2024-09-15 17:57:09 +02:00

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title: quantity polymorphism (draft) date: 2024-04-21 tags: [quox, computer] ...

im getting sick of writing elim and elimω, and fold and foldω and—

so let's call the quantity context, uh, Ξ. it's just a list of bound vars. quantity arguments have to be full expressions though because arithmetic shows up in the typing rules





\begin{aligned} D &::= \cdots \mid \mathtt{def} ; \mathsf{a}{\HL{\overline α}} : A = s & \text{declarations} \ e &::= \cdots \mid \mathsf{a}{\HL{\overline π}}^{} & \text{eliminations} \ π, ρ &::= 𝔮 \HL{\mid α \mid π + ρ \mid π \cdot ρ} & \HL{\text{quantity expressions}} \[1em] \HL{α, β} && \HL{\text{quantity variables}} \ 𝔮 &::= 0 \mid 1 \mid ω & \text{quantity constants} \ \HL{Ξ} &\mathrel{\HL{::=}} \HL{\cdot \mid Ξ, α} & \HL{\text{quantity contexts}} \end{aligned}

  • a quantity value π̃ in a context Ξ is a polynomial with variables from Ξ and coefficients from \{0,1,ω\}.


:::texdefs \newcommand\FracS[2]{\frac{;#1;}{;#2;}} \newcommand\Many[1]{\begin{gathered}#1\end{gathered}} \newcommand\Rule[3][]{\FracS{\Many{#2}}{\Many{#3}};\text{\small[#1]}} \newenvironment{Rules} {\begin{gathered}\newcommand\nl{\[1em]}} {\end{gathered}} :::

:::rulebox \newcommand\Syn\Rightarrow \newcommand\Chk\Leftarrow \begin{gathered} \HL{Ξ \mid} Ψ \mid Γ \vdash σ \cdot s \Chk A \rhd Σ \ \HL{Ξ \mid} Ψ \mid Γ \vdash σ \cdot e \Syn A \rhd Σ \end{gathered} :::