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date: 2024-03-14 title: quorientation tags: [fursona, lántas, conlangs] conlang: laantas summary: | in my latest art, i put some text in lántas. here is approximately too much detail about that. header-includes: ...

in this picture, what is q.t. saying? this:
:::{.figure .bigscr}
{#suatł pattalal šilbari gulaigúšḿ fulla}
{#sá sá panísat igitḿ ǧunailam lám ušmináša nat lánášḿ fulla}
{#ǧisat fuhat siham iksaháš}
so. one sentence at a time.
- suatł pattalal šilbari gulaigúšḿ fulla
- [ˌsuətɫ̩ ˈpatːɐləlʲ ˈʃilʲbɐɾɪ ɡɔˈlaɪɣɔːʃm̩ fʊɫːɑ]
- sua-t-ł patta-la-l šil-ba-ri gulai-gúš-ḿ fulla
- 2-GEN-PL door-INS-PL floor-SUP-PRL jump-2p can
- use your warps to skip some floors :::
you know! the thing! from the game!

out of context,
means door. i suppose a portal would be a magic door, an{!ustaitł patta}
. but in the context of someone making one right in front of you, it is clear what kind of door we're talking about.:::{.aside .no-line} the word
also means "songs". did you know there's an old english word for magic,{ġealdor}
, that comes from the proto-germanic{galdr}
, meaning both "song" and "incantation"? i thought it was cute. ::: -
the suffix pair
together mean "over". there was something like this last time too. since it is how the language expresses all spatial and temporal relationships, that's not very surprising.
- sá sá panísat igitḿ ǧunailam lám ušmináša nat lánášḿ fulla
- [saːsɐ pɐˈniːsɐt ˈiʝɛtm̩ dʒuˈnaɪlɐ̃ ˌlãːm‿ʊʃmiˈnaːʃə ˌnat ˈlaːnaːʃm̩ ˌfʊɫːə]
- sá_sá panísa-t igi(s)-t-ḿ ǧunai-la-m lá-m ušmi-náš-(j)a na(i)-t lá-náš-ḿ fulla
- now blue-GEN crystal-GEN-DEF rod-INS-DEF do-DEF want-1p-REL one-GEN do-1p-DEF can
- these days we can use the blue crystal rod for whatever we want :::
babylon no longer exists, so it doesn't need protecting. go have fun
means "right at this moment". two{!sá sá}
means "these days". the second one is actually pronounced with a short vowel. -
also means "ice". "crystal" more explicitly can be{!kut igis}
, or "stone ice". -
means both "one" and "anything". phrased more literally,{!lám ušmináša nat}
is "anything that we want to do". -
the way auxiliary verbs like "can" work is a little strange. let's take a shorter sentence,
{!šanil gubam fulla}
, "flowers can grow". first you take the base sentence,{!šanil guba}
"flowers grow", and add{m}
, which when it's not part of a grammatical template, means "the", but makes the clause into a noun phrase. then that is used as the subject of the verb{!fulla}
, or{!bulla}
"must", etc. so more literally, these auxiliaries mean something like "is possible/necessary". "{flowers grow here} is possible".:::{.aside .no-line} the similarity of
is just a weird accident, in case you're wondering. i made the words at different times. no etymology puzzle here, sorry :::
ǧisat fuhat siham iksaháš
[ˈdʒisɐt ˌfuxɑt ˈsixɑ̃m‿ˌiksɐxɑːʃ]
ǧisa-t fuha-t siha-m iksa-háš
fire-GEN breath-GEN remember-DEF IMP-2p
be careful with the fire breath :::
has the same grammatical structure as{!fulla}
above. it makes a sentence into a request. it has one special feature: since in the vast majority of cases, it only makes sense for both{!iksa}
and the main verb to be second person, when that is the case, only{!iksa}
needs to have the person marking. otherwise it would be{!sihaham}
abbreviation list
- :::{.twocol .abbr-list}
- definite ["the"]{.note}
- genitive ["of"]{.note}
- instrumental ["using"]{.note}
- PL
- plural
- perlative ["through"]{.note}
- relative clause suffix ["which/that"]{.note}
- superessive ["above"]{.note} :::