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module Quox.Syntax.Term.Pretty
import Quox.Syntax.Term.Base
import Quox.Syntax.Term.Split
import Quox.Syntax.Term.Subst
import Quox.Context
import Quox.Pretty
import Data.Vect
%default total
export %inline
typeD, arrowD, darrowD, timesD, lamD, eqndD, dlamD, annD, natD :
Pretty.HasEnv m => m (Doc HL)
typeD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "" "Type"
arrowD = hlF Delim $ ifUnicode "" "->"
darrowD = hlF Delim $ ifUnicode "" "=>"
timesD = hlF Delim $ ifUnicode "×" "**"
lamD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "λ" "fun"
eqndD = hlF Delim $ ifUnicode "" "=="
dlamD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "δ" "dfun"
annD = hlF Delim $ ifUnicode "" "::"
natD = hlF Syntax $ ifUnicode "" "Nat"
export %inline
eqD, colonD, commaD, semiD, caseD, typecaseD, returnD,
ofD, dotD, zeroD, succD, coeD, compD : Doc HL
eqD = hl Syntax "Eq"
colonD = hl Delim ":"
commaD = hl Delim ","
semiD = hl Delim ";"
caseD = hl Syntax "case"
typecaseD = hl Syntax "type-case"
ofD = hl Syntax "of"
returnD = hl Syntax "return"
dotD = hl Delim "."
zeroD = hl Syntax "zero"
succD = hl Syntax "succ"
coeD = hl Syntax "coe"
compD = hl Syntax "compD"
prettyUnivSuffix : Pretty.HasEnv m => Universe -> m (Doc HL)
prettyUnivSuffix l =
ifUnicode (pretty $ pack $ map sub $ unpack $ show l) (pretty l)
sub : Char -> Char
sub c = case c of
'0' => ''; '1' => ''; '2' => ''; '3' => ''; '4' => ''
'5' => ''; '6' => ''; '7' => ''; '8' => ''; '9' => ''; _ => c
prettyUniverse : Universe -> Doc HL
prettyUniverse = hl Syntax . pretty
public export
data WithQty a = MkWithQty Qty a
PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (WithQty a) where
prettyM (MkWithQty q x) = do
q <- pretty0M q
x <- withPrec Arg $ prettyM x
pure $ hcat [q, dotD, x]
public export
data Binder a = MkBinder BaseName a
PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (Binder a) where
prettyM (MkBinder x ty) = do
x <- pretty0M $ TV x
ty <- align <$> pretty0M ty
pure $ parens $ sep [hsep [x, colonD], ty]
prettyBindType : PrettyHL a => PrettyHL b =>
Pretty.HasEnv m =>
Maybe Qty -> BindName -> a -> Doc HL -> b -> m (Doc HL)
prettyBindType q (BN x _) s arr t = do
bind <- case q of
Nothing => pretty0M $ MkBinder x s
Just q => pretty0M $ MkWithQty q $ MkBinder x s
t <- withPrec AnnR $ under T x $ prettyM t
parensIfM AnnR $ hang 2 $ bind <++> arr <%%> t
prettyArm : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
BinderSort -> SnocList BindName -> Doc HL -> a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyArm sort xs pat body = do
let xs = map name xs
body <- withPrec Outer $ unders sort xs $ prettyM body
pure $ hang 2 $ sep [pat <++> !darrowD, body]
prettyLams : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
Maybe (Doc HL) -> BinderSort -> SnocList BindName -> a ->
m (Doc HL)
prettyLams lam sort names body = do
let var = case sort of T => TVar; D => DVar
header <- sequence $ [hlF var $ prettyM x | x <- toList names]
let header = sep $ maybe header (:: header) lam
parensIfM Outer =<< prettyArm sort names header body
public export
data TypeLine a = MkTypeLine BindName a
PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (TypeLine a) where
prettyM (MkTypeLine i ty) =
if i.name == Unused then
bracks <$> pretty0M ty
map bracks $ withPrec Outer $ prettyLams Nothing D [< i] ty
prettyApps' : PrettyHL f => PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
f -> List (Maybe (Doc HL), a) -> m (Doc HL)
prettyApps' fun args = do
fun <- withPrec App $ prettyM fun
args <- traverse prettyArg args
parensIfM App $ hang 2 $ sep $ fun :: args
prettyArg : (Maybe (Doc HL), a) -> m (Doc HL)
prettyArg (Nothing, arg) = withPrec Arg (prettyM arg)
prettyArg (Just pfx, arg) = (hl Delim pfx <+>) <$> withPrec Arg (prettyM arg)
prettyApps : PrettyHL f => PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
Maybe (Doc HL) -> f -> List a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyApps pfx f args = prettyApps' f (map (pfx,) args)
prettyTuple : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => List a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyTuple = map (parens . align . separate commaD) . traverse prettyM
prettyArms : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m =>
BinderSort -> List (SnocList BindName, Doc HL, a) -> m (Doc HL)
prettyArms s =
map (braces . aseparate semiD) .
traverse (\(xs, l, r) => prettyArm s xs l r)
prettyCase' : (PrettyHL a, PrettyHL b, PrettyHL c, Pretty.HasEnv m) =>
Doc HL -> a -> BindName -> b ->
List (SnocList BindName, Doc HL, c) ->
m (Doc HL)
prettyCase' intro elim r ret arms = do
elim <- pretty0M elim
ret <- case r.name of
Unused => under T r.name $ pretty0M ret
_ => prettyLams Nothing T [< r] ret
arms <- prettyArms T arms
pure $ asep [intro <++> elim, returnD <++> ret, ofD <++> arms]
prettyCase : (PrettyHL a, PrettyHL b, PrettyHL c, Pretty.HasEnv m) =>
Qty -> a -> BindName -> b ->
List (SnocList BindName, Doc HL, c) ->
m (Doc HL)
prettyCase pi elim r ret arms = do
caseq <- (caseD <+>) <$> prettySuffix pi
prettyCase' caseq elim r ret arms
escapeString : String -> String
escapeString = concatMap esc1 . unpack where
esc1 : Char -> String
esc1 '"' = #"\""#
esc1 '\\' = #"\\"#
esc1 '\n' = #"\n"#
esc1 c = singleton c
quoteTag : TagVal -> Doc HL
quoteTag tag =
if isName tag then fromString tag else
hcat ["\"", fromString $ escapeString tag, "\""]
prettyTag : TagVal -> Doc HL
prettyTag t = hl Tag $ "'" <+> quoteTag t
prettyTagBare : TagVal -> Doc HL
prettyTagBare t = hl Tag $ quoteTag t
prettyBoxVal : PrettyHL a => Pretty.HasEnv m => a -> m (Doc HL)
prettyBoxVal val = bracks <$> pretty0M val
prettyCompPat : Pretty.HasEnv m => DimConst -> BindName -> m (Doc HL)
prettyCompPat e j = hsep <$> sequence [pretty0M e, pretty0M $ DV j.name]
toNatLit : Term d n -> Maybe Nat
toNatLit (Zero _) = Just 0
toNatLit (Succ n _) = [|S $ toNatLit n|]
toNatLit _ = Nothing
eterm : Term d n -> Exists (Term d)
eterm = Evidence n
parameters (showSubsts : Bool)
export covering
[TermSubst] PrettyHL (Term d n) using ElimSubst
prettyM (TYPE l _) =
pure $ !typeD <+> hl Syntax !(prettyUnivSuffix l)
prettyM (Pi qty s (S _ (N t)) _) = do
dom <- pretty0M $ MkWithQty qty s
cod <- withPrec AnnR $ prettyM t
parensIfM AnnR $ asep [dom <++> !arrowD, cod]
prettyM (Pi qty s (S [< x] (Y t)) _) =
prettyBindType (Just qty) x s !arrowD t
prettyM (Lam (S x t) _) =
let GotLams {names, body, _} = getLams' x t.term Refl in
prettyLams (Just !lamD) T (toSnocList' names) body
prettyM (Sig s (S _ (N t)) _) = do
s <- withPrec InTimes $ prettyM s
t <- withPrec Times $ prettyM t
parensIfM Times $ asep [s <++> !timesD, t]
prettyM (Sig s (S [< x] (Y t)) _) =
prettyBindType Nothing x s !timesD t
prettyM (Pair s t _) =
let GotPairs {init, last, _} = getPairs' [< s] t in
prettyTuple $ toList $ init :< last
prettyM (Enum tags _) =
pure $ delims "{" "}" . aseparate comma $ map prettyTagBare $
Prelude.toList tags
prettyM (Tag t _) =
pure $ prettyTag t
prettyM (Eq (S _ (N ty)) l r _) = do
l <- withPrec InEq $ prettyM l
r <- withPrec InEq $ prettyM r
ty <- withPrec InEq $ prettyM ty
parensIfM Eq $ asep [l <++> !eqndD, r <++> colonD, ty]
prettyM (Eq (S [< i] (Y ty)) l r _) = do
prettyApps Nothing (L eqD)
[epretty $ MkTypeLine i ty, epretty l, epretty r]
prettyM (DLam (S i t) _) =
let GotDLams {names, body, _} = getDLams' i t.term Refl in
prettyLams (Just !dlamD) D (toSnocList' names) body
prettyM (Nat _) = natD
prettyM (Zero _) = pure $ hl Syntax "0"
prettyM (Succ n _) =
case toNatLit n of
Just n => pure $ hl Syntax $ pretty $ S n
Nothing => prettyApps Nothing (L succD) [n]
prettyM (BOX pi ty _) = do
pi <- pretty0M pi
ty <- pretty0M ty
pure $ bracks $ hcat [pi, dotD, align ty]
prettyM (Box val _) = prettyBoxVal val
prettyM (E e) = prettyM e
prettyM (CloT (Sub s th)) =
if showSubsts then
parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<<
[|withPrec SApp (prettyM s) <%> prettyTSubst th|]
prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' id th s
prettyM (DCloT (Sub s th)) =
if showSubsts then
parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<<
[|withPrec SApp (prettyM s) <%> prettyDSubst th|]
prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' th id s
export covering
[ElimSubst] PrettyHL (Elim d n) using TermSubst
prettyM (F x _) =
hl' Free <$> prettyM x
prettyM (B i _) =
prettyVar TVar TVarErr (!ask).tnames i
prettyM (App e s _) =
let GotArgs {fun, args, _} = getArgs' e [s] in
prettyApps Nothing fun args
prettyM (CasePair pi p (S [< r] ret) (S [< x, y] body) _) = do
pat <- parens . separate commaD <$> traverse (hlF TVar . prettyM) [x, y]
prettyCase pi p r ret.term [([< x, y], pat, body.term)]
prettyM (CaseEnum pi t (S [< r] ret) arms _) =
prettyCase pi t r ret.term
[([<], prettyTag t, b) | (t, b) <- SortedMap.toList arms]
prettyM (CaseNat pi pi' nat (S [< r] ret) zer (S [< s, ih] suc) _) =
prettyCase pi nat r ret.term
[([<], zeroD, eterm zer),
([< s, ih], !succPat, eterm suc.term)]
succPat : m (Doc HL)
succPat = case (ih, pi') of
(BN Unused _, Zero) => pure $ succD <++> !(pretty0M s)
_ => pure $ asep [succD <++> !(pretty0M s) <+> comma,
!(pretty0M $ MkWithQty pi' ih)]
prettyM (CaseBox pi box (S [< r] ret) (S [< u] body) _) =
prettyCase pi box r ret.term
[([< u], !(prettyBoxVal $ TV u.name), body.term)]
prettyM (DApp e d _) =
let GotDArgs {fun, args, _} = getDArgs' e [d] in
prettyApps (Just "@") fun args
prettyM (Ann s a _) = do
s <- withPrec AnnL $ prettyM s
a <- withPrec AnnR $ prettyM a
parensIfM AnnR $ hang 2 $ s <++> !annD <%%> a
prettyM (Coe (S [< i] ty) p q val _) =
let ty = case ty of
Y ty => epretty $ MkTypeLine i ty
N ty => epretty ty
prettyApps' (L coeD)
[(Nothing, ty),
(Just "@", epretty p),
(Just "@", epretty q),
(Nothing, epretty val)]
prettyM (Comp ty p q val r (S [< z] zero) (S [< o] one) _) = do
apps <- prettyApps' (L compD)
[(Nothing, epretty $ MkTypeLine (BN Unused noLoc) ty),
(Just "@", epretty p),
(Just "@", epretty q),
(Nothing, epretty val),
(Just "@", epretty r)]
arms <- prettyArms D
[([< z], !(prettyCompPat Zero z), zero.term),
([< o], !(prettyCompPat One o), one.term)]
pure $ apps <++> arms
prettyM (TypeCase ty ret arms def _) = do
arms <- traverse fromArm (toList arms)
prettyCase' typecaseD ty (BN Unused noLoc) ret $
arms ++ [([<], hl Syntax "_", eterm def)]
v : BindName -> Doc HL
v = pretty0 True . TV . name
tyCasePat : (k : TyConKind) -> BContext (arity k) -> m (Doc HL)
tyCasePat KTYPE [<] = typeD
tyCasePat KPi [< a, b] = pure $ parens $ hsep [v a, !arrowD, v b]
tyCasePat KSig [< a, b] = pure $ parens $ hsep [v a, !arrowD, v b]
tyCasePat KEnum [<] = pure $ hl Syntax "{}"
tyCasePat KNat [<] = natD
tyCasePat KBOX [< a] = pure $ bracks $ v a
tyCasePat KEq vars =
prettyApps Nothing (L eqD) $ map (TV . name) $ toList' vars
fromArm : TypeCaseArm d n ->
m (SnocList BindName, Doc HL, Exists (Term d))
fromArm (k ** S ns t) =
pure (toSnocList' ns, !(tyCasePat k ns), eterm t.term)
prettyM (CloE (Sub e th)) =
if showSubsts then
parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<<
[|withPrec SApp (prettyM e) <%> prettyTSubst th|]
prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' id th e
prettyM (DCloE (Sub e th)) =
if showSubsts then
parensIfM SApp . hang 2 =<<
[|withPrec SApp (prettyM e) <%> prettyDSubst th|]
prettyM $ pushSubstsWith' th id e
export covering
prettyTSubst : Pretty.HasEnv m => TSubst d from to -> m (Doc HL)
prettyTSubst s =
prettySubstM (prettyM @{ElimSubst}) (!ask).tnames TVar "[" "]" s
export covering %inline
PrettyHL (Term d n) where prettyM = prettyM @{TermSubst False}
export covering %inline
PrettyHL (Elim d n) where prettyM = prettyM @{ElimSubst False}
export covering
prettyTerm : (unicode : Bool) ->
(dnames : BContext d) -> (tnames : BContext n) ->
Term d n -> Doc HL
prettyTerm unicode dnames tnames term =
pretty0With unicode (toNames dnames) (toNames tnames) term