
277 lines
6.8 KiB

module Quox.Untyped.Scheme
import Quox.Name
import Quox.Context
import Quox.Untyped.Syntax
import Quox.Pretty
import Quox.EffExtra
import Quox.CharExtra
import Data.String
import Data.SortedSet
import Data.Vect
import Data.List1
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
%language ElabReflection
%hide TT.Name
public export
data Id = I String Nat
%runElab derive "Id" [Eq, Ord]
public export
Scheme : List (Type -> Type)
Scheme = [State (SortedSet Id)]
public export
data Sexp =
V Id
| L (List Sexp)
| Q Sexp
| N Nat
| Lambda (List Id) Sexp
| Let (List (Id, Sexp)) Sexp
| Case Sexp (List1 (List Sexp, Sexp))
| Define Id Sexp
FromString Sexp where fromString s = V $ I s 0
makeIdBase : Mods -> String -> String
makeIdBase mods str = joinBy "." $ toList $ mods :< str
makeId : Name -> Id
makeId (MakeName mods (UN str)) = I (makeIdBase mods str) 0
makeId (MakeName mods (MN str k)) = I (makeIdBase mods str) (S k)
makeId (MakeName mods Unused) = I (makeIdBase mods "_") 0
makeIdB : BindName -> Id
makeIdB (BN name _) = makeId $ MakeName [<] name
bump : Id -> Id
bump (I x i) = I x (S i)
export covering
getFresh : SortedSet Id -> Id -> Id
getFresh used x =
if contains x used then getFresh used (bump x) else x
export covering
freshIn : Id -> (Id -> Eff Scheme a) -> Eff Scheme a
freshIn x k =
let x = getFresh !get x in
local (insert x) $ k x
export covering
freshInB : BindName -> (Id -> Eff Scheme a) -> Eff Scheme a
freshInB x = freshIn (makeIdB x)
export covering
freshInBN : Vect n BindName -> (Vect n Id -> Eff Scheme a) ->
Eff Scheme a
freshInBN xs act = do
let (xs', used') = go (map makeIdB xs) !get
local_ used' $ act xs'
go : forall n. Vect n Id -> SortedSet Id -> (Vect n Id, SortedSet Id)
go [] used = ([], used)
go (x :: xs) used =
let x = getFresh used x
(xs, used) = go xs (insert x used)
(x :: xs, used)
export covering
toScheme : Context' Id n -> Term n -> Eff Scheme Sexp
toScheme xs (F x loc) = pure $ V $ makeId x
toScheme xs (B i loc) = pure $ V $ xs !!! i
toScheme xs (Lam x body loc) =
freshInB x $ \x =>
pure $ Lambda [x] !(toScheme (xs :< x) body)
toScheme xs (App fun arg loc) =
pure $ L [!(toScheme xs fun), !(toScheme xs arg)]
toScheme xs (Pair fst snd loc) =
pure $ L ["cons", !(toScheme xs fst), !(toScheme xs snd)]
toScheme xs (Fst pair loc) =
pure $ L ["car", !(toScheme xs pair)]
toScheme xs (Snd pair loc) =
pure $ L ["cdr", !(toScheme xs pair)]
toScheme xs (Tag tag loc) =
pure $ Q $ fromString tag
toScheme xs (CaseEnum tag cases loc) =
Case <$> toScheme xs tag
<*> for cases (\(t, rhs) => ([fromString t],) <$> toScheme xs rhs)
toScheme xs (Absurd loc) =
pure $ Q "absurd"
toScheme xs (Zero loc) =
pure $ N 0
toScheme xs (Succ nat loc) =
case !(toScheme xs nat) of
N n => pure $ N n
s => pure $ L ["1+", s]
toScheme xs (CaseNat nat zer (NSRec p ih suc) loc) =
freshInBN [p, ih] $ \[p, ih] =>
pure $
L ["case-nat-rec",
Lambda [] !(toScheme xs zer),
Lambda [p, ih] !(toScheme (xs :< p :< ih) suc),
!(toScheme xs nat)]
toScheme xs (CaseNat nat zer (NSNonrec p suc) loc) =
freshInB p $ \p =>
pure $
L ["case-nat-nonrec",
Lambda [] !(toScheme xs zer),
Lambda [p] !(toScheme (xs :< p) suc),
!(toScheme xs nat)]
toScheme xs (Let x rhs body loc) =
freshInB x $ \x =>
pure $ Let [(x, !(toScheme xs rhs))] !(toScheme (xs :< x) body)
toScheme xs (Erased loc) =
pure $ Q "erased"
prelude : String
prelude = """
(define (case-nat-rec z s n)
(if (= n 0)
(let* [(p (1- n))
(ih (case-nat-rec z s p))]
(s p ih))))
(define (case-nat-nonrec z s n)
(if (= n 0) (z) (s (1- n))))
export covering
defToScheme : Name -> Definition -> Eff Scheme (Maybe Sexp)
defToScheme x ErasedDef = pure Nothing
defToScheme x (KeptDef def) = do
let x = makeId x
modify $ insert x
pure $ Just $ Define x !(toScheme [<] def)
isSchemeInitial : Char -> Bool
isSchemeInitial c =
let gc = genCat c in
isLetter gc || isSymbol gc && c /= '|' ||
gc == Number Letter ||
gc == Number Other ||
gc == Mark NonSpacing ||
gc == Punctuation Dash ||
gc == Punctuation Connector ||
gc == Punctuation Other && c /= '\'' && c /= '\\' ||
gc == Other PrivateUse ||
(c `elem` unpack "!$%&*/:<=>?~_^")
isSchemeSubsequent : Char -> Bool
isSchemeSubsequent c =
let gc = genCat c in
isSchemeInitial c ||
isNumber gc ||
isMark gc ||
(c `elem` unpack ".+-@")
isSchemeId : String -> Bool
isSchemeId str =
str == "1+" || str == "1-" ||
case unpack str of
[] => False
c :: cs => isSchemeInitial c && all isSchemeSubsequent cs
escId : String -> String
escId str =
let str' = concatMap doEsc $ unpack str in
if isSchemeId str' then str' else "|\{str}|"
doEsc : Char -> String
doEsc '\\' = "\\\\"
doEsc '|' = "\\|"
doEsc '\'' = "^"
doEsc c = singleton c
prettyId' : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Id -> Doc opts
prettyId' (I str 0) = text $ escId str
prettyId' (I str k) = text $ escId "\{str}:\{show k}"
prettyId : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Id -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyId x = hl TVar $ prettyId' x
orIndent : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Doc opts -> Doc opts -> Doc opts
orIndent a b =
parens $ ifMultiline (a <++> b) (a `vappend` indent 2 b)
export covering
prettySexp : {opts : LayoutOpts} -> Sexp -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettySexp (V x) = prettyId x
prettySexp (L []) = hl Delim "()"
prettySexp (L (x :: xs)) = do
d <- prettySexp x
ds <- Prelude.traverse prettySexp xs
parens $ ifMultiline (hsep $ d :: ds) (vsep $ d :: map (indent 2) ds)
prettySexp (Q (V x)) = hl Tag $ "'" <+> prettyId' x
prettySexp (Q x) = pure $ hcat [!(hl Tag "'"), !(prettySexp x)]
prettySexp (N n) = hl Tag $ pshow n
prettySexp (Lambda xs e) =
pure $ orIndent
(hsep [!(hl Syntax "lambda"), !(prettySexp $ L $ map V xs)])
!(prettySexp e)
prettySexp (Let ps e) =
pure $ orIndent
(hsep [!(hl Syntax "let"), !(bracks . sep =<< traverse prettyBind ps)])
!(prettySexp e)
prettyBind : (Id, Sexp) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyBind (x, e) = pure $ sep [!(prettyId x), !(prettySexp e)]
prettySexp (Case h as) = do
header' <- prettySexp h
case_ <- caseD
let header = ifMultiline (case_ <++> header')
(case_ `vappend` indent 2 header')
bodys <- traverse prettyCase $ toList as
pure $ ifMultiline
(parens $ header <++> hsep bodys)
(parens $ header `vappend` indent 2 (vsep bodys))
prettyCase : (List Sexp, Sexp) -> Eff Pretty (Doc opts)
prettyCase (ps, e) = bracks $
(hsep [!(parens . hsep =<< traverse prettySexp ps), !(prettySexp e)])
(vsep [!(parens . sep =<< traverse prettySexp ps), !(prettySexp e)])
prettySexp (Define x e) =
pure $ orIndent
(hsep [!(hl Syntax "define"), !(prettyId x)])
!(prettySexp e)