This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 788 additions and 159 deletions
@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ import Quox.CharExtra
import Quox.Name
import Data.String.Extra
import Data.SortedMap
import Text.Lexer
import Text.Lexer.Tokenizer
import public Data.List.Elem
import public Text.Lexer
import public Text.Lexer.Tokenizer
import Derive.Prelude
%hide TT.Name
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ data Token = R String | I Name | N Nat | S String | T String | TYPE Nat
%runElab derive "Token" [Eq, Ord, Show]
-- token or whitespace
public export
0 TokenW : Type
TokenW = Maybe Token
@ -41,70 +42,51 @@ record Error where
%runElab derive "Error" [Eq, Ord, Show]
skip : Lexer -> Tokenizer TokenW
skip t = match t $ const Nothing
syntaxChars : List Char
syntaxChars = ['(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '`', '"', '\'', ',', '.']
match : Lexer -> (String -> Token) -> Tokenizer TokenW
match t f = Tokenizer.match t (Just . f)
%hide Tokenizer.match
isSymStart, isSymCont : Char -> Bool
export %inline
syntaxChars : List Char
syntaxChars = ['(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '"', '\'', ',', '.', ';']
stra, isSymCont : Char -> Bool
isSymStart c = not (c `elem` syntaxChars) && isSymChar c
isSymCont c = c == '\'' || isSymStart c
idStart, idCont, idEnd, idContEnd, symStart, symCont : Lexer
idStart, idCont, idEnd, idContEnd : Lexer
idStart = pred isIdStart
idCont = pred isIdCont
idEnd = pred $ \c => c `elem` unpack "?!#"
idContEnd = idCont <|> idEnd
symStart, symCont : Lexer
symStart = pred isSymStart
symCont = pred isSymCont
private %inline
resVal : String -> a -> Maybe Token
resVal str = const $ Just $ R str
resWordL, resSymL, syntaxL : String -> Lexer
resWordL str = exact str <+> reject idContEnd
resSymL str = exact str <+> reject symCont
syntaxL str = exact str
resWord, resSym, syntax : String -> Tokenizer TokenW
resWord str = match (resWordL str) (resVal str)
resSym str = match (resSymL str) (resVal str)
syntax str = match (syntaxL str) (resVal str)
-- return value contains unicode version
uresWord, uresSym, usyntax : (unicode, ascii : String) -> Tokenizer TokenW
uresWord u a = match (resWordL u <|> resWordL a) (resVal u)
uresSym u a = match (resSymL u <|> resSymL a) (resVal u)
usyntax u a = match (exact u <|> exact a) (resVal u)
alphaName, symName, baseNameL : Lexer
alphaName = idStart <+> many idCont <+> many idEnd
symName = symStart <+> many symCont
baseNameL = symName <|> alphaName
baseName : Tokenizer BaseName
baseName = match baseNameL UN
baseNameL : Lexer
baseNameL = idStart <+> many idCont <+> many idEnd
<|> symStart <+> many symCont
toName : String -> Name
toName = fromList . split (== '.')
nameL : Lexer
nameL = baseNameL <+> many (is '.' <+> baseNameL)
name : Tokenizer TokenW
name = match (baseNameL <+> many (is '.' <+> baseNameL))
(Just . I . toName . normalizeNfc)
name = match nameL $ I . fromList . split (== '.') . normalizeNfc
-- [todo] escapes other than \" and (accidentally) \\
||| [todo] escapes other than `\"` and (accidentally) `\\`
fromStringLit : String -> String
fromStringLit = pack . go . unpack . drop 1 . dropLast 1 where
@ -114,18 +96,18 @@ fromStringLit = pack . go . unpack . drop 1 . dropLast 1 where
go ('\\' :: c :: cs) = c :: go cs
go (c :: cs) = c :: go cs
string : Tokenizer TokenW
string = match stringLit (Just . S . fromStringLit)
string = match stringLit (S . fromStringLit)
nat : Tokenizer TokenW
nat = match (some (range '0' '9')) (Just . N . cast)
nat = match (some (range '0' '9')) (N . cast)
tag : Tokenizer TokenW
tag = match (is '`' <+> baseNameL) (Just . T . drop 1)
<|> match (is '`' <+> stringLit) (Just . T . fromStringLit . drop 1)
tag = match (is '\'' <+> nameL) (T . drop 1)
<|> match (is '\'' <+> stringLit) (T . fromStringLit . drop 1)
@ -140,38 +122,115 @@ subToNat : String -> Nat
subToNat = cast . pack . map fromSub . unpack
universe : Tokenizer TokenW
universe = universeWith "★" <|> universeWith "Type" where
universeWith : String -> Tokenizer TokenW
universeWith pfx =
let len = length pfx in
match (exact pfx <+> some (range '0' '9'))
(Just . TYPE . cast . drop len) <|>
(TYPE . cast . drop len) <|>
match (exact pfx <+> some (range '₀' '₉'))
(Just . TYPE . subToNat . drop len)
(TYPE . subToNat . drop len)
private %inline
choice : (xs : List (Tokenizer a)) -> (0 _ : NonEmpty xs) => Tokenizer a
choice (t :: ts) = foldl (\a, b => a <|> b) t ts
namespace Res
||| description of a reserved symbol
||| @ W a reserved word (must not be followed by letters, digits, etc)
||| @ S a reserved symbol (must not be followed by symbolic chars)
||| @ X a character that doesn't show up in names (brackets, etc)
public export
data Res1 = W String | S String | X Char
%runElab derive "Res1" [Eq, Ord, Show]
||| description of a token that might have unicode & ascii-only aliases
public export
data Res = Only Res1 | Or Res1 Res1
%runElab derive "Res" [Eq, Ord, Show]
public export
S1, W1 : String -> Res
S1 = Only . S
W1 = Only . W
public export
X1 : Char -> Res
X1 = Only . X
public export
resString1 : Res1 -> String
resString1 (X x) = singleton x
resString1 (W w) = w
resString1 (S s) = s
||| return the representative string for a token description. if there are
||| two, then it's the first one, which should be the full-unicode one
public export
resString : Res -> String
resString (Only r) = resString1 r
resString (r `Or` _) = resString1 r
resTokenizer1 : Res1 -> String -> Tokenizer TokenW
resTokenizer1 r str =
let res : String -> Token := const $ R str in
case r of W w => match (exact w <+> reject idContEnd) res
S s => match (exact s <+> reject symCont) res
X x => match (is x) res
||| match a reserved token
resTokenizer : Res -> Tokenizer TokenW
resTokenizer (Only r) = resTokenizer1 r (resString1 r)
resTokenizer (r `Or` s) =
resTokenizer1 r (resString1 r) <|> resTokenizer1 s (resString1 r)
||| reserved words & symbols.
||| the tokens recognised by ``a `Or` b`` will be `R a`. e.g. `=>` in the input
||| (if not part of a longer name) will be returned as `R "⇒"`.
public export
reserved : List Res
reserved =
[X1 '(', X1 ')', X1 '[', X1 ']', X1 '{', X1 '}', X1 ',', X1 ';',
S1 "@",
S1 ":",
S "⇒" `Or` S "=>",
S "→" `Or` S "->",
S "×" `Or` S "**",
S "≡" `Or` S "==",
S "∷" `Or` S "::",
S "·" `Or` X '.',
W1 "case",
W1 "case1",
W "caseω" `Or` W "case#",
W1 "return",
W1 "of",
W1 "_",
W1 "Eq",
W "λ" `Or` W "fun",
W "δ" `Or` W "dfun",
W "ω" `Or` S "#",
S "★" `Or` W "Type"]
||| `IsReserved str` is true if `R str` might actually show up in
||| the token stream
public export
IsReserved : String -> Type
IsReserved str = str `Elem` map resString reserved
tokens : Tokenizer TokenW
tokens = choice $
map skip [pred isWhitespace,
lineComment (exact "--" <+> reject symCont),
blockComment (exact "{-") (exact "-}")] <+>
map syntax ["(", ")", "[", "]", ",", "{", "}", "."] <+>
[match (exact "`{" <+> reject (is '-')) (resVal "`{")] <+>
map resSym ["@", ":"] <+>
map (uncurry uresSym)
[("·", "%"), ("→","->"), ("×", "**"), ("≡", "=="), ("∷", "::")] <+>
map resWord ["case", "case1", "caseω", "return", "of", "_"] <+>
map (uncurry uresWord) [("λ","fun"), ("δ","dfun"), ("caseω", "case#")] <+>
[resWord "ω", match (resSymL "#") (resVal "ω"),
universe, resSym "★", match (resWordL "Type") (resVal "★")] <+>
[universe] <+> -- ★ᵢ takes precedence over bare ★
map resTokenizer reserved <+>
[nat, string, tag, name]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
module Quox.Parser
import public Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three
import public Quox.Syntax
import public Quox.Lexer
import Data.Fin
import Data.Vect
import public Text.Parser
import Derive.Prelude
%hide TT.Name
%default total
%language ElabReflection
public export
0 Grammar : Bool -> Type -> Type
Grammar = Core.Grammar () Token
%hide Core.Grammar
public export
0 BName : Type
BName = Maybe BaseName
public export
0 PUniverse : Type
PUniverse = Nat
public export
0 PQty : Type
PQty = Three
namespace PDim
public export
data PDim = K DimConst | V BaseName
%runElab derive "PDim" [Eq, Ord, Show]
namespace PTerm
||| terms out of the parser with BVs and bidirectionality still tangled up
public export
data PTerm =
| Pi PQty BName PTerm PTerm
| Lam BName PTerm
| (:@) PTerm PTerm
| Sig BName PTerm PTerm
| Pair PTerm PTerm
| Case PQty PTerm (BName, PTerm) (PCaseBody)
| Enum (List TagVal)
| Tag TagVal
| Eq (BName, PTerm) PTerm PTerm
| DLam BName PTerm
| (:%) PTerm PDim
| V Name
| (:#) PTerm PTerm
public export
data PCaseBody =
CasePair (BName, BName) PTerm
| CaseEnum (List (TagVal, PTerm))
%runElab deriveMutual ["PTerm", "PCaseBody"] [Eq, Ord, Show]
data PArg = T PTerm | D PDim
%runElab derive "PArg" [Eq, Ord, Show]
apply : PTerm -> List PArg -> PTerm
apply = foldl $ \f, x => case x of T x => f :@ x; D p => f :% p
annotate : PTerm -> Maybe PTerm -> PTerm
annotate s a = maybe s (s :#) a
res : (str : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved str) => Grammar True ()
res str = terminal "expecting \"\{str}\"" $
\x => guard $ x == R str
resC : (str : String) -> (0 _ : IsReserved str) => Grammar True ()
resC str = do res str; commit
parameters {default True commit : Bool}
maybeCommit : Grammar False ()
maybeCommit = when commit Core.commit
betweenR : {c : Bool} -> (op, cl : String) ->
(0 _ : IsReserved op) => (0 _ : IsReserved cl) =>
Grammar c a -> Grammar True a
betweenR o c p = res o *> maybeCommit *> p <* res c <* maybeCommit
parens, bracks, braces : {c : Bool} -> Grammar c a -> Grammar True a
parens = betweenR "(" ")"
bracks = betweenR "[" "]"
braces = betweenR "{" "}"
commaSep : {c : Bool} -> Grammar c a -> Grammar False (List a)
commaSep = sepEndBy (res ",")
-- don't commit because of the possible terminating ","
semiSep : {c : Bool} -> Grammar c a -> Grammar False (List a)
semiSep = sepEndBy (res ";")
commaSep1 : {c : Bool} -> Grammar c a -> Grammar c (List1 a)
commaSep1 = sepEndBy1 (res ",")
darr : Grammar True ()
darr = resC "⇒"
name : Grammar True Name
name = terminal "expecting name" $
\case I i => Just i; _ => Nothing
baseName : Grammar True BaseName
baseName = terminal "expecting unqualified name" $
\case I i => guard (null i.mods) $> i.base
_ => Nothing
nat : Grammar True Nat
nat = terminal "expecting natural number" $
\case N n => pure n; _ => Nothing
string : Grammar True String
string = terminal "expecting string literal" $
\case S s => pure s; _ => Nothing
tag : Grammar True String
tag = terminal "expecting tag constructor" $
\case T t => pure t; _ => Nothing
bareTag : Grammar True String
bareTag = string <|> [|toDots name|]
universe : Grammar True PUniverse
universe = terminal "expecting type universe" $
\case TYPE u => Just u; _ => Nothing
bname : Grammar True BName
bname = Nothing <$ res "_"
<|> [|Just baseName|]
zeroOne : (zero, one : a) -> Grammar True a
zeroOne zero one = terminal "expecting zero or one" $
\case N 0 => Just zero; N 1 => Just one; _ => Nothing
export covering
qty : Grammar True PQty
qty = zeroOne Zero One
<|> Any <$ res "ω"
<|> parens qty
private covering
qtys : Grammar False (List PQty)
qtys = option [] [|toList $ some qty <* res "·"|]
dimConst : Grammar True DimConst
dimConst = zeroOne Zero One
export covering
dim : Grammar True PDim
dim = [|V baseName|]
<|> [|K dimConst|]
<|> parens dim
0 PBinderHead : Nat -> Type
PBinderHead n = (Vect n PQty, BName, PTerm)
toVect : List a -> (n ** Vect n a)
toVect [] = (_ ** [])
toVect (x :: xs) = (_ ** x :: snd (toVect xs))
0 MakeBinder : Nat -> Type
MakeBinder n = (String, PBinderHead n -> PTerm -> PTerm)
makePi : MakeBinder 1
makePi = ("→", \([pi], x, s) => Pi pi x s)
makeSig : MakeBinder 0
makeSig = ("×", \([], x, s) => Sig x s)
plural : Nat -> a -> a -> a
plural 1 s p = s
plural _ s p = p
makeBinder : {m, n : Nat} -> MakeBinder m -> PBinderHead n -> PTerm ->
Grammar False PTerm
makeBinder (str, f) h t =
case decEq m n of
Yes Refl => pure $ f h t
No _ => fatalError
"'\{str}' expects \{show m} quantit\{plural m "y" "ies"}, got \{show n}"
binderInfix : Grammar True (n ** MakeBinder n)
binderInfix = res "→" $> (1 ** makePi)
<|> res "×" $> (0 ** makeSig)
lamIntro : Grammar True (BName -> PTerm -> PTerm)
lamIntro = Lam <$ resC "λ"
<|> DLam <$ resC "δ"
private covering
caseIntro : Grammar True PQty
caseIntro = resC "case1" $> One
<|> resC "caseω" $> Any
<|> resC "case" *> qty <* resC "·"
optNameBinder : Grammar False BName
optNameBinder = [|join $ optional $ bname <* darr|]
export covering
term : Grammar True PTerm
term = lamTerm
<|> caseTerm
<|> bindTerm
<|> [|annotate infixEqTerm (optional $ resC "∷" *> term)|]
private covering
lamTerm : Grammar True PTerm
lamTerm = flip . foldr <$> lamIntro <*> some bname <* darr <*> term
private covering
caseTerm : Grammar True PTerm
caseTerm =
[|Case caseIntro term
(resC "return" *> optBinderTerm)
(resC "of" *> braces caseBody)|]
private covering
caseBody : Grammar False PCaseBody
caseBody = [|CasePair (pairPat <* darr) (term <* optSemi)|]
<|> [|CaseEnum $ semiSep [|MkPair tag (darr *> term)|]|]
optSemi = ignore $ optional $ res ";"
pairPat = parens [|MkPair bname (resC "," *> bname)|]
private covering
bindTerm : Grammar True PTerm
bindTerm = do
bnd <- binderHead
inf <- binderInfix
body <- term
makeBinder (snd inf) (snd bnd) body
private covering
infixEqTerm : Grammar True PTerm
infixEqTerm = do
l <- appTerm
rty <- optional [|MkPair (resC "≡" *> term) (resC ":" *> appTerm)|]
pure $ maybe l (\rty => Eq (Nothing, snd rty) l (fst rty)) rty
private covering
appTerm : Grammar True PTerm
appTerm = resC "★" *> [|TYPE nat|]
<|> resC "Eq" *> [|Eq (bracks optBinderTerm) aTerm aTerm|]
<|> [|apply aTerm (many appArg)|]
private covering
appArg : Grammar True PArg
appArg = [|D $ resC "@" *> dim|]
<|> [|T aTerm|]
private covering
aTerm : Grammar True PTerm
aTerm = [|Enum $ braces $ commaSep bareTag|]
<|> [|TYPE universe|]
<|> [|V name|]
<|> [|Tag tag|]
<|> foldr1 Pair <$> parens (commaSep1 term)
private covering
binderHead : Grammar True (n ** PBinderHead n)
binderHead = parens {commit = False} $ do
qs <- [|toVect qtys|]
name <- bname
resC ":"
ty <- term
pure (_ ** (qs.snd, name, ty))
private covering
optBinderTerm : Grammar True (BName, PTerm)
optBinderTerm = [|MkPair optNameBinder term|]
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ mutual
||| pair destruction
||| `CasePair 𝜋 𝑒 ([𝑟], 𝐴) ([𝑥, 𝑦], 𝑡)` is
||| `𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝜋 · 𝑒 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝑟 ⇒ 𝐴 𝐨𝐟 { (𝑥, 𝑦). 𝑡 }`
||| `𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝜋 · 𝑒 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝑟 ⇒ 𝐴 𝐨𝐟 { (𝑥, 𝑦) ⇒ 𝑡 }`
CasePair : (qty : q) -> (pair : Elim q d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm q d n) ->
(body : ScopeTermN 2 q d n) ->
@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ import Data.Vect
private %inline
typeD, arrowD, timesD, lamD, eqndD, dlamD, annD :
typeD, arrowD, darrowD, timesD, lamD, eqndD, dlamD, annD :
Pretty.HasEnv m => m (Doc HL)
typeD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "★" "Type"
arrowD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "→" "->"
darrowD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "⇒" "=>"
timesD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "×" "**"
lamD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "λ" "fun"
eqndD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "≡" "=="
@ -22,11 +23,10 @@ dlamD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "δ" "dfun"
annD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "∷" "::"
private %inline
eqD, colonD, commaD, dotD, caseD, returnD, ofD : Doc HL
eqD, colonD, commaD, caseD, returnD, ofD : Doc HL
eqD = hl Syntax "Eq"
colonD = hl Syntax ":"
commaD = hl Syntax ","
dotD = hl Delim "."
caseD = hl Syntax "case"
ofD = hl Syntax "of"
returnD = hl Syntax "return"
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ prettyArm : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
BinderSort -> List BaseName -> Doc HL -> a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyArm sort xs pat body = do
body <- withPrec Outer $ unders sort xs $ prettyM body
pure $ hang 2 $ sep [pat <+> dotD, body]
pure $ hang 2 $ sep [pat <++> !darrowD, body]
prettyLams : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ prettyCase pi elim r ret arms = do
-- [fixme] put delimiters around tags that aren't simple names
prettyTag : TagVal -> Doc HL
prettyTag t = hl Tag $ "`" <+> fromString t
prettyTag t = hl Tag $ "'" <+> fromString t
parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
let GotPairs {init, last, _} = getPairs' [< s] t in
prettyTuple $ toList $ init :< last
prettyM (Enum tags) =
pure $ delims "`{" "}" . aseparate comma $ map prettyTag $
pure $ delims "{" "}" . aseparate comma $ map prettyTag $
Prelude.toList tags
prettyM (Tag t) =
pure $ prettyTag t
@ -35,4 +35,5 @@ modules =
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Tests.Reduce
import Tests.Equal
import Tests.Typechecker
import Tests.Lexer
import Tests.Parser
import System
@ -13,7 +14,8 @@ allTests = [
main : IO ()
@ -122,31 +122,31 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
"lambda" :- [
testEq "λ x. [x] = λ x. [x]" $
testEq "λ x ⇒ [x] = λ x ⇒ [x]" $
equalT empty (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))
(["x"] :\\ BVT 0)
(["x"] :\\ BVT 0),
testEq "λ x. [x] <: λ x. [x]" $
testEq "λ x ⇒ [x] <: λ x ⇒ [x]" $
subT empty (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))
(["x"] :\\ BVT 0)
(["x"] :\\ BVT 0),
testEq "λ x. [x] = λ y. [y]" $
testEq "λ x ⇒ [x] = λ y ⇒ [y]" $
equalT empty (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))
(["x"] :\\ BVT 0)
(["y"] :\\ BVT 0),
testEq "λ x. [x] <: λ y. [y]" $
testEq "λ x ⇒ [x] <: λ y ⇒ [y]" $
equalT empty (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))
(["x"] :\\ BVT 0)
(["y"] :\\ BVT 0),
testNeq "λ x y. [x] ≠ λ x y. [y]" $
testNeq "λ x y ⇒ [x] ≠ λ x y ⇒ [y]" $
equalT empty (Arr One (FT "A") $ Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))
(["x", "y"] :\\ BVT 1)
(["x", "y"] :\\ BVT 0),
testEq "λ x. [a] = λ x. [a] (Y vs N)" $
testEq "λ x ⇒ [a] = λ x ⇒ [a] (Y vs N)" $
equalT empty (Arr Zero (FT "B") (FT "A"))
(Lam $ SY ["x"] $ FT "a")
(Lam $ SN $ FT "a"),
testEq "λ x. [f [x]] = [f] (η)" $
testEq "λ x ⇒ [f [x]] = [f] (η)" $
equalT empty (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))
(["x"] :\\ E (F "f" :@ BVT 0))
(FT "f")
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
refl a x = (DLam $ S ["_"] $ N x) :# (Eq0 a x x)
note #""refl [A] x" is an abbreviation for "(δ i. x) ∷ (x ≡ x : A)""#,
note #""refl [A] x" is an abbreviation for "(δ i ⇒ x) ∷ (x ≡ x : A)""#,
note "binds before ∥ are globals, after it are BVs",
testEq "refl [A] a = refl [A] a" $
equalE empty (refl (FT "A") (FT "a")) (refl (FT "A") (FT "a")),
@ -237,11 +237,11 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
equalT empty (FT "A")
(CloT (BVT 1) (F "a" ::: F "b" ::: id))
(FT "b"),
testEq "(λy. [#1]){a} = λy. [a] : B ⇾ A (N)" $
testEq "(λy ⇒ [#1]){a} = λy ⇒ [a] : B ⇾ A (N)" $
equalT empty (Arr Zero (FT "B") (FT "A"))
(CloT (Lam $ S ["y"] $ N $ BVT 0) (F "a" ::: id))
(Lam $ S ["y"] $ N $ FT "a"),
testEq "(λy. [#1]){a} = λy. [a] : B ⇾ A (Y)" $
testEq "(λy ⇒ [#1]){a} = λy ⇒ [a] : B ⇾ A (Y)" $
equalT empty (Arr Zero (FT "B") (FT "A"))
(CloT (["y"] :\\ BVT 1) (F "a" ::: id))
(["y"] :\\ FT "a")
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
"term d-closure" :- [
testEq "★₀‹𝟎› = ★₀ : ★₁" $
equalTD 1 empty (TYPE 1) (DCloT (TYPE 0) (K Zero ::: id)) (TYPE 0),
testEq "(δ i. a)‹𝟎› = (δ i. a) : (a ≡ a : A)" $
testEq "(δ i ⇒ a)‹𝟎› = (δ i ⇒ a) : (a ≡ a : A)" $
equalTD 1 empty
(Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a"))
(DCloT (["i"] :\\% FT "a") (K Zero ::: id))
@ -315,24 +315,24 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
equalE empty (F "f" :@ FT "a") (F "f" :@ FT "a"),
testEq "f [a] <: f [a]" $
subE empty (F "f" :@ FT "a") (F "f" :@ FT "a"),
testEq "(λ x. [x] ∷ A ⊸ A) a = ([a ∷ A] ∷ A) (β)" $
testEq "(λ x ⇒ [x] ∷ A ⊸ A) a = ([a ∷ A] ∷ A) (β)" $
equalE empty
(((["x"] :\\ BVT 0) :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) :@ FT "a")
(E (FT "a" :# FT "A") :# FT "A"),
testEq "(λ x. [x] ∷ A ⊸ A) a = a (βυ)" $
testEq "(λ x ⇒ [x] ∷ A ⊸ A) a = a (βυ)" $
equalE empty
(((["x"] :\\ BVT 0) :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) :@ FT "a")
(F "a"),
testEq "(λ g. [g [a]] ∷ ⋯)) [f] = (λ y. [f [y]] ∷ ⋯) [a] (β↘↙)" $
testEq "(λ g ⇒ [g [a]] ∷ ⋯)) [f] = (λ y ⇒ [f [y]] ∷ ⋯) [a] (β↘↙)" $
let a = FT "A"; a2a = (Arr One a a) in
equalE empty
(((["g"] :\\ E (BV 0 :@ FT "a")) :# Arr One a2a a) :@ FT "f")
(((["y"] :\\ E (F "f" :@ BVT 0)) :# a2a) :@ FT "a"),
testEq "(λ x. [x] ∷ A ⊸ A) a <: a" $
testEq "(λ x ⇒ [x] ∷ A ⊸ A) a <: a" $
subE empty
(((["x"] :\\ BVT 0) :# (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))) :@ FT "a")
(F "a"),
note "id : A ⊸ A ≔ λ x. [x]",
note "id : A ⊸ A ≔ λ x ⇒ [x]",
testEq "id [a] = a" $ equalE empty (F "id" :@ FT "a") (F "a"),
testEq "id [a] <: a" $ subE empty (F "id" :@ FT "a") (F "a")
@ -340,13 +340,13 @@ tests = "equality & subtyping" :- [
todo "dim application",
"annotation" :- [
testEq "(λ x. f [x]) ∷ A ⊸ A = [f] ∷ A ⊸ A" $
testEq "(λ x ⇒ f [x]) ∷ A ⊸ A = [f] ∷ A ⊸ A" $
equalE empty
((["x"] :\\ E (F "f" :@ BVT 0)) :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))
(FT "f" :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")),
testEq "[f] ∷ A ⊸ A = f" $
equalE empty (FT "f" :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")) (F "f"),
testEq "(λ x. f [x]) ∷ A ⊸ A = f" $
testEq "(λ x ⇒ f [x]) ∷ A ⊸ A = f" $
equalE empty
((["x"] :\\ E (F "f" :@ BVT 0)) :# Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A"))
(F "f")
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module Tests.Lexer
import Quox.Name
import Quox.Lexer
import Text.Lexer.Tokenizer
import TAP
@ -31,19 +30,14 @@ denewline = pack . map (\case '\n' => ''; c => c) . unpack
lexes : String -> List Token -> Test
lexes str toks = test "「\{denewline str}」" {e = Failure} $
case lex str of
Left err => throwError $ LexError err
Right res =>
let res = map val res in
unless (toks == res) $ throwError $ WrongLex toks res
lexes str toks = test "「\{denewline str}」" $ do
res <- bimap LexError (map val) $ lex str
unless (toks == res) $ throwError $ WrongLex toks res
lexFail : String -> Test
lexFail str = test "「\{denewline str}」 # fails" {e = Failure} $
case lex str of
Left err => pure ()
Right res => throwError $ ExpectedFail $ map val res
lexFail str = test "「\{denewline str}」 # fails" $
either (const $ Right ()) (Left . ExpectedFail . map val) $ lex str
tests : Test
@ -68,8 +62,13 @@ tests = "lexer" :- [
lexes "dfun" [R "δ"],
lexes "funky" [I "funky"],
lexes "δελτα" [I "δελτα"],
lexes "★★" [I "★★"],
lexes "Types" [I "Types"],
lexes "a.b.c.d.e" [I $ MakeName [< "a","b","c","d"] "e"],
lexes "normalïse" [I "normalïse"],
lexes "map#" [I "map#"],
lexes "write!" [I "write!"],
lexes "uhh??!?!?!?" [I "uhh??!?!?!?"],
-- ↑ replace i + combining ¨ with precomposed ï
todo "check for reserved words in a qname",
@ -80,16 +79,17 @@ tests = "lexer" :- [
lexes "**" [R "×"],
lexes "***" [I "***"],
lexes "+**" [I "+**"],
lexes "+#" [I "+#"],
lexes "+.+.+" [I $ MakeName [< "+", "+"] "+"],
lexes "a.+" [I $ MakeName [< "a"] "+"],
lexes "+.a" [I $ MakeName [< "+"] "a"],
lexes "+a" [I "+", I "a"],
lexes "x." [I "x", R "."],
lexes "&." [I "&", R "."],
lexes ".x" [R ".", I "x"],
lexes "a.b.c." [I $ MakeName [< "a", "b"] "c", R "."],
lexes "x." [I "x", R "·"],
lexes "&." [I "&", R "·"],
lexes ".x" [R "·", I "x"],
lexes "a.b.c." [I $ MakeName [< "a", "b"] "c", R "·"],
lexes "case" [R "case"],
lexes "caseω" [R "caseω"],
@ -103,29 +103,27 @@ tests = "lexer" :- [
lexes "a_" [I "a_"],
lexes "a'" [I "a'"],
lexes "+'" [I "+'"],
lexFail "'+"
lexes "+'" [I "+'"]
"syntax characters" :- [
lexes "()" [R "(", R ")"],
lexes "(a)" [R "(", I "a", R ")"],
lexes "(^)" [R "(", I "^", R ")"],
lexes "`{a,b}" [R "`{", I "a", R ",", I "b", R "}"],
lexes "`{+,-}" [R "`{", I "+", R ",", I "-", R "}"],
lexFail "` {}",
-- [todo] should this be lexed as "`{", "-", "mid", etc?
lexFail "`{-mid token comment-}{}"
lexes "{a,b}" [R "{", I "a", R ",", I "b", R "}"],
lexes "{+,-}" [R "{", I "+", R ",", I "-", R "}"]
"tags" :- [
lexes "`a" [T "a"],
lexes "`abc" [T "abc"],
lexes "`+" [T "+"],
lexes "`$$$" [T "$$$"],
lexes #"`"multi word tag""# [T "multi word tag"],
lexFail "`",
lexFail "``"
lexes #" 'a "# [T "a"],
lexes #" 'abc "# [T "abc"],
lexes #" '+ "# [T "+"],
lexes #" '$$$ "# [T "$$$"],
lexes #" 'tag.with.dots "# [T "tag.with.dots"],
lexes #" '"multi word tag" "# [T "multi word tag"],
lexes #" '"" "# [T ""],
lexFail #" ' "#,
lexFail #" '' "#
"strings" :- [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
module Tests.Parser
import Quox.Parser
import Data.List
import Data.String
import TAP
public export
data Failure =
LexError Lexer.Error
| ParseError (List1 (ParsingError Token))
| WrongResult String
| ExpectedFail String
ToInfo Failure where
toInfo (LexError err) =
[("type", "LexError"), ("info", show err)]
toInfo (ParseError errs) =
("type", "ParseError") ::
map (bimap show show) ([1 .. length errs] `zip` toList errs)
toInfo (WrongResult got) =
[("type", "WrongResult"), ("got", got)]
toInfo (ExpectedFail got) =
[("type", "ExpectedFail"), ("got", got)]
parameters {c : Bool} {auto _ : Show a} (grm : Grammar c a)
(inp : String)
parameters {default (ltrim inp) label : String}
parsesWith : (a -> Bool) -> Test
parsesWith p = test label $ do
toks <- mapFst LexError $ lex inp
(res, _) <- mapFst ParseError $ parse (grm <* eof) toks
unless (p res) $ Left $ WrongResult $ show res
parses : Test
parses = parsesWith $ const True
parsesAs : Eq a => a -> Test
parsesAs exp = parsesWith (== exp)
parameters {default "\{ltrim inp} # fails" label : String}
parseFails : Test
parseFails = test label $ do
toks <- mapFst LexError $ lex inp
either (const $ Right ()) (Left . ExpectedFail . show . fst) $
parse (grm <* eof) toks
tests : Test
tests = "parser" :- [
"bound names" :- [
parsesAs bname "_" Nothing,
parsesAs bname "F" (Just "F"),
parseFails bname "a.b.c"
"names" :- [
parsesAs name "x"
(MakeName [<] $ UN "x"),
parsesAs name "Data.String.length"
(MakeName [< "Data", "String"] $ UN "length"),
parseFails name "_"
"dimensions" :- [
parsesAs dim "0" (K Zero),
parsesAs dim "1" (K One),
parsesAs dim "ι" (V "ι"),
parsesAs dim "(0)" (K Zero),
parseFails dim "M.x",
parseFails dim "_"
"quantities" :- [
parsesAs qty "0" Zero,
parsesAs qty "1" One,
parsesAs qty "ω" Any,
parsesAs qty "#" Any,
parsesAs qty "(#)" Any,
parseFails qty "anythingElse",
parseFails qty "_"
"enum types" :- [
parsesAs term #"{}"# (Enum []),
parsesAs term #"{a}"# (Enum ["a"]),
parsesAs term #"{a,}"# (Enum ["a"]),
parsesAs term #"{a.b.c.d}"# (Enum ["a.b.c.d"]),
parsesAs term #"{"hel lo"}"# (Enum ["hel lo"]),
parsesAs term #"{a, b}"# (Enum ["a", "b"]),
parsesAs term #"{a, b,}"# (Enum ["a", "b"]),
parsesAs term #"{a, b, ","}"# (Enum ["a", "b", ","]),
parseFails term #"{,}"#
"tags" :- [
parsesAs term #" 'a "# (Tag "a"),
parsesAs term #" 'abc "# (Tag "abc"),
parsesAs term #" '"abc" "# (Tag "abc"),
parsesAs term #" '"a b c" "# (Tag "a b c"),
parsesAs term #" 'a b c "# (Tag "a" :@ V "b" :@ V "c")
{label = "'a b c # application to two args"}
"universes" :- [
parsesAs term "★₀" (TYPE 0),
parsesAs term "★1" (TYPE 1),
parsesAs term "★ 2" (TYPE 2),
parsesAs term "Type₃" (TYPE 3),
parsesAs term "Type4" (TYPE 4),
parsesAs term "Type 100" (TYPE 100),
parsesAs term "(Type 1000)" (TYPE 1000),
parseFails term "Type",
parseFails term "★"
"applications" :- [
parsesAs term "f" (V "f"),
parsesAs term "f.x.y" (V $ MakeName [< "f", "x"] $ UN "y"),
parsesAs term "f x" (V "f" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "f x y" (V "f" :@ V "x" :@ V "y"),
parsesAs term "(f x) y" (V "f" :@ V "x" :@ V "y"),
parsesAs term "f (g x)" (V "f" :@ (V "g" :@ V "x")),
parsesAs term "f (g x) y" (V "f" :@ (V "g" :@ V "x") :@ V "y"),
parsesAs term "f @p" (V "f" :% V "p"),
parsesAs term "f x @p y" (V "f" :@ V "x" :% V "p" :@ V "y")
"annotations" :- [
parsesAs term "f :: A" (V "f" :# V "A"),
parsesAs term "f ∷ A" (V "f" :# V "A"),
parsesAs term "f x y ∷ A B C"
((V "f" :@ V "x" :@ V "y") :#
(V "A" :@ V "B" :@ V "C")),
parsesAs term "Type 0 ∷ Type 1 ∷ Type 2"
(TYPE 0 :# (TYPE 1 :# TYPE 2))
"binders" :- [
parsesAs term "(1·x : A) → B x" $
Pi One (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "(1.x : A) -> B x" $
Pi One (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "(ω·x : A) → B x" $
Pi Any (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "(#.x : A) -> B x" $
Pi Any (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parseFails term "(x : A) → B x",
parseFails term "(1 ω·x : A) → B x",
parsesAs term "(x : A) × B x" $
Sig (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parsesAs term "(x : A) ** B x" $
Sig (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B" :@ V "x"),
parseFails term "(1·x : A) × B x"
"lambdas" :- [
parsesAs term "λ x ⇒ x" $ Lam (Just "x") (V "x"),
parsesAs term "λ x ⇒ x" $ Lam (Just "x") (V "x"),
parsesAs term "fun x => x" $ Lam (Just "x") (V "x"),
parsesAs term "δ i ⇒ x @i" $ DLam (Just "i") (V "x" :% V "i"),
parsesAs term "dfun i => x @i" $ DLam (Just "i") (V "x" :% V "i"),
parsesAs term "λ x y z ⇒ x z y" $
Lam (Just "x") $ Lam (Just "y") $ Lam (Just "z") $
V "x" :@ V "z" :@ V "y"
"pairs" :- [
parsesAs term "(x, y)" $
Pair (V "x") (V "y"),
parsesAs term "(x, y, z)" $
Pair (V "x") (Pair (V "y") (V "z")),
parsesAs term "((x, y), z)" $
Pair (Pair (V "x") (V "y")) (V "z"),
parsesAs term "(f x, g @y)" $
Pair (V "f" :@ V "x") (V "g" :% V "y"),
parsesAs term "((x : A) × B, (0·x : C) → D)" $
Pair (Sig (Just "x") (V "A") (V "B"))
(Pi Zero (Just "x") (V "C") (V "D")),
parsesAs term "(λ x ⇒ x, δ i ⇒ e @i)" $
Pair (Lam (Just "x") (V "x"))
(DLam (Just "i") (V "e" :% V "i")),
parsesAs term "(x,)" (V "x"), -- i GUESS
parseFails term "(,y)",
parseFails term "(x,,y)"
"equality type" :- [
parsesAs term "Eq [i ⇒ A] s t" $
Eq (Just "i", V "A") (V "s") (V "t"),
parsesAs term "Eq [i ⇒ A B (C @i)] (f x y) (g y z)" $
Eq (Just "i", V "A" :@ V "B" :@ (V "C" :% V "i"))
(V "f" :@ V "x" :@ V "y") (V "g" :@ V "y" :@ V "z"),
parsesAs term "Eq [A] s t" $
Eq (Nothing, V "A") (V "s") (V "t"),
parsesAs term "s ≡ t : A" $
Eq (Nothing, V "A") (V "s") (V "t"),
parsesAs term "s == t : A" $
Eq (Nothing, V "A") (V "s") (V "t"),
parsesAs term "f x y ≡ g y z : A B C" $
Eq (Nothing, V "A" :@ V "B" :@ V "C")
(V "f" :@ V "x" :@ V "y") (V "g" :@ V "y" :@ V "z"),
parseFails term "Eq",
parseFails term "Eq s t",
parseFails term "s ≡ t",
parseFails term "≡"
"case" :- [
parsesAs term
"case1 f s return x ⇒ A x of { (l, r) ⇒ add l r }" $
Case One (V "f" :@ V "s")
(Just "x", V "A" :@ V "x")
(CasePair (Just "l", Just "r")
(V "add" :@ V "l" :@ V "r")),
parsesAs term
"case1 f s return x ⇒ A x of { (l, r) ⇒ add l r; }" $
Case One (V "f" :@ V "s")
(Just "x", V "A" :@ V "x")
(CasePair (Just "l", Just "r")
(V "add" :@ V "l" :@ V "r")),
parsesAs term
"case 1 · f s return x ⇒ A x of { (l, r) ⇒ add l r }" $
Case One (V "f" :@ V "s")
(Just "x", V "A" :@ V "x")
(CasePair (Just "l", Just "r")
(V "add" :@ V "l" :@ V "r")),
parsesAs term
"case1 t return A of { 'x ⇒ p; 'y ⇒ q; 'z ⇒ r }" $
Case One (V "t")
(Nothing, V "A")
(CaseEnum [("x", V "p"), ("y", V "q"), ("z", V "r")]),
parsesAs term "caseω t return A of {}" $
Case Any (V "t") (Nothing, V "A") (CaseEnum []),
parsesAs term "case# t return A of {}" $
Case Any (V "t") (Nothing, V "A") (CaseEnum [])
@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ tests = "typechecker" :- [
"enum types" :- [
testTC "0 · `{} ⇐ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (enum []) (TYPE 0),
testTC "0 · `{} ⇐ ★₃" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (enum []) (TYPE 3),
testTC "0 · `{a,b,c} ⇐ ★₀" $
testTC "0 · {} ⇐ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (enum []) (TYPE 0),
testTC "0 · {} ⇐ ★₃" $ check_ (ctx [<]) szero (enum []) (TYPE 3),
testTC "0 · {a,b,c} ⇐ ★₀" $
check_ (ctx [<]) szero (enum ["a", "b", "c"]) (TYPE 0),
testTC "0 · `{a,b,c} ⇐ ★₃" $
testTC "0 · {a,b,c} ⇐ ★₃" $
check_ (ctx [<]) szero (enum ["a", "b", "c"]) (TYPE 3),
testTCFail "1 · `{} ⇍ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (enum []) (TYPE 0),
testTC "0=1 ⊢ 1 · `{} ⇐ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx01 [<]) sone (enum []) (TYPE 0)
testTCFail "1 · {} ⇍ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (enum []) (TYPE 0),
testTC "0=1 ⊢ 1 · {} ⇐ ★₀" $ check_ (ctx01 [<]) sone (enum []) (TYPE 0)
"free vars" :- [
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ tests = "typechecker" :- [
note "(fail) runtime-relevant type",
testTCFail "1 · A ⇏ ★₀" $
infer_ (ctx [<]) sone (F "A"),
note "refl : (0·A : ★₀) → (1·x : A) → (x ≡ x : A) ≔ (λ A x. δ _. x)",
note "refl : (0·A : ★₀) → (1·x : A) → (x ≡ x : A) ≔ (λ A x ⇒ δ _ ⇒ x)",
testTC "1 · refl ⇒ ⋯" $ inferAs (ctx [<]) sone (F "refl") reflTy,
testTC "1 · [refl] ⇐ ⋯" $ check_ (ctx [<]) sone (FT "refl") reflTy
@ -248,21 +248,21 @@ tests = "typechecker" :- [
"lambda" :- [
note "linear & unrestricted identity",
testTC "1 · (λ x. x) ⇐ A ⊸ A" $
testTC "1 · (λ x ⇒ x) ⇐ A ⊸ A" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (Arr One (FT "A") (FT "A")),
testTC "1 · (λ x. x) ⇐ A → A" $
testTC "1 · (λ x ⇒ x) ⇐ A → A" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (Arr Any (FT "A") (FT "A")),
note "(fail) zero binding used relevantly",
testTCFail "1 · (λ x. x) ⇍ A ⇾ A" $
testTCFail "1 · (λ x ⇒ x) ⇍ A ⇾ A" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (Arr Zero (FT "A") (FT "A")),
note "(but ok in overall erased context)",
testTC "0 · (λ x. x) ⇐ A ⇾ A" $
testTC "0 · (λ x ⇒ x) ⇐ A ⇾ A" $
check_ (ctx [<]) szero (["x"] :\\ BVT 0) (Arr Zero (FT "A") (FT "A")),
testTC "1 · (λ A x. refl A x) ⇐ ⋯ # (type of refl)" $
testTC "1 · (λ A x ⇒ refl A x) ⇐ ⋯ # (type of refl)" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone
(["A", "x"] :\\ E (F "refl" :@@ [BVT 1, BVT 0]))
testTC "1 · (λ A x. δ i. x) ⇐ ⋯ # (def. and type of refl)" $
testTC "1 · (λ A x ⇒ δ i ⇒ x) ⇐ ⋯ # (def. and type of refl)" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone reflDef reflTy
@ -272,59 +272,59 @@ tests = "typechecker" :- [
testTC "x : A ⊢ 1 · (x, x) ⇐ A × A ⊳ ω·x" $
checkQ (ctx [< FT "A"]) sone
(Pair (BVT 0) (BVT 0)) (FT "A" `And` FT "A") [< Any],
testTC "1 · (a, δ i. a) ⇐ (x : A) × (x ≡ a)" $
testTC "1 · (a, δ i ⇒ a) ⇐ (x : A) × (x ≡ a)" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone
(Pair (FT "a") (["i"] :\\% FT "a"))
(Sig_ "x" (FT "A") $ Eq0 (FT "A") (BVT 0) (FT "a"))
"unpairing" :- [
testTC "x : A × A ⊢ 1 · (case1 x return B of (l,r). f2 l r) ⇒ B ⊳ 1·x" $
testTC "x : A × A ⊢ 1 · (case1 x return B of (l,r) ⇒ f2 l r) ⇒ B ⊳ 1·x" $
inferAsQ (ctx [< FT "A" `And` FT "A"]) sone
(CasePair One (BV 0) (SN $ FT "B")
(SY ["l", "r"] $ E $ F "f2" :@@ [BVT 1, BVT 0]))
(FT "B") [< One],
testTC "x : A × A ⊢ 1 · (caseω x return B of (l,r). f2 l r) ⇒ B ⊳ ω·x" $
testTC "x : A × A ⊢ 1 · (caseω x return B of (l,r) ⇒ f2 l r) ⇒ B ⊳ ω·x" $
inferAsQ (ctx [< FT "A" `And` FT "A"]) sone
(CasePair Any (BV 0) (SN $ FT "B")
(SY ["l", "r"] $ E $ F "f2" :@@ [BVT 1, BVT 0]))
(FT "B") [< Any],
testTC "x : A × A ⊢ 0 · (caseω x return B of (l,r). f2 l r) ⇒ B ⊳ 0·x" $
testTC "x : A × A ⊢ 0 · (caseω x return B of (l,r) ⇒ f2 l r) ⇒ B ⊳ 0·x" $
inferAsQ (ctx [< FT "A" `And` FT "A"]) szero
(CasePair Any (BV 0) (SN $ FT "B")
(SY ["l", "r"] $ E $ F "f2" :@@ [BVT 1, BVT 0]))
(FT "B") [< Zero],
testTCFail "x : A × A ⊢ 1 · (case0 x return B of (l,r). f2 l r) ⇏" $
testTCFail "x : A × A ⊢ 1 · (case0 x return B of (l,r) ⇒ f2 l r) ⇏" $
infer_ (ctx [< FT "A" `And` FT "A"]) sone
(CasePair Zero (BV 0) (SN $ FT "B")
(SY ["l", "r"] $ E $ F "f2" :@@ [BVT 1, BVT 0])),
testTC "x : A × B ⊢ 1 · (caseω x return A of (l,r). l) ⇒ A ⊳ ω·x" $
testTC "x : A × B ⊢ 1 · (caseω x return A of (l,r) ⇒ l) ⇒ A ⊳ ω·x" $
inferAsQ (ctx [< FT "A" `And` FT "B"]) sone
(CasePair Any (BV 0) (SN $ FT "A")
(SY ["l", "r"] $ BVT 1))
(FT "A") [< Any],
testTC "x : A × B ⊢ 0 · (case1 x return A of (l,r). l) ⇒ A ⊳ 0·x" $
testTC "x : A × B ⊢ 0 · (case1 x return A of (l,r) ⇒ l) ⇒ A ⊳ 0·x" $
inferAsQ (ctx [< FT "A" `And` FT "B"]) szero
(CasePair One (BV 0) (SN $ FT "A")
(SY ["l", "r"] $ BVT 1))
(FT "A") [< Zero],
testTCFail "x : A × B ⊢ 1 · (case1 x return A of (l,r). l) ⇏" $
testTCFail "x : A × B ⊢ 1 · (case1 x return A of (l,r) ⇒ l) ⇏" $
infer_ (ctx [< FT "A" `And` FT "B"]) sone
(CasePair One (BV 0) (SN $ FT "A")
(SY ["l", "r"] $ BVT 1)),
note "fst : (0·A : ★₁) → (0·B : A ↠ ★₁) → ((x : A) × B x) ↠ A",
note " ≔ (λ A B p. caseω p return A of (x, y). x)",
note " ≔ (λ A B p ⇒ caseω p return A of (x, y) ⇒ x)",
testTC "0 · ‹type of fst› ⇐ ★₂" $
check_ (ctx [<]) szero fstTy (TYPE 2),
testTC "1 · ‹def of fst› ⇐ ‹type of fst›" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone fstDef fstTy,
note "snd : (0·A : ★₁) → (0·B : A ↠ ★₁) → (ω·p : (x : A) × B x) → B (fst A B p)",
note " ≔ (λ A B p. caseω p return p. B (fst A B p) of (x, y). y)",
note " ≔ (λ A B p ⇒ caseω p return p ⇒ B (fst A B p) of (x, y) ⇒ y)",
testTC "0 · ‹type of snd› ⇐ ★₂" $
check_ (ctx [<]) szero sndTy (TYPE 2),
testTC "1 · ‹def of snd› ⇐ ‹type of snd›" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone sndDef sndTy,
testTC "0 · snd ★₀ (λ x. x) ⇒ (ω·p : (A : ★₀) × A) → fst ★₀ (λ x. x) p" $
testTC "0 · snd ★₀ (λ x ⇒ x) ⇒ (ω·p : (A : ★₀) × A) → fst ★₀ (λ x ⇒ x) p" $
inferAs (ctx [<]) szero
(F "snd" :@@ [TYPE 0, ["x"] :\\ BVT 0])
(Pi_ Any "A" (Sig_ "A" (TYPE 0) $ BVT 0) $
@ -332,27 +332,27 @@ tests = "typechecker" :- [
"enums" :- [
testTC "1 · `a ⇐ `{a}" $
testTC "1 · `a ⇐ {a}" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone (Tag "a") (enum ["a"]),
testTC "1 · `a ⇐ `{a, b, c}" $
testTC "1 · `a ⇐ {a, b, c}" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone (Tag "a") (enum ["a", "b", "c"]),
testTCFail "1 · `a ⇍ `{b, c}" $
testTCFail "1 · `a ⇍ {b, c}" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone (Tag "a") (enum ["b", "c"]),
testTC "0=1 ⊢ 1 · `a ⇐ `{b, c}" $
testTC "0=1 ⊢ 1 · `a ⇐ {b, c}" $
check_ (ctx01 [<]) sone (Tag "a") (enum ["b", "c"])
"equalities" :- [
testTC "1 · (δ i. a) ⇐ a ≡ a" $
testTC "1 · (δ i ⇒ a) ⇐ a ≡ a" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone (DLam $ SN $ FT "a")
(Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a")),
testTC "0 · (λ p q. δ i. p) ⇐ (ω·p q : a ≡ a') → p ≡ q" $
testTC "0 · (λ p q ⇒ δ i ⇒ p) ⇐ (ω·p q : a ≡ a') → p ≡ q" $
check_ (ctx [<]) szero
(["p","q"] :\\ ["i"] :\\% BVT 1)
(Pi_ Any "p" (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a")) $
Pi_ Any "q" (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a")) $
Eq0 (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a")) (BVT 1) (BVT 0)),
testTC "0 · (λ p q. δ i. q) ⇐ (ω·p q : a ≡ a') → p ≡ q" $
testTC "0 · (λ p q ⇒ δ i ⇒ q) ⇐ (ω·p q : a ≡ a') → p ≡ q" $
check_ (ctx [<]) szero
(["p","q"] :\\ ["i"] :\\% BVT 0)
(Pi_ Any "p" (Eq0 (FT "A") (FT "a") (FT "a")) $
@ -363,8 +363,8 @@ tests = "typechecker" :- [
"misc" :- [
note "0·A : Type, 0·P : A → Type, ω·p : (1·x : A) → P x",
note "⊢",
note "1 · λ x y xy. δ i. p (xy i)",
note " ⇐ (0·x y : A) → (1·xy : x ≡ y) → Eq [i. P (xy i)] (p x) (p y)",
note "1 · λ x y xy ⇒ δ i ⇒ p (xy i)",
note " ⇐ (0·x y : A) → (1·xy : x ≡ y) → Eq [i ⇒ P (xy i)] (p x) (p y)",
testTC "cong" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone
(["x", "y", "xy"] :\\ ["i"] :\\% E (F "p" :@ E (BV 0 :% BV 0)))
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ tests = "typechecker" :- [
note "0·A : Type, 0·P : ω·A → Type,",
note "ω·p q : (1·x : A) → P x",
note "⊢",
note "1 · λ eq. δ i. λ x. eq x i",
note "1 · λ eq ⇒ δ i ⇒ λ x ⇒ eq x i",
note " ⇐ (1·eq : (1·x : A) → p x ≡ q x) → p ≡ q",
testTC "funext" $
check_ (ctx [<]) sone
@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ modules =
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