rhiannon morris 3fb8580f85 re-add tightening and use it when messing with scopes
e.g. "coe [_ ⇒ A] @p @q s" should immediately reduce to "s",
but if the "_ ⇒ A" happened to use an SY it didn't.

this will still happen if a wrong SY sneaks in but the alternative is
re-traversing the term over and over every time whnf runs
2023-04-17 20:56:31 +02:00

274 lines
9.5 KiB

module Quox.Syntax.Term.Tighten
import Quox.Syntax.Term.Base
import Quox.Syntax.Subst
import public Quox.OPE
%default total
Tighten (Shift from) where
-- `OPE m n` is a spicy `m ≤ n`,
-- and `Shift from n` is a (different) spicy `from ≤ n`
-- so the value is `from ≤ m` (as a `Shift`), if that is the case
tighten _ SZ = Nothing
tighten Id by = Just by
tighten (Drop p) (SS by) = tighten p by
tighten (Keep p) (SS by) = [|SS $ tighten p by|]
tightenSub : (forall m, n. OPE m n -> env n -> Maybe (env m)) ->
OPE to1 to2 -> Subst env from to2 -> Maybe (Subst env from to1)
tightenSub f p (Shift by) = [|Shift $ tighten p by|]
tightenSub f p (t ::: th) = [|f p t !::: tightenSub f p th|]
Tighten env => Tighten (Subst env from) where
tighten p th = tightenSub tighten p th
tightenScope : (forall m, n. OPE m n -> f n -> Maybe (f m)) ->
{s : Nat} -> OPE m n -> Scoped s f n -> Maybe (Scoped s f m)
tightenScope f p (S names (Y body)) = SY names <$> f (keepN s p) body
tightenScope f p (S names (N body)) = S names . N <$> f p body
tightenDScope : {0 f : Nat -> Nat -> Type} ->
(forall m, n, k. OPE m n -> f n k -> Maybe (f m k)) ->
OPE m n -> Scoped s (f n) k -> Maybe (Scoped s (f m) k)
tightenDScope f p (S names (Y body)) = SY names <$> f p body
tightenDScope f p (S names (N body)) = S names . N <$> f p body
tightenT : OPE n1 n2 -> Term d n2 -> Maybe (Term d n1)
tightenT p (TYPE l) = pure $ TYPE l
tightenT p (Pi qty arg res) =
Pi qty <$> tightenT p arg <*> tightenS p res
tightenT p (Lam body) = Lam <$> tightenS p body
tightenT p (Sig fst snd) = Sig <$> tightenT p fst <*> tightenS p snd
tightenT p (Pair fst snd) = Pair <$> tightenT p fst <*> tightenT p snd
tightenT p (Enum cases) = pure $ Enum cases
tightenT p (Tag tag) = pure $ Tag tag
tightenT p (Eq ty l r) =
Eq <$> tightenDS p ty <*> tightenT p l <*> tightenT p r
tightenT p (DLam body) = DLam <$> tightenDS p body
tightenT p Nat = pure Nat
tightenT p Zero = pure Zero
tightenT p (Succ s) = Succ <$> tightenT p s
tightenT p (BOX qty ty) = BOX qty <$> tightenT p ty
tightenT p (Box val) = Box <$> tightenT p val
tightenT p (E e) = assert_total $ E <$> tightenE p e
tightenT p (CloT tm th) = do
th <- assert_total $ tightenSub tightenE p th
pure $ CloT tm th
tightenT p (DCloT tm th) = [|DCloT (tightenT p tm) (pure th)|]
tightenE : OPE n1 n2 -> Elim d n2 -> Maybe (Elim d n1)
tightenE p (F x) = pure $ F x
tightenE p (B i) = [|B $ tighten p i|]
tightenE p (fun :@ arg) = [|tightenE p fun :@ tightenT p arg|]
tightenE p (CasePair qty pair ret body) =
CasePair qty <$> tightenE p pair
<*> tightenS p ret
<*> tightenS p body
tightenE p (CaseEnum qty tag ret arms) =
CaseEnum qty <$> tightenE p tag
<*> tightenS p ret
<*> traverse (tightenT p) arms
tightenE p (CaseNat qty qtyIH nat ret zero succ) =
CaseNat qty qtyIH
<$> tightenE p nat
<*> tightenS p ret
<*> tightenT p zero
<*> tightenS p succ
tightenE p (CaseBox qty box ret body) =
CaseBox qty <$> tightenE p box
<*> tightenS p ret
<*> tightenS p body
tightenE p (fun :% arg) = (:% arg) <$> tightenE p fun
tightenE p (tm :# ty) = [|tightenT p tm :# tightenT p ty|]
tightenE p (Coe ty q0 q1 val) =
Coe <$> tightenDS p ty
<*> pure q0 <*> pure q1
<*> tightenT p val
tightenE p (Comp ty q0 q1 val r zero one) =
Comp <$> tightenT p ty
<*> pure q0 <*> pure q1
<*> tightenT p val
<*> pure r
<*> tightenDS p zero
<*> tightenDS p one
tightenE p (TypeCase ty ret arms def) =
TypeCase <$> tightenE p ty
<*> tightenT p ret
<*> traverse (tightenS p) arms
<*> tightenT p def
tightenE p (CloE el th) = do
th <- assert_total $ tightenSub tightenE p th
pure $ CloE el th
tightenE p (DCloE el th) = [|DCloE (tightenE p el) (pure th)|]
tightenS : {s : Nat} -> OPE m n ->
ScopeTermN s f n -> Maybe (ScopeTermN s f m)
tightenS = assert_total $ tightenScope tightenT
tightenDS : OPE m n -> DScopeTermN s f n -> Maybe (DScopeTermN s f m)
tightenDS = assert_total $ tightenDScope tightenT {f = \n, d => Term d n}
export Tighten (Elim d) where tighten p e = tightenE p e
export Tighten (Term d) where tighten p t = tightenT p t
Tighten Dim where
tighten p (K e) = pure $ K e
tighten p (B i) = B <$> tighten p i
dtightenT : OPE d1 d2 -> Term d2 n -> Maybe (Term d1 n)
dtightenT p (TYPE l) = pure $ TYPE l
dtightenT p (Pi qty arg res) =
Pi qty <$> dtightenT p arg <*> dtightenS p res
dtightenT p (Lam body) =
Lam <$> dtightenS p body
dtightenT p (Sig fst snd) =
Sig <$> dtightenT p fst <*> dtightenS p snd
dtightenT p (Pair fst snd) =
Pair <$> dtightenT p fst <*> dtightenT p snd
dtightenT p (Enum cases) = pure $ Enum cases
dtightenT p (Tag tag) = pure $ Tag tag
dtightenT p (Eq ty l r) =
Eq <$> dtightenDS p ty <*> dtightenT p l <*> dtightenT p r
dtightenT p (DLam body) = DLam <$> dtightenDS p body
dtightenT p Nat = pure Nat
dtightenT p Zero = pure Zero
dtightenT p (Succ s) = Succ <$> dtightenT p s
dtightenT p (BOX qty ty) = BOX qty <$> dtightenT p ty
dtightenT p (Box val) = Box <$> dtightenT p val
dtightenT p (E e) = assert_total $ E <$> dtightenE p e
dtightenT p (CloT tm th) = do
tm <- dtightenT p tm
th <- assert_total $ traverse (dtightenE p) th
pure $ CloT tm th
dtightenT p (DCloT tm th) = do th <- tighten p th; pure $ DCloT tm th
dtightenE : OPE d1 d2 -> Elim d2 n -> Maybe (Elim d1 n)
dtightenE p (F x) = pure $ F x
dtightenE p (B i) = pure $ B i
dtightenE p (fun :@ arg) = [|dtightenE p fun :@ dtightenT p arg|]
dtightenE p (CasePair qty pair ret body) =
CasePair qty <$> dtightenE p pair
<*> dtightenS p ret
<*> dtightenS p body
dtightenE p (CaseEnum qty tag ret arms) =
CaseEnum qty <$> dtightenE p tag
<*> dtightenS p ret
<*> traverse (dtightenT p) arms
dtightenE p (CaseNat qty qtyIH nat ret zero succ) =
CaseNat qty qtyIH
<$> dtightenE p nat
<*> dtightenS p ret
<*> dtightenT p zero
<*> dtightenS p succ
dtightenE p (CaseBox qty box ret body) =
CaseBox qty <$> dtightenE p box
<*> dtightenS p ret
<*> dtightenS p body
dtightenE p (fun :% arg) = [|dtightenE p fun :% tighten p arg|]
dtightenE p (tm :# ty) = [|dtightenT p tm :# dtightenT p ty|]
dtightenE p (Coe ty q0 q1 val) =
[|Coe (dtightenDS p ty) (tighten p q0) (tighten p q1) (dtightenT p val)|]
dtightenE p (Comp ty q0 q1 val r zero one) =
[|Comp (dtightenT p ty) (tighten p q0) (tighten p q1)
(dtightenT p val) (tighten p r)
(dtightenDS p zero) (dtightenDS p one)|]
dtightenE p (TypeCase ty ret arms def) =
[|TypeCase (dtightenE p ty) (dtightenT p ret)
(traverse (dtightenS p) arms) (dtightenT p def)|]
dtightenE p (CloE el th) = do
el <- dtightenE p el
th <- assert_total $ traverse (dtightenE p) th
pure $ CloE el th
dtightenE p (DCloE el th) = do
th <- tighten p th
pure $ DCloE el th
dtightenS : OPE d1 d2 -> ScopeTermN s d2 n -> Maybe (ScopeTermN s d1 n)
dtightenS = assert_total $ tightenDScope dtightenT {f = Term}
dtightenDS : {s : Nat} -> OPE d1 d2 ->
DScopeTermN s d2 n -> Maybe (DScopeTermN s d1 n)
dtightenDS = assert_total $ tightenScope dtightenT
export [TermD] Tighten (\d => Term d n) where tighten p t = dtightenT p t
export [ElimD] Tighten (\d => Elim d n) where tighten p e = dtightenE p e
-- versions of SY, etc, that try to tighten and use SN automatically
public export
ST : Tighten f => {s : Nat} -> NContext s -> f (s + n) -> Scoped s f n
ST names body =
case tightenN s body of
Just body => S names $ N body
Nothing => S names $ Y body
public export
DST : {s : Nat} -> NContext s -> Term (s + d) n -> DScopeTermN s d n
DST names body =
case tightenN @{TermD} s body of
Just body => S names $ N body
Nothing => S names $ Y body
public export %inline
PiT : (qty : Qty) -> (x : BaseName) ->
(arg : Term d n) -> (res : Term d (S n)) -> Term d n
PiT {qty, x, arg, res} = Pi {qty, arg, res = ST [< x] res}
public export %inline
SigT : (x : BaseName) -> (fst : Term d n) ->
(snd : Term d (S n)) -> Term d n
SigT {x, fst, snd} = Sig {fst, snd = ST [< x] snd}
public export %inline
EqT : (i : BaseName) -> (ty : Term (S d) n) ->
(l, r : Term d n) -> Term d n
EqT {i, ty, l, r} = Eq {ty = DST [< i] ty, l, r}
public export %inline
CoeT : (i : BaseName) -> (ty : Term (S d) n) ->
(p, q : Dim d) -> (val : Term d n) -> Elim d n
CoeT {i, ty, p, q, val} = Coe {ty = DST [< i] ty, p, q, val}
public export %inline
typeCase1T : Elim d n -> Term d n ->
(k : TyConKind) -> NContext (arity k) -> Term d (arity k + n) ->
{default Nat def : Term d n} ->
Elim d n
typeCase1T ty ret k ns body {def} =
typeCase ty ret [(k ** ST ns body)] def
squeeze : {s : Nat} -> ScopeTermN s d n -> ScopeTermN s d n
squeeze (S names (Y body)) = S names $ maybe (Y body) N $ tightenN s body
squeeze (S names (N body)) = S names $ N body
dsqueeze : {s : Nat} -> DScopeTermN s d n -> DScopeTermN s d n
dsqueeze (S names (Y body)) =
S names $ maybe (Y body) N $ tightenN s body @{TermD}
dsqueeze (S names (N body)) = S names $ N body