
320 lines
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module Quox.Untyped.Syntax
import Quox.Var
import Quox.Context
import Quox.Name
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Syntax.Subst
import Data.Vect
import Data.DPair
import Data.SortedMap
import Data.SnocVect
import Derive.Prelude
%hide TT.Name
%default total
%language ElabReflection
public export
data Term : Nat -> Type
public export
data CaseNatSuc : Nat -> Type
data Term where
F : (x : Name) -> Loc -> Term n
B : (i : Var n) -> Loc -> Term n
Lam : (x : BindName) -> (body : Term (S n)) -> Loc -> Term n
App : (fun, arg : Term n) -> Loc -> Term n
Pair : (fst, snd : Term n) -> Loc -> Term n
Fst : (pair : Term n) -> Loc -> Term n
Snd : (pair : Term n) -> Loc -> Term n
Tag : (tag : String) -> Loc -> Term n
CaseEnum : (tag : Term n) -> (cases : List1 (String, Term n)) -> Loc -> Term n
||| empty match
Absurd : Loc -> Term n
Zero : Loc -> Term n
Succ : (nat : Term n) -> Loc -> Term n
CaseNat : (nat : Term n) ->
(zer : Term n) ->
(suc : CaseNatSuc n) ->
Loc ->
Term n
Let : (x : BindName) -> (rhs : Term n) -> (body : Term (S n)) -> Loc ->
Term n
Erased : Loc -> Term n
%name Term s, t, u
data CaseNatSuc where
NSRec : (x, ih : BindName) -> Term (2 + n) -> CaseNatSuc n
NSNonrec : (x : BindName) -> Term (S n) -> CaseNatSuc n
%name CaseNatSuc suc
%runElab deriveParam $
map (\ty => PI ty allIndices [Eq, Ord, Show]) ["Term", "CaseNatSuc"]
Located (Term n) where
(F _ loc).loc = loc
(B _ loc).loc = loc
(Lam _ _ loc).loc = loc
(App _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Pair _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Fst _ loc).loc = loc
(Snd _ loc).loc = loc
(Tag _ loc).loc = loc
(CaseEnum _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Absurd loc).loc = loc
(Zero loc).loc = loc
(Succ _ loc).loc = loc
(CaseNat _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Let _ _ _ loc).loc = loc
(Erased loc).loc = loc
public export
data Definition =
| KeptDef Bool (Term 0)
| SchemeDef Bool String
-- bools are presence of #[main] flag
public export
0 Definitions : Type
Definitions = SortedMap Name Definition
letD, inD : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
letD = hl Syntax "let"
inD = hl Syntax "in"
export covering
prettyTerm : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> BContext n ->
Term n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
export covering
prettyArg : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> BContext n -> Term n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyArg xs arg = withPrec Arg $ prettyTerm xs arg
export covering
prettyAppHead : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> BContext n ->
Term n -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyAppHead xs fun = parensIfM App =<< prettyTerm xs fun
prettyApp' : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
Doc opts -> SnocList (Doc opts) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyApp' fun args = do
d <- askAt INDENT
let args = toList args
pure $ hsep (fun :: args)
<|> hsep [fun, vsep args]
<|> vsep (fun :: map (indent d) args)
export covering
prettyApp : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> BContext n ->
Doc opts -> SnocList (Term n) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyApp xs fun args = prettyApp' fun =<< traverse (prettyTerm xs) args
public export
record PrettyCaseArm a n where
constructor MkPrettyCaseArm
lhs : a
{len : Nat}
vars : Vect len BindName
rhs : Term (len + n)
export covering
prettyCase : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> BContext n ->
(a -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)) ->
Term n -> List (PrettyCaseArm a n) ->
Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyCase xs f head arms =
parensIfM Outer =<< do
header <- hsep <$> sequence [caseD, prettyTerm xs head, ofD]
cases <- for arms $ \(MkPrettyCaseArm lhs ys rhs) => do
lhs <- hsep <$> sequence [f lhs, darrowD]
rhs <- withPrec Outer $ prettyTerm (xs <>< ys) rhs
hangDSingle lhs rhs
lb <- hl Delim "{"; sc <- semiD; rb <- hl Delim "}"; d <- askAt INDENT
pure $ ifMultiline
(hsep [header, lb, separateTight sc cases, rb])
(vsep [hsep [header, lb], indent d $ vsep (map (<+> sc) cases), rb])
sucPat : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> BindName -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
sucPat x = pure $ !succD <++> !(prettyTBind x)
splitApp : Term b -> (Term b, SnocList (Term b))
splitApp (App f x _) = mapSnd (:< x) $ splitApp f
splitApp f = (f, [<])
splitLam : Telescope' BindName a b -> Term b ->
Exists $ \c => (Telescope' BindName a c, Term c)
splitLam ys (Lam x body _) = splitLam (ys :< x) body
splitLam ys t = Evidence _ (ys, t)
splitLet : Telescope (\i => (BindName, Term i)) a b -> Term b ->
Exists $ \c => (Telescope (\i => (BindName, Term i)) a c, Term c)
splitLet ys (Let x rhs body _) = splitLet (ys :< (x, rhs)) body
splitLet ys t = Evidence _ (ys, t)
private covering
prettyLets : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
BContext a -> Telescope (\i => (BindName, Term i)) a b ->
Eff Pretty (SnocList (Doc opts))
prettyLets xs lets = sequence $ snd $ go lets where
go : forall b. Telescope (\i => (BindName, Term i)) a b ->
(BContext b, SnocList (Eff Pretty (Doc opts)))
go [<] = (xs, [<])
go (lets :< (x, rhs)) =
let (ys, docs) = go lets
doc = hsep <$> sequence
[letD, prettyTBind x, cstD, prettyTerm ys rhs, inD]
(ys :< x, docs :< doc)
sucCaseArm : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
CaseNatSuc n -> Eff Pretty (PrettyCaseArm (Doc opts) n)
sucCaseArm (NSRec x ih s) = pure $
MkPrettyCaseArm (!(sucPat x) <+> !commaD <++> !(prettyTBind ih)) [x, ih] s
sucCaseArm (NSNonrec x s) = pure $
MkPrettyCaseArm !(sucPat x) [x] s
private covering
prettyNat : {opts : LayoutOpts} ->
BContext n -> Term n -> Eff Pretty (Either Nat (Doc opts))
prettyNat xs (Zero _) = pure $ Left 0
prettyNat xs (Succ n _) =
case !(withPrec Arg $ prettyNat xs n) of
Left n => pure $ Left $ S n
Right doc => map Right $ parensIfM App $ sep [!succD, doc]
prettyNat xs s = map Right $ prettyTerm xs s
prettyTerm _ (F x _) = prettyFree x
prettyTerm xs (B i _) = prettyTBind $ xs !!! i
prettyTerm xs (Lam x body _) =
parensIfM Outer =<< do
let Evidence n' (ys, body) = splitLam [< x] body
vars <- hsep . toList' <$> traverse prettyTBind ys
body <- withPrec Outer $ prettyTerm (xs . ys) body
hangDSingle (hsep [!lamD, vars, !darrowD]) body
prettyTerm xs (App fun arg _) =
let (fun, args) = splitApp fun in
prettyApp xs !(prettyAppHead xs fun) (args :< arg)
prettyTerm xs (Pair fst snd _) =
parens =<< separateTight !commaD <$>
sequence {t = List} [prettyTerm xs fst, prettyTerm xs snd]
prettyTerm xs (Fst pair _) = prettyApp xs !fstD [< pair]
prettyTerm xs (Snd pair _) = prettyApp xs !sndD [< pair]
prettyTerm xs (Tag tag _) = prettyTag tag
prettyTerm xs (CaseEnum tag cases _) =
prettyCase xs prettyTag tag $
map (\(t, rhs) => MkPrettyCaseArm t [] rhs) $ toList cases
prettyTerm xs (Absurd _) = hl Syntax "absurd"
prettyTerm xs (Zero _) = hl Tag "0"
prettyTerm xs (Succ nat _) =
case !(prettyNat xs nat) of
Left n => hl Tag $ pshow $ S n
Right doc => prettyApp' !succD [< doc]
prettyTerm xs (CaseNat nat zer suc _) =
prettyCase xs pure nat [MkPrettyCaseArm !zeroD [] zer, !(sucCaseArm suc)]
prettyTerm xs (Let x rhs body _) =
parensIfM Outer =<< do
let Evidence n' (lets, body) = splitLet [< (x, rhs)] body
heads <- prettyLets xs lets
body <- withPrec Outer $ prettyTerm (xs . map fst lets) body
let lines = toList $ heads :< body
pure $ ifMultiline (hsep lines) (vsep lines)
prettyTerm _ (Erased _) =
hl Syntax =<< ifUnicode "" "[]"
export covering
prettyDef : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Name ->
Definition -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyDef name ErasedDef =
pure $ hsep [!(prettyFree name), !cstD, !(prettyTerm [<] $ Erased noLoc)]
prettyDef name (KeptDef isMain rhs) = do
name <- prettyFree name {opts}
eq <- cstD
rhs <- prettyTerm [<] rhs
let header = if isMain then text "#[main]" <++> name else name
hangDSingle (header <++> eq) rhs
prettyDef name (SchemeDef isMain str) = do
name <- prettyFree name {opts}
eq <- cstD
let rhs = text $ "scheme:" ++ str
let header = if isMain then text "#[main]" <++> name else name
hangDSingle (header <++> eq) rhs
public export
USubst : Nat -> Nat -> Type
USubst = Subst Term
public export FromVar Term where fromVarLoc = B
public export
CanSubstSelf Term where
s // th = case s of
F x loc =>
F x loc
B i loc =>
getLoc th i loc
Lam x body loc =>
Lam x (assert_total $ body // push th) loc
App fun arg loc =>
App (fun // th) (arg // th) loc
Pair fst snd loc =>
Pair (fst // th) (snd // th) loc
Fst pair loc =>
Fst (pair // th) loc
Snd pair loc =>
Snd (pair // th) loc
Tag tag loc =>
Tag tag loc
CaseEnum tag cases loc =>
CaseEnum (tag // th) (map (assert_total mapSnd (// th)) cases) loc
Absurd loc =>
Absurd loc
Zero loc =>
Zero loc
Succ nat loc =>
Succ (nat // th) loc
CaseNat nat zer suc loc =>
CaseNat (nat // th) (zer // th)
(assert_total substSuc suc th) loc
Let x rhs body loc =>
Let x (rhs // th) (assert_total $ body // push th) loc
Erased loc =>
Erased loc
substSuc : forall from, to.
CaseNatSuc from -> USubst from to -> CaseNatSuc to
substSuc (NSRec x ih t) th = NSRec x ih $ t // pushN 2 th
substSuc (NSNonrec x t) th = NSNonrec x $ t // push th
public export
subN : SnocVect s (Term n) -> Term (s + n) -> Term n
subN th t = t // fromSnocVect th
public export
sub1 : Term n -> Term (S n) -> Term n
sub1 e = subN [< e]