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Raw Normal View History

2020-07-09 00:20:09 -04:00
module SinglePage (make) where
2020-07-07 23:28:09 -04:00
2020-09-25 17:08:44 -04:00
import Date
2020-08-11 14:29:54 -04:00
import Info
2020-07-15 15:31:46 -04:00
import BuilderQQ
2020-07-16 10:07:28 -04:00
import Records ()
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
import qualified NsfwWarning
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
import Control.Exception
2020-11-16 17:30:56 -05:00
import Data.List (sort)
2020-07-21 19:48:29 -04:00
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
2020-07-07 23:28:09 -04:00
import qualified Data.Text as Strict
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
import System.FilePath (joinPath, splitPath, (</>))
import qualified System.Process as Proc
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
2020-07-12 23:02:16 -04:00
-- | e.g. only nsfw images are present for a non-nsfw page
data NoEligibleImages = NoEligibleImages {title :: !Strict.Text}
deriving stock Eq deriving anyclass Exception
instance Show NoEligibleImages where
show (NoEligibleImages {title}) =
Strict.unpack title <> ": no images selected\n" <>
" (probably a nsfw-only work without --nsfw set)"
2020-07-07 23:28:09 -04:00
2020-08-11 14:29:54 -04:00
make :: Text -- ^ website root
-> FilePath -- ^ gallery prefix
-> Bool -- ^ nsfw?
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
-> FilePath -- ^ data dir
-> FilePath -- ^ subdir of datadir containing this @info.yaml@
-> Info -> IO Lazy.Text
2020-08-11 14:29:54 -04:00
make root prefix nsfw dataDir dir info =
toLazyText <$> make' root prefix nsfw dataDir dir info
2020-07-07 23:28:09 -04:00
2020-08-11 14:29:54 -04:00
make' :: Text -> FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Info -> IO Builder
2020-11-16 17:30:56 -05:00
make' root prefix nsfw dataDir dir info@(Info {date, title, artist, bg}) = do
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
images <- withSizes (dataDir </> dir) $ imagesFor nsfw info
let undir = joinPath (replicate (length (splitPath dir)) "..")
let artistTag = ifJust artist makeArtist
2020-09-25 17:08:44 -04:00
let formattedDate = formatLong date
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
let buttonBar = makeButtonBar title images
let (image0@(Image {path = path0, download = download0'}),
Size {width = width0, height = height0})
= head images
let download0 = fromMaybe path0 download0'
let path0' = pageFile path0
let tinyCls = if any (tiny . #second) images then [b| class=tiny|] else ""
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
let descSection = makeDesc $ descFor nsfw info
let tagsList = makeTags undir $ tagsFor nsfw info
let linksList = extLinks $ linksFor nsfw info
2020-11-16 17:30:56 -05:00
let updates = sort $ updatesFor nsfw info
let updatesList = makeUpdates updates
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
let makePrefetch (Image {path}) = [b|<link rel=prefetch href=$path>|]
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
let prefetches = map (makePrefetch . #first) $ tail images
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
let makeWarning w = [b|@0
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
<figcaption id=cw aria-role=button tabindex=0>
2020-09-13 20:35:56 -04:00
<span id=cw-text>$w</span>
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
2020-09-13 20:34:21 -04:00
let warning' = ifJust (#warning image0) makeWarning
let warningT = makeWarning [b|.|]
let bgStyle = ifJust bg \col -> [b|@0
<style> #mainfig { background: $col; } </style>
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
let url = [b|$root/$prefix/$dir|]
2020-08-11 14:29:54 -04:00
let desc = case artist of
Just (Artist {name}) -> [b|by $name|]
2020-08-11 14:29:54 -04:00
Nothing -> "by niss"
let thumb = getThumb "" info
2020-11-16 17:30:56 -05:00
let updateDate = ifJust (last' updates) \(Update {date = d}) ->
let updated = formatLong d in
[b|<br> <span class=updated>updated $updated</span>|]
2020-09-19 01:51:52 -04:00
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
let nsfwScript = NsfwWarning.script nsfw
let nsfwDialog = NsfwWarning.dialog nsfw
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
pure [b|@0
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=en>
<meta charset=utf-8>
2020-08-04 12:59:09 -04:00
<meta name=viewport content="width=1200,viewport-fit=cover">
2020-08-04 17:12:58 -04:00
<link rel=stylesheet href=/style/shiny/single.css>
2020-08-04 18:52:56 -04:00
<link rel=icon href=/style/niss.svg>
2020-07-17 06:29:13 -04:00
2020-08-11 14:29:54 -04:00
<meta property=og:type content=og:website>
<meta property=og:title content="$title">
<meta property=og:site_name content="$title">
2020-08-11 14:29:54 -04:00
<meta property=og:description content="$desc">
<meta property=og:image content="$url/$thumb">
2020-08-11 14:29:54 -04:00
<meta property=og:url content="$url">
2020-09-19 02:13:13 -04:00
<meta name=twitter:site content=@2_gecs>
2020-08-11 14:29:54 -04:00
<meta name=twitter:card content=summary>
2020-08-04 13:14:12 -04:00
<script src=/script/single.js></script>
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
2020-08-03 13:32:40 -04:00
2020-07-25 07:59:04 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
<div class=page>
<h2 id=date class="right corner">
$formattedDate $updateDate
2020-07-17 06:29:13 -04:00
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
<figure id=mainfig data-width=$width0 data-height=$height0$tinyCls>
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
<a id=mainlink href="$download0" title="download full version">
<img id=mainimg src="$path0'" alt="">
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
<div id=info>
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
2020-09-19 01:51:52 -04:00
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
<a href=$undir>back to gallery</a>
2020-09-13 20:34:21 -04:00
<template id=cw-template>
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-07-17 06:29:13 -04:00
2020-11-16 17:30:56 -05:00
last' :: [a] -> Maybe a
last' xs = if null xs then Nothing else Just $ last xs
2020-07-14 00:51:46 -04:00
makeArtist :: Artist -> Builder
makeArtist (Artist {name, url}) =
2020-07-19 12:03:24 -04:00
[b|<h2 id=artist class="left corner">by $artistLink</h2>|]
2020-07-14 00:51:46 -04:00
artistLink = case url of
Just u -> [b|<a href="$u">$name</a>|]
Nothing -> [b|$name|]
2020-07-14 00:51:46 -04:00
2020-08-08 19:20:34 -04:00
makeDesc :: Maybe Strict.Text -> Builder
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
makeDesc mdesc = ifJust mdesc \desc -> [b|@0
<section id=desc class=info-section>
2020-08-03 13:36:48 -04:00
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
2020-08-03 13:36:48 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-07-07 23:28:09 -04:00
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
makeButtonBar :: Strict.Text -> [(Image, Size)] -> Builder
2020-07-25 07:58:53 -04:00
makeButtonBar title images =
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
case length images of
0 -> throw $ NoEligibleImages title
1 -> ""
2020-08-03 13:32:40 -04:00
_ -> [b|@0
2020-08-04 12:26:36 -04:00
<nav id=alts aria-label="alternate versions">
<ul class="buttonbar bb-choice">
2020-08-03 13:32:40 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
where alts = map (\(i, (im, sz)) -> altButton i im sz) $ zip [0..] images
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
altButton :: Int -> Image -> Size -> Builder
2021-02-09 06:50:22 -05:00
altButton i img size = [b|@0
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
<input type=radio$checked name=variant id="$idLabel" value="$path'"
2021-02-09 06:50:22 -05:00
data-width=$width data-height=$height>
<label for="$idLabel"$nsfwLabelClass>$label</label>
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-07-07 23:28:09 -04:00
2021-02-09 06:50:22 -05:00
Image {label, path, nsfw, warning, download} = img
Size {width, height} = size
nsfwClass = if nsfw then [b| class=nsfw|] else ""
nsfwLabelClass = if nsfw then [b| class=nsfw-label|] else ""
checked = if i == 0 then [b| checked|] else ""
idLabel = escId label
path' = pageFile path
2021-02-09 06:50:22 -05:00
link = fromMaybe path download
2020-09-13 20:33:27 -04:00
warning' = ifJust warning \(escAttr -> w) -> [b| data-warning="$w"|]
2020-07-07 23:28:09 -04:00
2020-08-04 13:05:20 -04:00
makeTags :: FilePath -> [Strict.Text] -> Builder
makeTags undir tags =
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
if null tags then "" else [b|@0
2020-08-04 12:26:36 -04:00
<nav id=tags class=info-section>
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
<ul class="buttonbar bb-links">
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-08-04 12:26:36 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-07-11 23:42:31 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
tagList = map makeTag tags
makeTag tag = [b|<li><a href="$undir#require_$tag'">$tag</a>|]
2020-08-04 13:05:20 -04:00
where tag' = escId tag
2020-07-11 23:42:31 -04:00
2020-08-03 13:36:48 -04:00
extLinks :: [Link] -> Builder
extLinks links =
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
if null links then "" else [b|@0
2020-08-04 12:26:36 -04:00
<nav id=links class=info-section>
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-08-04 12:26:36 -04:00
<ul class="buttonbar bb-links">
2020-10-06 16:07:39 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-08-04 12:26:36 -04:00
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-08-03 13:36:48 -04:00
where linkList = map extLink links
2020-07-07 23:28:09 -04:00
extLink :: Link -> Builder
2020-08-04 12:26:36 -04:00
extLink (Link {title, url}) = [b|@8
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
<a href="$url">
2020-07-12 22:01:31 -04:00
2020-07-31 20:27:24 -04:00
2020-11-16 17:30:56 -05:00
makeUpdates :: [Update] -> Builder
2020-09-19 01:51:52 -04:00
makeUpdates ups =
if null ups then "" else [b|@4
<section id=updates class=info-section>
2020-11-16 17:30:56 -05:00
where updateList = map makeUpdate ups
2020-09-19 01:51:52 -04:00
2020-11-16 17:30:56 -05:00
makeUpdate :: Update -> Builder
makeUpdate (Update {date, desc}) = [b|@8
2020-09-19 01:51:52 -04:00
2020-11-16 17:30:56 -05:00
2020-09-19 01:51:52 -04:00
2020-09-25 17:08:44 -04:00
where date' = formatSlash date
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
2020-08-12 12:05:47 -04:00
data Size = Size {width, height :: !Int} deriving (Eq, Show)
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
tiny :: Size -> Bool
tiny (Size {width, height}) = width < 250 || height < 250
2020-08-08 19:22:00 -04:00
imageSize :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Size
imageSize dir img = do
-- "[0]" to get the first frame of an animation
-- otherwise it prints a pair for each frame
let filename = (dir </> img) ++ "[0]"
output <- Proc.readProcess "identify" ["-format", "(%W,%H)", filename] ""
case readMaybe output of
Just (width, height) -> pure $ Size {width, height}
Nothing -> fail $ "couldn't understand identify output:\n" ++ output
withSizes :: FilePath -> [Image] -> IO [(Image, Size)]
withSizes dir = traverse \img -> do
size <- imageSize dir $ #path img
pure (img, size)