module Quox.Untyped.Scheme import Quox.Name import Quox.Context import Quox.Untyped.Syntax import Quox.Pretty import Quox.EffExtra import Quox.CharExtra import Quox.NatExtra import Data.DPair import Data.List1 import Data.String import Data.SortedSet import Data.Vect import Derive.Prelude %default total %language ElabReflection %hide TT.Name export isSchemeInitial : Char -> Bool isSchemeInitial c = let gc = genCat c in isLetter gc || isSymbol gc && c /= '|' || gc == Number Letter || gc == Number Other || gc == Mark NonSpacing || gc == Punctuation Dash || gc == Punctuation Connector || gc == Punctuation Other && c /= '\'' && c /= '\\' || gc == Other PrivateUse || (c `elem` unpack "!$%&*/:<=>?~_^") export isSchemeSubsequent : Char -> Bool isSchemeSubsequent c = let gc = genCat c in isSchemeInitial c || isNumber gc || isMark gc || (c `elem` unpack ".+-@") export isSchemeId : String -> Bool isSchemeId str = str == "1+" || str == "1-" || case unpack str of [] => False c :: cs => isSchemeInitial c && all isSchemeSubsequent cs export escId : String -> String escId str = let str' = concatMap doEsc $ unpack str in if isSchemeId str' then str' else "|\{str}|" where doEsc : Char -> String doEsc '\\' = "\\\\" doEsc '|' = "\\|" doEsc '\'' = "^" doEsc c = singleton c public export data Id = I String Nat %runElab derive "Id" [Eq, Ord] private prettyId' : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Id -> Doc opts prettyId' (I str 0) = text $ escId str prettyId' (I str k) = text $ escId "\{str}:\{show k}" export prettyId : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Id -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyId x = hl TVar $ prettyId' x public export data StateTag = AVOID | MAIN public export Scheme : List (Type -> Type) Scheme = [StateL AVOID (SortedSet Id), StateL MAIN (List Id)] -- names to avoid, and functions with #[main] (should only be one) public export data Sexp = V Id | L (List Sexp) | Q Sexp | N Nat | S String | Lambda (List Id) Sexp | LambdaC (List Id) Sexp -- curried lambda | Let Id Sexp Sexp | Case Sexp (List1 (List Sexp, Sexp)) | Define Id Sexp | Literal String export FromString Sexp where fromString s = V $ I s 0 private makeIdBase : Mods -> String -> String makeIdBase mods str = joinBy "." $ toList $ mods :< str export makeId : Name -> Id makeId (MakeName mods (UN str)) = I (makeIdBase mods str) 0 makeId (MakeName mods (MN str k)) = I (makeIdBase mods str) 0 makeId (MakeName mods Unused) = I (makeIdBase mods "_") 0 export makeIdB : BindName -> Id makeIdB (BN name _) = makeId $ MakeName [<] name private bump : Id -> Id bump (I x i) = I x (S i) export covering getFresh : SortedSet Id -> Id -> Id getFresh used x = if contains x used then getFresh used (bump x) else x export covering freshIn : Id -> (Id -> Eff Scheme a) -> Eff Scheme a freshIn x k = let x = getFresh !(getAt AVOID) x in localAt AVOID (insert x) $ k x export covering freshInB : BindName -> (Id -> Eff Scheme a) -> Eff Scheme a freshInB x = freshIn (makeIdB x) export covering freshInBT : Telescope' BindName m n -> (Telescope' Id m n -> Eff Scheme a) -> Eff Scheme a freshInBT xs act = do let (xs', used') = go (map makeIdB xs) !(getAt AVOID) localAt_ AVOID used' $ act xs' where go : forall n. Telescope' Id m n -> SortedSet Id -> (Telescope' Id m n, SortedSet Id) go [<] used = ([<], used) go (xs :< x) used = let x = getFresh used x (xs, used) = go xs (insert x used) in (xs :< x, used) export covering freshInBC : Context' BindName n -> (Context' Id n -> Eff Scheme a) -> Eff Scheme a freshInBC = freshInBT export covering toScheme : Context' Id n -> Term n -> Eff Scheme Sexp toScheme xs (F x _) = pure $ V $ makeId x toScheme xs (B i _) = pure $ V $ xs !!! i toScheme xs (Lam x body _) = let Evidence n' (ys, body) = splitLam [< x] body in freshInBT ys $ \ys => do pure $ LambdaC (toList' ys) !(toScheme (xs . ys) body) toScheme xs (App fun arg _) = do let (fun, args) = splitApp fun fun <- toScheme xs fun args <- traverse (toScheme xs) args arg <- toScheme xs arg pure $ if null args then L [fun, arg] else L $ "%" :: fun :: toList (args :< arg) toScheme xs (Pair fst snd _) = pure $ L ["cons", !(toScheme xs fst), !(toScheme xs snd)] toScheme xs (Fst pair _) = pure $ L ["car", !(toScheme xs pair)] toScheme xs (Snd pair _) = pure $ L ["cdr", !(toScheme xs pair)] toScheme xs (Tag tag _) = pure $ Q $ fromString tag toScheme xs (CaseEnum tag cases _) = Case <$> toScheme xs tag <*> for cases (\(t, rhs) => ([fromString t],) <$> toScheme xs rhs) toScheme xs (Absurd _) = pure $ Q "absurd" toScheme xs (Nat n _) = pure $ N n toScheme xs (Succ nat _) = pure $ L ["+", !(toScheme xs nat), N 1] toScheme xs (CaseNat nat zer (NSRec p ih suc) _) = freshInBC [< p, ih] $ \[< p, ih] => pure $ L ["case-nat-rec", Lambda [] !(toScheme xs zer), Lambda [p, ih] !(toScheme (xs :< p :< ih) suc), !(toScheme xs nat)] toScheme xs (Str s _) = pure $ S s toScheme xs (CaseNat nat zer (NSNonrec p suc) _) = freshInB p $ \p => pure $ L ["case-nat-nonrec", Lambda [] !(toScheme xs zer), Lambda [p] !(toScheme (xs :< p) suc), !(toScheme xs nat)] toScheme xs (Let x rhs body _) = freshInB x $ \x => pure $ Let x !(toScheme xs rhs) !(toScheme (xs :< x) body) toScheme xs (Erased _) = pure $ Q "erased" export prelude : String prelude = """ #!r6rs (import (rnrs)) ; curried lambda (define-syntax lambda% (syntax-rules () [(_ (x . xs) . body) (lambda (x) (lambda% xs . body))] [(_ () . body) (begin . body)])) ; curried application (define-syntax % (syntax-rules () [(_ e0 e1 . es) (% (e0 e1) . es)] [(_ e) e])) ; curried function definition (define-syntax define% (syntax-rules () [(_ (f . xs) . body) (define f (lambda% xs . body))] [(_ f . body) (define f . body)])) (define-syntax builtin-io (syntax-rules () [(_ . body) (lambda (s) (cons (begin . body) s))])) (define (case-nat-rec z s n) (do [(i 0 (+ i 1)) (acc (z) (s i acc))] [(= i n) acc])) (define (case-nat-nonrec z s n) (if (= n 0) (z) (s (- n 1)))) (define (run-main f) (f 'io-state)) """ export escape : String -> String escape = foldMap esc1 . unpack where esc1 : Char -> String esc1 c = if c == '\\' || c == '"' then "\\" ++ singleton c else if c < ' ' || c > '~' then "\\x" ++ showHex (ord c) ++ ";" else singleton c export covering defToScheme : Name -> Definition -> Eff Scheme (Maybe Sexp) defToScheme x ErasedDef = pure Nothing defToScheme x (KeptDef isMain def) = do let x = makeId x when isMain $ modifyAt MAIN (x ::) modifyAt AVOID $ insert x pure $ Just $ Define x !(toScheme [<] def) defToScheme x (SchemeDef isMain str) = do let x = makeId x when isMain $ modifyAt MAIN (x ::) modifyAt AVOID $ insert x pure $ Just $ Define x $ Literal str orIndent : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) orIndent a b = do one <- parens $ a <++> b two <- parens $ a `vappend` indent 2 b pure $ ifMultiline one two export covering prettySexp : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Sexp -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) private covering prettyLambda : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> String -> List Id -> Sexp -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyLambda lam xs e = orIndent (hsep [!(hl Syntax $ text lam), !(prettySexp $ L $ map V xs)]) !(prettySexp e) private covering prettyBind : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> (Id, Sexp) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyBind (x, e) = parens $ sep [!(prettyId x), !(prettySexp e)] private covering prettyLet : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> SnocList (Id, Sexp) -> Sexp -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyLet ps (Let x rhs body) = prettyLet (ps :< (x, rhs)) body prettyLet ps e = orIndent (hsep [!(hl Syntax "let*"), !(bracks . vsep . toList =<< traverse prettyBind ps)]) !(prettySexp e) private covering prettyDefine : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> String -> Either Id (List Id) -> Sexp -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyDefine def xs body = parens $ vappend (hsep [!(hl Syntax $ text def), !(either prettyId (prettySexp . L . map V) xs)]) (indent 2 !(prettySexp body)) prettySexp (V x) = prettyId x prettySexp (L []) = hl Delim "()" prettySexp (L (x :: xs)) = do d <- prettySexp x ds <- traverse prettySexp xs parens $ ifMultiline (hsep $ d :: ds) (hsep [d, vsep ds] <|> vsep (d :: map (indent 2) ds)) prettySexp (Q (V x)) = hl Constant $ "'" <+> prettyId' x prettySexp (Q x) = pure $ hcat [!(hl Constant "'"), !(prettySexp x)] prettySexp (N n) = hl Constant $ pshow n prettySexp (S s) = prettyStrLit $ escape s prettySexp (Lambda xs e) = prettyLambda "lambda" xs e prettySexp (LambdaC xs e) = prettyLambda "lambda%" xs e prettySexp (Let x rhs e) = prettyLet [< (x, rhs)] e prettySexp (Case h as) = do header' <- prettySexp h case_ <- caseD let header = ifMultiline (case_ <++> header') (case_ `vappend` indent 2 header') arms <- traverse prettyCase $ toList as pure $ ifMultiline (parens $ header <++> hsep arms) (parens $ vsep $ header :: map (indent 2) arms) where prettyCase : (List Sexp, Sexp) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) prettyCase (ps, e) = bracks $ ifMultiline (hsep [!(parens . hsep =<< traverse prettySexp ps), !(prettySexp e)]) (vsep [!(parens . sep =<< traverse prettySexp ps), !(prettySexp e)]) prettySexp (Define x e) = case e of LambdaC xs e => prettyDefine "define%" (Right $ x :: xs) e Lambda xs e => prettyDefine "define" (Right $ x :: xs) e _ => prettyDefine "define" (Left x) e prettySexp (Literal sexp) = pure $ text sexp export covering makeRunMain : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Id -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts) makeRunMain x = prettySexp $ L ["run-main", V x]