comments and a little simplification
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 177 additions and 60 deletions
@ -17,6 +17,17 @@ import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- |
-- @all-tags dir yaml make@:
-- * reads all posts in @dir@
-- * collects all tags, and assigns them slugs ('getTags')
-- * writes a list of {tag, slug, count} to @yaml@ ('makeYAML')
-- * writes recipes to build the tag pages to @make@ ('makeMake')
-- the program fails on slug collision, because the alternative is for the page
-- generation to consult the global list for slugs, and i haven't done that
-- currently
main :: IO ()
main = do
Opts {dir, yaml, make} <- getOptions
@ -25,6 +36,7 @@ main = do
LazyBS.writeFile yaml $ makeYAML tags
Text.writeFile make $ makeMake tags
-- | reads tags from a single file
getTags :: FilePath -> IO (Set Text)
getTags file = do
yaml <- YAML.readHeader file
@ -32,17 +44,55 @@ getTags file = do
yaml & YAML.withMap "yaml header" \m -> m .: "tags" .!= []
pure $ Set.fromList list
-- | generates a yaml document from a set of tags from each file.
-- example:
-- @
-- ---
-- title: all tags
-- all-tags:
-- - name: tag1
-- slug: tag1
-- count: 2
-- - name: tag2
-- slug: tag2
-- count: 7
-- ...
-- @
makeYAML :: [Set Text] -> LazyBS.ByteString
makeYAML tags = "---\n" <> yaml <> "\n...\n" where
yaml = YAML.encode1 $ YAML.obj
[("title" ##= YAML.str "all tags"),
("all-tags" ##= collate tags)]
-- | generates a makefile to include that generates the index and individual
-- tag pages. example:
-- @
-- build: $(BUILDDIR)/tag1.html $(BUILDDIR)/tag2.html
-- @echo "[post-lists] index"
-- $(POST_LISTS) --out $@ $(POSTSDIR) "all posts"
-- @echo "[post-lists] tag-tag1"
-- $(POST_LISTS) --tag "tag1" --out $@ $(POSTSDIR) "posts tagged ‘tag1’"
-- @echo "[post-lists] tag-tag2"
-- $(POST_LISTS) --tag "tag2" --out $@ $(POSTSDIR) "posts tagged ‘tag2’"
-- @
-- the generated rules depend on these make variables:
-- * @BUILDDIR@ (output of the final site)
-- * @TMPDIR@ (intermediate file hole)
-- * @POSTSDIR@ (directory containing the post files)
-- * @POSTS@ (list of posts (**including** @POSTSDIR@, because that is what
-- @find@ returns)
-- * @POST_LISTS@ (path to the @post-lists@ executable)
makeMake :: [Set Text] -> Text
makeMake tags' = Text.unlines $ build : allPosts : map makeRule tags where
build = Text.unwords $
"build:" : ["$(BUILDDIR)/" <> t <> ".html" |
t <- ["all-tags", "index"] <> map slug' tags]
"build:" : ["$(BUILDDIR)/" <> t <> ".html" | t <- map slug' tags]
makeRule' opt title file =
"$(TMPDIR)/" <> file <> ".md : $(POSTS) $(POST_LISTS)\n\
\\t@echo \"[post-lists] " <> file <> "\"\n\
@ -56,18 +106,19 @@ makeMake tags' = Text.unlines $ build : allPosts : map makeRule tags where
slug' (Tag {slug}) = "tag-" <> slug
tags = collate tags'
-- | info about a tag
data Tag =
Tag {
name :: !Text,
slug :: !Text,
count :: !Int
deriving Show
name :: !Text, -- ^ display name
slug :: !Text, -- ^ name in urls
count :: !Int -- ^ how many posts with this tag
} deriving Show
instance YAML.ToYAML Tag where
toYAML (Tag {name, slug, count}) = YAML.obj $
[("name" ##= name), ("slug" ##= slug), ("count" ##= count)]
-- | counts occurrences of each tag, and checks they all have distinct slugs
collate :: [Set Text] -> [Tag]
collate =
toList . foldl' add1 mempty . foldMap toList
@ -83,11 +134,12 @@ collate =
makeTag name = Tag {name, slug = makeSlug name, count = 1}
-- | command line options
data Options =
Opts {
dir :: !FilePath,
yaml :: !FilePath,
make :: !FilePath
dir :: !FilePath, -- ^ first argument: dir containing posts
yaml :: !FilePath, -- ^ second argument: yaml output file
make :: !FilePath -- ^ third argument: make output file
getOptions :: IO Options
@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ common deps
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isAscii, toLower)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
@ -12,6 +13,14 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
unwrap :: Show a => FilePath -> Either a b -> IO b
unwrap file = either (\x -> fail $ file <> ":" <> show x) return
-- | @getOptionsWith hdr start opts@:
-- * calls 'getOpt' on the command line arguments
-- * if there are no unrecognised flags, calls 'start' on the non-option
-- arguments, and then applies the functions from the options to the result of
-- that
-- * otherwise it shows a usage message where the header is 'hdr' applied to the
-- executable name
getOptionsWith :: (String -> String) -> ([String] -> Maybe a)
-> [GetOpt.OptDescr (a -> a)] -> IO a
getOptionsWith hdr mkDef descrs = do
@ -24,6 +33,11 @@ getOptionsWith hdr mkDef descrs = do
putStrLn $ GetOpt.usageInfo (hdr prog) descrs
-- | makes a url slug by:
-- * replacing all sequences of non-ascii or non-alphanumeric characters with
-- @"-"@
-- * lowercasing all (ascii) letters
makeSlug :: Text -> Text
makeSlug = Text.intercalate "-" . filter (not . Text.null) . chunks where
chunks txt =
@ -35,16 +49,19 @@ makeSlug = Text.intercalate "-" . filter (not . Text.null) . chunks where
isOK c = (isAlphaNum c && isAscii c) || c == '-'
-- | tries to convert a meta value to a list of strings
toTextList :: MetaValue -> Maybe [Text]
toTextList (MetaList vs) = traverse toText vs
toTextList _ = Nothing
-- | tries to convert a meta value to a single string
toText :: MetaValue -> Maybe Text
toText (MetaString str) = Just str
toText (MetaInlines is) = foldMap inlineText is
toText (MetaBlocks bs) = foldMap blockText bs
toText _ = Nothing
-- | converts a pandoc inline into a string, if it contains only text.
inlineText :: Inline -> Maybe Text
inlineText (Str txt) = Just txt
inlineText Space = Just " "
@ -53,9 +70,30 @@ inlineText LineBreak = Just " "
inlineText (RawInline _ txt) = Just txt
inlineText _ = Nothing
-- | converts a pandoc inline into a string, if it contains only paragraphs of
-- text.
blockText :: Block -> Maybe Text
blockText (Plain is) = foldMap inlineText is
blockText (Para is) = foldMap inlineText is
--blockText Null = Just ""
blockText (Para is) = foldMap (fmap (<> "\n\n") . inlineText) is
blockText (RawBlock _ txt) = Just txt
blockText _ = Nothing
-- | date in YYYY-MM-DD format
newtype IsoDate = ID Day deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | actually allows one-digit months and days
parseIsoDate :: MonadFail f => Text -> f IsoDate
parseIsoDate =
fmap ID . parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%-m-%-d" . Text.unpack
-- | formats a date in the RSS format, e.g. @Mon, 09 Sep 2024 00:00:01 UT@
rssDate :: IsoDate -> Text
rssDate (ID d) =
Text.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a, %d %b %Y 00:00:01 UT" d
-- | formats a date in a format i like, e.g. @mon 9 sep 2024@
showDate :: IsoDate -> Text
showDate (ID d) =
Text.pack $ toLower <$> formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a %-d %B %Y" d
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module YAML (module YAML, module Data.YAML, untagged) where
import Data.YAML
@ -49,4 +50,6 @@ linesUntil end h = go [] where
if l == end then
return $ LazyBS.fromChunks $ reverse acc
go (l <> "\n" : acc)
go ("\n" : l : acc)
instance FromYAML IsoDate where parseYAML = withStr "iso date" parseIsoDate
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Time
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Data.Text (unpack, pack)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Misc
-- | replaces the @date@ field, which starts in YYYY-MM-DD format, with
-- something prettier
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter \(Pandoc (Meta m) body) -> do
m' <- Map.alterF reformat "date" m
@ -13,9 +12,6 @@ main = toJSONFilter \(Pandoc (Meta m) body) -> do
reformat :: Maybe MetaValue -> IO (Maybe MetaValue)
reformat Nothing = pure Nothing
reformat (Just (toText -> Just txt)) = do
-- extra '-'s in %-m and %-d to allow leading zeroes to be skipped
date <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%-m-%-d" $ unpack txt
let str = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%A %-e %B %Y" (date :: Day)
pure $ Just $ MetaString $ pack $ map toLower str
reformat (Just (toText -> Just txt)) =
Just . MetaString . showDate <$> parseIsoDate txt
reformat (Just d) = fail $ "date is\n" <> show d <> "\nwanted a string"
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyBS
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Time
import Misc
import qualified YAML
import YAML ((.:), (.:?), (.!=), (##=))
@ -13,9 +11,35 @@ import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as GetOpt
import qualified System.FilePath.Find as Find
import qualified System.FilePath as Path
-- | generates a yaml list for a list of posts; either for a given tag, or all
-- posts. the posts are in chronological order, newest first.
-- example (exact yaml layout not guaranteed; whatever @HsYAML@ feels
-- like doing):
-- @
-- ---
-- title: "posts tagged ‘ATS’"
-- posts:
-- - file: fib.html
-- title: fibonacci in maude and ats
-- date: mon 24 october 2022
-- date-rss: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 00:00:01 UT
-- tags: [computer, maude, ATS]
-- summary: fibonacci numbers in the languages maude and ATS.
-- - file: ats.html
-- title: a little ats program
-- date: fri 16 september 2022
-- date-rss: Fri, 16 Sep 2022 00:00:01 UT
-- tags: [computer, ATS, cool languages]
-- summary: >
-- a little program in a little-known, little-documented language
-- called ATS.
-- ...
-- @
main :: IO ()
main = do
Opts title dir tag out <- getOptions
Opts {..} <- getOptions
files <- Find.findL True (pure True) (Find.extension Find.==? ".md") dir
infos <- filter (checkTag tag) <$> traverse (getInfo dir) files
let content = makeContent title infos
@ -29,17 +53,23 @@ makeContent title is' = "---\n" <> YAML.encode1 val <> "...\n" where
val = YAML.obj [("title" ##= title), ("posts" ##= is)]
-- | whether a post has the given tag
checkTag :: Maybe Text -> PostInfo -> Bool
checkTag Nothing _ = True
checkTag (Just t) i = t `elem` tags i
-- | command line options
data Options =
Opts {
optsTitle :: !Text,
optsDir :: !FilePath,
optsTag :: !(Maybe Text),
optsOut :: !(Maybe FilePath)
-- | first argument: directory containing the .md files
dir :: !FilePath,
-- | second argument: title for the output page
title :: !Text,
-- | @-t, --tag@: filter by tag
tag :: !(Maybe Text),
-- | @-o, --out@: write output to file (otherwise stdout)
out :: !(Maybe FilePath)
getOptions :: IO Options
@ -47,39 +77,35 @@ getOptions = getOptionsWith hdr defOpts optDescrs where
hdr prog = "usage: " <> prog <> " [OPTION...] DIR TITLE\n\
\ --- get info about posts in DIR and use given title"
optDescrs :: [GetOpt.OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
optDescrs =
[GetOpt.Option "t" ["tag"]
(GetOpt.ReqArg (\t o -> o {optsTag = Just $ Text.pack t}) "TAG")
"list only posts with the given tag",
GetOpt.Option "o" ["out"]
(GetOpt.ReqArg (\f o -> o {optsOut = Just f}) "FILE")
"write output to FILE"]
optDescrs :: [GetOpt.OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
optDescrs =
[GetOpt.Option "t" ["tag"]
(GetOpt.ReqArg (\t o -> o {tag = Just $ Text.pack t}) "TAG")
"list only posts with the given tag",
GetOpt.Option "o" ["out"]
(GetOpt.ReqArg (\f o -> o {out = Just f}) "FILE")
"write output to FILE"]
defOpts :: [String] -> Maybe Options
defOpts [dir, title] =
Just $ Opts {optsDir = dir, optsTitle = Text.pack title,
optsTag = Nothing, optsOut = Nothing}
defOpts _ = Nothing
defOpts :: [String] -> Maybe Options
defOpts [dir, Text.pack -> title] =
Just $ Opts {dir, title, tag = Nothing, out = Nothing}
defOpts _ = Nothing
newtype IsoDate = ID Day deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance YAML.FromYAML IsoDate where
parseYAML = YAML.withStr "YYYY-MM-DD" $
fmap ID . parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%F" . Text.unpack
-- | the front matter info we care about
data PostInfo =
Info {
-- | the (input) file name, relative to 'dir' in options
file :: FilePath,
title :: Text,
date :: IsoDate,
tags :: [Text],
summary :: Maybe Text
title :: Text, -- ^ post @title@
date :: IsoDate, -- ^ post @date@
tags :: [Text], -- ^ post @tags@
summary :: Maybe Text -- ^ post @summary@ (optional)
-- | @getInfo dir file@: read the front matter of @dir/file@
-- the 'file' field is just the filename, with @dir@ removed
getInfo :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO PostInfo
getInfo dir file = do
yaml <- YAML.readHeader file
@ -102,13 +128,6 @@ instance YAML.ToYAML PostInfo where
"file" ##= htmlFile file,
"summary" ##= summary]
-- | replace (or whatever) extension with @.html@
htmlFile :: FilePath -> Text
htmlFile f = Text.pack $ Path.replaceExtension f "html"
rssDate :: IsoDate -> Text
rssDate (ID d) =
Text.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a, %d %b %Y 00:00:01 UT" d
showDate :: IsoDate -> Text
showDate (ID d) =
Text.pack $ toLower <$> formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a %-d %B %Y" d
@ -4,11 +4,18 @@ import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Data.Text (Text)
import Misc
-- | adds the slugs to the tags in a post
-- the fact this program doesn't look at is the reason clashing
-- slugs blow up instead of doing something better. i'll just rename one tag,
-- it's fine.
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter \(Pandoc (Meta m) body) -> do
m' <- Map.alterF addSlugs "tags" m
pure $ Pandoc (Meta m') body
-- | if @tags@ exists and is a list of strings, add the slugs. if it exists and
-- is something else, explode
addSlugs :: Maybe MetaValue -> IO (Maybe MetaValue)
addSlugs Nothing = pure Nothing
addSlugs (Just (toTextList -> Just tags)) =
Add table
Reference in a new issue