2023-02-28 20:51:54 +01:00

183 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

module Quox.Lexer
import Quox.CharExtra
import Quox.Name
import Data.String.Extra
import Data.SortedMap
import Text.Lexer
import Text.Lexer.Tokenizer
import Generics.Derive
%hide TT.Name
%default total
%language ElabReflection
||| @ R reserved token
||| @ I identifier
||| @ N nat literal
||| @ S string literal
||| @ T tag literal
||| @ TYPE "Type" or "★" with subscript
public export
data Token = R String | I Name | N Nat | S String | T String | TYPE Nat
%runElab derive "Token" [Generic, Meta, Eq, Ord, DecEq, Show]
-- token or whitespace
0 TokenW : Type
TokenW = Maybe Token
public export
record Error where
constructor Err
reason : StopReason
line, col : Int
||| `Nothing` if the error is at the end of the input
char : Maybe Char
%runElab derive "StopReason" [Generic, Meta, Eq, Ord, DecEq, Show]
%runElab derive "Error" [Generic, Meta, Eq, Ord, DecEq, Show]
skip : Lexer -> Tokenizer TokenW
skip t = match t $ const Nothing
syntaxChars : List Char
syntaxChars = ['(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '`', '"', '\'', ',', '.']
isSymStart, isSymCont : Char -> Bool
isSymStart c = not (c `elem` syntaxChars) && isSymChar c
isSymCont c = c == '\'' || isSymStart c
idStart, idCont, idEnd, idContEnd, symStart, symCont : Lexer
idStart = pred isIdStart
idCont = pred isIdCont
idEnd = pred $ \c => c `elem` unpack "?!#"
idContEnd = idCont <|> idEnd
symStart = pred isSymStart
symCont = pred isSymCont
private %inline
resVal : String -> a -> Maybe Token
resVal str = const $ Just $ R str
resWordL, resSymL, syntaxL : String -> Lexer
resWordL str = exact str <+> reject idContEnd
resSymL str = exact str <+> reject symCont
syntaxL str = exact str
resWord, resSym, syntax : String -> Tokenizer TokenW
resWord str = match (resWordL str) (resVal str)
resSym str = match (resSymL str) (resVal str)
syntax str = match (syntaxL str) (resVal str)
-- return value contains unicode version
uresWord, uresSym, usyntax : (unicode, ascii : String) -> Tokenizer TokenW
uresWord u a = match (resWordL u <|> resWordL a) (resVal u)
uresSym u a = match (resSymL u <|> resSymL a) (resVal u)
usyntax u a = match (exact u <|> exact a) (resVal u)
alphaName, symName, baseNameL : Lexer
alphaName = idStart <+> many idCont <+> many idEnd
symName = symStart <+> many symCont
baseNameL = symName <|> alphaName
baseName : Tokenizer BaseName
baseName = match baseNameL UN
toName : String -> Name
toName = fromList . split (== '.')
name : Tokenizer TokenW
name = match (baseNameL <+> many (is '.' <+> baseNameL))
(Just . I . toName . normalizeNfc)
-- [todo] escapes other than \" and (accidentally) \\
fromStringLit : String -> String
fromStringLit = pack . go . unpack . drop 1 . dropLast 1 where
go : List Char -> List Char
go [] = []
go ['\\'] = ['\\'] -- i guess???
go ('\\' :: c :: cs) = c :: go cs
go (c :: cs) = c :: go cs
string : Tokenizer TokenW
string = match stringLit (Just . S . fromStringLit)
nat : Tokenizer TokenW
nat = match (some (range '0' '9')) (Just . N . cast)
tag : Tokenizer TokenW
tag = match (is '`' <+> baseNameL) (Just . T . drop 1)
<|> match (is '`' <+> stringLit) (Just . T . fromStringLit . drop 1)
private %inline
fromSub : Char -> Char
fromSub c = case c of
'' => '0'; '' => '1'; '' => '2'; '' => '3'; '' => '4'
'' => '5'; '' => '6'; '' => '7'; '' => '8'; '' => '9'; _ => c
private %inline
subToNat : String -> Nat
subToNat = cast . pack . map fromSub . unpack
universe : Tokenizer TokenW
universe = universeWith "" <|> universeWith "Type" where
universeWith : String -> Tokenizer TokenW
universeWith pfx =
let len = length pfx in
match (exact pfx <+> some (range '0' '9'))
(Just . TYPE . cast . drop len) <|>
match (exact pfx <+> some (range '' ''))
(Just . TYPE . subToNat . drop len)
choice : (xs : List (Tokenizer a)) -> (0 _ : NonEmpty xs) => Tokenizer a
choice (t :: ts) = foldl (\a, b => a <|> b) t ts
tokens : Tokenizer TokenW
tokens = choice $
map skip [pred isWhitespace,
lineComment (exact "--" <+> reject symCont),
blockComment (exact "{-") (exact "-}")] <+>
map syntax ["(", ")", "[", "]", ",", "{", "}", "."] <+>
[match (exact "`{" <+> reject (is '-')) (resVal "`{")] <+>
map resSym ["@", ":"] <+>
map (uncurry uresSym)
[("·", "%"), ("","->"), ("×", "**"), ("", "=="), ("", "::")] <+>
map resWord ["case", "case1", "caseω", "return", "of", "_"] <+>
map (uncurry uresWord) [("λ","fun"), ("δ","dfun"), ("caseω", "case#")] <+>
[resWord "ω", match (resSymL "#") (resVal "ω"),
universe, resSym "", match (resWordL "Type") (resVal "")] <+>
[nat, string, tag, name]
lex : String -> Either Error (List (WithBounds Token))
lex str =
let (res, reason, line, col, str) = lex tokens str in
case reason of
EndInput => Right $ mapMaybe sequence res
_ => Left $ Err {reason, line, col, char = index 0 str}