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title: q.t. refsheet transcriptions date: 2024-11-26 tags: [fursona, lántas, conlangs] conlang: laantas summary: quick post for the text on q.t.'s refsheet ...
fitting lántas into a strictly eight-pixel high font was… difficult. and involved a lot of special-casing. it would be a huge hassle to get a computer to do it automatically.
anyway let's get to it
:::{.glosses .left}
- kuaksat pasaga
- [ˈkɔə̯ksət ˌpasəɣɐ]
- kuaksa-t pas-aga
- quox-GEN two-body
- quox taur
- #6# mitral. #19# fútkasł #8# inčil
- [ˌdʒutːə ˈmitɾɐl ‖ ˌtaksɪːstʊ ˈfuːtkɑsɫ | ˌn̩daː ˈʔintʃiɬʲ]
- ǧutta mitra-l. taks(a)-ístu fút-kas-ł ńdá inči-l
- six metre-PL. ten-nine foot-COM-PL eight inch-PL
- 6m. 19′ 8″
- #376666# kígíl
- [ˌkɑɫːeˌbuʃɻ̩ ˌlivɪnɐˌtaksə ˌdʒutːəˌxɑːruəɬʲ dʒutːəbuʃɻ̩ ˌdʒutːɐtʃutːə ˈkɛːʝɛɬʲ]
- kalli-bušŕ libina-taksa-ǧutta-hárual ǧutta-bušŕ ǧuttaččutta kígí-l
- 3 76 6 66 kg-PL
- 376,666 kg
- #829660# pundł
- [ˌn̩daːˌbuʃɻ̩ ˌpastɐksˌiːstʊˌxɑːruəɬʲ ˌdʒutːəˌbuʃɻ̩ ˌdʒutːɐksə ˈpundɫ̩]
- ńdá-bušŕ pas-taks(a)-ístu-hárual ǧutta-bušŕ ǧut(ta)-taksa pund(a)-ł
- 8 29 6 60 pound-PL
- 829,660 lb
- nakasnala samńt kaubal
- [ˌnakɑsnɐlə ˈsamn̩t kɑʊvɐɬʲ]
- na-kas-na-la samń-t kauba-l
- one-COM-one-INS colour-GEN group-PL
- all sets of colours :::
btw, {!nakasnai}
, literally "anything and anything", means "everything". i forgot which language i stole that from, sorry.
it can be shortened to {!násna}
, and its derived forms {!nakasnala}
"every" and {!nakasnanua}
"always" can be shortened to {!násná}
[(ending with a long vowel)]{.note} and {!násnua}
:::{.glosses .left}
- násnua álitkiðkasł dilwitł ippau
- [ˌnaːsnʊə ˈaːlɪtkɛθkɑsɫ̩ ˈdilwetɫ ipːɑʊ]
- nakasna(i)-nua álit-kið-kas-ł dilwi-t-ł ippau
- all-INTER neck-ring-COM sock-GEN-PL wear
- always wears collars and socks
- ustaimł! panísat igisḿt ǧunaimkas pattal
- [ˈustɐɪmɫ̩ ‖ pɐˌniːsɐt ˌiʝɛsm̩t ˈdʒnɐimkɑs ˈpatːaɬʲ]
- ustai-m-ł panísa-t igis-ḿ-t ǧunai-m-kas patta-l
- magic-DEF-PL blue-GEN crystal-DEF-GEN rod-DEF-COM portal-PL
- magic! the blue crystal rod and portals
- kalli talaskasł nai usu liččali ai
- [ˌkɑɫːe ˈtalɐskɑsɫ̩ ˌnæɪj‿ˈusʊ ˌlitːʃɐlɪj‿æɪ]
- kalli talas-kas-ł nai usu ličča-li ai
- three head-COM-PL one mind much-IN be
- there are three heads but usually one mind
you may notice some discrepancies between these squiggles and the squiggles on the refsheet. oops! i'll fix em tomorrow. it wasn't quite "tomorrow" but it's done now.
well bye