
77 lines
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module Quox.Thin.View
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import Quox.NatExtra
import Data.Singleton
%default total
public export
data View : OPE m n mask -> Type where
StopV : View Stop
DropV : (mask : Nat) -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> View (Drop ope Refl)
KeepV : (mask : Nat) -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> View (Keep ope Refl)
%name View.View v
0 stopEqs : OPE m 0 mask -> (m = 0, mask = 0)
stopEqs Stop = (Refl, Refl)
0 fromStop : (ope : OPE 0 0 0) -> ope = Stop
fromStop Stop = Refl
0 fromDrop : (ope : OPE m (S n) (k + k)) ->
(inner : OPE m n k ** ope === Drop inner Refl)
fromDrop (Drop ope eq) with %syntactic (doubleInj _ _ eq)
fromDrop (Drop ope Refl) | Refl = (ope ** Refl)
fromDrop (Keep ope eq) = void $ notEvenOdd _ _ eq
0 fromKeep : (ope : OPE (S m) (S n) (S (k + k))) ->
(inner : OPE m n k ** ope === Keep inner Refl)
fromKeep (Drop ope eq) = void $ notEvenOdd _ _ $ sym eq
fromKeep (Keep ope eq) with %syntactic (doubleInj _ _ $ inj S eq)
fromKeep (Keep ope Refl) | Refl = (ope ** Refl)
0 keepIsSucc : (ope : OPE m n (S (k + k))) -> IsSucc m
keepIsSucc (Drop ope eq) = void $ notEvenOdd _ _ $ sym eq
keepIsSucc (Keep ope _) = ItIsSucc
view : {0 m : Nat} -> {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> View ope
view {n = 0} ope with %syntactic 0 (fst $ stopEqs ope) | 0 (snd $ stopEqs ope)
_ | Refl | Refl = rewrite fromStop ope in StopV
view {n = S n} ope with %syntactic (half mask)
_ | HalfOdd mask' with %syntactic 0 (keepIsSucc ope)
_ | ItIsSucc with %syntactic 0 (fromKeep ope)
_ | (ope' ** eq) = rewrite eq in KeepV mask' ope'
_ | HalfEven mask' with %syntactic 0 (fromDrop ope)
_ | (ope' ** eq) = rewrite eq in DropV mask' ope'
appOpe : {0 m : Nat} -> (n : Nat) -> {mask : Nat} ->
(0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> Singleton m
appOpe n ope with %syntactic (view ope)
appOpe 0 Stop | StopV = Val 0
appOpe (S n) (Drop ope' _) | DropV _ ope' = appOpe n ope'
appOpe (S n) (Keep ope' _) | KeepV _ ope' = [|S $ appOpe n ope'|]
maskToOpe : {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m n mask) -> Singleton ope
maskToOpe ope with %syntactic (view ope)
maskToOpe Stop | StopV = [|Stop|]
maskToOpe (Drop ope Refl) | DropV k ope = [|drop $ maskToOpe ope|]
maskToOpe (Keep ope Refl) | KeepV k ope = [|keep $ maskToOpe ope|]
0 outerInnerZero : OPE m 0 mask -> m = 0
outerInnerZero Stop = Refl
0 outerMaskZero : OPE m 0 mask -> mask = 0
outerMaskZero Stop = Refl