rhiannon morris c81aabcc14 more parser/FromParser stuff
- top level semicolons optional
- type optional [the def will need to be an elim]
- `load` statement
- namespaces
2023-03-12 18:28:37 +01:00

97 lines
1.9 KiB

module Quox.Name
import public Data.SnocList
import Data.List
import Derive.Prelude
%hide TT.Name
%default total
%language ElabReflection
public export
data BaseName
= UN String -- user-given name
| Unused -- "_"
%runElab derive "BaseName" [Eq, Ord]
baseStr : BaseName -> String
baseStr (UN x) = x
baseStr Unused = "_"
export Show BaseName where show = baseStr
export FromString BaseName where fromString = UN
public export
Mods : Type
Mods = SnocList String
public export
record Name where
constructor MakeName
mods : Mods
base : BaseName
%runElab derive "Name" [Eq, Ord]
public export %inline
unq : BaseName -> Name
unq = MakeName [<]
||| add some namespaces to the beginning of a name
public export %inline
addMods : Mods -> Name -> Name
addMods ms = {mods $= (ms <+>)}
public export
PBaseName : Type
PBaseName = String
public export
record PName where
constructor MakePName
mods : Mods
base : String
%runElab derive "PName" [Eq, Ord]
export %inline
fromPName : PName -> Name
fromPName p = MakeName p.mods $ UN p.base
export %inline
toPName : Name -> PName
toPName p = MakePName p.mods $ baseStr p.base
Show PName where
show (MakePName mods base) = concat $ intersperse "." $ toList $ mods :< base
export Show Name where show = show . toPName
export FromString PName where fromString = MakePName [<]
export FromString Name where fromString = fromPName . fromString
toDotsP : PName -> String
toDotsP x = fastConcat $ cast $ map (<+> ".") x.mods :< x.base
toDots : Name -> String
toDots x = fastConcat $ cast $ map (<+> ".") x.mods :< baseStr x.base
fromListP : List1 String -> PName
fromListP (x ::: xs) = go [<] x xs where
go : SnocList String -> String -> List String -> PName
go mods x [] = MakePName mods x
go mods x (y :: ys) = go (mods :< x) y ys
export %inline
fromList : List1 String -> Name
fromList = fromPName . fromListP