telescope stuff
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 94 additions and 16 deletions
@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ module Quox.Context
import Quox.Syntax.Shift
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Name
import Quox.NatExtra
import Quox.PrettyValExtra
import Data.DPair
import Data.Nat
import Data.Singleton
import Quox.SingletonExtra
import Data.SnocList
import Data.SnocVect
import Data.Vect
@ -45,6 +47,10 @@ public export
BContext : Nat -> Type
BContext = Context' BindName
public export
BTelescope : Nat -> Nat -> Type
BTelescope = Telescope' BindName
public export
unsnoc : Context tm (S n) -> (Context tm n, tm n)
@ -123,6 +129,19 @@ replicate : (n : Nat) -> a -> Context' a n
replicate n x = tabulateVar n $ const x
public export
replicateLTE : from `LTE'` to => a -> Telescope' a from to
replicateLTE @{LTERefl} x = [<]
replicateLTE @{LTESuccR _} x = replicateLTE x :< x
public export
replicateTel : (from, to : Nat) -> a ->
Either (from `GT` to) (Telescope' a from to)
replicateTel from to x = case isLTE' from to of
Yes lte => Right $ replicateLTE x
No nlte => Left $ notLTEImpliesGT $ nlte . fromLTE
public export
(.) : Telescope tm from mid -> Telescope tm mid to -> Telescope tm from to
tel1 . [<] = tel1
@ -275,12 +294,16 @@ lengthPrf [<] = Element 0 Refl
lengthPrf (tel :< _) =
let len = lengthPrf tel in Element (S len.fst) (cong S len.snd)
public export
lengthPrfSing : Telescope _ from to -> Singleton from -> Singleton to
lengthPrfSing tel (Val from) =
let Element len prf = lengthPrf tel in
rewrite sym prf in
Val (len + from)
public export
lengthPrf0 : Context _ to -> Singleton to
lengthPrf0 ctx =
let Element len prf = lengthPrf ctx in
rewrite sym prf `trans` plusZeroRightNeutral len in
lengthPrf0 ctx = lengthPrfSing ctx (Val 0)
public export %inline
length : Telescope {} -> Nat
@ -327,14 +350,30 @@ export %inline
(forall n. Eq (tm n)) => Eq (Telescope tm from to) where
(==) = foldLazy @{All} .: zipWithLazy (==)
export %inline
(forall n. DecEq (tm n)) => DecEq (Telescope tm from to) where
decEq [<] [<] = Yes Refl
decEq (xs :< x) (ys :< y) = do
let Yes Refl = decEq xs ys
| No n => No $ \case Refl => n Refl
let Yes Refl = decEq x y
| No n => No $ \case Refl => n Refl
Yes Refl
decEq [<] (_ :< _) = No $ \case _ impossible
decEq (_ :< _) [<] = No $ \case _ impossible
export %inline
(forall n. Ord (tm n)) => Ord (Telescope tm from to) where
compare = foldLazy .: zipWithLazy compare
export %inline
(forall n. Show (tm n)) => Show (Telescope tm from to) where
showPrec d = showPrec d . toSnocList
where Show (Exists tm) where showPrec d t = showPrec d t.snd
showPrec d = showPrec d . toSnocList where
Show (Exists tm) where showPrec d t = showPrec d t.snd
export %inline
(forall n. PrettyVal (tm n)) => PrettyVal (Telescope tm from to) where
prettyVal xs = prettyVal $ toSnocList' $ map prettyVal xs
parameters {opts : LayoutOpts} {0 tm : Nat -> Type}
@ -361,5 +400,5 @@ parameters {opts : LayoutOpts} {0 tm : Nat -> Type}
namespace BContext
toNames : BContext n -> SnocList BaseName
toNames : BTelescope {} -> SnocList BaseName
toNames = foldl (\xs, x => xs :< x.val) [<]
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Data.Nat.Division
import Data.SnocList
import Data.Vect
import Data.String
import Quox.Decidable
%default total
@ -14,26 +15,53 @@ data LTE' : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
LTERefl : LTE' n n
LTESuccR : LTE' m n -> LTE' m (S n)
%builtin Natural LTE'
%name LTE' p, q
public export %hint
lteZero' : {n : Nat} -> LTE' 0 n
lteZero' {n = 0} = LTERefl
lteZero' {n = S n} = LTESuccR lteZero'
%transform "NatExtra.lteZero'" lteZero' {n} = believe_me n
public export %hint
lteSucc' : LTE' m n -> LTE' (S m) (S n)
lteSucc' LTERefl = LTERefl
lteSucc' (LTESuccR p) = LTESuccR $ lteSucc' p
%transform "NatExtra.lteSucc'" lteSucc' p = believe_me p
public export
fromLte : {n : Nat} -> LTE m n -> LTE' m n
fromLte LTEZero = lteZero'
fromLte (LTESucc p) = lteSucc' $ fromLte p
fromLTE : {n : Nat} -> LTE m n -> LTE' m n
fromLTE LTEZero = lteZero'
fromLTE (LTESucc p) = lteSucc' $ fromLTE p
-- %transform "NatExtra.fromLTE"
-- fromLTE {n} p = believe_me (n `minus` believe_me p)
public export
toLte : {n : Nat} -> m `LTE'` n -> m `LTE` n
toLte LTERefl = reflexive
toLte (LTESuccR p) = lteSuccRight (toLte p)
toLTE : {m : Nat} -> m `LTE'` n -> m `LTE` n
toLTE LTERefl = reflexive
toLTE (LTESuccR p) = lteSuccRight (toLTE p)
-- %transform "NatExtra.toLTE" toLTE {m} p = believe_me m
public export
lteLTE' : {m, n : Nat} -> LTE m n <=> LTE' m n
lteLTE' = MkEquivalence fromLTE toLTE
public export
isLTE' : (m, n : Nat) -> Dec (LTE' m n)
isLTE' m n = map lteLTE' $ isLTE m n
public export
data LT' : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
LTZero : LT' 0 (S n)
LTSucc : LT' m n -> LT' (S m) (S n)
%builtin Natural LT'
%name LT' p, q
public export
Transitive Nat LT' where
transitive LTZero (LTSucc q) = LTZero
transitive (LTSucc p) (LTSucc q) = LTSucc $ transitive p q
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ dropInner' (LTESuccR p) = Drop $ dropInner' $ force p
public export
dropInner : {n : Nat} -> LTE m n -> OPE m n
dropInner = dropInner' . fromLte
dropInner = dropInner' . fromLTE
public export
dropInnerN : (m : Nat) -> OPE n (m + n)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module Quox.SingletonExtra
import public Data.Singleton
public export
map : (f : a -> b) -> Singleton x -> Singleton (f x)
map f x = [|f x|]
public export
(<$>) : (f : a -> b) -> Singleton x -> Singleton (f x)
(<$>) = map
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