
75 lines
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module Quox.Thin.Cons
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import Quox.Thin.Eqv
import Quox.Thin.View
import Data.DPair
import Control.Relation
%default total
public export
data IsHead : (ope : OPE m (S n) mask) -> Bool -> Type where
[search ope]
DropH : IsHead (Drop ope eq) False
KeepH : IsHead (Keep ope eq) True
public export
data IsTail : (full : OPE m (S n) mask) -> OPE m' n mask' -> Type where
[search full]
DropT : IsTail (Drop ope eq) ope
KeepT : IsTail (Keep ope eq) ope
public export
record Uncons (ope : OPE m (S n) mask) where
constructor MkUncons
0 head : Bool
{tailMask : Nat}
0 tail : OPE scope n tailMask
{auto isHead : IsHead ope head}
{auto 0 isTail : IsTail ope tail}
public export
uncons : {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m (S n) mask) -> Uncons ope
uncons ope with %syntactic (view ope)
uncons (Drop ope Refl) | DropV _ ope = MkUncons False ope
uncons (Keep ope Refl) | KeepV _ ope = MkUncons True ope
public export
head : {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m (S n) mask) -> Exists $ IsHead ope
head ope = Evidence _ (uncons ope).isHead
public export
record Tail (ope : OPE m (S n) mask) where
constructor MkTail
{tailMask : Nat}
0 tail : OPE scope n tailMask
{auto 0 isTail : IsTail ope tail}
public export
tail : {n, mask : Nat} -> (0 ope : OPE m (S n) mask) -> Tail ope
tail ope = let u = uncons ope in MkTail u.tail @{u.isTail}
cons : {mask : Nat} -> (head : Bool) -> (0 tail : OPE m n mask) ->
Subset Nat (OPE (if head then S m else m) (S n))
cons False tail = Element _ $ drop tail
cons True tail = Element _ $ keep tail
0 consEquiv' : (self : OPE m' (S n) mask') ->
(head : Bool) -> (tail : OPE m n mask) ->
IsHead self head -> IsTail self tail ->
(cons head tail).snd `Eqv` self
consEquiv' (Drop tail _) False tail DropH DropT = EqvDrop reflexive
consEquiv' (Keep tail _) True tail KeepH KeepT = EqvKeep reflexive
0 consEquiv : (full : OPE m' (S n) mask') ->
(cons (uncons full).head (uncons full).tail).snd `Eqv` full
consEquiv full with %syntactic (uncons full)
_ | MkUncons head tail {isHead, isTail} =
consEquiv' full head tail isHead isTail