refactor core syntax slightly to derive Eq/Show
add a new `WithSubst tm env to` record that packages a `tm from` with a `Subst env from to`, and write instances for just that. the rest of the AST can be derived
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 184 additions and 269 deletions
@ -537,8 +537,8 @@ mutual
Right nt => pure $ Element (TypeCase ty ret arms def) $
tynf `orNo` retnf `orNo` nt
whnf defs ctx (CloE el th) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' id th el
whnf defs ctx (DCloE el th) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' th id el
whnf defs ctx (CloE (Sub el th)) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' id th el
whnf defs ctx (DCloE (Sub el th)) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' th id el
export covering
Whnf Term Reduce.isRedexT where
@ -564,8 +564,8 @@ mutual
Left _ => let tm :# _ = e in pure $ Element tm $ noOr1 $ noOr2 enf
Right na => pure $ Element (E e) $ na `orNo` enf
whnf defs ctx (CloT tm th) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' id th tm
whnf defs ctx (DCloT tm th) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' th id tm
whnf defs ctx (CloT (Sub tm th)) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' id th tm
whnf defs ctx (DCloT (Sub tm th)) = whnf defs ctx $ pushSubstsWith' th id tm
||| reduce a type-case applied to a type constructor
private covering
@ -50,6 +50,13 @@ toEqv Refl {by = SZ} = EqSZ
toEqv Refl {by = (SS by)} = EqSS $ toEqv Refl
eqLen : Shift from1 to -> Shift from2 to -> Maybe (from1 = from2)
eqLen SZ SZ = Just Refl
eqLen SZ (SS by) = Nothing
eqLen (SS by) SZ = Nothing
eqLen (SS by) (SS bz) = eqLen by bz
0 shiftDiff : (by : Shift from to) -> to = by.nat + from
shiftDiff SZ = Refl
@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ import Quox.Pretty
import Data.Nat
import Data.List
import Data.SnocVect
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
%language ElabReflection
public export
@ -35,8 +37,9 @@ repr (Shift by) = ([], by.nat)
repr (t ::: th) = let (ts, i) = repr th in (t::ts, i)
export Eq (f to) => Eq (Subst f from to) where (==) = (==) `on` repr
export Ord (f to) => Ord (Subst f from to) where compare = compare `on` repr
export Eq (f to) => Eq (Subst f from to) where (==) = (==) `on` repr
export Ord (f to) => Ord (Subst f from to) where compare = compare `on` repr
export Show (f to) => Show (Subst f from to) where show = show . repr
infixl 8 //
@ -155,3 +158,30 @@ prettySubstM pr names bnd op cl th =
PrettyHL (f to) => PrettyHL (Subst f from to) where
prettyM th = prettySubstM prettyM (!ask).tnames TVar "[" "]" th
eqShape : Subst env from1 to -> Subst env from2 to -> Maybe (from1 = from2)
eqShape (Shift by) (Shift bz) = eqLen by bz
eqShape (Shift by) (t ::: th) = Nothing
eqShape (t ::: th) (Shift by) = Nothing
eqShape (t ::: th) (x ::: ph) = cong S <$> eqShape th ph
public export
record WithSubst tm env n where
constructor Sub
term : tm from
subst : Lazy (Subst env from n)
(forall n. Eq (tm n), Eq (env n)) => Eq (WithSubst tm env n) where
Sub t1 s1 == Sub t2 s2 =
case eqShape s1 s2 of
Just Refl => t1 == t2 && s1 == s2
Nothing => False
export %hint
ShowWithSubst : (forall n. Show (tm n), Show (env n)) =>
Show (WithSubst tm env n)
ShowWithSubst = deriveShow
@ -20,8 +20,12 @@ import Data.String
import public Data.SortedMap
import public Data.SortedMap.Dependent
import public Data.SortedSet
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
%language ElabReflection
%hide TT.Name
public export
@ -41,6 +45,37 @@ TagVal : Type
TagVal = String
public export
data ScopedBody : Nat -> (Nat -> Type) -> Nat -> Type where
Y : (body : f (s + n)) -> ScopedBody s f n
N : (body : f n) -> ScopedBody s f n
%name ScopedBody body
export %inline %hint
EqScopedBody : (forall n. Eq (f n)) => Eq (ScopedBody s f n)
EqScopedBody = deriveEq
export %inline %hint
ShowScopedBody : (forall n. Show (f n)) => Show (ScopedBody s f n)
ShowScopedBody = deriveShow
||| a scoped term with names
public export
record Scoped (s : Nat) (f : Nat -> Type) (n : Nat) where
constructor S
names : NContext s
body : ScopedBody s f n
%name Scoped body
export %inline
(forall n. Eq (f n)) => Eq (Scoped s f n) where
s == t = s.body == t.body
export %inline %hint
ShowScoped : (forall n. Show (f n)) => Show (Scoped s f n)
ShowScoped = deriveShow
infixl 8 :#
infixl 9 :@, :%
@ -51,7 +86,7 @@ mutual
||| first argument `d` is dimension scope size;
||| second `n` is term scope size
public export
data Term : TermLike where
data Term : (d, n : Nat) -> Type where
||| type of types
TYPE : (l : Universe) -> Term d n
@ -90,15 +125,14 @@ mutual
E : (e : Elim d n) -> Term d n
||| term closure/suspended substitution
CloT : (tm : Term d from) -> (th : Lazy (TSubst d from to)) ->
Term d to
CloT : WithSubst (Term d) (Elim d) n -> Term d n
||| dimension closure/suspended substitution
DCloT : (tm : Term dfrom n) -> (th : Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto)) ->
Term dto n
DCloT : WithSubst (\d => Term d n) Dim d -> Term d n
%name Term s, t, r
||| first argument `d` is dimension scope size, second `n` is term scope size
public export
data Elim : TermLike where
data Elim : (d, n : Nat) -> Type where
||| free variable
F : (x : Name) -> Elim d n
||| bound variable
@ -157,11 +191,10 @@ mutual
Elim d n
||| term closure/suspended substitution
CloE : (el : Elim d from) -> (th : Lazy (TSubst d from to)) ->
Elim d to
CloE : WithSubst (Elim d) (Elim d) n -> Elim d n
||| dimension closure/suspended substitution
DCloE : (el : Elim dfrom n) -> (th : Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto)) ->
Elim dto n
DCloE : WithSubst (\d => Elim d n) Dim d -> Elim d n
%name Elim e, f
public export
CaseEnumArms : TermLike
@ -180,18 +213,6 @@ mutual
TypeCaseArmBody k = ScopeTermN (arity k)
||| a scoped term with names
public export
record Scoped (s : Nat) (f : Nat -> Type) (n : Nat) where
constructor S
names : NContext s
body : ScopedBody s f n
public export
data ScopedBody : Nat -> (Nat -> Type) -> Nat -> Type where
Y : (body : f (s + n)) -> ScopedBody s f n
N : (body : f n) -> ScopedBody s f n
public export
ScopeTermN, DScopeTermN : Nat -> TermLike
ScopeTermN s d n = Scoped s (Term d) n
@ -202,11 +223,23 @@ mutual
ScopeTerm = ScopeTermN 1
DScopeTerm = DScopeTermN 1
export %hint
EqTerm : Eq (Term d n)
EqTerm = assert_total {a = Eq (Term d n)} deriveEq
%name Term s, t, r
%name Elim e, f
%name Scoped body
%name ScopedBody body
export %hint
EqElim : Eq (Elim d n)
EqElim = assert_total {a = Eq (Elim d n)} deriveEq
export %hint
ShowTerm : Show (Term d n)
ShowTerm = assert_total {a = Show (Term d n)} deriveShow
export %hint
ShowElim : Show (Elim d n)
ShowElim = assert_total {a = Show (Elim d n)} deriveShow
||| scope which ignores all its binders
public export %inline
@ -282,14 +282,14 @@ parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
prettyM (E e) = prettyM e
prettyM (CloT s th) =
prettyM (CloT (Sub s th)) =
if showSubsts then
parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<<
[|withPrec SApp (prettyM s) <%> prettyTSubst th|]
prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' id th s
prettyM (DCloT s th) =
prettyM (DCloT (Sub s th)) =
if showSubsts then
parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<<
[|withPrec SApp (prettyM s) <%> prettyDSubst th|]
@ -386,14 +386,14 @@ parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
fromArm (k ** S ns t) =
pure (toSnocList' ns, !(tyCasePat k ns), eterm t.term)
prettyM (CloE e th) =
prettyM (CloE (Sub e th)) =
if showSubsts then
parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<<
[|withPrec SApp (prettyM e) <%> prettyTSubst th|]
prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' id th e
prettyM (DCloE e th) =
prettyM (DCloE (Sub e th)) =
if showSubsts then
parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<<
[|withPrec SApp (prettyM e) <%> prettyDSubst th|]
@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ namespace CanDSubst
||| - otherwise, wraps in a new closure
CanDSubst Term where
s // Shift SZ = s
TYPE l // _ = TYPE l
DCloT s ph // th = DCloT s $ ph . th
s // th = DCloT s th
s // Shift SZ = s
TYPE l // _ = TYPE l
DCloT (Sub s ph) // th = DCloT $ Sub s $ ph . th
s // th = DCloT $ Sub s th
subDArgs : Elim dfrom n -> DSubst dfrom dto -> Elim dto n
subDArgs (f :% d) th = subDArgs f th :% (d // th)
subDArgs e th = DCloE e th
subDArgs e th = DCloE $ Sub e th
||| does the minimal reasonable work:
||| - deletes the closure around a term variable
@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ subDArgs e th = DCloE e th
||| - otherwise, wraps in a new closure
CanDSubst Elim where
e // Shift SZ = e
F x // _ = F x
B i // _ = B i
f :% d // th = subDArgs (f :% d) th
DCloE e ph // th = DCloE e $ ph . th
e // th = DCloE e th
e // Shift SZ = e
F x // _ = F x
B i // _ = B i
f :% d // th = subDArgs (f :% d) th
DCloE (Sub e ph) // th = DCloE $ Sub e $ ph . th
e // th = DCloE $ Sub e th
namespace DSubst.ScopeTermN
export %inline
@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ export %inline FromVar (Term d) where fromVar = E . fromVar
||| - otherwise, wraps in a new closure
CanSubstSelf (Elim d) where
F x // _ = F x
B i // th = th !! i
CloE e ph // th = assert_total CloE e $ ph . th
e // th = case force th of
Shift SZ => e
th => CloE e th
F x // _ = F x
B i // th = th !! i
CloE (Sub e ph) // th = assert_total CloE $ Sub e $ ph . th
e // th = case force th of
Shift SZ => e
th => CloE $ Sub e th
namespace CanTSubst
public export
@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ namespace CanTSubst
||| - otherwise, wraps in a new closure
CanTSubst Term where
TYPE l // _ = TYPE l
E e // th = E $ e // th
CloT s ph // th = CloT s $ ph . th
s // th = case force th of
Shift SZ => s
th => CloT s th
TYPE l // _ = TYPE l
E e // th = E $ e // th
CloT (Sub s ph) // th = CloT $ Sub s $ ph . th
s // th = case force th of
Shift SZ => s
th => CloT $ Sub s th
namespace ScopeTermN
export %inline
@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ mutual
pushSubstsWith th ph (Box val) = nclo $ Box $ val // th // ph
pushSubstsWith th ph (E e) =
let Element e nc = pushSubstsWith th ph e in nclo $ E e
pushSubstsWith th ph (CloT s ps) =
pushSubstsWith th ph (CloT (Sub s ps)) =
pushSubstsWith th (comp th ps ph) s
pushSubstsWith th ph (DCloT s ps) =
pushSubstsWith th ph (DCloT (Sub s ps)) =
pushSubstsWith (ps . th) ph s
@ -315,9 +315,9 @@ mutual
pushSubstsWith th ph (TypeCase ty ret arms def) =
nclo $ TypeCase (ty // th // ph) (ret // th // ph)
(map (\t => t // th // ph) arms) (def // th // ph)
pushSubstsWith th ph (CloE e ps) =
pushSubstsWith th ph (CloE (Sub e ps)) =
pushSubstsWith th (comp th ps ph) e
pushSubstsWith th ph (DCloE e ps) =
pushSubstsWith th ph (DCloE (Sub e ps)) =
pushSubstsWith (ps . th) ph e
@ -63,10 +63,12 @@ mutual
tightenT p (BOX qty ty) = BOX qty <$> tightenT p ty
tightenT p (Box val) = Box <$> tightenT p val
tightenT p (E e) = assert_total $ E <$> tightenE p e
tightenT p (CloT tm th) = do
tightenT p (CloT (Sub tm th)) = do
th <- assert_total $ tightenSub tightenE p th
pure $ CloT tm th
tightenT p (DCloT tm th) = [|DCloT (tightenT p tm) (pure th)|]
pure $ CloT $ Sub tm th
tightenT p (DCloT (Sub tm th)) = do
tm <- tightenT p tm
pure $ DCloT $ Sub tm th
tightenE : OPE n1 n2 -> Elim d n2 -> Maybe (Elim d n1)
@ -109,10 +111,12 @@ mutual
<*> tightenT p ret
<*> traverse (tightenS p) arms
<*> tightenT p def
tightenE p (CloE el th) = do
tightenE p (CloE (Sub el th)) = do
th <- assert_total $ tightenSub tightenE p th
pure $ CloE el th
tightenE p (DCloE el th) = [|DCloE (tightenE p el) (pure th)|]
pure $ CloE $ Sub el th
tightenE p (DCloE (Sub el th)) = do
el <- tightenE p el
pure $ DCloE $ Sub el th
tightenS : {s : Nat} -> OPE m n ->
@ -155,11 +159,13 @@ mutual
dtightenT p (BOX qty ty) = BOX qty <$> dtightenT p ty
dtightenT p (Box val) = Box <$> dtightenT p val
dtightenT p (E e) = assert_total $ E <$> dtightenE p e
dtightenT p (CloT tm th) = do
dtightenT p (CloT (Sub tm th)) = do
tm <- dtightenT p tm
th <- assert_total $ traverse (dtightenE p) th
pure $ CloT tm th
dtightenT p (DCloT tm th) = do th <- tighten p th; pure $ DCloT tm th
pure $ CloT $ Sub tm th
dtightenT p (DCloT (Sub tm th)) = do
th <- tighten p th
pure $ DCloT $ Sub tm th
dtightenE : OPE d1 d2 -> Elim d2 n -> Maybe (Elim d1 n)
@ -195,13 +201,13 @@ mutual
dtightenE p (TypeCase ty ret arms def) =
[|TypeCase (dtightenE p ty) (dtightenT p ret)
(traverse (dtightenS p) arms) (dtightenT p def)|]
dtightenE p (CloE el th) = do
dtightenE p (CloE (Sub el th)) = do
el <- dtightenE p el
th <- assert_total $ traverse (dtightenE p) th
pure $ CloE el th
dtightenE p (DCloE el th) = do
pure $ CloE $ Sub el th
dtightenE p (DCloE (Sub el th)) = do
th <- tighten p th
pure $ DCloE el th
pure $ DCloE $ Sub el th
dtightenS : OPE d1 d2 -> ScopeTermN s d2 n -> Maybe (ScopeTermN s d1 n)
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
module TermImpls
import Quox.Syntax
import public Quox.Pretty
eqShiftLen : Shift from1 to -> Shift from2 to -> Maybe (from1 = from2)
eqShiftLen SZ SZ = Just Refl
eqShiftLen (SS by) (SS bz) = eqShiftLen by bz
eqShiftLen _ _ = Nothing
eqSubstLen : Subst tm1 from1 to -> Subst tm2 from2 to -> Maybe (from1 = from2)
eqSubstLen (Shift by) (Shift bz) = eqShiftLen by bz
eqSubstLen (_ ::: th) (_ ::: ph) = cong S <$> eqSubstLen th ph
eqSubstLen _ _ = Nothing
-- maybe from1 = from2 in the last case, but this is for
-- (==), and the substs aren't equal, so who cares
export covering
Eq (Term d n) where
TYPE k == TYPE l = k == l
TYPE _ == _ = False
Pi qty1 arg1 res1 == Pi qty2 arg2 res2 =
qty1 == qty2 && arg1 == arg2 && res1 == res2
Pi {} == _ = False
Lam body1 == Lam body2 = body1 == body2
Lam {} == _ = False
Sig fst1 snd1 == Sig fst2 snd2 =
fst1 == fst2 && snd1 == snd2
Sig {} == _ = False
Pair fst1 snd1 == Pair fst2 snd2 = fst1 == fst2 && snd1 == snd2
Pair {} == _ = False
Enum ts1 == Enum ts2 = ts1 == ts2
Enum _ == _ = False
Tag t1 == Tag t2 = t1 == t2
Tag _ == _ = False
Eq ty1 l1 r1 == Eq ty2 l2 r2 =
ty1 == ty2 && l1 == l2 && r1 == r2
Eq {} == _ = False
DLam body1 == DLam body2 = body1 == body2
DLam {} == _ = False
Nat == Nat = True
Nat == _ = False
Zero == Zero = True
Zero == _ = False
Succ m == Succ n = m == n
Succ _ == _ = False
BOX q1 ty1 == BOX q2 ty2 = q1 == q2 && ty1 == ty2
BOX {} == _ = False
Box val1 == Box val2 = val1 == val2
Box _ == _ = False
E e == E f = e == f
E _ == _ = False
CloT tm1 th1 == CloT tm2 th2 =
case eqSubstLen th1 th2 of
Just Refl => tm1 == tm2 && th1 == th2
Nothing => False
CloT {} == _ = False
DCloT tm1 th1 == DCloT tm2 th2 =
case eqSubstLen th1 th2 of
Just Refl => tm1 == tm2 && th1 == th2
Nothing => False
DCloT {} == _ = False
export covering
Eq (Elim d n) where
F x == F y = x == y
F _ == _ = False
B i == B j = i == j
B _ == _ = False
(fun1 :@ arg1) == (fun2 :@ arg2) = fun1 == fun2 && arg1 == arg2
(_ :@ _) == _ = False
CasePair q1 p1 r1 b1 == CasePair q2 p2 r2 b2 =
q1 == q2 && p1 == p2 && r1 == r2 && b1 == b2
CasePair {} == _ = False
CaseEnum q1 t1 r1 a1 == CaseEnum q2 t2 r2 a2 =
q1 == q2 && t1 == t2 && r1 == r2 && a1 == a2
CaseEnum {} == _ = False
CaseNat q1 q1' n1 r1 z1 s1 == CaseNat q2 q2' n2 r2 z2 s2 =
q1 == q2 && q1' == q2' && n1 == n2 &&
r1 == r2 && z1 == z2 && s1 == s2
CaseNat {} == _ = False
CaseBox q1 x1 r1 b1 == CaseBox q2 x2 r2 b2 =
q1 == q2 && x1 == x2 && r1 == r2 && b1 == b2
CaseBox {} == _ = False
(fun1 :% dim1) == (fun2 :% dim2) = fun1 == fun2 && dim1 == dim2
(_ :% _) == _ = False
(tm1 :# ty1) == (tm2 :# ty2) = tm1 == tm2 && ty1 == ty2
(_ :# _) == _ = False
Coe ty1 p1 q1 val1 == Coe ty2 p2 q2 val2 =
ty1 == ty2 && p1 == p2 && q1 == q2 && val1 == val2
Coe {} == _ = False
Comp ty1 p1 q1 val1 r1 zero1 one1 == Comp ty2 p2 q2 val2 r2 zero2 one2 =
ty1 == ty2 && p1 == p2 && q1 == q2 &&
val1 == val2 && r1 == r2 && zero1 == zero2 && one1 == one2
Comp {} == _ = False
TypeCase ty1 ret1 arms1 def1 == TypeCase ty2 ret2 arms2 def2 =
ty1 == ty2 && ret1 == ret2 &&
arms1 == arms2 && def1 == def2
TypeCase {} == _ = False
CloE el1 th1 == CloE el2 th2 =
case eqSubstLen th1 th2 of
Just Refl => el1 == el2 && th1 == th2
Nothing => False
CloE {} == _ = False
DCloE el1 th1 == DCloE el2 th2 =
case eqSubstLen th1 th2 of
Just Refl => el1 == el2 && th1 == th2
Nothing => False
DCloE {} == _ = False
export covering
{s : Nat} -> Eq (ScopeTermN s d n) where
b1 == b2 = b1.term == b2.term
export covering
{s : Nat} -> Eq (DScopeTermN s d n) where
b1 == b2 = b1.term == b2.term
export covering
Show (Term d n) where
showPrec d t = showParens (d /= Open) $ prettyStr True t
export covering
Show (Elim d n) where
showPrec d e = showParens (d /= Open) $ prettyStr True e
@ -237,27 +237,27 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
testEq "[#0]{} = [#0] : A" $
equalT (extendTy Any "x" (FT "A") empty)
(FT "A")
(CloT (BVT 0) id)
(CloT (Sub (BVT 0) id))
(BVT 0),
testEq "[#0]{a} = [a] : A" $
equalT empty (FT "A")
(CloT (BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id))
(CloT (Sub (BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id)))
(FT "a"),
testEq "[#0]{a,b} = [a] : A" $
equalT empty (FT "A")
(CloT (BVT 0) (F "a" ::: F "b" ::: id))
(CloT (Sub (BVT 0) (F "a" ::: F "b" ::: id)))
(FT "a"),
testEq "[#1]{a,b} = [b] : A" $
equalT empty (FT "A")
(CloT (BVT 1) (F "a" ::: F "b" ::: id))
(CloT (Sub (BVT 1) (F "a" ::: F "b" ::: id)))
(FT "b"),
testEq "(λy ⇒ [#1]){a} = λy ⇒ [a] : B ⇾ A (N)" $
equalT empty (Arr Zero (FT "B") (FT "A"))
(CloT (Lam $ S [< "y"] $ N $ BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id))
(CloT (Sub (Lam $ S [< "y"] $ N $ BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id)))
(Lam $ S [< "y"] $ N $ FT "a"),
testEq "(λy ⇒ [#1]){a} = λy ⇒ [a] : B ⇾ A (Y)" $
equalT empty (Arr Zero (FT "B") (FT "A"))
(CloT ([< "y"] :\\ BVT 1) (F "a" ::: id))
(CloT (Sub ([< "y"] :\\ BVT 1) (F "a" ::: id)))
([< "y"] :\\ FT "a")
@ -265,12 +265,12 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
testEq "★₀‹𝟎› = ★₀ : ★₁" $
equalTD 1
(extendDim "𝑗" empty)
(TYPE 1) (DCloT (TYPE 0) (K Zero ::: id)) (TYPE 0),
(TYPE 1) (DCloT (Sub (TYPE 0) (K Zero ::: id))) (TYPE 0),
testEq "(δ i ⇒ a)‹𝟎› = (δ i ⇒ a) : (a ≡ a : A)" $
equalTD 1
(extendDim "𝑗" empty)
(Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a"))
(DCloT ([< "i"] :\\% FT "a") (K Zero ::: id))
(DCloT (Sub ([< "i"] :\\% FT "a") (K Zero ::: id)))
([< "i"] :\\% FT "a"),
note "it is hard to think of well-typed terms with big dctxs"
@ -504,10 +504,10 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
"elim closure" :- [
testEq "#0{a} = a" $
equalE empty (CloE (BV 0) (F "a" ::: id)) (F "a"),
equalE empty (CloE (Sub (BV 0) (F "a" ::: id))) (F "a"),
testEq "#1{a} = #0" $
equalE (extendTy Any "x" (FT "A") empty)
(CloE (BV 1) (F "a" ::: id)) (BV 0)
(CloE (Sub (BV 1) (F "a" ::: id))) (BV 0)
"elim d-closure" :- [
@ -515,41 +515,42 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
testEq "(eq-AB #0)‹𝟎› = eq-AB 𝟎" $
equalED 1
(extendDim "𝑖" empty)
(DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K Zero ::: id))
(DCloE (Sub (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K Zero ::: id)))
(F "eq-AB" :% K Zero),
testEq "(eq-AB #0)‹𝟎› = A" $
equalED 1
(extendDim "𝑖" empty)
(DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K Zero ::: id)) (F "A"),
(DCloE (Sub (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K Zero ::: id))) (F "A"),
testEq "(eq-AB #0)‹𝟏› = B" $
equalED 1
(extendDim "𝑖" empty)
(DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K One ::: id)) (F "B"),
(DCloE (Sub (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K One ::: id))) (F "B"),
testNeq "(eq-AB #0)‹𝟏› ≠ A" $
equalED 1
(extendDim "𝑖" empty)
(DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K One ::: id)) (F "A"),
(DCloE (Sub (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (K One ::: id))) (F "A"),
testEq "(eq-AB #0)‹#0,𝟎› = (eq-AB #0)" $
equalED 2
(extendDim "𝑗" $ extendDim "𝑖" empty)
(DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (BV 0 ::: K Zero ::: id))
(DCloE (Sub (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (BV 0 ::: K Zero ::: id)))
(F "eq-AB" :% BV 0),
testNeq "(eq-AB #0)‹𝟎› ≠ (eq-AB 𝟎)" $
equalED 2
(extendDim "𝑗" $ extendDim "𝑖" empty)
(DCloE (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (BV 0 ::: K Zero ::: id))
(DCloE (Sub (F "eq-AB" :% BV 0) (BV 0 ::: K Zero ::: id)))
(F "eq-AB" :% K Zero),
testEq "#0‹𝟎› = #0 # term and dim vars distinct" $
equalED 1
(extendTy Any "x" (FT "A") $ extendDim "𝑖" empty)
(DCloE (BV 0) (K Zero ::: id)) (BV 0),
(DCloE (Sub (BV 0) (K Zero ::: id))) (BV 0),
testEq "a‹𝟎› = a" $
equalED 1 (extendDim "𝑖" empty) (DCloE (F "a") (K Zero ::: id)) (F "a"),
equalED 1 (extendDim "𝑖" empty)
(DCloE (Sub (F "a") (K Zero ::: id))) (F "a"),
testEq "(f [a])‹𝟎› = f‹𝟎› [a]‹𝟎›" $
let th = K Zero ::: id in
equalED 1 (extendDim "𝑖" empty)
(DCloE (F "f" :@ FT "a") th)
(DCloE (F "f") th :@ DCloT (FT "a") th)
(DCloE (Sub (F "f" :@ FT "a") th))
(DCloE (Sub (F "f") th) :@ DCloT (Sub (FT "a") th))
"clashes" :- [
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module Tests.FromPTerm
import Quox.Parser.FromParser
import Quox.Parser
import TermImpls
import TypingImpls
import Tests.Parser as TParser
import TAP
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module Tests.Reduce
import Quox.Syntax as Lib
import Quox.Equal
import TermImpls
import TypingImpls
import TAP
@ -67,34 +66,34 @@ tests = "whnf" :- [
"elim closure" :- [
testWhnf "x{}" (ctx [< ("A", Nat)])
(CloE (BV 0) id)
(CloE (Sub (BV 0) id))
(BV 0),
testWhnf "x{a/x}" empty
(CloE (BV 0) (F "a" ::: id))
(CloE (Sub (BV 0) (F "a" ::: id)))
(F "a"),
testWhnf "x{x/x,a/y}" (ctx [< ("A", Nat)])
(CloE (BV 0) (BV 0 ::: F "a" ::: id))
(CloE (Sub (BV 0) (BV 0 ::: F "a" ::: id)))
(BV 0),
testWhnf "x{(y{a/y})/x}" empty
(CloE (BV 0) ((CloE (BV 0) (F "a" ::: id)) ::: id))
(CloE (Sub (BV 0) ((CloE (Sub (BV 0) (F "a" ::: id))) ::: id)))
(F "a"),
testWhnf "(x y){f/x,a/y}" empty
(CloE (BV 0 :@ BVT 1) (F "f" ::: F "a" ::: id))
(CloE (Sub (BV 0 :@ BVT 1) (F "f" ::: F "a" ::: id)))
(F "f" :@ FT "a"),
testWhnf "([y] ∷ [x]){A/x}" (ctx [< ("A", Nat)])
(CloE (BVT 1 :# BVT 0) (F "A" ::: id))
(CloE (Sub (BVT 1 :# BVT 0) (F "A" ::: id)))
(BV 0),
testWhnf "([y] ∷ [x]){A/x,a/y}" empty
(CloE (BVT 1 :# BVT 0) (F "A" ::: F "a" ::: id))
(CloE (Sub (BVT 1 :# BVT 0) (F "A" ::: F "a" ::: id)))
(F "a")
"term closure" :- [
testWhnf "(λy. x){a/x}" empty
(CloT (Lam $ S [< "y"] $ N $ BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id))
(CloT (Sub (Lam $ S [< "y"] $ N $ BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id)))
(Lam $ S [< "y"] $ N $ FT "a"),
testWhnf "(λy. y){a/x}" empty
(CloT ([< "y"] :\\ BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id))
(CloT (Sub ([< "y"] :\\ BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id)))
([< "y"] :\\ BVT 0)
@ -112,8 +111,8 @@ tests = "whnf" :- [
F "a" :@
E ((([< "x"] :\\ BVT 0) :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) :@ FT "a"),
testNoStep "λx. [y [x]]{x/x,a/y}" (ctx [< ("A", Nat)]) $
[< "x"] :\\ CloT (E $ BV 1 :@ BVT 0) (BV 0 ::: F "a" ::: id),
[< "x"] :\\ CloT (Sub (E $ BV 1 :@ BVT 0) (BV 0 ::: F "a" ::: id)),
testNoStep "f ([y [x]]{x/x,a/y})" (ctx [< ("A", Nat)]) $
F "f" :@ CloT (E $ BV 1 :@ BVT 0) (BV 0 ::: F "a" ::: id)
F "f" :@ CloT (Sub (E $ BV 1 :@ BVT 0) (BV 0 ::: F "a" ::: id))
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module TypingImpls
import TAP
import public Quox.Typing
import public Quox.Pretty
import public TermImpls
import Derive.Prelude
%language ElabReflection
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ depends = base, contrib, elab-util, snocvect, quox-lib, tap, eff
executable = quox-tests
main = Tests
modules =
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