use class instead of twigils for builder
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 140 additions and 155 deletions
@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ where
import Data.Char (isLower, isSpace, isDigit, isAlphaNum)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder
(Builder, fromText, fromString, singleton, toLazyText)
(Builder, fromText, fromLazyText, fromString, singleton, toLazyText)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LText
import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup
@ -21,36 +23,31 @@ import Data.Semigroup
data ChunkType = Lit | Var VarType deriving Show
data VarType =
| FromText
| FromString
| FromChar
| Show
| Reindent !Int
| ReindentList !Int
deriving Show
type Chunk = (ChunkType, Text)
indent :: Int -> Text -> Builder
indent :: Int -> LText.Text -> Builder
indent i str
| Text.all isSpace str = ""
| otherwise = replicateB i ' ' <> fromText str
| LText.all isSpace str = ""
| otherwise = replicateB i ' ' <> fromLazyText str
reindent :: Int -> Text -> Builder
reindent i str =
fold $ mapInit (<> "\n") $
map2 (fromText . dropIndent) (indent i . dropIndent) ls
reindentB :: Int -> Builder -> Builder
reindentB i (toLazyText -> str) =
fold $ intersperse "\n" $
map2 (fromLazyText . dropIndent) (indent i . dropIndent) ls
ls = dropWhile (Text.all isSpace) $ Text.lines str
ls' = filter (Text.any $ not . isSpace) ls
ls = dropWhile (LText.all isSpace) $ LText.lines str
ls' = filter (LText.any $ not . isSpace) ls
dropIndent = Text.drop minIndent
dropIndent = LText.drop minIndent
minIndent =
getMin $ option 0 id $ foldMap (Option . Just . Min . indentOf) ls'
indentOf = go 0 where
go n (' ' :. cs) = go (n + 1) cs
go n ('\t' :. cs) = go (((n `mod` 8) + 1) * 8) cs
go n (' ' :.. cs) = go (n + 1) cs
go n ('\t' :.. cs) = go (((n `mod` 8) + 1) * 8) cs
go n _ = n
map2 _ _ [] = []
@ -68,38 +65,12 @@ chunks = reverse . go "" [] . trimEnd where
-- $$: expands to one $
go acc cs ('$' :. '$' :. rest) = go (acc <> "$") cs rest
-- $*var: expands to (fromText $var)
go acc cs ('$' :. '*' :. rest) =
go "" ((Var FromText, var) : lit acc : cs) rest2
where (var, rest2) = splitVar rest
-- $@var: expands to (fromString $var)
go acc cs ('$' :. '@' :. rest) =
go "" ((Var FromString, var) : lit acc : cs) rest2
where (var, rest2) = splitVar rest
-- $'var: expands to (singleton $var)
go acc cs ('$' :. '\'' :. rest) =
go "" ((Var FromChar, var) : lit acc : cs) rest2
where (var, rest2) = splitVar rest
-- $^var: expands to (fromString (show $var))
go acc cs ('$' :. '^' :. rest) =
go "" ((Var Show, var) : lit acc : cs) rest2
where (var, rest2) = splitVar rest
-- $n*var (n a number): expands to builder var indented by n
-- $n.var: same but var is a list
-- $n.var (n a number): expands to builder var indented by n
go acc cs ('$' :. rest@(d :. _)) | isDigit d =
go "" ((Var ty, var) : lit acc : cs) rest3
go "" ((Var (Reindent n), var) : lit acc : cs) rest3
(n', c :. rest2) = Text.span isDigit rest
n = read $ Text.unpack n'
((read . Text.unpack -> n), '.' :. rest2) = Text.span isDigit rest
(var, rest3) = splitVar rest2
ty = case c of
'*' -> Reindent n
'.' -> ReindentList n
_ -> error $ "unknown reindent type " ++ show c
-- $var: expands to that var's contents
go acc cs ('$' :. rest) =
@ -132,35 +103,18 @@ toStrictText = toStrict . toLazyText
chunksToExpQ :: [Chunk] -> ExpQ
chunksToExpQ cs = [|mconcat $es|] where
chunksToExpQ cs = [|mconcat $es :: Builder|] where
es = listE $ mapMaybe chunk1 cs
chunk1 (Lit, "") = Nothing
chunk1 (Lit, lit) = Just $ stringE $ Text.unpack lit
chunk1 (Var t, name) = Just $ case t of
Plain -> var
FromText -> [|fromText $var|]
FromString -> [|fromString $var|]
FromChar -> [|singleton $var|]
Show -> [|fromString $ show $var|]
Plain -> [|build $var|]
Reindent n -> [|reindent n $var|]
ReindentList n -> [|reindentList n $var|]
where var = varE (mkName $ Text.unpack name)
reindentList :: Int -> [Builder] -> Builder
reindentList n = fold . mapInit (<> "\n") . mapTail (replicateB n ' ' <>)
replicateB :: Int -> Char -> Builder
replicateB n c = fromText $ Text.replicate n $ Text.singleton c
mapInit :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapInit _ [] = []
mapInit _ [x] = [x]
mapInit f (x:xs) = f x : mapInit f xs
mapTail :: (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
mapTail _ [] = []
mapTail f (x:xs) = x : map f xs
b :: QuasiQuoter
b = QuasiQuoter {
quoteExp = chunksToExpQ . chunksWithReindent,
@ -181,6 +135,12 @@ pattern c :. t <- (Text.uncons -> Just (c, t))
{-# COMPLETE NilT, (:.) :: Text #-}
infixr 5 :..
pattern (:..) :: Char -> LText.Text -> LText.Text
pattern c :.. t <- (LText.uncons -> Just (c, t))
where c :.. t = LText.cons c t
fromChar :: Char -> Builder
fromChar = singleton
@ -198,3 +158,25 @@ escId = foldMap esc1 . Text.unpack where
| otherwise = fromChar c
latin1Special c =
c <= 'ÿ' && not (isAlphaNum c) && c /= '-'
class CanBuild a where
build :: a -> Builder
reindent :: Int -> a -> Builder
reindent i = reindentB i . build
instance CanBuild Builder where build = id
instance CanBuild Text where build = fromText
instance CanBuild LText.Text where build = fromLazyText
instance CanBuild Char where build = singleton
instance CanBuild String where build = fromString
newtype ShowBuild a = ShowBuild a deriving newtype Show
instance Show a => CanBuild (ShowBuild a) where build = build . show
deriving via ShowBuild Int instance CanBuild Int
deriving via ShowBuild Integer instance CanBuild Integer
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} CanBuild a => CanBuild [a] where
build = foldMap \x -> build x <> "\n"
reindent n = fold . intersperse ("\n" <> replicateB n ' ') . map build
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ dependSingle yamlDir info prefix build nsfw =
dependSingle' :: FilePath -> Info -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool -> Builder
dependSingle' yamlDir info prefix build nsfw =
[b|$@page: $@deps $$(MAKEPAGES)|]
[b|$page: $deps $$(MAKEPAGES)|]
images = if nsfw then #images info else #sfwImages info
@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ dependGallery' :: GalleryInfo -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, Info)]
-> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Builder
dependGallery' (GalleryInfo {prefix, filters})
indexFile infos' build data_ tmp = [b|@0
$@index: $@gallery
$index: $gallery
$@gallery: $@pages' $@files' $@rss $@indexFile $$(MAKEPAGES)
$$(call gallery,$@indexFile,$@prefix)
$gallery: $pages' $files' $rss $indexFile $$(MAKEPAGES)
$$(call gallery,$indexFile,$prefix)
$@rss: $@files' $@indexFile $$(MAKEPAGES)
$$(call rss,$@indexFile,$@prefix,$@data_)
$rss: $files' $indexFile $$(MAKEPAGES)
$$(call rss,$indexFile,$prefix,$data_)
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ dependGallery' (GalleryInfo {prefix, filters})
inc d = tmp </> prefix </> takeDirectory d <.> "mk"
incFiles = unwords $ map inc files
incs = if null infos then "" else [b|include $@incFiles|]
incs = if null infos then "" else [b|include $incFiles|]
makeRules :: FilePath -- ^ prefix
-> GalleryFilters
@ -89,16 +89,16 @@ makeRules :: FilePath -- ^ prefix
-> FilePath -- ^ tmp dir
-> Builder
makeRules prefix filters build data_ tmp = [b|@0
$@buildPrefix/%/index.html: $@data_/%/info.yaml $$(MAKEPAGES)
$$(call single,$@data_,$@prefix,$flags)
$buildPrefix/%/index.html: $data_/%/info.yaml $$(MAKEPAGES)
$$(call single,$data_,$prefix,$flags)
$@tmpPrefix/ $@data_/%/info.yaml $$(MAKEPAGES)
$$(call depend-single,$@prefix,$@build,$@data_,$flags)
$tmpPrefix/ $data_/%/info.yaml $$(MAKEPAGES)
$$(call depend-single,$prefix,$build,$data_,$flags)
$@buildPrefix/%: $@tmp/%
$buildPrefix/%: $tmp/%
$$(call copy,-l)
$@buildPrefix/%: $@data_/%
$buildPrefix/%: $data_/%
$$(call copy)
@ -28,20 +28,20 @@ make' root (GalleryInfo {title, desc, prefix, filters, hidden}) infos = [b|@0
<link rel=alternate href=rss.xml type=application/rss+xml>
<meta property=og:type content=og:website>
<meta property=og:title content="$*title">
<meta property=og:site_name content="$*title">
<meta property=og:description content="$*desc">
<meta property=og:image content="$url/$@imagepath0">
<meta property=og:title content="$title">
<meta property=og:site_name content="$title">
<meta property=og:description content="$desc">
<meta property=og:image content="$url/$imagepath0">
<meta property=og:url content="$url">
<meta name=twitter:site content=@gec_ko_>
<meta name=twitter:card content=summary>
<script src=/script/gallery.js></script>
<h2 class="right corner">
<a href=rss.xml>rss</a>
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ make' root (GalleryInfo {title, desc, prefix, filters, hidden}) infos = [b|@0
<a href=$@undir>all galleries</a>
<a href=$undir>all galleries</a>
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ make' root (GalleryInfo {title, desc, prefix, filters, hidden}) infos = [b|@0
nsfw = #nsfw filters /= NoNsfw
url = [b|$*root/$@prefix|]
url = [b|$root/$prefix|]
| (_, (p0, i0) : _) : _ <- infosByYear = getThumb (takeDirectory p0) i0
| otherwise = "/style/card.png"
@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ make' root (GalleryInfo {title, desc, prefix, filters, hidden}) infos = [b|@0
makeFilter :: Text -> HashSet Text -> Text -> Int -> Builder
makeFilter prefix initial tag _count = [b|@8
<input type=checkbox id="$id'" value="$*tag"$checked>
<label for="$id'">$*tag</label>
<input type=checkbox id="$id'" value="$tag"$checked>
<label for="$id'">$tag</label>
id' = [b|$*prefix$&_$tag'|]
id' = [b|$prefix$&_$tag'|]
tag' = escId tag
checked = if HashSet.member tag initial then " checked" else ""
checked = if HashSet.member tag initial then [b| checked|] else ""
makeYearItems :: Bool -- ^ nsfw
-> Integer -- ^ year
@ -127,21 +127,21 @@ makeYearItems nsfw year infos = [b|@4
items = map (uncurry $ makeItem nsfw) infos
year' = show year & foldMap \c -> [b|<span class=y>$'c</span>|]
year' = show year & foldMap \c -> [b|<span class=y>$c</span>|]
makeItem :: Bool -> FilePath -> Info -> Builder
makeItem nsfw file info@(Info {title, bg}) = [b|@4
<li class="item post$nsfw'" data-tags="$tags'">
<a href="$@dir">
<img src="$@thumb"$bgStyle>
<a href="$dir">
<img src="$thumb"$bgStyle>
dir = takeDirectory file
thumb = getThumb dir info
nsfw' = if nsfw && #anyNsfw info then " nsfw" else ""
nsfw' = if nsfw && #anyNsfw info then [b| nsfw|] else ""
tags' = fold $ intersperse ";" $ map fromText $ tagsFor nsfw info
bgStyle = ifJust bg \col -> [b| style="background: $*col"|]
bgStyle = ifJust bg \col -> [b| style="background: $col"|]
@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ make' root (IndexInfo {title, desc, galleries, links, footer}) = [b|@0
<link rel=icon href=/style/niss.svg>
<meta property=og:type content=og:website>
<meta property=og:title content="$*title">
<meta property=og:site_name content="$*title">
<meta property=og:description content="$*desc">
<meta property=og:image content="$*root/style/card.png">
<meta property=og:title content="$title">
<meta property=og:site_name content="$title">
<meta property=og:description content="$desc">
<meta property=og:image content="$root/style/card.png">
<meta property=og:url content="$url">
<meta name=twitter:site content=@gec_ko_>
<meta name=twitter:card content=summary>
<h1 id=title>$*title</h1>
<h1 id=title>$title</h1>
@ -59,22 +59,22 @@ make' root (IndexInfo {title, desc, galleries, links, footer}) = [b|@0
Nothing -> ""
Just f -> [b|@0
url = [b|$*root|]
url = [b|$root|]
makeItem :: GalleryInfo -> Builder
makeItem (GalleryInfo {title, desc, prefix, filters}) = [b|@6
<li$nsfw><a href=$@prefix title="$*desc">$*title</a></li>
<li$nsfw><a href=$prefix title="$desc">$title</a></li>
where nsfw = if hasNsfw filters then " class=nsfw" else ""
where nsfw = if hasNsfw filters then [b| class=nsfw|] else ""
makeLink :: Link -> Builder
makeLink (Link {title, url, nsfw}) = [b|@6
<li$nsfw'><a href=$*url>$*title</a>
<li$nsfw'><a href=$url>$title</a>
where nsfw' = if nsfw then " class=nsfw" else ""
where nsfw' = if nsfw then [b| class=nsfw|] else ""
hasNsfw :: GalleryFilters -> Bool
hasNsfw (GalleryFilters {nsfw}) = nsfw /= NoNsfw
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.String (IsString)
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ descFor :: Bool -> Info -> Maybe Text
descFor nsfw (Info {desc, nsfwDesc}) = desc <> (guard nsfw *> nsfwDesc)
tagsFor :: Bool -> Info -> [Text]
tagsFor nsfw i = if nsfw then #tags i <> #nsfwTags i else #tags i
tagsFor nsfw i = if nsfw then nub (#tags i <> #nsfwTags i) else #tags i
imagesFor :: Bool -> Info -> [Image]
imagesFor nsfw = if nsfw then #images else #sfwImages
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ make' root (GalleryInfo {title, desc, prefix}) output infos = [b|@0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ make' root (GalleryInfo {title, desc, prefix}) output infos = [b|@0
link = [b|$*root/$@prefix|]
link = [b|$root/$prefix|]
items = map (uncurry $ makeItem root prefix) $ sortOn (Down . #second) infos
selflink = case output of
Nothing -> ""
Just o -> [b|<atom:link href="$link/$@o" rel="self" />|]
Just o -> [b|<atom:link href="$link/$o" rel="self" />|]
makeItem :: Strict.Text -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Info -> Builder
makeItem root prefix path (Info {title, desc, date, artist}) = [b|@4
@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ makeItem root prefix path (Info {title, desc, date, artist}) = [b|@4
dir = takeDirectory path
link = [b|$*root/$@prefix/$@dir|]
link = [b|$root/$prefix/$dir|]
artist' = ifJust artist \case
Artist {name, url = Nothing} -> [b|<p>by $*name|]
Artist {name, url = Just url} -> [b|<p>by <a href=$*url>$*name</a>|]
desc' = ifJust desc \d -> [b|$10*d|]
Artist {name, url = Nothing} -> [b|<p>by $name|]
Artist {name, url = Just url} -> [b|<p>by <a href=$url>$name</a>|]
desc' = ifJust desc \d -> [b|$10.d|]
descArtist' = if isJust desc || isJust artist then [b|@6
@ -54,22 +54,22 @@ make' root prefix nsfw dataDir dir info@(Info {date, title, artist, bg}) = do
let tagsList = makeTags undir $ tagsFor nsfw info
let linksList = extLinks $ linksFor nsfw info
let makePrefetch (Image {path}) = [b|<link rel=prefetch href=$@path>|]
let makePrefetch (Image {path}) = [b|<link rel=prefetch href=$path>|]
let prefetches = map (makePrefetch . #first) $ tail images
let warning' = ifJust (#warning image0) \w -> [b|@4
<figcaption id=cw aria-role=button tabindex=0>
<span id=cw-text>cw: <b>$*w</b></span>
<span id=cw-text>cw: <b>$w</b></span>
let bgStyle = ifJust bg \col -> [b|@0
<style> #mainfig { background: $*col; } </style>
<style> #mainfig { background: $col; } </style>
let url = [b|$*root/$@prefix/$@dir|]
let url = [b|$root/$prefix/$dir|]
let desc = case artist of
Just (Artist {name}) -> [b|by $*name|]
Just (Artist {name}) -> [b|by $name|]
Nothing -> "by niss"
let thumb = getThumb "" info
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ make' root prefix nsfw dataDir dir info@(Info {date, title, artist, bg}) = do
<link rel=icon href=/style/niss.svg>
<meta property=og:type content=og:website>
<meta property=og:title content="$*title">
<meta property=og:site_name content="$*title">
<meta property=og:title content="$title">
<meta property=og:site_name content="$title">
<meta property=og:description content="$desc">
<meta property=og:image content="$url/$@thumb">
<meta property=og:image content="$url/$thumb">
<meta property=og:url content="$url">
<meta name=twitter:site content=@gec_ko_>
<meta name=twitter:card content=summary>
@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ make' root prefix nsfw dataDir dir info@(Info {date, title, artist, bg}) = do
<h2 id=date class="right corner">$formattedDate</h2>
@ -106,11 +106,10 @@ make' root prefix nsfw dataDir dir info@(Info {date, title, artist, bg}) = do
<figure id=mainfig
data-width=$^width0 data-height=$^height0>
<figure id=mainfig data-width=$width0 data-height=$height0>
<a id=mainlink href="$@download0" title="download full version">
<img id=mainimg src="$@path0'" alt="">
<a id=mainlink href="$download0" title="download full version">
<img id=mainimg src="$path0'" alt="">
@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ make' root prefix nsfw dataDir dir info@(Info {date, title, artist, bg}) = do
<a href=$@undir>back to gallery</a>
<a href=$undir>back to gallery</a>
@ -133,15 +132,15 @@ makeArtist (Artist {name, url}) =
[b|<h2 id=artist class="left corner">by $artistLink</h2>|]
artistLink = case url of
Just u -> [b|<a href="$*u">$*name</a>|]
Nothing -> [b|$*name|]
Just u -> [b|<a href="$u">$name</a>|]
Nothing -> [b|$name|]
makeDesc :: Maybe Strict.Text -> Builder
makeDesc mdesc = ifJust mdesc \desc -> [b|@4
<section id=desc class=info-section>
@ -163,18 +162,18 @@ makeButtonBar title images =
altButton :: Int -> Image -> Size -> Builder
altButton i (Image {label, path, nsfw, warning}) (Size {width, height}) = [b|@4
<input type=radio$checked name=variant id="$idLabel" value="$@path'"
data-width=$^width data-height=$^height>
<label for="$idLabel"$nsfwLabelClass>$*label</label>
<input type=radio$checked name=variant id="$idLabel" value="$path'"
data-width=$width data-height=$height>
<label for="$idLabel"$nsfwLabelClass>$label</label>
nsfwClass = if nsfw then " class=nsfw" else ""
nsfwLabelClass = if nsfw then " class=nsfw-label" else ""
checked = if i == 0 then " checked" else ""
nsfwClass = if nsfw then [b| class=nsfw|] else ""
nsfwLabelClass = if nsfw then [b| class=nsfw-label|] else ""
checked = if i == 0 then [b| checked|] else ""
idLabel = escId label
path' = pageFile path
warning' = ifJust warning \w -> [b| data-warning="$*w"|]
warning' = ifJust warning \w -> [b| data-warning="$w"|]
makeTags :: FilePath -> [Strict.Text] -> Builder
makeTags undir tags =
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ makeTags undir tags =
tagList = map makeTag tags
makeTag tag = [b|<li><a href="$@undir#require_$tag'">$*tag</a>|]
makeTag tag = [b|<li><a href="$undir#require_$tag'">$tag</a>|]
where tag' = escId tag
extLinks :: [Link] -> Builder
@ -206,13 +205,13 @@ extLinks links =
extLink :: Link -> Builder
extLink (Link {title, url}) = [b|@8
<a href="$*url">
<a href="$url">
formatDate :: Day -> Builder
formatDate date = [b|$*week $day $*month $^year|] where
formatDate date = [b|$week $day $month $year|] where
(year, month', day') = Time.toGregorian date
week' = Time.dayOfWeek date
day = nth day'
@ -222,12 +221,12 @@ formatDate date = [b|$*week $day $*month $^year|] where
week = Strict.words "mon tue wed thu fri sat sun" !! (fromEnum week' - 1)
nth :: Int -> Builder
nth n = [b|$^n$suf|] where
suf | n >= 10, n <= 19 = "th"
| n `mod` 10 == 1 = "st"
| n `mod` 10 == 2 = "nd"
| n `mod` 10 == 3 = "rd"
| otherwise = "th"
nth n = [b|$n$suf|] where
suf | n >= 10, n <= 19 = [b|th|]
| n `mod` 10 == 1 = [b|st|]
| n `mod` 10 == 2 = [b|nd|]
| n `mod` 10 == 3 = [b|rd|]
| otherwise = [b|th|]
data Size = Size {width, height :: !Int} deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -31,8 +31,10 @@ executable make-pages
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ executable make-pages
Add table
Reference in a new issue