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2020-11-04 19:06:54 +01:00
module Svg
(module Svg,
Text, pack,
2020-11-04 19:06:54 +01:00
module Graphics.Svg,
module Control.Monad.Reader,
module Control.Monad.State)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Graphics.Svg as Base
2021-04-30 13:46:47 +02:00
import Graphics.Svg hiding (mA, mR, lA, lR, cA, cR, sA, sR, aA, aR, qA, qR)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
2020-11-04 19:06:54 +01:00
2021-04-29 11:55:54 +02:00
data Env = E {width, size, stroke :: !Double, color :: !Text}
data St = S {x, y, textWidth, textHeight :: !Double, firstOnLine :: Bool}
-- nb textHeight is one lineheight less than the actual height
2020-11-04 19:06:54 +01:00
-- unless ending with a 'newline'
type M = ReaderT Env (State St)
type Point = (Double, Double)
mA :: Point -> M Text
mA (x', y') =
ReaderT \E {size} -> gets \S {x, y} ->
Base.mA (x + x' * size) (y + y' * size)
mR :: Point -> M Text
mR (x', y') = reader \E {size} -> Base.mR (x' * size) (y' * size)
lA :: Point -> M Text
lA (x', y') =
ReaderT \E {size} -> gets \S {x, y} ->
Base.lA (x + x' * size) (y + y' * size)
lR :: Point -> M Text
lR (x', y') = reader \E {size} -> Base.lR (x' * size) (y' * size)
sA :: Point -> Point -> M Text
sA (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
ReaderT \E {size} -> gets \S {x, y} ->
Base.sA (x + x1 * size) (y + y1 * size)
(x + x2 * size) (y + y2 * size)
sR :: Point -> Point -> M Text
sR (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
reader \E {size} ->
Base.sR (x1 * size) (y1 * size) (x2 * size) (y2 * size)
cA :: Point -> Point -> Point -> M Text
cA (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) =
ReaderT \E {size} -> gets \S {x, y} ->
Base.cA (x + x1 * size) (y + y1 * size)
(x + x2 * size) (y + y2 * size)
(x + x3 * size) (y + y3 * size)
<> " " -- lmao
cR :: Point -> Point -> Point -> M Text
cR (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) =
reader \E {size} ->
Base.cR (x1 * size) (y1 * size)
(x2 * size) (y2 * size)
(x3 * size) (y3 * size)
<> " " -- lmao
2021-04-30 13:46:47 +02:00
qA :: Point -> Point -> M Text
qA (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
reader \E {size} ->
Base.qA (x1 * size) (y1 * size)
(x2 * size) (y2 * size)
qR :: Point -> Point -> M Text
qR (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
reader \E {size} ->
Base.qR (x1 * size) (y1 * size)
(x2 * size) (y2 * size)
2020-11-04 19:06:54 +01:00
data Arc = Large | Small
data Sweep = CW | CCW
arcToFlag :: Num a => Arc -> a
arcToFlag = \case Large -> 1; Small -> 0
sweepToFlag :: Num a => Sweep -> a
sweepToFlag = \case CW -> 1; CCW -> 0
aA :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Arc -> Sweep -> Point -> M Text
aA rx ry θ arc sweep (x', y') =
ReaderT \E {size} -> gets \S {x, y} ->
Base.aA (rx * size) (ry * size) θ (arcToFlag arc) (sweepToFlag sweep)
(x + x' * size) (y + y' * size)
aR :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Arc -> Sweep -> Point -> M Text
aR rx ry θ arc sweep (x', y') =
reader \E {size} ->
Base.aR (rx * size) (ry * size) θ (arcToFlag arc) (sweepToFlag sweep)
(x' * size) (y' * size)
ellipseX :: (Point -> M Text) -> Double -> Double -> Point -> [M Text]
ellipseX mX rx ry (x', y') =
[mX (x' - rx, y'), aR rx ry 0 Large CW (0,0.0001), pure z]
ellipseR, ellipseA :: Double -> Double -> Point -> [M Text]
ellipseR = ellipseX mR
ellipseA = ellipseX mA
circR :: Double -> Point -> [M Text]
circR r = ellipseR r r
circA :: Double -> Point -> [M Text]
circA r = ellipseA r r
shiftX :: Double -> St -> St
shiftX dx s@(S {x}) = s {x = x + dx}
shiftY :: Double -> St -> St
shiftY dy s@(S {y}) = s {y = y + dy}
shift :: (Double, Double) -> St -> St
shift (dx, dy) = shiftX dx . shiftY dy