
379 lines
9.7 KiB

module Quox.Untyped.Scheme
import Quox.Name
import Quox.Context
import Quox.Untyped.Syntax
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.EffExtra
import Quox.CharExtra
import Quox.NatExtra
import Data.DPair
import Data.List1
import Data.String
import Data.SortedSet
import Data.Vect
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
%language ElabReflection
%hide TT.Name
isSchemeInitial : Char -> Bool
isSchemeInitial c =
let gc = genCat c in
isLetter gc || isSymbol gc && c /= '|' ||
gc == Number Letter ||
gc == Number Other ||
gc == Mark NonSpacing ||
gc == Punctuation Dash ||
gc == Punctuation Connector ||
gc == Punctuation Other && c /= '\'' && c /= '\\' ||
gc == Other PrivateUse ||
(c `elem` unpack "!$%&*/:<=>?~_^")
isSchemeSubsequent : Char -> Bool
isSchemeSubsequent c =
let gc = genCat c in
isSchemeInitial c ||
isNumber gc ||
isMark gc ||
(c `elem` unpack ".+-@")
isSchemeId : String -> Bool
isSchemeId str =
str == "1+" || str == "1-" ||
case unpack str of
[] => False
c :: cs => isSchemeInitial c && all isSchemeSubsequent cs
escId : String -> String
escId str =
let str' = concatMap doEsc $ unpack str in
if isSchemeId str' then str' else "|\{str}|"
doEsc : Char -> String
doEsc '\\' = "\\\\"
doEsc '|' = "\\|"
doEsc '\'' = "^"
doEsc c = singleton c
public export
data Id = I String Nat
%runElab derive "Id" [Eq, Ord]
prettyId' : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Id -> Doc opts
prettyId' (I str 0) = text $ escId str
prettyId' (I str k) = text $ escId "\{str}:\{show k}"
prettyId : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Id -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyId x = hl TVar $ prettyId' x
public export
data StateTag = AVOID | MAIN
public export
Scheme : List (Type -> Type)
Scheme = [StateL AVOID (SortedSet Id), StateL MAIN (List Id)]
-- names to avoid, and functions with #[main] (should only be one)
public export
data Sexp =
V Id
| L (List Sexp)
| Q Sexp
| N Nat
| S String
| Lambda (List Id) Sexp
| LambdaC (List Id) Sexp -- curried lambda
| Let Id Sexp Sexp
| Case Sexp (List1 (List Sexp, Sexp))
| Define Id Sexp
| Literal String
FromString Sexp where fromString s = V $ I s 0
makeIdBase : Mods -> String -> String
makeIdBase mods str = joinBy "." $ toList $ mods :< str
makeId : Name -> Id
makeId (MakeName mods (UN str)) = I (makeIdBase mods str) 0
makeId (MakeName mods (MN str k)) = I (makeIdBase mods str) 0
makeId (MakeName mods Unused) = I (makeIdBase mods "_") 0
makeIdB : BindName -> Id
makeIdB (BN name _) = makeId $ MakeName [<] name
bump : Id -> Id
bump (I x i) = I x (S i)
export covering
getFresh : SortedSet Id -> Id -> Id
getFresh used x =
if contains x used then getFresh used (bump x) else x
export covering
freshIn : Id -> (Id -> Eff Scheme a) -> Eff Scheme a
freshIn x k =
let x = getFresh !(getAt AVOID) x in
localAt AVOID (insert x) $ k x
export covering
freshInB : BindName -> (Id -> Eff Scheme a) -> Eff Scheme a
freshInB x = freshIn (makeIdB x)
export covering
freshInBT : Telescope' BindName m n ->
(Telescope' Id m n -> Eff Scheme a) ->
Eff Scheme a
freshInBT xs act = do
let (xs', used') = go (map makeIdB xs) !(getAt AVOID)
localAt_ AVOID used' $ act xs'
go : forall n. Telescope' Id m n ->
SortedSet Id -> (Telescope' Id m n, SortedSet Id)
go [<] used = ([<], used)
go (xs :< x) used =
let x = getFresh used x
(xs, used) = go xs (insert x used)
(xs :< x, used)
export covering
freshInBC : Context' BindName n -> (Context' Id n -> Eff Scheme a) ->
Eff Scheme a
freshInBC = freshInBT
export covering
toScheme : Context' Id n -> Term n -> Eff Scheme Sexp
toScheme xs (F x _) = pure $ V $ makeId x
toScheme xs (B i _) = pure $ V $ xs !!! i
toScheme xs (Lam x body _) =
let Evidence n' (ys, body) = splitLam [< x] body in
freshInBT ys $ \ys => do
pure $ LambdaC (toList' ys) !(toScheme (xs . ys) body)
toScheme xs (App fun arg _) = do
let (fun, args) = splitApp fun
fun <- toScheme xs fun
args <- traverse (toScheme xs) args
arg <- toScheme xs arg
pure $ if null args
then L [fun, arg]
else L $ "%" :: fun :: toList (args :< arg)
toScheme xs (Pair fst snd _) =
pure $ L ["cons", !(toScheme xs fst), !(toScheme xs snd)]
toScheme xs (Fst pair _) =
pure $ L ["car", !(toScheme xs pair)]
toScheme xs (Snd pair _) =
pure $ L ["cdr", !(toScheme xs pair)]
toScheme xs (Tag tag _) =
pure $ Q $ fromString tag
toScheme xs (CaseEnum tag cases _) =
Case <$> toScheme xs tag
<*> for cases (\(t, rhs) => ([fromString t],) <$> toScheme xs rhs)
toScheme xs (Absurd _) =
pure $ Q "absurd"
toScheme xs (Nat n _) =
pure $ N n
toScheme xs (Succ nat _) =
pure $ L ["+", !(toScheme xs nat), N 1]
toScheme xs (CaseNat nat zer (NSRec p ih suc) _) =
freshInBC [< p, ih] $ \[< p, ih] =>
pure $
L ["case-nat-rec",
Lambda [] !(toScheme xs zer),
Lambda [p, ih] !(toScheme (xs :< p :< ih) suc),
!(toScheme xs nat)]
toScheme xs (Str s _) = pure $ S s
toScheme xs (CaseNat nat zer (NSNonrec p suc) _) =
freshInB p $ \p =>
pure $
L ["case-nat-nonrec",
Lambda [] !(toScheme xs zer),
Lambda [p] !(toScheme (xs :< p) suc),
!(toScheme xs nat)]
toScheme xs (Let x rhs body _) =
freshInB x $ \x =>
pure $ Let x !(toScheme xs rhs) !(toScheme (xs :< x) body)
toScheme xs (Erased _) =
pure $ Q "erased"
prelude : String
prelude = """
(import (rnrs))
; curried lambda
(define-syntax lambda%
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (x . xs) . body) (lambda (x) (lambda% xs . body))]
[(_ () . body) (begin . body)]))
; curried application
(define-syntax %
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e0 e1 . es) (% (e0 e1) . es)]
[(_ e) e]))
; curried function definition
(define-syntax define%
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (f . xs) . body) (define f (lambda% xs . body))]
[(_ f . body) (define f . body)]))
(define-syntax builtin-io
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ . body) (lambda (s) (cons (begin . body) s))]))
(define (case-nat-rec z s n)
(do [(i 0 (+ i 1)) (acc (z) (s i acc))]
[(= i n) acc]))
(define (case-nat-nonrec z s n)
(if (= n 0) (z) (s (- n 1))))
(define (run-main f) (f 'io-state))
escape : String -> String
escape = foldMap esc1 . unpack where
esc1 : Char -> String
esc1 c =
if c == '\\' || c == '"' then
"\\" ++ singleton c
else if c < ' ' || c > '~' then
"\\x" ++ showHex (ord c) ++ ";"
else singleton c
export covering
defToScheme : Name -> Definition -> Eff Scheme (Maybe Sexp)
defToScheme x ErasedDef = pure Nothing
defToScheme x (KeptDef isMain def) = do
let x = makeId x
when isMain $ modifyAt MAIN (x ::)
modifyAt AVOID $ insert x
pure $ Just $ Define x !(toScheme [<] def)
defToScheme x (SchemeDef isMain str) = do
let x = makeId x
when isMain $ modifyAt MAIN (x ::)
modifyAt AVOID $ insert x
pure $ Just $ Define x $ Literal str
orIndent : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
orIndent a b = do
one <- parens $ a <++> b
two <- parens $ a `vappend` indent 2 b
pure $ ifMultiline one two
export covering
prettySexp : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Sexp -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
private covering
prettyLambda : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
String -> List Id -> Sexp -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyLambda lam xs e =
(hsep [!(hl Syntax $ text lam), !(prettySexp $ L $ map V xs)])
!(prettySexp e)
private covering
prettyBind : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> (Id, Sexp) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyBind (x, e) = parens $ sep [!(prettyId x), !(prettySexp e)]
private covering
prettyLet : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
SnocList (Id, Sexp) -> Sexp -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyLet ps (Let x rhs body) = prettyLet (ps :< (x, rhs)) body
prettyLet ps e =
(hsep [!(hl Syntax "let*"),
!(bracks . vsep . toList =<< traverse prettyBind ps)])
!(prettySexp e)
private covering
prettyDefine : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
String -> Either Id (List Id) -> Sexp -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyDefine def xs body =
parens $ vappend
(hsep [!(hl Syntax $ text def),
!(either prettyId (prettySexp . L . map V) xs)])
(indent 2 !(prettySexp body))
prettySexp (V x) = prettyId x
prettySexp (L []) = hl Delim "()"
prettySexp (L (x :: xs)) = do
d <- prettySexp x
ds <- traverse prettySexp xs
parens $ ifMultiline
(hsep $ d :: ds)
(hsep [d, vsep ds] <|> vsep (d :: map (indent 2) ds))
prettySexp (Q (V x)) = hl Constant $ "'" <+> prettyId' x
prettySexp (Q x) = pure $ hcat [!(hl Constant "'"), !(prettySexp x)]
prettySexp (N n) = hl Constant $ pshow n
prettySexp (S s) = prettyStrLit $ escape s
prettySexp (Lambda xs e) = prettyLambda "lambda" xs e
prettySexp (LambdaC xs e) = prettyLambda "lambda%" xs e
prettySexp (Let x rhs e) = prettyLet [< (x, rhs)] e
prettySexp (Case h as) = do
header' <- prettySexp h
case_ <- caseD
let header = ifMultiline (case_ <++> header')
(case_ `vappend` indent 2 header')
arms <- traverse prettyCase $ toList as
pure $ ifMultiline
(parens $ header <++> hsep arms)
(parens $ vsep $ header :: map (indent 2) arms)
prettyCase : (List Sexp, Sexp) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyCase (ps, e) = bracks $
(hsep [!(parens . hsep =<< traverse prettySexp ps), !(prettySexp e)])
(vsep [!(parens . sep =<< traverse prettySexp ps), !(prettySexp e)])
prettySexp (Define x e) = case e of
LambdaC xs e => prettyDefine "define%" (Right $ x :: xs) e
Lambda xs e => prettyDefine "define" (Right $ x :: xs) e
_ => prettyDefine "define" (Left x) e
prettySexp (Literal sexp) =
pure $ text sexp
export covering
makeRunMain : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Id -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
makeRunMain x = prettySexp $ L ["run-main", V x]