
i’m niss. what’s up

this page needs javascript for the full effect, sorry.

it was hard enough to make it work cross-browser as it is. [grumbles at safari]

so what’s your deal

  • niss or q.t.
  • always lowercase
  • she, they, or it in english. pick whichever
  • sie auf deutsch
non-binary genderfluid pansexual quoiromantic polyamorous

what do you do

i draw furry art! you can see that here. i enjoy creatures with weird body plans. if you want me to draw you something then please step this way

i like type systems! i’m slowly working on a language called quox, which lives here. i haven’t got around to making a website for it yet

i like conlangs! i have a couple here. they are extremely “conlanger’s notes” quality, which means incomplete and incomprehensible to anyone other than their author

i’m sure there’s other stuff but talking about yourself is hard

more websites please

if you wanna link to me:

niss button q.t. button

a sixth thing


art by gray