
164 lines
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module Quox.Syntax.Term.Reduce
import Quox.Syntax.Term.Base
import Quox.Syntax.Term.Subst
%default total
||| true if a term has a closure or dimension closure at the top level,
||| or is `E` applied to such an elimination
public export %inline
topCloT : Term d n -> Bool
topCloT (CloT _ _) = True
topCloT (DCloT _ _) = True
topCloT (E e) = topCloE e
topCloT _ = False
||| true if an elimination has a closure or dimension closure at the top level
public export %inline
topCloE : Elim d n -> Bool
topCloE (CloE _ _) = True
topCloE (DCloE _ _) = True
topCloE _ = False
public export IsNotCloT : Term d n -> Type
IsNotCloT = So . not . topCloT
||| a term which is not a top level closure
public export NotCloTerm : Nat -> Nat -> Type
NotCloTerm d n = Subset (Term d n) IsNotCloT
public export IsNotCloE : Elim d n -> Type
IsNotCloE = So . not . topCloE
||| an elimination which is not a top level closure
public export NotCloElim : Nat -> Nat -> Type
NotCloElim d n = Subset (Elim d n) IsNotCloE
public export %inline
ncloT : (t : Term d n) -> (0 _ : IsNotCloT t) => NotCloTerm d n
ncloT t @{p} = Element t p
public export %inline
ncloE : (t : Elim d n) -> (0 _ : IsNotCloE t) => NotCloElim d n
ncloE e @{p} = Element e p
||| if the input term has any top-level closures, push them under one layer of
||| syntax
export %inline
pushSubstsT : Term d n -> NotCloTerm d n
pushSubstsT s = pushSubstsTWith id id s
||| if the input elimination has any top-level closures, push them under one
||| layer of syntax
export %inline
pushSubstsE : Elim d n -> NotCloElim d n
pushSubstsE e = pushSubstsEWith id id e
pushSubstsTWith : DSubst dfrom dto -> TSubst dto from to ->
Term dfrom from -> NotCloTerm dto to
pushSubstsTWith th ph (TYPE l) =
ncloT $ TYPE l
pushSubstsTWith th ph (Pi qty x a body) =
ncloT $ Pi qty x (subs a th ph) (subs body th ph)
pushSubstsTWith th ph (Lam x body) =
ncloT $ Lam x $ subs body th ph
pushSubstsTWith th ph (E e) =
let Element e _ = pushSubstsEWith th ph e in ncloT $ E e
pushSubstsTWith th ph (CloT s ps) =
pushSubstsTWith th (comp' th ps ph) s
pushSubstsTWith th ph (DCloT s ps) =
pushSubstsTWith (ps . th) ph s
pushSubstsEWith : DSubst dfrom dto -> TSubst dto from to ->
Elim dfrom from -> NotCloElim dto to
pushSubstsEWith th ph (F x) =
ncloE $ F x
pushSubstsEWith th ph (B i) =
assert_total pushSubstsE $ ph !! i
pushSubstsEWith th ph (f :@ s) =
ncloE $ subs f th ph :@ subs s th ph
pushSubstsEWith th ph (s :# a) =
ncloE $ subs s th ph :# subs a th ph
pushSubstsEWith th ph (CloE e ps) =
pushSubstsEWith th (comp' th ps ph) e
pushSubstsEWith th ph (DCloE e ps) =
pushSubstsEWith (ps . th) ph e
parameters (th : DSubst dfrom dto) (ph : TSubst dto from to)
public export %inline
pushSubstsTWith' : Term dfrom from -> Term dto to
pushSubstsTWith' s = (pushSubstsTWith th ph s).fst
public export %inline
pushSubstsEWith' : Elim dfrom from -> Elim dto to
pushSubstsEWith' e = (pushSubstsEWith th ph e).fst
public export %inline
pushSubstsT' : Term d n -> Term d n
pushSubstsT' s = (pushSubstsT s).fst
public export %inline
pushSubstsE' : Elim d n -> Elim d n
pushSubstsE' e = (pushSubstsE e).fst
-- tightening a term/elim also causes substitutions to be pushed through.
-- this is because otherwise a variable in an unused part of the subst
-- would cause it to incorrectly fail
export covering
Tighten (Term d) where
tighten p (TYPE l) =
pure $ TYPE l
tighten p (Pi qty x arg res) =
Pi qty x <$> tighten p arg
<*> tighten p res
tighten p (Lam x body) =
Lam x <$> tighten p body
tighten p (E e) =
E <$> tighten p e
tighten p (CloT tm th) =
tighten p $ pushSubstsTWith' id th tm
tighten p (DCloT tm th) =
tighten p $ pushSubstsTWith' th id tm
export covering
Tighten (Elim d) where
tighten p (F x) =
pure $ F x
tighten p (B i) =
B <$> tighten p i
tighten p (fun :@ arg) =
[|tighten p fun :@ tighten p arg|]
tighten p (tm :# ty) =
[|tighten p tm :# tighten p ty|]
tighten p (CloE el th) =
tighten p $ pushSubstsEWith' id th el
tighten p (DCloE el th) =
tighten p $ pushSubstsEWith' th id el
export covering
Tighten (ScopeTerm d) where
tighten p (TUsed body) = TUsed <$> tighten (Keep p) body
tighten p (TUnused body) = TUnused <$> tighten p body
public export %inline
weakT : Term d n -> Term d (S n)
weakT t = t //. shift 1
public export %inline
weakE : Elim d n -> Elim d (S n)
weakE t = t //. shift 1