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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
rhiannon morris bf96f6d15f more abandonments 2022-12-22 00:16:25 +01:00
rhiannon morris 84a9494a7d debug actually affects the speed a lot..! 2022-12-22 00:16:13 +01:00
rhiannon morris 448a9c41c0 day12 🎉 2022-12-22 00:04:14 +01:00
6 changed files with 651 additions and 231 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MMCFLAGS := --infer-all --warn-unused-imports \ MMCFLAGS := --infer-all --warn-unused-imports \
--output-compile-error-lines 1000 \ --output-compile-error-lines 1000 \
-s asm_fast.gc.debug.stseg -s asm_fast.gc.stseg
all: aoc all: aoc

abandoned/day12-fw.m Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
:- module day12.
:- interface.
:- import_module basics.
:- pred run(part::in, lines::in, answer::out) is cc_multi.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module char.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module array2d.
:- import_module map.
:- import_module psqueue.
:- import_module solutions.
:- type point == {int, int}.
:- type grid ---> g(array :: array2d(char), start :: point, end :: point).
:- pred grid(lines::in, grid::out) is nondet.
grid(Lines, g(Arr, {SX, SY}, {EX, EY})) :-
Arr = from_lists(map(to_char_list, Lines)),
find(Arr, 'S', SX, SY),
find(Arr, 'E', EX, EY).
:- pred find(array2d(T)::in, T::in, int::out, int::out) is nondet.
find(Arr, X, I, J) :- index_arr(Arr, I, J), Arr^elem(I, J) = X.
:- func grid^elem(point) = char.
G^elem({X, Y}) = G^array^elem(X, Y).
:- func height(char) = int.
height(C) = I :-
if C = 'S' then I = 0
else if C = 'E' then I = 25
else I = to_int(C) - to_int('a').
:- func height(grid, point) = int.
height(G, P) = height(G^elem(P)).
:- pred adj_point(point::in, point::out) is multi.
adj_point({X, Y}, {X+1, Y}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X-1, Y}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X, Y+1}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X, Y-1}).
:- pred adj(grid::in, point::in, point::out) is nondet.
adj(G, P, Q) :-
adj_point(P, Q), in_bounds(G, Q),
height(G, Q) =< height(G, P) + 1.
:- pred in_bounds(grid::in, point::in) is semidet.
in_bounds(G, {X, Y}) :- in_bounds(G^array, X, Y).
:- pred bounds(grid::in, int::out, int::out) is det.
bounds(G, W, H) :- bounds(G^array, W, H).
:- pred index(grid::in, point::out) is nondet.
index(Grid, {I, J}) :- index_arr(Grid^array, I, J).
:- pred index_arr(array2d(T)::in, int::out, int::out) is nondet.
index_arr(Arr, I, J) :-
bounds(Arr, W, H),
nondet_int_in_range(0, W-1, I),
nondet_int_in_range(0, H-1, J).
:- type path == list(point).
:- type distance ---> i(int); inf.
:- type pm == map(point, point).
:- type nq == psqueue(distance, point).
:- pred (distance::in) < (distance::in) is semidet.
i(_) < inf.
i(M) < i(N) :- M < N.
:- pred min(distance::in, distance::in, distance::out) is det.
min(A, B, ite(A < B, A, B)).
:- func init_dist(point, point) = distance.
init_dist(Start, P) = ite(unify(P, Start), i(0), inf).
:- pred init_queue(grid::in, point::in, nq::out) is det.
init_queue(G, Start, Q) :-
Points = solutions(index(G)),
foldl(pred(P::in, !.Q::in, !:Q::out) is det :-
det_insert(init_dist(Start, P), P, !Q),
Points, psqueue.init, Q).
:- pred init_queue(grid::in, nq::out) is det.
init_queue(G, Q) :- init_queue(G, G^start, Q).
:- pred incr(distance::in, distance::out) is det.
incr(inf, inf).
incr(i(N), i(N+1)).
:- pred neighbour(grid::in, nq::in, point::in, {point,distance}::out) is nondet.
neighbour(G, Q, P, {N, D}) :- adj(G, P, N), search(Q, N, D).
:- pred update_distance(point::in, distance::in, {point,distance}::in,
pm::in, pm::out, nq::in, nq::out) is det.
update_distance(Prev, DNew, {P, DOld}, !M, !Q) :-
if DNew < DOld then
(if adjust(func(_) = DNew, P, !Q) then true else die("point disappeared")),
set(P, Prev, !M)
else true.
:- pred path0(grid::in, point::in, pm::in, pm::out, nq::in, nq::out) is det.
path0(G, End, !M, !Q) :-
det_remove_least(Distance, Point, !Q),
(if Point = End then true else
solutions(neighbour(G, !.Q, Point), Neighbours),
incr(Distance, NeighDistance), % 🐴🐴
foldl2(update_distance(Point, NeighDistance), Neighbours, !M, !Q),
path0(G, End, !M, !Q)).
:- func get_path_len(grid, pm, point, point) = distance.
get_path_len(G, M, Start, Point) = Out :-
if Point = Start then
Out = i(0)
else if search(M, Point, Prev) then
incr(get_path_len(G, M, Start, Prev), Out)
Out = inf.
:- pred path_len(grid::in, point::in, point::in, distance::out) is det.
path_len(Grid, Start, End, Len) :-
init_queue(Grid, Start, Queue),
path0(Grid, End, init, Prevs, Queue, _),
Len = get_path_len(Grid, Prevs, Start, End).
:- pred path_len(grid::in, distance::out) is det.
path_len(Grid, Len) :- path_len(Grid, Grid^start, Grid^end, Len).
:- pred start(grid::in, point::out) is nondet.
start(Grid, P) :- index(Grid, P), height(Grid, P) = 0.
:- pred shortest(grid::in, list(point)::in, point::in, distance::out) is det.
shortest(Grid, Starts, End, Distance) :-
floyd_warshall(Grid, AllDistances),
map(pred(P::in, D::out) is det :- fw_distance(Grid, AllDistances, P, End) = D,
Starts, Distances),
foldl(min, Distances, inf, Distance).
:- func distance(distance) = answer.
distance(inf) = string("∞").
distance(i(N)) = int(N).
:- type dm == map({point, point}, int).
:- func fw_distance(grid, fw, point, point) = distance.
fw_distance(Grid, Array, From, To) = Out :-
Val = Array^elem(point_to_int(Grid, From), point_to_int(Grid, To)),
(if Val < 0 then Out = inf else Out = i(Val)).
:- pred edge(grid::in, {point,point}::out) is nondet.
edge(Grid, {From, To}) :- index(Grid, From), adj(Grid, From, To).
:- func point_to_int(grid, point) = int.
point_to_int(Grid, {X, Y}) = Y*W + X :-
bounds(Grid, W, _).
:- func int_to_point(grid, int) = point.
int_to_point(Grid, I) = {I `mod` W, I `div` W} :-
bounds(Grid, W, _).
:- func max_int_bound(grid) = int.
max_int_bound(Grid) = W * H :-
bounds(Grid, W, H).
:- func edge_to_ints(grid, {point, point}) = {int, int}.
edge_to_ints(Grid, {From, To}) =
{point_to_int(Grid, From), point_to_int(Grid, To)}.
:- pred loop(pred(int, T, T), int, T, T).
:- mode loop(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
:- mode loop(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
:- mode loop(pred(in, array2d_di, array2d_uo) is det,
in, array2d_di, array2d_uo) is det.
loop(P, I, !Acc) :- loop(P, 0, I, !Acc).
:- pred loop(pred(int, T, T), int, int, T, T).
:- mode loop(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, in, out) is det.
:- mode loop(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, in, di, uo) is det.
:- mode loop(pred(in, array2d_di, array2d_uo) is det,
in, in, array2d_di, array2d_uo) is det.
loop(P, Lo, Hi, !Acc) :-
if Lo >= Hi then true else
P(Lo, !Acc),
loop(P, Lo + 1, Hi, !Acc).
:- type fw == array2d(int).
:- pred add_edges(list({int,int})::in, fw::array2d_di, fw::array2d_uo) is det.
add_edges([], !Fw).
add_edges([{From, To} | Es], !Fw) :-
!Fw^elem(From, To) := 1,
add_edges(Es, !Fw).
:- pred floyd_warshall(grid::in, fw::array2d_uo) is det.
floyd_warshall(Grid, !:Fw) :-
VCount = max_int_bound(Grid),
Edges = map(edge_to_ints(Grid), solutions(edge(Grid))),
!:Fw = array2d.init(VCount, VCount, -1),
add_edges(Edges, !Fw),
loop(pred(V::in, !.Fw::array2d_di, !:Fw::array2d_uo) is det :-
!Fw^elem(V, V) := 0,
VCount, !Fw),
loop(pred(K::in, !.Fw::array2d_di, !:Fw::array2d_uo) is det :-
loop(pred(I::in, !.Fw::array2d_di, !:Fw::array2d_uo) is det :-
loop(pred(J::in, !.Fw::array2d_di, !:Fw::array2d_uo) is det :-
IK = unsafe_lookup(!.Fw, I, K), IK > 0,
KJ = unsafe_lookup(!.Fw, K, J), KJ > 0,
IJ = unsafe_lookup(!.Fw, I, J), not (IJ > 0, IJ =< IK + KJ)
unsafe_set(I, J, IK + KJ, !Fw)
else true),
VCount, !Fw),
VCount, !Fw),
VCount, !Fw).
run(one, Lines, Out) :-
grid(Lines, Grid),
path_len(Grid, Len)
Out = distance(Len)
die("bad input").
run(two, Lines, Out) :-
% IOU one floyd warshall
if grid(Lines, Grid) then
solutions(start(Grid), Starts),
shortest(Grid, Starts, Grid^end, Distance),
Out = distance(Distance)
die("bad input").
/* omg could u imagine if this had worked tho
:- pragma memo(path/5, [fast_loose]).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, path::in, int::out)
is nondet.
path(G, P, P, _, 0).
path(G, P, Q, Seen, Len + 1) :-
adj(G, P, P1),
not member(P1, Seen),
path(G, P1, Q, [P|Seen], Len).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, int::out) is nondet.
path(G, P, Q, Len) :- path(G, P, Q, [], Len).
:- import_module solutions.
run(one, Lines, Out) :-
if grid(Lines, G) then
solutions(path(G, G^start, G^end), Paths),
Out = int(det_head(Paths))
die("bad input").

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@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
:- module day12.
:- interface.
:- import_module basics.
:- pred run(part::in, lines::in, answer::out) is cc_multi.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module char.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module array2d.
:- type point == {int, int}.
:- type grid ---> g(array :: array2d(char), start :: point, end :: point).
:- pred grid(lines::in, grid::out) is semidet.
grid(Lines, g(Arr, {SX, SY}, {EX, EY})) :-
Arr = from_lists(map(to_char_list, Lines)),
find(Arr, 'S', SX, SY),
find(Arr, 'E', EX, EY).
:- pred find_from(array2d(T)::in, T::in, int::in, int::in, int::out, int::out)
is semidet.
find_from(Arr, A, X1, Y1, X2, Y2) :-
bounds(Arr, W, H),
Y1 < H,
(if X1 < W then
B = Arr^elem(X1, Y1),
(if A = B then X2 = X1, Y2 = Y1
else find_from(Arr, A, X1+1, Y1, X2, Y2))
find_from(Arr, A, 0, Y1+1, X2, Y2)).
:- pred find(array2d(T)::in, T::in, int::out, int::out) is semidet.
find(Arr, A, X, Y) :- find_from(Arr, A, 0, 0, X, Y).
:- func get(grid, point) = char.
get(G, {X, Y}) = G^array^elem(X, Y).
:- func height(char) = int.
height(C) = I :-
if C = 'S' then I = 0
else if C = 'E' then I = 25
else I = to_int(C) - to_int('a').
:- func height(grid, point) = int.
height(G, P) = height(get(G, P)).
:- pred adj_point(point::in, point::out) is multi.
adj_point({X, Y}, {X+1, Y}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X-1, Y}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X, Y+1}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X, Y-1}).
:- pred adj(grid::in, point::in, point::out) is nondet.
adj(G, P, Q) :-
adj_point(P, Q), in_bounds(G, Q),
abs(height(G, P) - height(G, Q)) =< 1.
:- pred in_bounds(grid::in, point::in) is semidet.
in_bounds(G, {X, Y}) :-
bounds(G^array, W, H),
0 =< X, X < W,
0 =< Y, Y < H.
:- pred index(grid::in, point::out) is nondet.
index(G, {I, J}) :-
bounds(G^array, W, H),
nondet_int_in_range(0, W-1, I),
nondet_int_in_range(0, H-1, J).
:- type path == list(point).
:- type distance ---> i(int); inf.
:- import_module solutions.
:- import_module map.
:- type pm == map(point, point).
:- type nq ---> nq(pq, dm).
:- type dm == map(point, distance).
:- type pq == list({point, distance}).
:- pred remove_min(point::out, distance::out, pq::in, pq::out) is semidet.
remove_min(X, D, [{X0, D0} | PQ0], PQ) :-
remove_min(X1, D1, PQ0, PQ1),
D1 @< D0
X = X1, D = D1,
PQ = [{X0, D0} | PQ1]
X = X0, D = D0,
PQ = PQ0.
:- pred seen(nq::in, point::in) is semidet.
seen(nq(_, S), X) :- contains(S, X).
:- pred next(point::out, distance::out, nq::in, nq::out) is semidet.
next(X, D, nq(!.Q, !.S), nq(!:Q, !:S)) :-
remove_min(X, D, !Q), set(X, D, !S).
:- pred set_distance_pq(point::in, distance::in, pq::in, pq::out) is det.
set_distance_pq(_, _, [], []).
set_distance_pq(X, D, [{Y, E} | Xs], Zs) :-
if X = Y then
Zs = [{X, D} | Xs]
set_distance_pq(X, D, Xs, Xs2),
Zs = [{Y, E} | Xs2].
:- pred set_distance(point::in, distance::in, nq::in, nq::out) is det.
set_distance(X, D, nq(!.Q, !.S), nq(!:Q, !:S)) :-
set_distance_pq(X, D, !Q),
(if contains(!.S, X) then det_update(X, D, !S) else true).
:- func get_distance(point, pq, dm) = distance.
:- mode get_distance(in, in, in) = out is semidet.
get_distance(X, [], S) = search(S, X).
get_distance(X, [{Y, D} | Xs], S) = D1 :-
if X = Y then D1 = D else D1 = get_distance(X, Xs, S).
:- func get_distance(point, nq) = distance.
:- mode get_distance(in, in) = out is semidet.
get_distance(X, nq(Q, S)) = get_distance(X, Q, S).
:- pred insert_init(point::in, point::in, pq::in, pq::out) is det.
insert_init(From, X, !Queue) :-
(if X = From then D = i(0) else D = inf),
cons({X, D}, !Queue).
:- pred init_queue(grid::in, point::in, nq::out) is det.
init_queue(G, From, nq(Q, init)) :-
aggregate(index(G), insert_init(From), [], Q).
:- pred get_path_rev(pm::in, point::in, point::in, path::out) is det.
get_path_rev(Map, From, To, Path) :-
if From = To then
Path = []
else if search(Map, To, Prev) then
get_path_rev(Map, From, Prev, Tail),
Path = [To | Tail]
To = {X, Y},
die("no predecessor for {%d, %d}", [i(X), i(Y)]).
:- pred get_path(pm::in, point::in, point::in, path::out) is det.
get_path(Map, From, To, reverse(Path)) :- get_path_rev(Map, From, To, Path).
:- func incr(distance) = distance.
incr(inf) = inf.
incr(i(N)) = i(N + 1).
:- pred neighbours(grid::in, point::in, nq::in, point::out) is nondet.
neighbours(G, Point, Queue, N) :-
adj(G, Point, N),
not seen(Queue, N).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, path::out,
nq::in, nq::out, pm::in, pm::out) is semidet.
path(G, From, To, Path, !Queue, !Prev) :-
next(Point, Distance, !Queue),
Distance = inf => die("ow"),
Neighs = solutions(neighbours(G, Point, !.Queue)),
foldl2(pred(Neigh::in, % 🐴
!.Queue::in, !:Queue::out,
!.Prev::in, !:Prev::out) is det :- (
Alt = incr(Distance),
(if Alt @< get_distance(Neigh, !.Queue) then
set_distance(Neigh, Alt, !Queue),
set(Neigh, Point, !Prev)
else true)),
Neighs, !Queue, !Prev),
(if Point = To then
get_path(!.Prev, From, To, Path)
path(G, From, To, Path, !Queue, !Prev)).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, path::out) is semidet.
path(G, From, To, Path) :-
init_queue(G, From, Queue),
path(G, From, To, Path, Queue, _, init, _).
:- pred path(grid::in, path::out) is semidet.
path(G, Path) :- path(G, G^start, G^end, Path).
run(_, Lines, Out) :-
grid(Lines, G),
init_queue(G, G^start, Q),
path(G, G^start, G^end, Path, Q, nq(Q1, S1), init, Prev)
Out = 'new other'({"RESULT", length(Path):int,
"G", G, "Path", Path,
"Q1", Q1,
"S1", to_assoc_list(S1):list(_),
"Prev", to_assoc_list(Prev):list(_)})
die("bad input").
/* omg could u imagine if this had worked tho
:- pragma memo(path/5, [fast_loose]).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, path::in, int::out)
is nondet.
path(G, P, P, _, 0).
path(G, P, Q, Seen, Len + 1) :-
adj(G, P, P1),
not member(P1, Seen),
path(G, P1, Q, [P|Seen], Len).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, int::out) is nondet.
path(G, P, Q, Len) :- path(G, P, Q, [], Len).
:- import_module solutions.
run(_, Lines, Out) :-
if grid(Lines, G) then
solutions(path(G, G^start, G^end), Paths),
Out = int(det_head(Paths))
die("bad input").

abandoned/day19.maude Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
--- todo make it parse the input unmodified
fmod OBJECT is
sort Object .
ops ore clay obsidian geode : -> Object [ctor] .
view Object from TRIV to OBJECT is sort Elt to Object . endv
fmod INV is
sorts Item Inv .
subsort Item < Inv .
op nil : -> Inv [ctor] .
op __ : Nat Object -> Item [ctor prec 10] .
op _and_ : Inv Inv -> Inv
[ctor comm assoc id: nil prec 11] .
vars A B : Object .
vars I J : Nat .
eq 0 A = nil .
eq (I A) and (J A) = (I + J) A .
vars X Y : Inv .
op _-_ : Inv Inv -> [Inv] [prec 20] .
eq Y - nil = Y .
ceq I A and X - J A and Y = sd(I, J) A and (X - Y) if J <= I .
op count : Object Inv -> Nat .
eq count(A, I A and X) = I .
eq count(A, X) = 0 [owise] .
fmod BP-ITEM is
sort BpItem .
op item : Object Inv -> BpItem [ctor] .
var A : Object . var Xs : Inv .
op (Each _ robot costs _ .) : Object Inv -> BpItem [prec 20] .
eq (Each A robot costs Xs .) = item(A, Xs) .
view BpItem from TRIV to BP-ITEM is sort Elt to BpItem . endv
fmod BP is
pr SET{BpItem} * (sort Set{BpItem} to Items, op _,_ to __ [prec 21]) .
sort Bp .
op bp : Nat Items -> Bp [ctor] .
var I : Nat .
var Rs : Items .
op (Blueprint _ : _) : Nat Items -> Bp [prec 30] .
eq (Blueprint I : Rs) = bp(I, Rs) .
op index : Bp -> Nat .
eq index(bp(I, Rs)) = I .
op items : Bp -> Items .
eq items(bp(I, Rs)) = Rs .
view Bp from TRIV to BP is sort Elt to Bp . endv
fmod MAYBE{T :: TRIV} is
sort Maybe{T} .
subsort T$Elt < Maybe{T} .
op nothing : -> Maybe{T} [ctor] .
fmod BAG{T :: TRIV} is
sort Bag{T} .
subsort T$Elt < Bag{T} .
op nil : -> Bag{T} [ctor] .
op __ : Bag{T} Bag{T} -> Bag{T} [ctor assoc comm id: nil] .
fmod STATE is
pr NAT .
pr LIST{Bp} * (sort List{Bp} to Bps,
op __ : Bps Bps -> Bps to __ [prec 31]) .
pr MAYBE{Object} * (sort Maybe{Object} to Making) .
pr BAG{Object} * (sort Bag{Object} to Robots) .
sort State .
op running : Bp Making Robots Inv -> State [ctor] .
subsort Nat < State .
var Bp : Bp .
var Rs : Robots .
var X : Object .
var Y : Making .
var Xs : Inv .
op new : Bp -> State .
eq new(Bp) = running(Bp, nothing, ore, nil).
op count : Object State -> Nat .
eq count(X, running(Bp, Y, Rs, Xs)) = count(X, Xs) .
view State from TRIV to STATE is sort Elt to State . endv
mod RULES is
pr STATE .
var Bp : Bp .
var Is : Items .
var Rs : Robots .
var X : Object .
var Y : Making .
vars Xs Ys : Inv .
op collect : Robots -> Inv .
eq collect(nil) = nil .
eq collect(X Rs) = 1 X and collect(Rs) .
op qual : Bps Inv -> Nat .
eq qual(Bp, Xs) = index(Bp) * count(geode, Xs) .
rl [collect] : running(Bp, Y, Rs, Xs) =>
running(Bp, Y, Rs, Xs and collect(Rs)) .
crl [startBuild] : running(Bp, nothing, Rs, Xs) =>
running(Bp, X, Rs, Xs - Ys)
if item(X, Ys) Is := items(Bp)
/\ Xs - Ys :: Inv .
rl [finishBuild] : running(Bp, X, Rs, Ys) =>
running(Bp, nothing, X Rs, Ys) .
rl [done] : running(Bp, Y, Rs, Xs) => qual(Bp, Xs) .
smod RUN is
pr LIST{State} .
pr RULES .
var N : Nat .
var X : Object .
var S : State .
var Ss : List{State} .
--- this won't work because e.g. in example 1 it will just keep making a
--- million clay guys forever and never get enough ore for an obsidian guy
strat buildBest : @ State .
sd buildBest := startBuild[X <- geode]
or-else startBuild[X <- obsidian]
or-else startBuild[X <- clay]
or-else startBuild[X <- ore] .
strat step1 : @ State .
sd step1 := try(buildBest) ; collect ; try(finishBuild) .
strat stepAll : @ List{State} .
sd stepAll := try(matchrew S Ss by S using step1, Ss using stepAll) .
strat stepsOnly : Nat @ List{State} .
sd stepsOnly(0) := idle .
sd stepsOnly(s(N)) := stepAll ; stepsOnly(N) .
strat steps : Nat @ List{State} .
sd steps(N) := stepsOnly(N) ; done ! .

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@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ run_day(Day, Part, Lines, Out) :-
:- import_module day9. :- import_module day9.
:- import_module day10. :- import_module day10.
:- import_module day11. :- import_module day11.
:- import_module day12.
:- import_module day13. :- import_module day13.
:- import_module day14. :- import_module day14.
:- import_module day16. :- import_module day16.
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ solution(8,
solution(9, solution(9,
solution(10, solution(10,
solution(11, solution(11,
solution(13, solution(13,
solution(14, solution(14,
solution(16, solution(16,

day12.m Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
:- module day12.
:- interface.
:- import_module basics.
:- pred run(part::in, lines::in, answer::out) is cc_multi.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module char.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module array2d.
:- import_module map.
:- import_module psqueue.
:- import_module solutions.
:- type point == {int, int}.
:- type grid ---> g(array :: array2d(char), start :: point, end :: point).
:- pred grid(lines::in, grid::out) is nondet.
grid(Lines, g(Arr, {SX, SY}, {EX, EY})) :-
Arr = from_lists(map(to_char_list, Lines)),
find(Arr, 'S', SX, SY),
find(Arr, 'E', EX, EY).
:- pred find(array2d(T)::in, T::in, int::out, int::out) is nondet.
find(Arr, X, I, J) :- index_arr(Arr, I, J), Arr^elem(I, J) = X.
:- func grid^elem(point) = char.
G^elem({X, Y}) = G^array^elem(X, Y).
:- func height(char) = int.
height(C) = I :-
if C = 'S' then I = 0
else if C = 'E' then I = 25
else I = to_int(C) - to_int('a').
:- func height(grid, point) = int.
height(G, P) = height(G^elem(P)).
:- pred adj_point(point::in, point::out) is multi.
adj_point({X, Y}, {X+1, Y}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X-1, Y}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X, Y+1}).
adj_point({X, Y}, {X, Y-1}).
:- pred adj(grid::in, point::in, point::out) is nondet.
adj(G, P, Q) :-
adj_point(P, Q), in_bounds(G, Q),
height(G, Q) =< height(G, P) + 1.
:- pred in_bounds(grid::in, point::in) is semidet.
in_bounds(G, {X, Y}) :- in_bounds(G^array, X, Y).
:- pred bounds(grid::in, int::out, int::out) is det.
bounds(G, W, H) :- bounds(G^array, W, H).
:- pred index(grid::in, point::out) is nondet.
index(Grid, {I, J}) :- index_arr(Grid^array, I, J).
:- pred index_arr(array2d(T)::in, int::out, int::out) is nondet.
index_arr(Arr, I, J) :-
bounds(Arr, W, H),
nondet_int_in_range(0, W-1, I),
nondet_int_in_range(0, H-1, J).
:- type path == list(point).
:- type distance ---> i(int); inf.
:- type pm == map(point, point).
:- type nq == psqueue(distance, point).
:- pred (distance::in) < (distance::in) is semidet.
i(_) < inf.
i(M) < i(N) :- M < N.
:- pred min(distance::in, distance::in, distance::out) is det.
min(A, B, ite(A < B, A, B)).
:- func init_dist(point, point) = distance.
init_dist(Start, P) = ite(unify(P, Start), i(0), inf).
:- pred init_queue(grid::in, point::in, nq::out) is det.
init_queue(G, Start, Q) :-
Points = solutions(index(G)),
foldl(pred(P::in, !.Q::in, !:Q::out) is det :-
det_insert(init_dist(Start, P), P, !Q),
Points, psqueue.init, Q).
:- pred init_queue(grid::in, nq::out) is det.
init_queue(G, Q) :- init_queue(G, G^start, Q).
:- pred incr(distance::in, distance::out) is det.
incr(inf, inf).
incr(i(N), i(N+1)).
:- pred neighbour(grid::in, nq::in, point::in, {point,distance}::out) is nondet.
neighbour(G, Q, P, {N, D}) :- adj(G, P, N), search(Q, N, D).
:- pred update_distance(point::in, distance::in, {point,distance}::in,
pm::in, pm::out, nq::in, nq::out) is det.
update_distance(Prev, DNew, {P, DOld}, !M, !Q) :-
if DNew < DOld then
(if adjust(func(_) = DNew, P, !Q) then true else die("point disappeared")),
set(P, Prev, !M)
else true.
:- pred path0(grid::in, point::in, pm::in, pm::out, nq::in, nq::out) is det.
path0(G, End, !M, !Q) :-
det_remove_least(Distance, Point, !Q),
(if Point = End then true else
solutions(neighbour(G, !.Q, Point), Neighbours),
incr(Distance, NeighDistance), % 🐴🐴
foldl2(update_distance(Point, NeighDistance), Neighbours, !M, !Q),
path0(G, End, !M, !Q)).
:- func get_path_len(grid, pm, point, point) = distance.
get_path_len(G, M, Start, Point) = Out :-
if Point = Start then
Out = i(0)
else if search(M, Point, Prev) then
incr(get_path_len(G, M, Start, Prev), Out)
Out = inf.
:- pred path_len(grid::in, point::in, point::in, distance::out) is det.
path_len(Grid, Start, End, Len) :-
init_queue(Grid, Start, Queue),
path0(Grid, End, init, Prevs, Queue, _),
Len = get_path_len(Grid, Prevs, Start, End).
:- pred path_len(grid::in, distance::out) is det.
path_len(Grid, Len) :- path_len(Grid, Grid^start, Grid^end, Len).
:- pred start(grid::in, point::out) is nondet.
start(Grid, P) :- index(Grid, P), height(Grid, P) = 0.
:- pred shortest(grid::in, list(point)::in, point::in, distance::out) is det.
shortest(Grid, Starts, End, Distance) :-
map(pred(P::in, D::out) is det :- path_len(Grid, P, End, D),
Starts, Distances),
foldl(min, Distances, inf, Distance).
:- func distance(distance) = answer.
distance(inf) = string("∞").
distance(i(N)) = int(N).
run(one, Lines, Out) :-
grid(Lines, Grid),
path_len(Grid, Len)
Out = distance(Len)
die("bad input").
run(two, Lines, Out) :-
% i did floyd warshall and it was WAY too slow
% like several seconds per row :////
if grid(Lines, Grid) then
solutions(start(Grid), Starts),
shortest(Grid, Starts, Grid^end, Distance),
Out = distance(Distance)
die("bad input").
/* omg could u imagine if this had worked tho
:- pragma memo(path/5, [fast_loose]).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, path::in, int::out)
is nondet.
path(G, P, P, _, 0).
path(G, P, Q, Seen, Len + 1) :-
adj(G, P, P1),
not member(P1, Seen),
path(G, P1, Q, [P|Seen], Len).
:- pred path(grid::in, point::in, point::in, int::out) is nondet.
path(G, P, Q, Len) :- path(G, P, Q, [], Len).
:- import_module solutions.
run(one, Lines, Out) :-
if grid(Lines, G) then
solutions(path(G, G^start, G^end), Paths),
Out = int(det_head(Paths))
die("bad input").