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2023-10-20 11:42:01 -04:00
module Options
import Quox.Pretty
import System
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.File
import System.Term
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
2023-10-20 11:42:01 -04:00
%language ElabReflection
public export
data OutFile = File String | Console | None
2023-10-20 11:42:01 -04:00
%name OutFile f
%runElab derive "OutFile" [Eq, Ord, Show]
public export
2023-10-24 17:52:19 -04:00
data Phase = Parse | Check | Erase | Scheme
2023-10-20 11:42:01 -04:00
%name Phase p
%runElab derive "Phase" [Eq, Ord, Show]
||| a list of all `Phase`s
public export %inline
allPhases : List Phase
allPhases = %runElab do
-- as a script so it stays up to date
cs <- getCons $ fst !(lookupName "Phase")
traverse (check . var) cs
public export
record Options where
constructor MkOpts
color : Bool
outFile : OutFile
until : Maybe Phase
flavor : Pretty.Flavor
width : Nat
include : List String
%name Options opts
%runElab derive "Options" [Show]
defaultOpts : IO Options
defaultOpts = pure $ MkOpts {
color = True,
outFile = Console,
2023-10-20 11:42:01 -04:00
until = Nothing,
flavor = Unicode,
width = cast !getTermCols,
include = ["."]
data HelpType = Common | All
data OptAction = ShowHelp HelpType | Err String | Ok (Options -> Options)
%name OptAction act
toOutFile : String -> OptAction
toOutFile "" = Ok {outFile := None}
toOutFile "-" = Ok {outFile := Console}
2023-10-20 11:42:01 -04:00
toOutFile f = Ok {outFile := File f}
toPhase : String -> OptAction
toPhase str =
let lstr = toLower str in
case find (\p => toLower (show p) == lstr) allPhases of
Just p => Ok {until := Just p}
Nothing => Err "unknown phase name \{show str}\nphases: \{phaseNames}"
where phaseNames = joinBy ", " $ map (toLower . show) allPhases
2023-10-20 11:42:01 -04:00
toWidth : String -> OptAction
toWidth s = case parsePositive s of
Just n => Ok {width := n}
Nothing => Err "invalid width: \{show s}"
commonOptDescrs' : List (OptDescr OptAction)
commonOptDescrs' = [
MkOpt ['i'] ["include"] (ReqArg (\i => Ok {include $= (i ::)}) "<dir>")
"add a directory to look for source files",
MkOpt ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg toOutFile "<file>")
"output file (\"-\" for stdout, \"\" for no output)",
MkOpt ['P'] ["phase"] (ReqArg toPhase "<phase>")
"phase to stop at (by default go as far as exists)"
extraOptDescrs : List (OptDescr OptAction)
extraOptDescrs = [
MkOpt [] ["unicode"] (NoArg $ Ok {flavor := Unicode})
"use unicode syntax when printing (default)",
MkOpt [] ["ascii"] (NoArg $ Ok {flavor := Ascii})
"use ascii syntax when printing",
MkOpt [] ["width"] (ReqArg toWidth "<width>")
"max output width (defaults to terminal width)",
MkOpt [] ["color", "colour"] (NoArg $ Ok {color := True})
"use colour output (default)",
MkOpt [] ["no-color", "no-colour"] (NoArg $ Ok {color := False})
"don't use colour output"
helpOptDescrs : List (OptDescr OptAction)
helpOptDescrs = [
MkOpt ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg $ ShowHelp Common) "show common options",
MkOpt [] ["help-all"] (NoArg $ ShowHelp All) "show all options"
commonOptDescrs = commonOptDescrs' ++ helpOptDescrs
allOptDescrs = commonOptDescrs' ++ extraOptDescrs ++ helpOptDescrs
usageHeader : String
usageHeader = joinBy "\n" [
"quox [options] [file.quox ...]",
usage : List (OptDescr _) -> IO a
usage ds = do
ignore $ fPutStr stderr $ usageInfo usageHeader ds
applyAction : Options -> OptAction -> IO Options
applyAction opts (ShowHelp Common) = usage commonOptDescrs
applyAction opts (ShowHelp All) = usage allOptDescrs
applyAction opts (Err err) = die err
applyAction opts (Ok f) = pure $ f opts
finalise : Options -> Options
finalise = {include $= reverse}
options : IO (String, Options, List String)
options = do
app :: args <- getArgs
| [] => die "couldn't get command line arguments"
let res = getOpt Permute allOptDescrs args
unless (null res.errors) $
die $ trim $ concat res.errors
unless (null res.unrecognized) $
die "unrecognised options: \{joinBy ", " res.unrecognized}"
opts <- foldlM applyAction !defaultOpts res.options
pure (app, finalise opts, res.nonOptions)