replace Context.tabulate with tabulateVar
- takes a function `Var n -> a` - results are no longer backwards lmao
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 49 additions and 26 deletions
@ -109,21 +109,18 @@ fromSnocVect [<] = [<]
fromSnocVect (sx :< x) = fromSnocVect sx :< x
public export
tabulateLT : (n : Nat) -> ((i : Nat) -> (0 p : i `LT` n) => tm i) ->
Context tm n
tabulateLT 0 f = [<]
tabulateLT (S k) f =
tabulateLT k (\i => f i @{lteSuccRight %search}) :< f k @{reflexive}
tabulateVar : (n : Nat) -> (Var n -> a) -> Context' a n
tabulateVar 0 f = [<]
tabulateVar (S k) f = tabulateVar k (f . VS) :< f VZ
public export
tabulate : ((n : Nat) -> tm n) -> (n : Nat) -> Context tm n
tabulate f n = tabulateLT n (\i => f i)
-- [todo] fixup argument order lol
allVars : (n : Nat) -> Context' (Var n) n
allVars n = tabulateVar n id
public export
replicate : (n : Nat) -> a -> Context' a n
replicate n x = tabulate (const x) n
replicate n x = tabulateVar n $ const x
public export
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export %inline [AndM] {n : Nat} -> Monoid (FreeVars n) where neutral = all
self : {n : Nat} -> Context' (FreeVars n) n
self = tabulate (\i => FV $ tabulate (== i) n) n
self = tabulateVar n $ \i => FV $ tabulateVar n (== i)
shift : forall from, to. Shift from to -> FreeVars from -> FreeVars to
@ -74,13 +74,12 @@ shift by (FV xs) = FV $ shift' by xs where
fromSet : {n : Nat} -> SortedSet (Var n) -> FreeVars n
fromSet vs = FV $ tabulateLT n $ \i => contains (V i) vs
fromSet vs = FV $ tabulateVar n $ \i => contains i vs
toSet : {n : Nat} -> FreeVars n -> SortedSet (Var n)
toSet (FV vs) =
foldl_ (\s, i => maybe s (\i => insert i s) i) empty $
zipWith (\i, b => guard b $> i) (tabulateLT n V) vs
toSet (FV vs) = SortedSet.fromList $ fold $
Context.zipWith (\i, b => i <$ guard b) (allVars n) vs
public export
@ -230,7 +229,7 @@ HasFreeVars (Elim d) where
expandDShift : {d1 : Nat} -> Shift d1 d2 -> Loc -> Context' (Dim d2) d1
expandDShift by loc = tabulateLT d1 (\i => BV i loc // by)
expandDShift by loc = tabulateVar d1 (\i => B i loc // by)
expandDSubst : {d1 : Nat} -> DSubst d1 d2 -> Loc -> Context' (Dim d2) d1
@ -144,15 +144,7 @@ interface FromVar f where %inline fromVar : Var n -> Loc -> f n
public export FromVar Var where fromVar x _ = x
tabulateV : {0 tm : Nat -> Type} -> (forall n. Var n -> tm n) ->
(n : Nat) -> Vect n (tm n)
tabulateV f 0 = []
tabulateV f (S n) = f VZ :: tabulateV (f . VS) n
allVars : (n : Nat) -> Vect n (Var n)
allVars n = tabulateV id n
public export
@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ ToInfo Failure where
("expected", show f.expected),
("got", show]
testFreeVars1 : {d : Nat} -> HasFreeVars f =>
(f d -> String) -> f d -> FreeVars' d -> Test
testFreeVars1 lbl tm dims =
test (lbl tm) $ do
let dims = FV dims; dims' = fv tm
unless (dims == dims') $ Left $ Fail Dim dims dims'
Right ()
testFreeVars : {d, n : Nat} -> (HasFreeVars (f d), HasFreeDVars f) =>
(f d n -> String) -> f d n -> FreeVars' d -> FreeVars' n -> Test
@ -45,6 +54,22 @@ private
prettyWith : (a -> Eff Pretty Doc80) -> a -> String
prettyWith f = trim . render _ . runPretty . f
parameters {d : Nat} (ds : BContext d)
withContext1 : Doc80 -> Eff Pretty Doc80
withContext1 doc =
if null ds then pure $ hsep ["⊢", doc]
else pure $ sep [hsep [!(ctx1 ds), "⊢"], doc]
ctx1 : forall k. BContext k -> Eff Pretty Doc80
ctx1 [<] = pure "·"
ctx1 ctx = fillSeparateTight !commaD . toList' <$>
traverse' (pure . prettyBind') ctx
testFreeVarsD : Dim d -> FreeVars' d -> Test
testFreeVarsD = testFreeVars1 $ prettyWith $ withContext1 <=< prettyDim ds
parameters {d, n : Nat} (ds : BContext d) (ts : BContext n)
withContext : Doc80 -> Eff Pretty Doc80
@ -67,7 +92,13 @@ parameters {d, n : Nat} (ds : BContext d) (ts : BContext n)
tests : Test
tests = "free variables" :- [
tests = "free variables (fv/fdv)" :- [
testFreeVarsD [<] (^K Zero) [<],
testFreeVarsD [<"i", "j"] (^K Zero) [<False, False],
testFreeVarsD [<"i", "j"] (^BV 0) [<False, True],
testFreeVarsD [<"i", "j"] (^BV 1) [<True, False],
testFreeVarsD [<"i", "j", "k", "l"] (^BV 2) [<False, True, False, False],
testFreeVarsT [<] [<] (^TYPE 0) [<] [<],
testFreeVarsT [<"i", "j"] [<] (^TYPE 0) [<False, False] [<],
testFreeVarsT [<] [<"x", "y"] (^TYPE 0) [<] [<False, False],
@ -98,6 +129,10 @@ tests = "free variables" :- [
testFreeVarsT [<"i","j"] [<] (^DLamY "k" (E $ ^DApp (^F "eq" 0) (^BV 0)))
[<False,False] [<],
testFreeVarsT [<"i","j"] [<] (^DLamY "k" (E $ ^DApp (^F "eq" 0) (^BV 2)))
[<True,False] [<],
testFreeVarsT [<"i","j"] [<] (^DLamY "i" (E $ ^DApp (^F "eq" 0) (^BV 0)))
[<False,False] [<],
testFreeVarsT [<"i","j"] [<] (^DLamN (E $ ^DApp (^F "eq" 0) (^BV 0)))
[<False,True] [<],
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