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2023-03-04 15:02:51 -05:00
module Quox.Parser
import public Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three
import public Quox.Syntax
import public Quox.Lexer
import Data.Fin
import Data.Vect
import public Text.Parser
import Derive.Prelude
%hide TT.Name
%default total
%language ElabReflection
public export
0 Grammar : Bool -> Type -> Type
Grammar = Core.Grammar () Token
%hide Core.Grammar
public export
0 BName : Type
BName = Maybe BaseName
public export
0 PUniverse : Type
PUniverse = Nat
public export
0 PQty : Type
PQty = Three
namespace PDim
public export
data PDim = K DimConst | V BaseName
%runElab derive "PDim" [Eq, Ord, Show]
namespace PTerm
||| terms out of the parser with BVs and bidirectionality still tangled up
public export
data PTerm =
| Pi PQty BName PTerm PTerm
| Lam BName PTerm
| (:@) PTerm PTerm
| Sig BName PTerm PTerm
| Pair PTerm PTerm
| Case PQty PTerm (BName, PTerm) (PCaseBody)
| Enum (List TagVal)
| Tag TagVal
| Eq (BName, PTerm) PTerm PTerm
| DLam BName PTerm
| (:%) PTerm PDim
| V Name
| (:#) PTerm PTerm
public export
data PCaseBody =
CasePair (BName, BName) PTerm
| CaseEnum (List (TagVal, PTerm))
%runElab deriveMutual ["PTerm", "PCaseBody"] [Eq, Ord, Show]
data PArg = T PTerm | D PDim
%runElab derive "PArg" [Eq, Ord, Show]
apply : PTerm -> List PArg -> PTerm
apply = foldl $ \f, x => case x of T x => f :@ x; D p => f :% p
annotate : PTerm -> Maybe PTerm -> PTerm
annotate s a = maybe s (s :#) a
res : (str : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved str) => Grammar True ()
res str = terminal "expecting \"\{str}\"" $
\x => guard $ x == R str
resC : (str : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved str) => Grammar True ()
resC str = do res str; commit
parameters {default True commit : Bool}
maybeCommit : Grammar False ()
maybeCommit = when commit Core.commit
betweenR : {c : Bool} -> (op, cl : String) ->
(0 _ : IsReserved op) => (0 _ : IsReserved cl) =>
Grammar c a -> Grammar True a
betweenR o c p = res o *> maybeCommit *> p <* res c <* maybeCommit
parens, bracks, braces : {c : Bool} -> Grammar c a -> Grammar True a
parens = betweenR "(" ")"
bracks = betweenR "[" "]"
braces = betweenR "{" "}"
commaSep : {c : Bool} -> Grammar c a -> Grammar False (List a)
commaSep = sepEndBy (res ",")
-- don't commit because of the possible terminating ","
semiSep : {c : Bool} -> Grammar c a -> Grammar False (List a)
semiSep = sepEndBy (res ";")
commaSep1 : {c : Bool} -> Grammar c a -> Grammar c (List1 a)
commaSep1 = sepEndBy1 (res ",")
darr : Grammar True ()
darr = resC ""
name : Grammar True Name
name = terminal "expecting name" $
\case I i => Just i; _ => Nothing
baseName : Grammar True BaseName
baseName = terminal "expecting unqualified name" $
\case I i => guard (null i.mods) $> i.base
_ => Nothing
nat : Grammar True Nat
nat = terminal "expecting natural number" $
\case N n => pure n; _ => Nothing
string : Grammar True String
string = terminal "expecting string literal" $
\case S s => pure s; _ => Nothing
tag : Grammar True String
tag = terminal "expecting tag constructor" $
\case T t => pure t; _ => Nothing
bareTag : Grammar True String
bareTag = string <|> [|toDots name|]
universe : Grammar True PUniverse
universe = terminal "expecting type universe" $
\case TYPE u => Just u; _ => Nothing
bname : Grammar True BName
bname = Nothing <$ res "_"
<|> [|Just baseName|]
zeroOne : (zero, one : a) -> Grammar True a
zeroOne zero one = terminal "expecting zero or one" $
\case N 0 => Just zero; N 1 => Just one; _ => Nothing
export covering
qty : Grammar True PQty
qty = zeroOne Zero One
<|> Any <$ res "ω"
<|> parens qty
private covering
qtys : Grammar False (List PQty)
qtys = option [] [|toList $ some qty <* res "·"|]
dimConst : Grammar True DimConst
dimConst = zeroOne Zero One
export covering
dim : Grammar True PDim
dim = [|V baseName|]
<|> [|K dimConst|]
<|> parens dim
0 PBinderHead : Nat -> Type
PBinderHead n = (Vect n PQty, BName, PTerm)
toVect : List a -> (n ** Vect n a)
toVect [] = (_ ** [])
toVect (x :: xs) = (_ ** x :: snd (toVect xs))
0 MakeBinder : Nat -> Type
MakeBinder n = (String, PBinderHead n -> PTerm -> PTerm)
makePi : MakeBinder 1
makePi = ("", \([pi], x, s) => Pi pi x s)
makeSig : MakeBinder 0
makeSig = ("×", \([], x, s) => Sig x s)
plural : Nat -> a -> a -> a
plural 1 s p = s
plural _ s p = p
makeBinder : {m, n : Nat} -> MakeBinder m -> PBinderHead n -> PTerm ->
Grammar False PTerm
makeBinder (str, f) h t =
case decEq m n of
Yes Refl => pure $ f h t
No _ => fatalError
"'\{str}' expects \{show m} quantit\{plural m "y" "ies"}, got \{show n}"
binderInfix : Grammar True (n ** MakeBinder n)
binderInfix = res "" $> (1 ** makePi)
<|> res "×" $> (0 ** makeSig)
lamIntro : Grammar True (BName -> PTerm -> PTerm)
lamIntro = Lam <$ resC "λ"
<|> DLam <$ resC "δ"
private covering
caseIntro : Grammar True PQty
caseIntro = resC "case1" $> One
<|> resC "caseω" $> Any
<|> resC "case" *> qty <* resC "·"
optNameBinder : Grammar False BName
optNameBinder = [|join $ optional $ bname <* darr|]
export covering
term : Grammar True PTerm
term = lamTerm
<|> caseTerm
<|> bindTerm
<|> [|annotate infixEqTerm (optional $ resC "" *> term)|]
private covering
lamTerm : Grammar True PTerm
lamTerm = flip . foldr <$> lamIntro <*> some bname <* darr <*> term
private covering
caseTerm : Grammar True PTerm
caseTerm =
[|Case caseIntro term
(resC "return" *> optBinderTerm)
(resC "of" *> braces caseBody)|]
private covering
caseBody : Grammar False PCaseBody
caseBody = [|CasePair (pairPat <* darr) (term <* optSemi)|]
<|> [|CaseEnum $ semiSep [|MkPair tag (darr *> term)|]|]
optSemi = ignore $ optional $ res ";"
pairPat = parens [|MkPair bname (resC "," *> bname)|]
private covering
bindTerm : Grammar True PTerm
bindTerm = do
bnd <- binderHead
inf <- binderInfix
body <- term
makeBinder (snd inf) (snd bnd) body
private covering
infixEqTerm : Grammar True PTerm
infixEqTerm = do
l <- appTerm
rty <- optional [|MkPair (resC "" *> term) (resC ":" *> appTerm)|]
pure $ maybe l (\rty => Eq (Nothing, snd rty) l (fst rty)) rty
private covering
appTerm : Grammar True PTerm
appTerm = resC "" *> [|TYPE nat|]
<|> resC "Eq" *> [|Eq (bracks optBinderTerm) aTerm aTerm|]
<|> [|apply aTerm (many appArg)|]
private covering
appArg : Grammar True PArg
appArg = [|D $ resC "@" *> dim|]
<|> [|T aTerm|]
private covering
aTerm : Grammar True PTerm
aTerm = [|Enum $ braces $ commaSep bareTag|]
<|> [|TYPE universe|]
<|> [|V name|]
<|> [|Tag tag|]
<|> foldr1 Pair <$> parens (commaSep1 term)
private covering
binderHead : Grammar True (n ** PBinderHead n)
binderHead = parens {commit = False} $ do
qs <- [|toVect qtys|]
name <- bname
resC ":"
ty <- term
pure (_ ** (qs.snd, name, ty))
private covering
optBinderTerm : Grammar True (BName, PTerm)
optBinderTerm = [|MkPair optNameBinder term|]