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module Quox.Typing.Error
import Quox.Syntax
import Quox.Reduce
import Quox.Typing.Context
import Quox.Typing.EqMode
import Quox.Pretty
import Data.List
import public Control.Monad.Either
public export
data Error q
= ExpectedTYPE (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedPi (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedSig (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedEnum (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedEq (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| ExpectedNat (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| BadUniverse Universe Universe
| TagNotIn TagVal (SortedSet TagVal)
| BadCaseEnum (SortedSet TagVal) (SortedSet TagVal)
| BadCaseQtys (TyContext q d n) (List (QOutput q n, Term q d n, Term q d n))
-- first term arg of ClashT is the type
| ClashT (EqContext q n) EqMode (Term q 0 n) (Term q 0 n) (Term q 0 n)
| ClashTy (EqContext q n) EqMode (Term q 0 n) (Term q 0 n)
| ClashE (EqContext q n) EqMode (Elim q 0 n) (Elim q 0 n)
| ClashU EqMode Universe Universe
| ClashQ q q
| NotInScope Name
| NotType (TyContext q d n) (Term q d n)
| WrongType (EqContext q n) (Term q 0 n) (Term q 0 n)
-- extra context
| WhileChecking
(TyContext q d n) q
(Term q d n) -- term
(Term q d n) -- type
(Error q)
| WhileCheckingTy
(TyContext q d n)
(Term q d n)
(Maybe Universe)
(Error q)
| WhileInferring
(TyContext q d n) q
(Elim q d n)
(Error q)
| WhileComparingT
(EqContext q n) EqMode
(Term q 0 n) -- type
(Term q 0 n) (Term q 0 n) -- lhs/rhs
(Error q)
| WhileComparingE
(EqContext q n) EqMode
(Elim q 0 n) (Elim q 0 n)
(Error q)
| WhnfError WhnfError
%name Error err
public export
0 HasErr : Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type
HasErr q = MonadError (Error q)
||| whether the error is surrounded in some context
||| (e.g. "while checking s : A, …")
public export
isErrorContext : Error q -> Bool
isErrorContext (WhileChecking {}) = True
isErrorContext (WhileCheckingTy {}) = True
isErrorContext (WhileInferring {}) = True
isErrorContext (WhileComparingT {}) = True
isErrorContext (WhileComparingE {}) = True
isErrorContext _ = False
||| remove one layer of context
peelContext : (e : Error q) -> (0 _ : So (isErrorContext e)) =>
(Error q -> Error q, Error q)
peelContext (WhileChecking ctx x s t err) =
(WhileChecking ctx x s t, err)
peelContext (WhileCheckingTy ctx s k err) =
(WhileCheckingTy ctx s k, err)
peelContext (WhileInferring ctx x e err) =
(WhileInferring ctx x e, err)
peelContext (WhileComparingT ctx x s t r err) =
(WhileComparingT ctx x s t r, err)
peelContext (WhileComparingE ctx x e f err) =
(WhileComparingE ctx x e f, err)
||| separates out all the error context layers
||| (e.g. "while checking s : A, …")
explodeContext : Error q -> (List (Error q -> Error q), Error q)
explodeContext err =
case choose $ isErrorContext err of
Left y =>
let (f, inner) = peelContext err
(fs, root) = explodeContext $ assert_smaller err inner in
(f :: fs, root)
Right n => ([], err)
||| leaves the outermost context layer, and the innermost (up to) n, and removes
||| the rest if there are more than n+1 in total
trimContext : Nat -> Error q -> Error q
trimContext n err =
case explodeContext err of
([], err) => err
(f :: fs, err) => f $ foldr apply err $ takeEnd n fs
takeEnd : Nat -> List a -> List a
takeEnd n = reverse . take n . reverse
export %inline
wrapErr : MonadError e m => (e -> e) -> m a -> m a
wrapErr f act = catchError act $ throwError . f
expect : MonadError e m => (a -> a -> e) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> m ()
expect err cmp x y = unless (x `cmp` y) $ throwError $ err x y
parameters {auto _ : HasErr q m}
export %inline
expectEqualQ : Eq q => q -> q -> m ()
expectEqualQ = expect ClashQ (==)
export %inline
expectCompatQ : IsQty q => q -> q -> m ()
expectCompatQ = expect ClashQ $ \pi, rh => isYes $ pi `compat` rh
export %inline
expectModeU : EqMode -> Universe -> Universe -> m ()
expectModeU mode = expect (ClashU mode) $ ucmp mode
prettyMode : EqMode -> Doc HL
prettyMode Equal = "equal to"
prettyMode Sub = "a subtype of"
prettyMode Super = "a supertype of"
prettyModeU : EqMode -> Doc HL
prettyModeU Equal = "equal to"
prettyModeU Sub = "less than or equal to"
prettyModeU Super = "greater than or equal to"
isTypeInUniverse : Maybe Universe -> Doc HL
isTypeInUniverse Nothing = "is a type"
isTypeInUniverse (Just k) = "is a type in universe" <++> prettyUniverse k
parameters {auto _ : (Eq q, IsQty q, PrettyHL q)} (unicode : Bool)
termt : TyContext q d n -> Term q d n -> Doc HL
termt ctx = hang 4 . prettyTerm unicode ctx.dnames ctx.tnames
terme : EqContext q n -> Term q 0 n -> Doc HL
terme ctx = hang 4 . prettyTerm unicode [<] ctx.tnames
dissectCaseQtys : TyContext q d n ->
NContext n' -> List (QOutput q n', y, z) ->
List (Doc HL)
dissectCaseQtys ctx [<] arms = []
dissectCaseQtys ctx (tel :< x) arms =
let qs = map (head . fst) arms
tl = dissectCaseQtys ctx tel (map (mapFst tail) arms)
if allSame qs then tl else
("-" <++> asep [hsep [pretty0 unicode $ TV x, "is used with quantities"],
hseparate comma $ map (pretty0 unicode) qs]) :: tl
allSame : List q -> Bool
allSame [] = True
allSame (q :: qs) = all (== q) qs
prettyWhnfError : WhnfError -> Doc HL
prettyWhnfError = \case
MissingEnumArm tag tags =>
sep [hsep ["the tag", hl Tag $ pretty tag, "is not contained in"],
termt empty $ Enum $ fromList tags]
-- [todo] only show some contexts, probably
prettyError : (showContext : Bool) -> Error q -> Doc HL
prettyError showContext = \case
ExpectedTYPE ctx s =>
sep ["expected a type universe, but got", termt ctx s]
ExpectedPi ctx s =>
sep ["expected a function type, but got", termt ctx s]
ExpectedSig ctx s =>
sep ["expected a pair type, but got", termt ctx s]
ExpectedEnum ctx s =>
sep ["expected an enumeration type, but got", termt ctx s]
ExpectedEq ctx s =>
sep ["expected an equality type, but got", termt ctx s]
ExpectedNat ctx s =>
sep ["expected the type , but got", termt ctx s]
BadUniverse k l =>
sep ["the universe level", prettyUniverse k,
"is not strictly less than", prettyUniverse l]
TagNotIn tag set =>
sep [sep ["tag", prettyTag tag, "is not contained in"],
termt empty (Enum set)]
BadCaseEnum type arms =>
sep ["case expression has head of type", termt empty (Enum type),
"but cases for", termt empty (Enum arms)]
BadCaseQtys ctx arms =>
hang 4 $ sep $
"inconsistent variable usage in case arms" ::
dissectCaseQtys ctx ctx.tnames arms
ClashT ctx mode ty s t =>
inEContext ctx $
sep ["the term", terme ctx s,
hsep ["is not", prettyMode mode], terme ctx t,
"at type", terme ctx ty]
ClashTy ctx mode a b =>
inEContext ctx $
sep ["the type", terme ctx a,
hsep ["is not", prettyMode mode], terme ctx b]
ClashE ctx mode e f =>
inEContext ctx $
sep ["the term", terme ctx $ E e,
hsep ["is not", prettyMode mode], terme ctx $ E f]
ClashU mode k l =>
sep ["the universe level", prettyUniverse k,
hsep ["is not", prettyMode mode], prettyUniverse l]
ClashQ pi rh =>
sep ["the quantity", pretty0 unicode pi,
"is not equal to", pretty0 unicode rh]
NotInScope x =>
hsep [hl' Free $ pretty0 unicode x, "is not in scope"]
NotType ctx s =>
inTContext ctx $
sep ["the term", termt ctx s, "is not a type"]
WrongType ctx ty s =>
inEContext ctx $
sep ["the term", terme ctx s,
"cannot have type", terme ctx ty]
WhileChecking ctx pi s a err =>
vsep [inTContext ctx $
sep ["while checking", termt ctx s,
"has type", termt ctx a,
hsep ["with quantity", pretty0 unicode pi]],
prettyError showContext err]
WhileCheckingTy ctx a k err =>
vsep [inTContext ctx $
sep ["while checking", termt ctx a,
isTypeInUniverse k],
prettyError showContext err]
WhileInferring ctx pi e err =>
vsep [inTContext ctx $
sep ["while inferring the type of", termt ctx $ E e,
hsep ["with quantity", pretty0 unicode pi]],
prettyError showContext err]
WhileComparingT ctx mode a s t err =>
vsep [inEContext ctx $
sep ["while checking that", terme ctx s,
hsep ["is", prettyMode mode], terme ctx t,
"at type", terme ctx a],
prettyError showContext err]
WhileComparingE ctx mode e f err =>
vsep [inEContext ctx $
sep ["while checking that", terme ctx $ E e,
hsep ["is", prettyMode mode], terme ctx $ E f],
prettyError showContext err]
WhnfError err => prettyWhnfError err
inTContext : TyContext q d n -> Doc HL -> Doc HL
inTContext ctx doc =
if showContext && not (null ctx) then
vsep [sep ["in context", prettyTyContext unicode ctx], doc]
else doc
inEContext : EqContext q n -> Doc HL -> Doc HL
inEContext ctx doc =
if showContext && not (null ctx) then
vsep [sep ["in context", prettyEqContext unicode ctx], doc]
else doc