEqInner s.ope t.ope eq in t.term)
No _ => False
(forall n. Located (f n)) => Located (Thinned f n) where
term.loc = term.term.loc
(forall n. Relocatable (f n)) => Relocatable (Thinned f n) where
setLoc loc = {term $= setLoc loc}
namespace Thinned
pure : {n : Nat} -> f n -> Thinned f n
pure term = Th id.snd term
join : {n : Nat} -> Thinned (Thinned f) n -> Thinned f n
join (Th ope1 (Th ope2 term)) = Th (ope1 . ope2) term
public export
record ScopedN (s : Nat) (f : Nat -> Type) (n : Nat) where
constructor S
names : Vect s BindName
{0 scope : Nat}
{mask : Nat}
0 ope : OPE scope s mask
body : f (scope + n)
(forall n. Eq (f n)) => Eq (ScopedN s f n) where
s1 == s2 = case decEq s1.mask s2.mask of
Yes eq =>
s1.names == s2.names &&
s1.body == (rewrite maskEqInner s1.ope s2.ope eq in s2.body)
No _ => False
{s : Nat} -> (forall n. Show (f n)) => Show (ScopedN s f n) where
showPrec d (S ns ope body) = showCon d "S" $
showArg ns ++ showArg (unVal $ maskToOpe ope) ++ showArg body
public export
Scoped : (Nat -> Type) -> Nat -> Type
Scoped d n = ScopedN 1 d n
(.name) : Scoped f n -> BindName
(S {names = [x], _}).name = x
(forall n. Located (f n)) => Located (ScopedN s f n) where
s.loc = s.body.loc
(forall n. Relocatable (f n)) => Relocatable (ScopedN s f n) where
setLoc loc = {body $= setLoc loc}
public export
record Thinned2 f d n where
constructor Th2
{0 dscope, tscope : Nat}
{dmask, tmask : Nat}
0 dope : OPE dscope d dmask
0 tope : OPE tscope n tmask
term : f dscope tscope
%name Thinned2 term
(forall d, n. Eq (f d n)) => Eq (Thinned2 f d n) where
s == t = case (decEq s.dmask t.dmask, decEq s.tmask t.tmask) of
(Yes deq, Yes teq) =>
s.term == (rewrite maskEqInner s.dope t.dope deq in
rewrite maskEqInner s.tope t.tope teq in t.term)
_ => False
(forall d, n. Located (f d n)) => Located (Thinned2 f d n) where
term.loc = term.term.loc
(forall d, n. Relocatable (f d n)) => Relocatable (Thinned2 f d n) where
setLoc loc = {term $= setLoc loc}
namespace Thinned2
pure : {d, n : Nat} -> f d n -> Thinned2 f d n
pure term = Th2 id.snd id.snd term
join : {d, n : Nat} -> Thinned2 (Thinned2 f) d n -> Thinned2 f d n
join (Th2 dope1 tope1 (Th2 dope2 tope2 term)) =
Th2 (dope1 . dope2) (tope1 . tope2) term
namespace TermList
public export
data Element : (Nat -> Nat -> Type) ->
OPE dscope d dmask -> OPE tscope n tmask -> Type where
T : f dscope tscope ->
{dmask : Nat} -> (0 dope : OPE dscope d dmask) ->
{tmask : Nat} -> (0 tope : OPE tscope n tmask) ->
Element f dope tope
%name TermList.Element s, t, u
elementEq : (forall d, n. Eq (f d n)) =>
Element {d, n} f dope1 tope1 -> Element {d, n} f dope2 tope2 ->
elementEq (T s dope1 tope1 {dmask = dm1, tmask = tm1})
(T t dope2 tope2 {dmask = dm2, tmask = tm2}) =
case (decEq dm1 dm2, decEq tm1 tm2) of
(Yes deq, Yes teq) =>
s == (rewrite maskEqInner dope1 dope2 deq in
rewrite maskEqInner tope1 tope2 teq in t)
_ => False
public export
data TermList : List (Nat -> Nat -> Type) ->
OPEList d -> OPEList n -> Type where
Nil : TermList [] [] []
(::) : Element f dope tope ->
TermList fs dopes topes ->
TermList (f :: fs) (dope :: dopes) (tope :: topes)
%name TermList ss, ts, us
termListEq : All (\f => forall d, n. Eq (f d n)) fs =>
TermList {d, n} fs dopes1 topes1 ->
TermList {d, n} fs dopes2 topes2 ->
termListEq [] [] = True
termListEq (s :: ss) (t :: ts) @{eq :: eqs} =
elementEq s t && termListEq ss ts
public export
record Subterms (fs : List (Nat -> Nat -> Type)) d n where
constructor Sub
{0 dopes : OPEList d}
{0 topes : OPEList n}
terms : TermList fs dopes topes
0 dcov : Cover dopes
0 tcov : Cover topes
%name Subterms ss, ts, us
All (\f => forall d, n. Eq (f d n)) fs => Eq (Subterms fs d n) where
ss == ts = ss.terms `termListEq` ts.terms

lib/Quox/Thin/View.idr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
module Quox.Thin.View
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import Quox.NatExtra
import Data.Singleton
%default total
public export
data View : OPE m n mask -> Type where
StopV : View Stop
DropV : (mask : Nat) -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> View (Drop ope Refl)
KeepV : (mask : Nat) -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> View (Keep ope Refl)
%name View.View v
0 stopEqs : OPE m 0 mask -> (m = 0, mask = 0)
stopEqs Stop = (Refl, Refl)
0 fromStop : (ope : OPE 0 0 0) -> ope = Stop
fromStop Stop = Refl
0 fromDrop : (ope : OPE m (S n) (k + k)) ->
(inner : OPE m n k ** ope === Drop inner Refl)
fromDrop (Drop ope eq) with %syntactic (doubleInj _ _ eq)
fromDrop (Drop ope Refl) | Refl = (ope ** Refl)
fromDrop (Keep ope eq) = void $ notEvenOdd _ _ eq
0 fromKeep : (ope : OPE (S m) (S n) (S (k + k))) ->
(inner : OPE m n k ** ope === Keep inner Refl)
fromKeep (Drop ope eq) = void $ notEvenOdd _ _ $ sym eq
fromKeep (Keep ope eq) with %syntactic (doubleInj _ _ $ inj S eq)
fromKeep (Keep ope Refl) | Refl = (ope ** Refl)
0 keepIsSucc : (ope : OPE m n (S (k + k))) -> IsSucc m
keepIsSucc (Drop ope eq) = void $ notEvenOdd _ _ $ sym eq
keepIsSucc (Keep ope _) = ItIsSucc
view : {0 m : Nat} -> {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> View ope
view {n = 0} ope with %syntactic 0 (fst $ stopEqs ope) | 0 (snd $ stopEqs ope)
_ | Refl | Refl = rewrite fromStop ope in StopV
view {n = S n} ope with %syntactic (half mask)
_ | HalfOdd mask' with %syntactic 0 (keepIsSucc ope)
_ | ItIsSucc with %syntactic 0 (fromKeep ope)
_ | (ope' ** eq) = rewrite eq in KeepV mask' ope'
_ | HalfEven mask' with %syntactic 0 (fromDrop ope)
_ | (ope' ** eq) = rewrite eq in DropV mask' ope'
appOpe : {0 m : Nat} -> (n : Nat) -> {mask : Nat} ->
(0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> Singleton m
appOpe n ope with %syntactic (view ope)
appOpe 0 Stop | StopV = Val 0
appOpe (S n) (Drop ope' _) | DropV _ ope' = appOpe n ope'
appOpe (S n) (Keep ope' _) | KeepV _ ope' = [|S $ appOpe n ope'|]
maskToOpe : {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> Singleton ope
maskToOpe ope with %syntactic (view ope)
maskToOpe Stop | StopV = [|Stop|]
maskToOpe (Drop ope Refl) | DropV k ope = [|drop $ maskToOpe ope|]
maskToOpe (Keep ope Refl) | KeepV k ope = [|keep $ maskToOpe ope|]
0 outerInnerZero : OPE m 0 mask -> m = 0
outerInnerZero Stop = Refl
0 outerMaskZero : OPE m 0 mask -> mask = 0
outerMaskZero Stop = Refl

View File

@ -16,9 +16,19 @@ modules =
Quox.Decidable, Quox.Decidable,
Quox.No, Quox.No,
Quox.Loc, Quox.Loc,
Quox.Pretty, Quox.Pretty,
Quox.Syntax, Quox.Syntax,
Quox.Syntax.Dim, Quox.Syntax.Dim,
Quox.Syntax.DimEq, Quox.Syntax.DimEq,