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||| quantities count how many times a bound variable is used [@nuttin; @qtt].
||| i tried grtt [@grtt] for a bit but i think it was more complex than
||| it's worth in a language that has other stuff going on too
module Quox.Syntax.Qty
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Decidable
import Data.DPair
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
%language ElabReflection
||| the possibilities we care about are:
||| - 0: a variable is used only at compile time, not run time
||| - 1: a variable is used exactly once at run time
||| - ω (or #): don't care. an ω variable *can* also be used 0/1 time
public export
data Qty = Zero | One | Any
%runElab derive "Qty" [Eq, Ord, Show]
%name Qty.Qty pi, rh
prettyQty : {opts : _} -> Qty -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyQty Zero = hl Qty $ text "0"
prettyQty One = hl Qty $ text "1"
prettyQty Any = hl Qty =<< ifUnicode (text "ω") (text "#")
||| prints in a form that can be a suffix of "case"
public export
prettySuffix : {opts : _} -> Qty -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettySuffix = prettyQty
||| e.g. if in the expression `(s, t)`, the variable `x` is
||| used π times in `s` and ρ times in `t`, then it's used
||| (π + ρ) times in the whole expression
public export
(+) : Qty -> Qty -> Qty
Zero + rh = rh
pi + Zero = pi
_ + _ = Any
||| e.g. if a function `f` uses its argument π times,
||| and `f x` occurs in a σ context, then `x` is used `πσ` times overall
public export
(*) : Qty -> Qty -> Qty
Zero * _ = Zero
_ * Zero = Zero
One * rh = rh
pi * One = pi
Any * Any = Any
||| "π ≤ ρ"
||| if a variable is bound with quantity ρ, then it can be used with a total
||| quantity π as long as π ≤ ρ. for example, an ω variable can be used any
||| number of times, so π ≤ ω for any π.
public export
compat : Qty -> Qty -> Bool
compat pi Any = True
compat pi rh = pi == rh
||| "π ρ"
||| returns a quantity τ with π ≤ τ and ρ ≤ τ.
||| if π = ρ, then it's that, otherwise it's ω.
public export
lub : Qty -> Qty -> Qty
lub p q = if p == q then p else Any
||| to maintain subject reduction, only 0 or 1 can occur
||| for the subject of a typing judgment. see @qtt, §2.3 for more detail
public export
isSubj : Qty -> Bool
isSubj Zero = True
isSubj One = True
isSubj Any = False
public export
SQty : Type
SQty = Subset Qty $ So . isSubj
public export %inline
szero, sone : SQty
szero = Element Zero Oh
sone = Element One Oh
||| "σ ⨴ π"
||| σ ⨭ π is 0 if either of σ or π are, otherwise it is σ.
public export
subjMult : SQty -> Qty -> SQty
subjMult _ Zero = szero
subjMult sg _ = sg
||| it doesn't make much sense for a top level declaration to have a
||| quantity of 1, so the only distinction is whether it is present
||| at runtime at all or not
public export
isGlobal : Qty -> Bool
isGlobal Zero = True
isGlobal One = False
isGlobal Any = True
public export
GQty : Type
GQty = Subset Qty $ So . isGlobal
public export
gzero, gany : GQty
gzero = Element Zero Oh
gany = Element Any Oh
||| when checking a definition, a 0 definition is checked at 0,
||| but an ω definition is checked at 1 since ω isn't a subject quantity
public export %inline
globalToSubj : GQty -> SQty
globalToSubj (Element Zero _) = szero
globalToSubj (Element Any _) = sone