rhiannon morris 30fa93ab4e refactor core syntax slightly to derive Eq/Show
add a new `WithSubst tm env to` record that packages a `tm from`
with a `Subst env from to`, and write instances for just that. the
rest of the AST can be derived
2023-04-27 21:37:20 +02:00

17 lines
377 B

module TypingImpls
import TAP
import public Quox.Typing
import public Quox.Pretty
import Derive.Prelude
%language ElabReflection
%runElab deriveIndexed "TyContext" [Show]
%runElab deriveIndexed "EqContext" [Show]
%runElab deriveIndexed "NameContexts" [Show]
%runElab derive "Error" [Show]
ToInfo Error where toInfo err = [("err", show $ prettyError True True err)]