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module Quox.Pretty
import Quox.Name
import public Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Doc
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.String
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
import public Data.String
import Data.DPair
import public Control.Monad.Identity
import public Control.Monad.Reader
import Derive.Prelude
%default total
%language ElabReflection
%hide TT.Name
public export
record PrettyOpts where
constructor MakePrettyOpts
unicode, color : Bool
public export
defPrettyOpts : PrettyOpts
defPrettyOpts = MakePrettyOpts {unicode = True, color = True}
public export
data HL
= Delim
| Free | TVar | TVarErr
| Dim | DVar | DVarErr
| Qty
| Syntax
| Tag
%runElab derive "HL" [Eq, Ord, Show]
public export
data PPrec
= Outer
| Ann -- right of "∷"
| AnnL -- left of "∷"
| Eq -- "_ ≡ _ : _"
| InEq -- arguments of ≡
-- ...
| App -- term/dimension application
| SApp -- substitution application
| Arg -- argument to nonfix function
%runElab derive "PPrec" [Eq, Ord, Show]
export %inline
hl : HL -> Doc HL -> Doc HL
hl = annotate
export %inline
hl' : HL -> Doc HL -> Doc HL
hl' h = hl h . unAnnotate
export %inline
hlF : Functor f => HL -> f (Doc HL) -> f (Doc HL)
hlF = map . hl
export %inline
hlF' : Functor f => HL -> f (Doc HL) -> f (Doc HL)
hlF' = map . hl'
export %inline
delims : Doc HL -> Doc HL -> Doc HL -> Doc HL
delims l r doc = hl Delim l <+> doc <+> hl Delim r
export %inline
parens : Doc HL -> Doc HL
parens = delims "(" ")"
export %inline
bracks : Doc HL -> Doc HL
bracks = delims "[" "]"
||| includes spaces inside the braces
export %inline
braces : Doc HL -> Doc HL
braces doc = hl Delim "{" <++> doc <++> hl Delim "}"
export %inline
parensIf : Bool -> Doc HL -> Doc HL
parensIf True = parens
parensIf False = id
export %inline
comma : Doc HL
comma = hl Delim ","
export %inline
asep : List (Doc a) -> Doc a
asep = align . sep
separate' : Doc a -> List (Doc a) -> List (Doc a)
separate' s [] = []
separate' s [x] = [x]
separate' s (x :: xs) = x <+> s :: separate' s xs
export %inline
separate : Doc a -> List (Doc a) -> Doc a
separate s = sep . separate' s
export %inline
hseparate : Doc a -> List (Doc a) -> Doc a
hseparate s = hsep . separate' s
export %inline
vseparate : Doc a -> List (Doc a) -> Doc a
vseparate s = vsep . separate' s
export %inline
aseparate : Doc a -> List (Doc a) -> Doc a
aseparate s = align . separate s
public export
record PrettyEnv where
constructor MakePrettyEnv
||| names of bound dimension variables
dnames : List Name
||| names of bound term variables
tnames : List Name
||| use non-ascii characters for syntax
unicode : Bool
||| surrounding precedence level
prec : PPrec
public export
HasEnv : (Type -> Type) -> Type
HasEnv = MonadReader PrettyEnv
export %inline
ifUnicode : HasEnv m => (uni, asc : Lazy a) -> m a
ifUnicode uni asc = if (!ask).unicode then [|uni|] else [|asc|]
export %inline
parensIfM : HasEnv m => PPrec -> Doc HL -> m (Doc HL)
parensIfM d doc = pure $ parensIf ((!ask).prec > d) doc
export %inline
withPrec : HasEnv m => PPrec -> m a -> m a
withPrec d = local {prec := d}
public export data BinderSort = T | D
export %inline
unders : HasEnv m => BinderSort -> List BaseName -> m a -> m a
unders T xs = local {prec := Outer, tnames $= (map unq xs ++)}
unders D xs = local {prec := Outer, dnames $= (map unq xs ++)}
export %inline
under : HasEnv m => BinderSort -> BaseName -> m a -> m a
under t x = unders t [x]
public export
interface PrettyHL a where
prettyM : HasEnv m => a -> m (Doc HL)
export %inline
pretty0M : (PrettyHL a, HasEnv m) => a -> m (Doc HL)
pretty0M = local {prec := Outer} . prettyM
export %inline
pretty0 : PrettyHL a => (unicode : Bool) -> a -> Doc HL
pretty0 unicode x =
let env = MakePrettyEnv {dnames = [], tnames = [], unicode, prec = Outer} in
runReader env $ prettyM x
(forall a. PrettyHL (f a)) => PrettyHL (Exists f) where
prettyM x = prettyM x.snd
PrettyHL a => PrettyHL (Subset a b) where
prettyM x = prettyM x.fst
export PrettyHL BaseName where prettyM = pure . pretty . baseStr
export PrettyHL Name where prettyM = pure . pretty . toDots
nameSeq : HL -> List Name -> Doc HL
nameSeq h = hl h . asep . map (pretty0 False)
export %inline
prettyStr : PrettyHL a => (unicode : Bool) -> a -> String
prettyStr unicode =
let layout = layoutSmart (MkLayoutOptions (AvailablePerLine 80 0.8)) in
renderString . layout . pretty0 unicode
termHL : HL -> AnsiStyle
termHL Delim = neutral
termHL TVar = color BrightYellow
termHL TVarErr = color BrightYellow <+> underline
termHL Dim = color BrightGreen
termHL DVar = color BrightGreen
termHL DVarErr = color BrightGreen <+> underline
termHL Qty = color BrightMagenta
termHL Free = color BrightBlue
termHL Syntax = color BrightCyan
termHL Tag = color BrightRed
export %inline
prettyTerm : PrettyOpts -> PrettyHL a => a -> IO Unit
prettyTerm opts x =
let reann = if opts.color then map termHL else unAnnotate in
Terminal.putDoc $ reann $ pretty0 opts.unicode x
export %inline
prettyTermDef : PrettyHL a => a -> IO Unit
prettyTermDef = prettyTerm defPrettyOpts
infixr 6 <%%>, <%>
export %inline
(<%%>) : Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
a <%%> b = sep [a, b]
export %inline
(<%>) : Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
a <%> b = cat [a, b]
||| wrapper for names that pretty-prints highlighted as a `TVar`.
public export data TVarName = TV BaseName
export %inline PrettyHL TVarName where prettyM (TV x) = hlF TVar $ prettyM x
||| wrapper for names that pretty-prints highlighted as a `DVar`.
public export data DVarName = DV BaseName
export %inline PrettyHL DVarName where prettyM (DV x) = hlF DVar $ prettyM x