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module Tests.DimEq
import Quox.Syntax.DimEq
import PrettyExtra
import TAP
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Nat
import Data.So
-- [✓ todo] "well formed" dimeqs
-- [todo] operations maintain well-formedness
-- [todo] if 'Wf eqs' then 'equal eqs' is an equivalence
-- [todo] 'set' never breaks existing equalities
prettyDimEq' : {default Arg prec : PPrec} -> NContext d -> DimEq d -> Doc HL
prettyDimEq' ds eqs = case ds of
[<] => "·"
_ => runPrettyWith False (toSnocList' ds) [<] $ withPrec prec $ prettyM eqs
testPrettyD : NContext d -> DimEq d -> (str : String) ->
{default str label : String} -> Test
testPrettyD ds eqs str {label} =
testPretty (toSnocList' ds) [<] eqs str str {label}
testWf : NContext d -> DimEq d -> Test
testWf ds eqs =
test (renderSquash $ sep [prettyDimEq' {prec = Outer} ds eqs, "", ""]) $
unless (wf eqs) $ Left ()
testNwf : NContext d -> DimEq d -> Test
testNwf ds eqs =
test (renderSquash $ sep [prettyDimEq' {prec = Outer} ds eqs, "", ""]) $
when (wf eqs) $ Left ()
testEqLabel : String -> (ds : NContext d) -> (exp, got : DimEq d) -> String
testEqLabel op ds exp got = renderSquash $
sep [prettyDimEq' ds exp, fromString op, prettyDimEq' ds got]
testNeq : (ds : NContext d) -> (exp, got : DimEq d) ->
{default (testEqLabel "" ds exp got) label : String} -> Test
testNeq {label} ds exp got =
test label $ unless (exp /= got) $ Left ()
testEq : (ds : NContext d) -> (exp, got : DimEq d) ->
{default (testEqLabel "=" ds exp got) label : String} -> Test
testEq {label} ds exp got =
test label $ unless (exp == got) $
Left [("exp", renderSquash $ prettyDimEq' ds exp),
("got", renderSquash $ prettyDimEq' ds got)]
testSetLabel : String -> NContext d -> DimEq d ->
DimEq d -> List (Dim d, Dim d) -> String
testSetLabel op ds exp start sets = renderSquash $
sep [parens $ sep $ intersperse "/" $
prettyDimEq' {prec = Outer} ds start :: map prettySet sets,
fromString op, prettyDimEq' ds exp]
prettySet : (Dim d, Dim d) -> Doc HL
prettySet (p, q) = hsep [prettyDim ds p, "", prettyDim ds q]
testSet : (ds : NContext d) -> (exp, start : DimEq d) ->
(sets : List (Dim d, Dim d)) ->
(0 _ : (So (wf start), So (wf exp))) =>
testSet ds exp start sets =
testEq {label = testSetLabel "=" ds exp start sets} ds exp $
foldl (\eqs, (p, q) => set p q eqs) start sets
ii, iijj, iijjkk, iijjkkll : NContext ?
ii = [< "𝑖"]
iijj = [< "𝑖", "𝑗"]
iijjkk = [< "𝑖", "𝑗", "𝑘"]
iijjkkll = [< "𝑖", "𝑗", "𝑘", "𝑙"]
tests : Test
tests = "dimension constraints" :- [
"printing" :- [
testPrettyD [<] ZeroIsOne "0 = 1",
testPrettyD iijj ZeroIsOne "𝑖, 𝑗, 0 = 1",
testPrettyD [<] new "" {label = "[empty output from empty context]"},
testPrettyD ii new "𝑖",
testPrettyD iijj (fromGround [< Zero, One])
"𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑖 = 0, 𝑗 = 1",
testPrettyD iijj (C [< Just (K Zero), Nothing])
"𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑖 = 0",
testPrettyD iijjkk (C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0), Just (BV 1)])
"𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑘, 𝑗 = 𝑖, 𝑘 = 𝑖"
"equality" :- [
testEq [<] ZeroIsOne ZeroIsOne,
testEq [<] new new,
testEq iijj new new,
testNeq [<] new ZeroIsOne,
testNeq iijj new ZeroIsOne,
testSet iijj
(C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0)])
new [(BV 1, BV 0)],
testSet iijj
(C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0)])
new [(BV 0, BV 1)],
testNeq iijj
(C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0)]),
testSet [<]
new [(K Zero, K One)],
testSet iijjkk
(C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0), Just (BV 1)])
new [(BV 0, BV 1), (BV 1, BV 2)],
testSet iijjkk
(C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0), Just (BV 1)])
new [(BV 0, BV 1), (BV 0, BV 2)],
testSet iijjkk
(C [< Nothing, Nothing, Just (BV 0)])
new [(BV 0, BV 1), (BV 0, BV 1)],
testSet iijj
(C [< Just (K Zero), Just (K Zero)])
new [(BV 1, K Zero), (BV 0, BV 1)],
testSet iijjkk
(C [< Just (K Zero), Just (K Zero), Just (K Zero)])
new [(BV 2, K Zero), (BV 1, BV 2), (BV 0, BV 1)],
testSet iijjkk
(C [< Just (K Zero), Just (K Zero), Just (K Zero)])
new [(BV 2, K Zero), (BV 0, BV 1), (BV 1, BV 2)],
testSet iijjkk
(C [< Just (K Zero), Just (K Zero), Just (K Zero)])
new [(BV 0, BV 2), (BV 1, K Zero), (BV 2, BV 1)],
testSet iijjkk
(C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0), Just (BV 1)])
new [(BV 0, BV 2), (BV 2, BV 1)],
testSet iijjkkll
(C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0), Just (BV 1), Just (BV 2)])
new [(BV 2, BV 1), (BV 3, BV 0), (BV 2, BV 3)],
testSet iijjkk
(C [< Just (K One), Just (K One), Just (K One)])
(C [< Just (K One), Nothing, Just (BV 0)])
[(BV 1, BV 2)],
testSet iijj
(C [< Just (K One), Just (K Zero)])
[(BV 1, BV 0)],
testSet iijj
(C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0)])
[(BV 1, K Zero), (BV 0, K One)]
"wf" :- [
testWf [<] ZeroIsOne,
testWf ii ZeroIsOne,
testWf [<] new,
testWf iijjkk new,
testWf iijjkk (C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0), Just (BV 1)]),
testNwf iijjkk (C [< Nothing, Just (BV 0), Just (BV 0)]),
testWf iijj (C [< Just (K Zero), Just (K Zero)]),
testNwf iijj (C [< Just (K Zero), Just (BV 0)])