new main
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 388 additions and 34 deletions
@ -8,3 +8,9 @@ def repeat-enum-case : {a} → {a} =
#[fail "duplicate tags"]
def repeat-enum-type : {a, a} = 'a
#[fail "double-def.X has already been defined"]
namespace double-def {
def0 X : ★ = {a}
def0 X : ★ = {a}
@ -1,46 +1,201 @@
module Main
import Quox.Syntax
import Quox.Syntax as Q
import Quox.Parser
import Quox.Definition
import Quox.Definition as Q
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Untyped.Syntax as U
import Quox.Untyped.Erase
import Options
import System
import Data.IORef
import Data.SortedSet
import Text.Show.PrettyVal
import Text.Show.Pretty
import System
import System.File
import Control.Eff
Opts : LayoutOpts
Opts = Opts 80
%hide Doc.(>>=)
%hide Core.(>>=)
parameters {auto _ : HasIO io} (width : Nat)
putDoc : Doc (Opts width) -> io ()
putDoc = putStr . render _
fPutDoc : File -> Doc (Opts width) -> io (Either FileError ())
fPutDoc h = fPutStr h . render _
putDocErr : Doc (Opts width) -> io ()
putDocErr = ignore . fPutDoc stderr
die : Doc (Opts width) -> io a
die err = do putDocErr err; exitFailure
putDoc : Doc Opts -> IO ()
putDoc = putStr . render Opts
runPretty : Options -> Eff Pretty a -> a
runPretty opts act =
let doColor = opts.color && opts.outFile == Stdout
hl = if doColor then highlightSGR else noHighlight
runPrettyWith Outer opts.flavor hl 2 act
die : Doc Opts -> IO a
die err = do putDoc err; exitFailure
putErrLn : HasIO io => String -> io ()
putErrLn = ignore . fPutStrLn stderr
prettySig : Name -> Definition -> Eff Pretty (Doc Opts)
prettySig name def = do
qty <- prettyQty def.qty.qty
name <- prettyFree name
type <- prettyTerm [<] [<] def.type
hangDSingle (hsep [hcat [qty, !dotD, name], !colonD]) type
record State where
constructor MkState
seen : IORef SeenSet
defs : IORef Q.Definitions
ns : IORef Mods
suf : IORef NameSuf
%name Main.State state
newState : HasIO io => io State
newState = pure $ MkState {
seen = !(newIORef empty),
defs = !(newIORef empty),
ns = !(newIORef [<]),
suf = !(newIORef 0)
data Error
= ParseError String Parser.Error
| FromParserError FromParser.Error
| EraseError Erase.Error
| WriteError FilePath FileError
%hide FromParser.Error
%hide Erase.Error
%hide Lexer.Error
%hide Parser.Error
loadError : Loc -> FilePath -> FileError -> Error
loadError loc file err = FromParserError $ LoadError loc file err
data CompileTag = OPTS | STATE
Compile : List (Type -> Type)
Compile =
[Except Error,
ReaderL STATE State, ReaderL OPTS Options,
LoadFile, IO]
runCompile : Options -> State -> Eff Compile a -> IO (Either Error a)
runCompile opts state act =
fromIOErr $ runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[handleExcept (\e => ioLeft e),
handleReaderConst state,
handleReaderConst opts,
handleLoadFileIOE loadError ParseError state.seen opts.include,
data StopTag = STOP
CompileStop : List (Type -> Type)
CompileStop = FailL STOP :: Compile
withEarlyStop : Has (FailL STOP) fs => Eff fs () -> Eff (fs - FailL STOP) ()
withEarlyStop = ignore . runFailAt STOP
stopHere : Has (FailL STOP) fs => Eff fs ()
stopHere = failAt STOP
FlexDoc : Type
FlexDoc = {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts
outputDoc : FlexDoc -> Eff Compile ()
outputDoc doc =
case !(asksAt OPTS outFile) of
None => pure ()
Stdout => putDoc !(asksAt OPTS width) doc
File f => do
res <- withFile f WriteTruncate pure $ \h =>
fPutDoc !(asksAt OPTS width) h doc
rethrow $ mapFst (WriteError f) res
outputDocStopIf : Phase -> FlexDoc -> Eff CompileStop ()
outputDocStopIf p doc =
when (!(asksAt OPTS until) == Just p) $ do
lift (outputDoc doc)
liftFromParser : Eff FromParserIO a -> Eff CompileStop a
liftFromParser act =
runEff act $ with Union.(::)
[\g => send g,
handleExcept (\err => throw $ FromParserError err),
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE defs),
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE ns),
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE suf)]
liftErase : Q.Definitions -> Eff Erase a -> Eff CompileStop a
liftErase defs act =
runEff act
[\case Err e => throw $ EraseError e,
\case Ask => pure defs,
handleStateIORef !(asksAt STATE suf)]
processFile : String -> Eff Compile ()
processFile file = withEarlyStop $ do
Just ast <- loadFile noLoc file
| Nothing => pure ()
putErrLn "checking \{file}"
outputDocStopIf Parse $ dumpDoc ast
defList <- liftFromParser $ concat <$> traverse fromPTopLevel ast
outputDocStopIf Check $ runPretty !(askAt OPTS) $
vsep <$> traverse (uncurry Q.prettyDef) defList
let defs = SortedMap.fromList defList
erased <- liftErase defs $
traverse (\(x, d) => (x,) <$> eraseDef x d) defList
outputDocStopIf Erase $ runPretty !(askAt OPTS) $
vsep . catMaybes <$> traverse (uncurry U.prettyDef) erased
die "that's all folks"
dieError : HasIO io => Options -> Error -> io a
dieError opts e = do
die opts.width $ runPretty opts $ case e of
ParseError file e => prettyParseError file e
FromParserError e => FromParser.prettyError True e
EraseError e => Erase.prettyError True e
WriteError file e => pure $
hangSingle 2 (text "couldn't write file \{file}:") (pshow e)
main : IO ()
main = do
seen <- newIORef SortedSet.empty
defs <- newIORef SortedMap.empty
suf <- newIORef 0
for_ (drop 1 !getArgs) $ \file => do
putStrLn "checking \{file}"
Right res <- fromParserIO ["."] seen suf defs $ loadProcessFile noLoc file
| Left err => die $ runPrettyColor $ prettyError True err
for_ res $ \(name, def) => putDoc $ runPrettyColor $ prettySig name def
(_, opts, files) <- options
case !(runCompile opts !newState $ traverse_ processFile files) of
Right () => pure ()
Left e => dieError opts e
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
module Options
import Quox.Pretty
import System
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.File
import System.Term
import Derive.Prelude
%language ElabReflection
public export
data OutFile = File String | Stdout | None
%name OutFile f
%runElab derive "OutFile" [Eq, Ord, Show]
public export
data Phase = Parse | Check | Erase
%name Phase p
%runElab derive "Phase" [Eq, Ord, Show]
||| a list of all `Phase`s
public export %inline
allPhases : List Phase
allPhases = %runElab do
-- as a script so it stays up to date
cs <- getCons $ fst !(lookupName "Phase")
traverse (check . var) cs
public export
record Options where
constructor MkOpts
color : Bool
outFile : OutFile
until : Maybe Phase
flavor : Pretty.Flavor
width : Nat
include : List String
%name Options opts
%runElab derive "Options" [Show]
defaultOpts : IO Options
defaultOpts = pure $ MkOpts {
color = True,
outFile = Stdout,
until = Nothing,
flavor = Unicode,
width = cast !getTermCols,
include = ["."]
data HelpType = Common | All
data OptAction = ShowHelp HelpType | Err String | Ok (Options -> Options)
%name OptAction act
toOutFile : String -> OptAction
toOutFile "" = Ok {outFile := None}
toOutFile "-" = Ok {outFile := Stdout}
toOutFile f = Ok {outFile := File f}
phaseName : Phase -> String
phaseName Parse = "parse"
phaseName Check = "check"
phaseName Erase = "erase"
toPhase : String -> OptAction
toPhase str = case toLower str of
"parse" => Ok {until := Just Parse}
"check" => Ok {until := Just Check}
"erase" => Ok {until := Just Erase}
_ => Err "unknown phase name \{show str}\nphases: \{phaseNames}"
where phaseNames = joinBy ", " $ map phaseName allPhases
toWidth : String -> OptAction
toWidth s = case parsePositive s of
Just n => Ok {width := n}
Nothing => Err "invalid width: \{show s}"
commonOptDescrs' : List (OptDescr OptAction)
commonOptDescrs' = [
MkOpt ['i'] ["include"] (ReqArg (\i => Ok {include $= (i ::)}) "<dir>")
"add a directory to look for source files",
MkOpt ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg toOutFile "<file>")
"output file (\"-\" for stdout, \"\" for no output)",
MkOpt ['P'] ["phase"] (ReqArg toPhase "<phase>")
"phase to stop at (by default go as far as exists)"
extraOptDescrs : List (OptDescr OptAction)
extraOptDescrs = [
MkOpt [] ["unicode"] (NoArg $ Ok {flavor := Unicode})
"use unicode syntax when printing (default)",
MkOpt [] ["ascii"] (NoArg $ Ok {flavor := Ascii})
"use ascii syntax when printing",
MkOpt [] ["width"] (ReqArg toWidth "<width>")
"max output width (defaults to terminal width)",
MkOpt [] ["color", "colour"] (NoArg $ Ok {color := True})
"use colour output (default)",
MkOpt [] ["no-color", "no-colour"] (NoArg $ Ok {color := False})
"don't use colour output"
helpOptDescrs : List (OptDescr OptAction)
helpOptDescrs = [
MkOpt ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg $ ShowHelp Common) "show common options",
MkOpt [] ["help-all"] (NoArg $ ShowHelp All) "show all options"
commonOptDescrs = commonOptDescrs' ++ helpOptDescrs
allOptDescrs = commonOptDescrs' ++ extraOptDescrs ++ helpOptDescrs
usageHeader : String
usageHeader = joinBy "\n" [
"quox [options] [file.quox ...]",
usage : List (OptDescr _) -> IO a
usage ds = do
ignore $ fPutStr stderr $ usageInfo usageHeader ds
applyAction : Options -> OptAction -> IO Options
applyAction opts (ShowHelp Common) = usage commonOptDescrs
applyAction opts (ShowHelp All) = usage allOptDescrs
applyAction opts (Err err) = die err
applyAction opts (Ok f) = pure $ f opts
finalise : Options -> Options
finalise = {include $= reverse}
options : IO (String, Options, List String)
options = do
app :: args <- getArgs
| [] => die "couldn't get command line arguments"
let res = getOpt Permute allOptDescrs args
unless (null res.errors) $
die $ trim $ concat res.errors
unless (null res.unrecognized) $
die "unrecognised options: \{joinBy ", " res.unrecognized}"
opts <- foldlM applyAction !defaultOpts res.options
pure (app, finalise opts, res.nonOptions)
@ -335,6 +335,8 @@ export covering
fromPDef : PDefinition -> Eff FromParserPure NDefinition
fromPDef (MkPDef qty pname ptype pterm defLoc) = do
name <- fromPBaseNameNS pname
when !(getsAt DEFS $ isJust . lookup name) $ do
throw $ AlreadyExists defLoc name
gqty <- globalPQty qty.val qty.loc
let sqty = globalToSubj gqty
type <- traverse fromPTerm ptype
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ data Error =
| DimNameInTerm Loc PBaseName
| DisplacedBoundVar Loc PName
| WrapTypeError TypeError
| AlreadyExists Loc Name
| LoadError Loc FilePath FileError
| ExpectedFail Loc
| WrongFail String Error Loc
@ -112,6 +113,10 @@ parameters {opts : LayoutOpts} (showContext : Bool)
prettyError (WrapTypeError err) =
Typing.prettyError showContext $ trimContext 2 err
prettyError (AlreadyExists loc name) = pure $
vsep [!(prettyLoc loc),
sep [!(prettyFree name), "has already been defined"]]
prettyError (LoadError loc file err) = pure $
vsep [!(prettyLoc loc),
"couldn't load file" <++> text file,
@ -115,11 +115,14 @@ export %inline
hangD : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Doc opts -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
hangD d1 d2 = pure $ hangSep !(askAt INDENT) d1 d2
export %inline
hangSingle : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Nat -> Doc opts -> Doc opts -> Doc opts
hangSingle n d1 d2 = ifMultiline (d1 <++> d2) (vappend d1 (indent n d2))
export %inline
hangDSingle : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Doc opts ->
Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
hangDSingle d1 d2 =
pure $ ifMultiline (d1 <++> d2) (vappend d1 !(indentD d2))
hangDSingle d1 d2 = pure $ hangSingle !(askAt INDENT) d1 d2
@ -193,6 +196,11 @@ parameters {opts : LayoutOpts} {auto _ : Foldable t}
fillSeparateTight d = fillSep . exceptLast (<+> d) . toList
export %inline
pshow : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Show a => a -> Doc opts
pshow = text . show
export %inline
ifUnicode : (uni, asc : Lazy a) -> Eff Pretty a
ifUnicode uni asc =
@ -237,9 +237,20 @@ setSelf (B i _) (C eqs) with (compareP i i) | (compare i.nat i.nat)
_ | IsGT gt | GT = absurd gt
private %inline
dimEqPrec : BContext d -> Maybe (DimEq' d) -> PPrec
dimEqPrec vars eqs =
if length vars <= 1 && maybe True null eqs then Arg else Outer
prettyDVars : {opts : _} -> BContext d -> Eff Pretty (SnocList (Doc opts))
prettyDVars = traverse prettyDBind . toSnocList'
prettyDVars' : {opts : _} -> BContext d -> Eff Pretty (SnocList (Doc opts))
prettyDVars' = traverse prettyDBind . toSnocList'
prettyDVars : {opts : _} -> BContext d -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyDVars vars =
parensIfM (dimEqPrec vars Nothing) $
fillSeparateTight !commaD $ !(prettyDVars' vars)
prettyCst : {opts : _} -> BContext d -> Dim d -> Dim d -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
@ -256,16 +267,16 @@ prettyCsts dnames (eqs :< Just q) =
prettyDimEq' : {opts : _} -> BContext d -> DimEq' d -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyDimEq' dnames eqs = do
vars <- prettyDVars dnames
eqs <- prettyCsts dnames eqs
let prec = if length vars <= 1 && null eqs then Arg else Outer
parensIfM prec $ fillSeparateTight !commaD $ toList vars ++ toList eqs
prettyDimEq' vars eqs = do
vars' <- prettyDVars' vars
eqs' <- prettyCsts vars eqs
parensIfM (dimEqPrec vars (Just eqs)) $
fillSeparateTight !commaD $ vars' ++ eqs'
prettyDimEq : {opts : _} -> BContext d -> DimEq d -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyDimEq dnames ZeroIsOne = do
vars <- prettyDVars dnames
vars <- prettyDVars' dnames
cst <- prettyCst [<] (K Zero noLoc) (K One noLoc)
pure $ separateTight !commaD $ vars :< cst
prettyDimEq dnames (C eqs) = prettyDimEq' dnames eqs
@ -144,6 +144,15 @@ parameters {opts : LayoutOpts}
prettyTerm _ (Erased _) =
hl Syntax =<< ifUnicode "⌷" "[]"
prettyDef : Name -> Definition -> Eff Pretty (Maybe (Doc opts))
prettyDef _ ErasedDef = [|Nothing|]
prettyDef name (KeptDef rhs) = map Just $ do
name <- prettyFree name
eq <- cstD
rhs <- prettyTerm [<] rhs
hangDSingle (name <++> eq) rhs
public export
USubst : Nat -> Nat -> Type
Add table
Reference in a new issue