Initial Commit

This commit is contained in:
Jeffrey Rosenbluth 2016-02-15 09:41:04 -05:00
commit 2d42b04f6c
17 changed files with 1664 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Example executables
# This is just used as scratch space

LICENSE Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Copyright (c) 2016, Jeffrey Rosenbluth
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Jeffrey Rosenbluth nor the names of other
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.

64 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
svg-builder [![Hackage](](
Simple DSL for writing fast SVG.
## Example
``` haskell
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Graphics.Svg
svg :: Element -> Element
svg content =
<> with (svg11_ content) [Version_ <<- "1.1", Width_ <<- "300", Height_ <<- "200"]
contents :: Element
contents =
rect_ [ Width_ <<- "100%", Height_ <<- "100%", "red" ->> Fill_]
<> circle_ [ Cx_ <<- "150", Cy_ <<- "100", R_ <<- "80", Fill_ <<- "green"]
<> text_ [ X_ <<- "150", Y_ <<- "125", Font_size_ <<- "60"
, Text_anchor_ <<- "middle", Fill_ <<- "white"] "SVG"
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ svg contents
## Haskell logo
``` haskell
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Graphics.Svg
svg :: Element -> Element
svg content =
<> with (svg11_ content) [Version_ <<- "1.1", Width_ <<- "482", Height_ <<- "340"]
logo :: Element
logo =
path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#352950"
, D_ <<- ( mA 0 340 <> lA 113 170 <> lA 0 0 <> lA 85 0
<> lA 198 170 <> lA 85 340 <> lA 0 340 <> z <> mA 0 340 ) ]
<> path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#4A3A74"
, D_ <<- ( mA 113 340 <> lA 226 170 <> lA 113 0 <> lA 198 0
<> lA 425 340 <> lA 340 340 <> lA 269 234 <> lA 198 340
<> lA 113 340 <> z <> mA 113 340 ) ]
<> path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#7C3679"
, D_ <<- ( mA 387 241 <> lA 350 184 <> lA 482 184 <> lA 482 241
<> lA 387 241 <> z <> mA 387 241 ) ]
<> path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#7C3679"
, D_ <<- ( mA 331 156 <> lA 293 99 <> lA 482 99 <> lA 482 156
<> lA 331 156 <> z <> mA 331 156 ) ]
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ svg logo

Setup.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

examples/logo.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Graphics.Svg
svg :: Element -> Element
svg content =
<> with (svg11_ content) [Version_ <<- "1.1", Width_ <<- "482", Height_ <<- "340"]
logo :: Element
logo =
path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#352950"
, D_ <<- ( mA 0 340 <> lA 113 170 <> lA 0 0 <> lA 85 0
<> lA 198 170 <> lA 85 340 <> lA 0 340 <> z <> mA 0 340 ) ]
<> path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#4A3A74"
, D_ <<- ( mA 113 340 <> lA 226 170 <> lA 113 0 <> lA 198 0
<> lA 425 340 <> lA 340 340 <> lA 269 234 <> lA 198 340
<> lA 113 340 <> z <> mA 113 340 ) ]
<> path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#7C3679"
, D_ <<- ( mA 387 241 <> lA 350 184 <> lA 482 184 <> lA 482 241
<> lA 387 241 <> z <> mA 387 241 ) ]
<> path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#7C3679"
, D_ <<- ( mA 331 156 <> lA 293 99 <> lA 482 99 <> lA 482 156
<> lA 331 156 <> z <> mA 331 156 ) ]
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ svg logo

examples/logo.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
""><svg xmlns="" height="340" width="482" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.11.1"><path d="M 0.0000,340.0000 L 113.0000,170.0000 L 0.0000,0.0000 L 85.0000,0.0000 L 198.0000,170.0000 L 85.0000,340.0000 L 0.0000,340.0000 ZM 0.0000,340.0000 " fill="#352950"/><path d="M 113.0000,340.0000 L 226.0000,170.0000 L 113.0000,0.0000 L 198.0000,0.0000 L 425.0000,340.0000 L 340.0000,340.0000 L 269.0000,234.0000 L 198.0000,340.0000 L 113.0000,340.0000 ZM 113.0000,340.0000 " fill="#4A3A74"/><path d="M 387.0000,241.0000 L 350.0000,184.0000 L 482.0000,184.0000 L 482.0000,241.0000 L 387.0000,241.0000 ZM 387.0000,241.0000 " fill="#7C3679"/><path d="M 331.0000,156.0000 L 293.0000,99.0000 L 482.0000,99.0000 L 482.0000,156.0000 L 331.0000,156.0000 ZM 331.0000,156.0000 " fill="#7C3679"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 965 B

examples/path.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Graphics.Svg
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Lazy as T
svg :: Element -> Element
svg content =
<> with (svg11_ content) [Width_ <<- "325", Height_ <<- "325"]
contents :: Element
contents =
[ D_ <<- (mA 10 80 <> qA 52.5 10 95 80 <> tA 180 80 <> z)
, Stroke_ <<- "blue"
, Fill_ <<- "orange"
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ svg contents

examples/path.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
""><svg xmlns="" height="325" width="325" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1"><path d="M 10.0000,80.0000 Q 52.5000,10.0000 95.0000,80.0000 T 180.0000,80.0000 Z" stroke="blue" fill="orange"/></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 383 B

examples/simple.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Graphics.Svg
svg :: Element -> Element
svg content =
<> with (svg11_ content) [Version_ <<- "1.1", Width_ <<- "300", Height_ <<- "200"]
contents :: Element
contents =
rect_ [ Width_ <<- "100%", Height_ <<- "100%", "red" ->> Fill_]
<> circle_ [ Cx_ <<- "150", Cy_ <<- "100", R_ <<- "80", Fill_ <<- "green"]
<> text_ [ X_ <<- "150", Y_ <<- "125", Font_size_ <<- "60"
, Text_anchor_ <<- "middle", Fill_ <<- "white"] "SVG"
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ svg contents

examples/simple.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
""><svg xmlns="" height="200" width="300" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.11.1"><rect height="100%" width="100%" fill="red"/><circle fill="green" cy="100" r="80" cx="150"/><text font-size="60" fill="white" x="150" text-anchor="middle" y="125">SVG</text></svg>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 446 B

src/Graphics/Svg.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
-- |
-- Module : Graphics.Svg
-- Copyright : (c) 2015 Jeffrey Rosenbluth
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- DSL for creating SVG.
module Graphics.Svg
( -- * Intro
-- $intro
-- * Re-exports
module Graphics.Svg.Core
, module Graphics.Svg.Path
, module Graphics.Svg.Elements
, module Graphics.Svg.Attributes
, (<>)
-- * Rendering
, prettyText
) where
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import Graphics.Svg.Core
import Graphics.Svg.Attributes
import Graphics.Svg.Elements
import Graphics.Svg.Path
prettyText :: Element -> Text
prettyText svg = B.toLazyText $ LT.foldr go mempty text Nothing (-1)
text = renderText svg
go c f Nothing n
| c == '<' || c == '/' = f (Just c) n
go c f (Just '<') n
| c == '?' = "<?" <> f Nothing n
| c == '!' = "<!" <> f Nothing n
| c == '/' = "\n"
<> (B.fromLazyText $ LT.replicate n " " )
<> "</"
<> f Nothing (n-1)
| otherwise = "\n"
<> (B.fromLazyText $ LT.replicate (n+1) " " )
<> "<"
<> B.singleton c
<> f Nothing (n+1)
go '>' f (Just _) n = "/>" <> f Nothing (n-1)
go c f s n = s' <> B.singleton c <> f Nothing n
where s' = maybe mempty B.singleton s
-- $intro
-- SVG elements in Graphics-Svg are written with a postfix @_@.
-- Some examples:
-- 'path_', 'circle_', 'color_', 'scale_'
-- Plain text is written using the @OverloadedStrings@
-- extension, and is automatically escaped:
-- As in Graphics, elements nest by function application (unlike Graphics, there
-- is no Monad instance for 'Element's and an 'Attribute' list is always required):
-- >>> g_ [] (text_ [] "Hello SVG")
-- <g><text>Hello SVG</text></g>
-- and elements are juxtaposed via monoidal append:
-- >>> text_ [] "Hello" <> text_ [] "SVG"
-- <text>Hello</text><text>SVG</text>
-- Attributes are set by providing an argument list. Each argument is set
-- using the 'bindAttr' function or operators, '<<-' and '->>'.
-- >>> rect_ [Width_ <<- "100%", Height_ <<- "100%", "red" ->> Fill_]
-- <rect height="100%" width="100%" fill="red"></rect>
-- Path data can be constructed using the functions in 'Graphics.Svg.Path'
-- and combined monoidally:
-- @
-- path_
-- [ D_ <<- (mA 10 80 <> qA 52.5 10 95 80 <> tA 180 80 <> z)
-- , Stroke_ <<- "blue"
-- , Fill_ <<- "orange"
-- ]
-- @
-- > <path d="M 10,80 Q 52.5,10 95,80 T 180,80 Z" stroke="blue" fill="orange"/>
-- __A slightly longer example__
-- > import Graphics.Svg
-- >
-- > svg :: Element -> Element
-- > svg content =
-- > doctype
-- > <> with (svg11_ content) [Version_ <<- "1.1", Width_ <<- "300" , Height_ <<- "200"]
-- >
-- > contents :: Element
-- > contents =
-- > rect_ [Width_ <<- "100%", Height_ <<- "100%", Fill_ <<- "red"]
-- > <> circle_ [Cx_ <<- "150", Cy_ <<- "100", R_ <<- "80", Fill_ <<- "green"]
-- > <> text_ [ X_ <<- "150", Y_ <<- "125", FontSize_ <<- "60"
-- > , TextAnchor_ <<- "middle", Fill_ <<- "white" ] "SVG"
-- >
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = do
-- > print $ svg contents
-- <<>>
-- __The haskell logo__
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- > import Graphics.Svg
-- >
-- > svg :: Element -> Element
-- > svg content =
-- > doctype
-- > <> with (svg11_ content) [Version_ <<- "1.1", Width_ <<- "482", Height_ <<- "340"]
-- >
-- > logo :: Element
-- > logo =
-- > path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#352950"
-- > , D_ <<- ( mA 0 340 <> lA 113 170 <> lA 0 0 <> lA 85 0
-- > <> lA 198 170 <> lA 85 340 <> lA 0 340 <> z <> mA 0 340 ) ]
-- > <> path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#4A3A74"
-- > , D_ <<- ( mA 113 340 <> lA 226 170 <> lA 113 0 <> lA 198 0
-- > <> lA 425 340 <> lA 340 340 <> lA 269 234 <> lA 198 340
-- > <> lA 113 340 <> z <> mA 113 340 ) ]
-- > <> path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#7C3679"
-- > , D_ <<- ( mA 387 241 <> lA 350 184 <> lA 482 184 <> lA 482 241
-- > <> lA 387 241 <> z <> mA 387 241 ) ]
-- > <> path_ [ Fill_ <<- "#7C3679"
-- > , D_ <<- ( mA 331 156 <> lA 293 99 <> lA 482 99 <> lA 482 156
-- > <> lA 331 156 <> z <> mA 331 156 ) ]
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = do
-- > print $ svg logo
-- <<>>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module : Graphics.Svg.Attributes
-- Copyright : (c) 2015 Jeffrey Rosenbluth
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- SVG Attributes.
module Graphics.Svg.Attributes
( (<<-)
, (->>)
, bindAttr
, AttrTag(..)
) where
import Graphics.Svg.Core
import Data.Text (Text)
-- | Make an 'Attribute' from it's value constructor and it's text value.
-- by combining an 'AttrTag' with it's value.
-- > [bindAttr Width "100%, bindAttr Height "100%", bindAttr Fill "red"]
bindAttr :: AttrTag -> Text -> Attribute
bindAttr t v = makeAttribute (tag2text t) v
-- | Infix version of 'bindAttr'
-- Each argument is set using '<<-', the 'bindAttr' function or '->>'.
-- > [Width_ <<- "100%", Height_ <<- "100%", Fill_ <<- "red"]
infix 4 <<-
(<<-) :: AttrTag -> Text -> Attribute
(<<-) = bindAttr
-- | Infix version of 'bindAttr' with it's arguments reversed.
-- > ["100%" ->> Width_, "100%" ->> Height_, "red" ->> Fill_]
infix 4 ->>
(->>) :: Text -> AttrTag -> Attribute
(->>) = flip bindAttr
data AttrTag
= Accent_height_
| Accumulate_
| Additive_
| Alignment_baseline_
| Alphabetic_
| Amplitude_
| Arabic_form_
| Ascent_
| AttributeName_
| AttributeType_
| Azimuth_
| BaseFrequency_
| Baseprofile_
| Baseline_shift_
| Bbox_
| Begin_
| Bias_
| By_
| CalcMode_
| Cap_height_
| Class_
| Clip_
| Clip_path_
| Clip_rule_
| ClipPathUnits_
| Color_
| Color_interpolation_
| Color_interpolation_filters_
| Color_profile_
| Color_rendering_
| ContentScriptType_
| ContentStyleType_
| Cursor_
| Cx_
| Cy_
| D_
| Descent_
| DiffuseConstant_
| Direction_
| Display_
| Divisor_
| Dominant_baseline_
| Dur_
| Dx_
| Dy_
| EdgeMode_
| Elevation_
| Enable_background_
| End_
| Exponent_
| ExternalResourcesRequired_
| Fill_
| Fill_opacity_
| Fill_rule_
| Filter_
| FilterRes_
| FilterUnits_
| Flood_color_
| Flood_opacity_
| Font_family_
| Font_size_
| Font_size_adjust_
| Font_stretch_
| Font_style_
| Font_variant_
| Font_weight_
| Format_
| From_
| Fx_
| Fy_
| G1_
| G2_
| Glyph_name_
| Glyph_orientation_horizontal_
| Glyph_orientation_vertical_
| GradientTransform_
| GradientUnits_
| Hanging_
| Height_
| Horiz_adv_x_
| Horiz_origin_x_
| Horiz_origin_y_
| Id_
| Ideographic_
| Image_rendering_
| In_
| In2_
| Intercept_
| K_
| K1_
| K2_
| K3_
| K4_
| KernelMatrix_
| KernelUnitLength_
| Kerning_
| KeyPoints_
| KeySplines_
| KeyTimes_
| Lang_
| LengthAdjust_
| Letter_spacing_
| Lighting_color_
| LimitingConeAngle_
| Local_
| Marker_end_
| Marker_mid_
| Marker_start_
| MarkerHeight_
| MarkerUnits_
| MarkerWidth_
| MaskContentUnits_
| MaskUnits_
| Mathematical_
| Max_
| Media_
| Method_
| Min_
| Mode_
| Name_
| NumOctaves_
| Offset_
| Onabort_
| Onactivate_
| Onbegin_
| Onclick_
| Onend_
| Onerror_
| Onfocusin_
| Onfocusout_
| Onload_
| Onmousedown_
| Onmousemove_
| Onmouseout_
| Onmouseover_
| Onmouseup_
| Onrepeat_
| Onresize_
| Onscroll_
| Onunload_
| Onzoom_
| Opacity_
| Operator_
| Order_
| Orient_
| Orientation_
| Origin_
| Overflow_
| Overline_position_
| Overline_thickness_
| Panose_1_
| Paint_order_
| Path_
| PathLength_
| PatternContentUnits_
| PatternTransform_
| PatternUnits_
| Pointer_events_
| Points_
| PointsAtX_
| PointsAtY_
| PointsAtZ_
| PreserveAlpha_
| PreserveAspectRatio_
| PrimitiveUnits_
| R_
| Radius_
| RefX_
| RefY_
| Rendering_intent_
| RepeatCount_
| RepeatDur_
| RequiredExtensions_
| RequiredFeatures_
| Restart_
| Result_
| Rotate_
| Rx_
| Ry_
| Scale_
| Seed_
| Shape_rendering_
| Slope_
| Spacing_
| SpecularConstant_
| SpecularExponent_
| SpreadMethod_
| StartOffset_
| StdDeviation_
| Stemh_
| Stemv_
| StitchTiles_
| Stop_color_
| Stop_opacity_
| Strikethrough_position_
| Strikethrough_thickness_
| String_
| Stroke_
| Stroke_dasharray_
| Stroke_dashoffset_
| Stroke_linecap_
| Stroke_linejoin_
| Stroke_miterlimit_
| Stroke_opacity_
| Stroke_width_
| Style_
| SurfaceScale_
| SystemLanguage_
| TableValues_
| Target_
| TargetX_
| TargetY_
| Text_anchor_
| Text_decoration_
| Text_rendering_
| TextLength_
| To_
| Transform_
| Type_
| U1_
| U2_
| Underline_position_
| Underline_thickness_
| Unicode_
| Unicode_bidi_
| Unicode_range_
| Units_per_em_
| V_alphabetic_
| V_hanging_
| V_ideographic_
| V_mathematical_
| Values_
| Version_
| Vert_adv_y_
| Vert_origin_x_
| Vert_origin_y_
| ViewBox_
| ViewTarget_
| Visibility_
| Width_
| Widths_
| Word_spacing_
| Writing_mode_
| X_
| X_height_
| X1_
| X2_
| XChannelSelector_
| XlinkActuate_
| XlinkArcrole_
| XlinkHref_
| XlinkRole_
| XlinkShow_
| XlinkTitle_
| XlinkType_
| XmlBase_
| XmlLang_
| XmlSpace_
| Y_
| Y1_
| Y2_
| YChannelselector_
| Z_
| ZoomAndPan_
-- Link the tags to their svg strings.
tag2text :: AttrTag -> Text
tag2text Accent_height_ = "accent-height"
tag2text Accumulate_ = "accumulate"
tag2text Additive_ = "additive"
tag2text Alignment_baseline_ = "alignment-baseline"
tag2text Alphabetic_ = "alphabetic"
tag2text Amplitude_ = "amplitude"
tag2text Arabic_form_ = "arabic-form"
tag2text Ascent_ = "ascent"
tag2text AttributeName_ = "attributeName"
tag2text AttributeType_ = "attributeType"
tag2text Azimuth_ = "azimuth"
tag2text BaseFrequency_ = "baseFrequency"
tag2text Baseprofile_ = "baseprofile"
tag2text Baseline_shift_ = "baseline-shift"
tag2text Bbox_ = "bbox"
tag2text Begin_ = "begin"
tag2text Bias_ = "bias"
tag2text By_ = "by"
tag2text CalcMode_ = "calcMode"
tag2text Cap_height_ = "cap-height"
tag2text Class_ = "class"
tag2text Clip_ = "clip"
tag2text Clip_path_ = "clip-path"
tag2text Clip_rule_ = "clip-rule"
tag2text ClipPathUnits_ = "clipPathUnits"
tag2text Color_ = "color"
tag2text Color_interpolation_ = "color-interpolation"
tag2text Color_interpolation_filters_ = "color-interpolation-filters"
tag2text Color_profile_ = "color-profile"
tag2text Color_rendering_ = "color-rendering"
tag2text ContentScriptType_ = "contentScriptType"
tag2text ContentStyleType_ = "contentStyleType"
tag2text Cursor_ = "cursor"
tag2text Cx_ = "cx"
tag2text Cy_ = "cy"
tag2text D_ = "d"
tag2text Descent_ = "descent"
tag2text DiffuseConstant_ = "diffuseConstant"
tag2text Direction_ = "direction"
tag2text Display_ = "display"
tag2text Divisor_ = "divisor"
tag2text Dominant_baseline_ = "dominant-baseline"
tag2text Dur_ = "dur"
tag2text Dx_ = "dx"
tag2text Dy_ = "dy"
tag2text EdgeMode_ = "edgeMode"
tag2text Elevation_ = "elevation"
tag2text Enable_background_ = "enable-background"
tag2text End_ = "end"
tag2text Exponent_ = "exponent"
tag2text ExternalResourcesRequired_ = "externalResourcesRequired"
tag2text Fill_ = "fill"
tag2text Fill_opacity_ = "fill-opacity"
tag2text Fill_rule_ = "fill-rule"
tag2text Filter_ = "filter"
tag2text FilterRes_ = "filterRes"
tag2text FilterUnits_ = "filterUnits"
tag2text Flood_color_ = "flood-color"
tag2text Flood_opacity_ = "flood-opacity"
tag2text Font_family_ = "font-family"
tag2text Font_size_ = "font-size"
tag2text Font_size_adjust_ = "font-size-adjust"
tag2text Font_stretch_ = "font-stretch"
tag2text Font_style_ = "font-style"
tag2text Font_variant_ = "font-variant"
tag2text Font_weight_ = "font-weight"
tag2text Format_ = "format"
tag2text From_ = "from"
tag2text Fx_ = "fx"
tag2text Fy_ = "fy"
tag2text G1_ = "g1"
tag2text G2_ = "g2"
tag2text Glyph_name_ = "glyph-name"
tag2text Glyph_orientation_horizontal_ = "glyph-orientation-horizontal"
tag2text Glyph_orientation_vertical_ = "glyph-orientation-vertical"
tag2text GradientTransform_ = "gradientTransform"
tag2text GradientUnits_ = "gradientUnits"
tag2text Hanging_ = "hanging"
tag2text Height_ = "height"
tag2text Horiz_adv_x_ = "horiz-adv-x"
tag2text Horiz_origin_x_ = "horiz-origin-x"
tag2text Horiz_origin_y_ = "horiz-origin-y"
tag2text Id_ = "id"
tag2text Ideographic_ = "ideographic"
tag2text Image_rendering_ = "image-rendering"
tag2text In_ = "in"
tag2text In2_ = "in2"
tag2text Intercept_ = "intercept"
tag2text K_ = "k"
tag2text K1_ = "k1"
tag2text K2_ = "k2"
tag2text K3_ = "k3"
tag2text K4_ = "k4"
tag2text KernelMatrix_ = "kernelMatrix"
tag2text KernelUnitLength_ = "kernelUnitLength"
tag2text Kerning_ = "kerning"
tag2text KeyPoints_ = "keyPoints"
tag2text KeySplines_ = "keySplines"
tag2text KeyTimes_ = "keyTimes"
tag2text Lang_ = "lang"
tag2text LengthAdjust_ = "lengthAdjust"
tag2text Letter_spacing_ = "letter-spacing"
tag2text Lighting_color_ = "lighting-color"
tag2text LimitingConeAngle_ = "limitingConeAngle"
tag2text Local_ = "local"
tag2text Marker_end_ = "marker-end"
tag2text Marker_mid_ = "marker-mid"
tag2text Marker_start_ = "marker-start"
tag2text MarkerHeight_ = "markerHeight"
tag2text MarkerUnits_ = "markerUnits"
tag2text MarkerWidth_ = "markerWidth"
tag2text MaskContentUnits_ = "maskContentUnits"
tag2text MaskUnits_ = "maskUnits"
tag2text Mathematical_ = "mathematical"
tag2text Max_ = "max"
tag2text Media_ = "media"
tag2text Method_ = "method"
tag2text Min_ = "min"
tag2text Mode_ = "mode"
tag2text Name_ = "name"
tag2text NumOctaves_ = "numOctaves"
tag2text Offset_ = "offset"
tag2text Onabort_ = "onabort"
tag2text Onactivate_ = "onactivate"
tag2text Onbegin_ = "onbegin"
tag2text Onclick_ = "onclick"
tag2text Onend_ = "onend"
tag2text Onerror_ = "onerror"
tag2text Onfocusin_ = "onfocusin"
tag2text Onfocusout_ = "onfocusout"
tag2text Onload_ = "onload"
tag2text Onmousedown_ = "onmousedown"
tag2text Onmousemove_ = "onmousemove"
tag2text Onmouseout_ = "onmouseout"
tag2text Onmouseover_ = "onmouseover"
tag2text Onmouseup_ = "onmouseup"
tag2text Onrepeat_ = "onrepeat"
tag2text Onresize_ = "onresize"
tag2text Onscroll_ = "onscroll"
tag2text Onunload_ = "onunload"
tag2text Onzoom_ = "onzoom"
tag2text Opacity_ = "opacity"
tag2text Operator_ = "operator"
tag2text Order_ = "order"
tag2text Orient_ = "orient"
tag2text Orientation_ = "orientation"
tag2text Origin_ = "origin"
tag2text Overflow_ = "overflow"
tag2text Overline_position_ = "overline-position"
tag2text Overline_thickness_ = "overline-thickness"
tag2text Panose_1_ = "panose-1"
tag2text Paint_order_ = "paint-order"
tag2text Path_ = "path"
tag2text PathLength_ = "pathLength"
tag2text PatternContentUnits_ = "patternContentUnits"
tag2text PatternTransform_ = "patternTransform"
tag2text PatternUnits_ = "patternUnits"
tag2text Pointer_events_ = "pointer-events"
tag2text Points_ = "points"
tag2text PointsAtX_ = "pointsAtX"
tag2text PointsAtY_ = "pointsAtY"
tag2text PointsAtZ_ = "pointsAtZ"
tag2text PreserveAlpha_ = "preserveAlpha"
tag2text PreserveAspectRatio_ = "preserveAspectRatio"
tag2text PrimitiveUnits_ = "primitiveUnits"
tag2text R_ = "r"
tag2text Radius_ = "radius"
tag2text RefX_ = "refX"
tag2text RefY_ = "refY"
tag2text Rendering_intent_ = "rendering-intent"
tag2text RepeatCount_ = "repeatCount"
tag2text RepeatDur_ = "repeatDur"
tag2text RequiredExtensions_ = "requiredExtensions"
tag2text RequiredFeatures_ = "requiredFeatures"
tag2text Restart_ = "restart"
tag2text Result_ = "result"
tag2text Rotate_ = "rotate"
tag2text Rx_ = "rx"
tag2text Ry_ = "ry"
tag2text Scale_ = "scale"
tag2text Seed_ = "seed"
tag2text Shape_rendering_ = "shape-rendering"
tag2text Slope_ = "slope"
tag2text Spacing_ = "spacing"
tag2text SpecularConstant_ = "specularConstant"
tag2text SpecularExponent_ = "specularExponent"
tag2text SpreadMethod_ = "spreadMethod"
tag2text StartOffset_ = "startOffset"
tag2text StdDeviation_ = "stdDeviation"
tag2text Stemh_ = "stemh"
tag2text Stemv_ = "stemv"
tag2text StitchTiles_ = "stitchTiles"
tag2text Stop_color_ = "stop-color"
tag2text Stop_opacity_ = "stop-opacity"
tag2text Strikethrough_position_ = "strikethrough-position"
tag2text Strikethrough_thickness_ = "strikethrough-thickness"
tag2text String_ = "string"
tag2text Stroke_ = "stroke"
tag2text Stroke_dasharray_ = "stroke-dasharray"
tag2text Stroke_dashoffset_ = "stroke-dashoffset"
tag2text Stroke_linecap_ = "stroke-linecap"
tag2text Stroke_linejoin_ = "stroke-linejoin"
tag2text Stroke_miterlimit_ = "stroke-miterlimit"
tag2text Stroke_opacity_ = "stroke-opacity"
tag2text Stroke_width_ = "stroke-width"
tag2text Style_ = "style"
tag2text SurfaceScale_ = "surfaceScale"
tag2text SystemLanguage_ = "systemLanguage"
tag2text TableValues_ = "tableValues"
tag2text Target_ = "target"
tag2text TargetX_ = "targetX"
tag2text TargetY_ = "targetY"
tag2text Text_anchor_ = "text-anchor"
tag2text Text_decoration_ = "text-decoration"
tag2text Text_rendering_ = "text-rendering"
tag2text TextLength_ = "textLength"
tag2text To_ = "to"
tag2text Transform_ = "transform"
tag2text Type_ = "type"
tag2text U1_ = "u1"
tag2text U2_ = "u2"
tag2text Underline_position_ = "underline-position"
tag2text Underline_thickness_ = "underline-thickness"
tag2text Unicode_ = "unicode"
tag2text Unicode_bidi_ = "unicode-bidi"
tag2text Unicode_range_ = "unicode-range"
tag2text Units_per_em_ = "units-per-em"
tag2text V_alphabetic_ = "v-alphabetic"
tag2text V_hanging_ = "v-hanging"
tag2text V_ideographic_ = "v-ideographic"
tag2text V_mathematical_ = "v-mathematical"
tag2text Values_ = "values"
tag2text Version_ = "version"
tag2text Vert_adv_y_ = "vert-adv-y"
tag2text Vert_origin_x_ = "vert-origin-x"
tag2text Vert_origin_y_ = "vert-origin-y"
tag2text ViewBox_ = "viewBox"
tag2text ViewTarget_ = "viewTarget"
tag2text Visibility_ = "visibility"
tag2text Width_ = "width"
tag2text Widths_ = "widths"
tag2text Word_spacing_ = "word-spacing"
tag2text Writing_mode_ = "writing-mode"
tag2text X_ = "x"
tag2text X_height_ = "x-height"
tag2text X1_ = "x1"
tag2text X2_ = "x2"
tag2text XChannelSelector_ = "xChannelSelector"
tag2text XlinkActuate_ = "xlink:actuate"
tag2text XlinkArcrole_ = "xlink:arcrole"
tag2text XlinkHref_ = "xlink:href"
tag2text XlinkRole_ = "xlink:role"
tag2text XlinkShow_ = "xlink:show"
tag2text XlinkTitle_ = "xlink:title"
tag2text XlinkType_ = "xlink:type"
tag2text XmlBase_ = "xml:base"
tag2text XmlLang_ = "xml:lang"
tag2text XmlSpace_ = "xml:space"
tag2text Y_ = "y"
tag2text Y1_ = "y1"
tag2text Y2_ = "y2"
tag2text YChannelselector_ = "yChannelSelector"
tag2text Z_ = "z"
tag2text ZoomAndPan_ = "zoomAndPan"

src/Graphics/Svg/Core.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module : SVG.Core
-- Copyright : (c) 2015 Jeffrey Rosenbluth
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Graphics-Svg Core types and functions.
module Graphics.Svg.Core
( -- * Types
, Element
, ToElement(..)
, Term(..)
-- * Combinators
, makeAttribute
, makeElement
, makeElementNoEnd
, makeElementDoctype
, with
-- * Rendering
, renderBS
, renderToFile
, renderText
) where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Html.Utf8 as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT
-- Types
-- | Attribute name value.
data Attribute = Attribute !Text !Text
deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Hashable Attribute where
hashWithSalt salt (Attribute a b) = salt `hashWithSalt` a `hashWithSalt` b
-- | Type of an SVG element.
newtype Element = Element (HashMap Text Text -> Builder)
instance Show Element where
show e = LT.unpack . renderText $ e
instance Monoid Element where
mempty = Element mempty
mappend (Element e1) (Element e2) = Element (e1 <> e2)
instance IsString Element where
fromString = toElement
-- | Things that can be converted to SVG elements.
class ToElement a where
toElement :: a -> Element
instance ToElement String where
toElement = Element . const . BB.fromHtmlEscapedString
instance ToElement Text where
toElement = Element . const . BB.fromHtmlEscapedText
instance ToElement LT.Text where
toElement = Element . const . BB.fromHtmlEscapedLazyText
-- | Used to make specific SVG element builders.
class Term result where
-- | Used for constructing elements e.g. @term "circle"@ yields 'circle_'.
term :: Text -> [Attribute] -> result
instance (e ~ Element) => Term (e -> Element) where
term name attrs e = with (makeElement name e) attrs
instance Term Element where
term name attrs = with (makeElementNoEnd name) attrs
-- Combinators
-- | Make an attribute.
makeAttribute :: Text -- ^ Attribute name.
-> Text -- ^ Attribute value.
-> Attribute
makeAttribute = Attribute
-- | Union two sets of attributes and append duplicate keys.
unionAttrs :: HashMap Text Text -> HashMap Text Text -> HashMap Text Text
unionAttrs = M.unionWith (<>)
-- | Add a list of attributes to an element
with :: Element -> [Attribute] -> Element
with (Element e) attrs = Element $ \a ->
e (unionAttrs (M.fromListWith (<>) (map toPair attrs)) a)
toPair (Attribute x y) = (x,y)
-- | Make an SVG element builder
makeElement :: Text -> Element -> Element
makeElement name (Element c) = Element $ \a -> go c a
go children attrs =
s2b "<" <> BB.fromText name
<> foldlMapWithKey buildAttr attrs <> s2b ">"
<> children mempty
<> s2b "</" <> BB.fromText name <> s2b ">"
-- | Make an SVG doctype element builder.
makeElementDoctype :: Text -> Element
makeElementDoctype name = Element $ \a -> go a
go attrs =
s2b "<" <> BB.fromText name
<> foldlMapWithKey buildAttr attrs <> s2b ">"
-- | Make an SVG element with no end tag, contains only attributes.
makeElementNoEnd :: Text -> Element
makeElementNoEnd name = Element $ \a -> go a
go attrs =
s2b "<" <> BB.fromText name
<> foldlMapWithKey buildAttr attrs <> s2b "/>"
-- | Folding and monoidally appending attributes.
foldlMapWithKey :: Monoid m => (k -> v -> m) -> HashMap k v -> m
foldlMapWithKey f = M.foldlWithKey' (\m k v -> m <> f k v) mempty
s2b :: String -> Builder
s2b = BB.fromString
-- | Build and encode an attribute.
buildAttr :: Text -> Text -> Builder
buildAttr key val =
s2b " " <>
BB.fromText key <>
if val == mempty
then mempty
else s2b "=\"" <> BB.fromHtmlEscapedText val <> s2b "\""
-- Rendering
-- | Render a 'Element' to lazy bytestring.
renderBS :: Element -> ByteString
renderBS (Element e) = BB.toLazyByteString $ e mempty
-- | Render a 'Element' to a file.
renderToFile :: FilePath -> Element -> IO ()
renderToFile fp = LB.writeFile fp . renderBS
-- | Reder an 'Element' to lazy text.
renderText :: Element -> LT.Text
renderText = LT.decodeUtf8 . renderBS

View File

@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
-- Module : Graphics.Svg.Elements
-- Copyright : (c) 2015 Jeffrey Rosenbluth
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- SVG elements.
module Graphics.Svg.Elements where
import Graphics.Svg.Core
-- | @DOCTYPE@ element
doctype :: Element
doctype = makeElementDoctype "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\n \"\""
-- | @svg@ element + svg 1.1 Attribute
svg11_:: Element -> Element
svg11_ = svg_ [ makeAttribute "xmlns" ""
, makeAttribute "xmlns:xlink" ""
, makeAttribute "version" "1.1" ]
-- | @a@ element
a_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
a_ = term "a"
-- | @altglyph@ element
{-# DEPRECATED altGlyph_ "Removed from web standards." #-}
altGlyph_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
altGlyph_ = term "altGlyph"
-- | @altglyphdef@ element
{-# DEPRECATED altGlyphDef_ "Removed from web standards." #-}
altGlyphDef_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
altGlyphDef_ = term "altGlyphDef"
-- | @altglyphitem@ element
{-# DEPRECATED altGlyphItem_ "Removed from web standards." #-}
altGlyphItem_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
altGlyphItem_ = term "altGlyphItem"
-- | @animate@ element
animate_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
animate_ = term "animate"
-- | @animatecolor@ element
{-# DEPRECATED animateColor_ "Removed from web standards." #-}
animateColor_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
animateColor_ = term "animateColor"
-- | @animatemotion@ element
animateMotion_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
animateMotion_ = term "animateMotion"
-- | @animatetransform@ element
animateTransform_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
animateTransform_ = term "animateTransform"
-- | @circle@ element
circle_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
circle_ = term "circle"
-- | @clipPath@ element or attribute
clipPath_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
clipPath_ = term "clipPath"
-- | @colorProfile@ element
colorProfile_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
colorProfile_ = term "color-profile"
-- | @cursor@ element
cursor_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
cursor_ = term "cursor"
-- | @defs@ element
defs_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
defs_ = term "defs"
-- | @desc@ element
desc_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
desc_ = term "desc"
-- | @ellipse@ element
ellipse_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
ellipse_ = term "ellipse"
-- | @feblend@ element
feBlend_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feBlend_ = term "feBlend"
-- | @fecolormatrix@ element
feColorMatrix_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feColorMatrix_ = term "feColorMatrix"
-- | @fecomponenttransfer@ element
feComponentTransfer_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feComponentTransfer_ = term "feComponentTransfer"
-- | @fecomposite@ element
feComposite_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feComposite_ = term "feComposite"
-- | @feconvolvematrix@ element
feConvolveMatrix_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feConvolveMatrix_ = term "feConvolveMatrix"
-- | @fediffuselighting@ element
feDiffuseLighting_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feDiffuseLighting_ = term "feDiffuseLighting"
-- | @fedisplacementmap@ element
feDisplacementMap_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feDisplacementMap_ = term "feDisplacementMap"
-- | @fedistantlight@ element
feDistantLight_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feDistantLight_ = term "feDistantLight"
-- | @feflood@ element
feFlood_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feFlood_ = term "feFlood"
-- | @fefunca@ element
feFuncA_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feFuncA_ = term "feFuncA"
-- | @fefuncb@ element
feFuncB_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feFuncB_ = term "feFuncB"
-- | @fefuncg@ element
feFuncG_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feFuncG_ = term "feFuncG"
-- | @fefuncr@ element
feFuncR_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feFuncR_ = term "feFuncR"
-- | @fegaussianblur@ element
feGaussianBlur_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feGaussianBlur_ = term "feGaussianBlur"
-- | @feimage@ element
feImage_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feImage_ = term "feImage"
-- | @femerge@ element
feMerge_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feMerge_ = term "feMerge"
-- | @femergenode@ element
feMergeNode_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feMergeNode_ = term "feMergeNode"
-- | @femorphology@ element
feMorphology_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feMorphology_ = term "feMorphology"
-- | @feoffset@ element
feOffset_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feOffset_ = term "feOffset"
-- | @fepointlight@ element
fePointLight_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
fePointLight_ = term "fePointLight"
-- | @fespecularlighting@ element
feSpecularLighting_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feSpecularLighting_ = term "feSpecularLighting"
-- | @fespotlight@ element
feSpotLight_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feSpotLight_ = term "feSpotLight"
-- | @fetile@ element
feTile_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feTile_ = term "feTile"
-- | @feturbulence@ element
feTurbulence_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
feTurbulence_ = term "feTurbulence"
-- | @filter_@ element
filter_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
filter_ = term "filter"
-- | @font@ element
font_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
font_ = term "font"
-- | @fontFace@ element
fontFace_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
fontFace_ = term "font-face"
-- | @fontFaceFormat@ element
fontFaceFormat_ :: [Attribute] -> Element
fontFaceFormat_ = with $ makeElementNoEnd "font-face-format"
-- | @fontFaceName@ element
fontFaceName_ :: [Attribute] -> Element
fontFaceName_ = with $ makeElementNoEnd "font-face-name"
-- | @fontFaceSrc@ element
fontFaceSrc_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
fontFaceSrc_ = term "font-face-src"
-- | @fontFaceUri@ element
fontFaceUri_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
fontFaceUri_ = term "font-face-uri"
-- | @foreignobject@ element
foreignObject_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
foreignObject_ = term "foreignObject"
-- | @g@ element
g_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
g_ = term "g"
-- | @glyph@ element or attribute
glyph_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
glyph_ = term "glyph"
-- | @glyphref@ element
glyphRef_ :: [Attribute] -> Element
glyphRef_ = with $ makeElementNoEnd "glyphRef"
-- | @hkern@ element
hkern_ :: [Attribute] -> Element
hkern_ = with $ makeElementNoEnd "hkern"
-- | @image@ element
image_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
image_ = term "image"
-- | @line@ element
line_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
line_ = term "line"
-- | @lineargradient@ element
linearGradient_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
linearGradient_ = term "linearGradient"
-- | @marker@ element
marker_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
marker_ = term "marker"
-- | @mask@ element or attribute
mask_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
mask_ = term "mask"
-- | @metadata@ element
metadata_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
metadata_ = term "metadata"
-- | @missingGlyph@ element
missingGlyph_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
missingGlyph_ = term "missing-glyph"
-- | @mpath@ element
mpath_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
mpath_ = term "mpath"
-- | @path@ element
path_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
path_ = term "path"
-- | @pattern@ element
pattern_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
pattern_ = term "pattern"
-- | @polygon@ element
polygon_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
polygon_ = term "polygon"
-- | @polyline@ element
polyline_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
polyline_ = term "polyline"
-- | @radialgradient@ element
radialGradient_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
radialGradient_ = term "radialGradient"
-- | @rect@ element
rect_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
rect_ = term "rect"
-- | @script@ element
script_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
script_ = term "script"
-- | @set@ element
set_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
set_ = term "set"
-- | @stop@ element
stop_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
stop_ = term "stop"
-- | @style@ element
style_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
style_ = term "style"
-- | @svg@ element
svg_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
svg_ = term "svg"
-- | @switch@ element
switch_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
switch_ = term "switch"
-- | @symbol@ element
symbol_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
symbol_ = term "symbol"
-- | @text_@ element
text_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
text_ = term "text"
-- | @textpath@ element
textPath_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
textPath_ = term "textPath"
-- | @title@ element
title_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
title_ = term "title"
-- | @tref@ element
tref_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
tref_ = term "tref"
-- | @tspan@ element
tspan_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
tspan_ = term "tspan"
-- | @use@ element
use_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
use_ = term "use"
-- | @view@ element
view_ :: Term result => [Attribute] -> result
view_ = term "view"
-- | @vkern@ element
vkern_ :: [Attribute] -> Element
vkern_ = with $ makeElementNoEnd "vkern"

src/Graphics/Svg/Path.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module : Graphics.Svg.Path
-- Copyright : (c) 2015 Jeffrey Rosenbluth
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Utility functions to help create SVG path attributes,
-- and transforms.
module Graphics.Svg.Path where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (toLazyText)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat
-- | Convert a number to Text.
toText :: RealFloat a => a -> Text
toText = toStrict . toLazyText . formatRealFloat Fixed (Just 4)
-- | moveto (absolute)
mA :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> Text
mA x y = T.concat ["M " ,toText x, ",", toText y, " "]
-- | moveto (relative)
mR :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> Text
mR dx dy = T.concat ["m ", toText dx, ",", toText dy, " "]
-- | lineto (absolute)
lA :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> Text
lA x y = T.concat ["L ", toText x, ",", toText y, " "]
-- | lineto (relative)
lR :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> Text
lR dx dy = T.concat ["l ", toText dx, ",", toText dy, " "]
-- | horizontal lineto (absolute)
hA :: RealFloat a => a -> Text
hA x = T.concat ["H ", toText x, " "]
-- | horizontal lineto (relative)
hR :: RealFloat a => a -> Text
hR dx = T.concat ["h ", toText dx, " "]
-- | vertical lineto (absolute)
vA :: RealFloat a => a -> Text
vA y = T.concat ["V ", toText y, " "]
-- | vertical lineto (relative)
vR :: RealFloat a => a -> Text
vR dy = T.concat ["v ", toText dy, " "]
-- | Cubic Bezier curve (absolute)
cA :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Text
cA c1x c1y c2x c2y x y = T.concat
[ "C ", toText c1x, ",", toText c1y, " ", toText c2x, ","
, toText c2y, " ", toText x, " ", toText y]
-- | Cubic Bezier curve (relative)
cR :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Text
cR dc1x dc1y dc2x dc2y dx dy = T.concat
[ "c ", toText dc1x, ",", toText dc1y, " ", toText dc2x
, ",", toText dc2y, " ", toText dx, " ", toText dy]
-- | Smooth Cubic Bezier curve (absolute)
sA :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> a -> a -> Text
sA c2x c2y x y = T.concat
["S ", toText c2x, ",", toText c2y, " ", toText x, ",", toText y, " "]
-- | Smooth Cubic Bezier curve (relative)
sR :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> a -> a -> Text
sR dc2x dc2y dx dy = T.concat
["s ", toText dc2x, ",", toText dc2y, " ", toText dx, ",", toText dy, " "]
-- | Quadratic Bezier curve (absolute)
qA :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> a -> a -> Text
qA cx cy x y = T.concat
["Q ", toText cx, ",", toText cy, " ", toText x, ",", toText y, " "]
-- | Quadratic Bezier curve (relative)
qR :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> a -> a -> Text
qR dcx dcy dx dy = T.concat
["q ", toText dcx, ",", toText dcy, " ", toText dx, ",", toText dy, " " ]
-- | Smooth Quadratic Bezier curve (absolute)
tA :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> Text
tA x y = T.concat ["T ", " ", toText x, ",", toText y, " "]
-- | Smooth Quadratic Bezier curve (relative)
tR :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> Text
tR x y = T.concat [ "t ", toText x, ",", toText y, " "]
-- | Arc (absolute)
aA :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Text
aA rx ry xrot largeFlag sweepFlag x y = T.concat
[ "A ", toText rx, ",", toText ry, " ", toText xrot, " ", toText largeFlag
, " ", toText sweepFlag, " ", toText x, " ", toText y, " "]
-- | Arc (relative)
aR :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Text
aR rx ry xrot largeFlag sweepFlag x y = T.concat
[ "a ", toText rx, ",", toText ry, " ", toText xrot, " ", toText largeFlag
, " ", toText sweepFlag, " ", toText x, " ", toText y, " "]
-- | closepath
z :: Text
z = "Z"
-- | SVG Transform components
-- | Specifies a translation by @x@ and @y@
translate :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> Text
translate x y = T.concat ["translate(", toText x, " ", toText y, ")"]
-- | Specifies a scale operation by @x@ and @y@
scale :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> Text
scale x y = T.concat ["scale(", toText x, " ", toText y, ")"]
-- | Specifies a rotation by @rotate-angle@ degrees
rotate :: RealFloat a => a -> Text
rotate angle = T.concat ["rotate(", toText angle, ")"]
-- | Specifies a rotation by @rotate-angle@ degrees about the given time @rx,ry@
rotateAround :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> a -> Text
rotateAround angle rx ry = T.concat
["rotate(", toText angle, ",", toText rx, ",", toText ry, ")"]
-- | Skew tansformation along x-axis
skewX :: RealFloat a => a -> Text
skewX angle = T.concat ["skewX(", toText angle, ")"]
-- | Skew tansformation along y-axis
skewY :: RealFloat a => a -> Text
skewY angle = T.concat ["skewY(", toText angle, ")"]
-- | Specifies a transform in the form of a transformation matrix
matrix :: RealFloat a => a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Text
matrix a b c d e f = T.concat
[ "matrix(", toText a, ",", toText b, ",", toText c
, ",", toText d, ",", toText e, ",", toText f, ")"]

stack.yaml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# For more information, see:
# Specifies the GHC version and set of packages available (e.g., lts-3.5, nightly-2015-09-21, ghc-7.10.2)
resolver: lts-5.0
# Local packages, usually specified by relative directory name
- '.'
# Packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver (e.g., acme-missiles-0.3)
extra-deps: []
# Override default flag values for local packages and extra-deps
flags: {}
# Extra package databases containing global packages
extra-package-dbs: []
# Control whether we use the GHC we find on the path
# system-ghc: true
# Require a specific version of stack, using version ranges
# require-stack-version: -any # Default
# require-stack-version: >= 1.0.0
# Override the architecture used by stack, especially useful on Windows
# arch: i386
# arch: x86_64
# Extra directories used by stack for building
# extra-include-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
# extra-lib-dirs: [/path/to/dir]
# Allow a newer minor version of GHC than the snapshot specifies
# compiler-check: newer-minor

svg-builder.cabal Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
name: svg-builder
version: 0.1
synopsis: DSL for building SVG.
description: Fast, easy to write SVG.
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Jeffrey Rosenbluth
copyright: 2016 Jeffrey Rosenbluth
category: Graphics
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
ghc-options: -Wall -rtsopts -O2
exposed-modules: Graphics.Svg,
build-depends: base >= 4.5 && < 4.10,
blaze-builder >= 0.4 && < 0.5,
bytestring >= 0.10 && < 0.11,
hashable >= 1.1 && < 1.3,
text >= 0.11 && < 1.3,
unordered-containers >= 0.2 && < 0.2.7
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010