
217 lines
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module Quox.Thin.Term
import public Quox.Thin.Base
import public Quox.Thin.Comp
import public Quox.Thin.List
import Quox.Thin.Eqv
import public Quox.Thin.Cover
import Quox.Thin.Append
import Quox.Name
import Quox.Loc
import Data.DPair
import public Data.List.Quantifiers
import Data.Vect
import Data.Singleton
import Decidable.Equality
%default total
cmpMask : (m, n : Nat) -> Either Ordering (m = n)
cmpMask 0 0 = Right Refl
cmpMask 0 (S n) = Left LT
cmpMask (S m) 0 = Left GT
cmpMask (S m) (S n) = map (cong S) $ cmpMask m n
public export
record Thinned f n where
constructor Th
{0 scope : Nat}
{scopeMask : Nat}
0 ope : OPE scope n scopeMask
term : f scope
%name Thinned s, t, u
(forall n. Eq (f n)) => Eq (Thinned f n) where
s == t = case cmpMask s.scopeMask t.scopeMask of
Left _ => False
Right eq => s.term == (rewrite maskEqInner s.ope t.ope eq in t.term)
(forall n. Ord (f n)) => Ord (Thinned f n) where
compare s t = case cmpMask s.scopeMask t.scopeMask of
Left o => o
Right eq => compare s.term (rewrite maskEqInner s.ope t.ope eq in t.term)
{n : Nat} -> (forall s. Show (f s)) => Show (Thinned f n) where
showPrec d (Th ope term) =
showCon d "Th" $ showArg (unVal $ maskToOpe ope) ++ showArg term
(forall n. Located (f n)) => Located (Thinned f n) where
term.loc = term.term.loc
(forall n. Relocatable (f n)) => Relocatable (Thinned f n) where
setLoc loc = {term $= setLoc loc}
namespace Thinned
pure : {n : Nat} -> f n -> Thinned f n
pure term = Th id.snd term
join : {n : Nat} -> Thinned (Thinned f) n -> Thinned f n
join (Th ope1 (Th ope2 term)) = Th (ope1 . ope2) term
weak : {n : Nat} -> (by : Nat) -> Thinned f n -> Thinned f (by + n)
weak by (Th ope term) = Th (zero ++ ope).snd term
public export
record ScopedN (s : Nat) (f : Nat -> Type) (n : Nat) where
constructor S
names : Vect s BindName
{0 scope : Nat}
{mask : Nat}
0 ope : OPE scope s mask
body : f (scope + n)
(forall n. Eq (f n)) => Eq (ScopedN s f n) where
s1 == s2 = case decEq s1.mask s2.mask of
Yes eq =>
s1.names == s2.names &&
s1.body == (rewrite maskEqInner s1.ope s2.ope eq in s2.body)
No _ => False
{s : Nat} -> (forall n. Show (f n)) => Show (ScopedN s f n) where
showPrec d (S ns ope body) = showCon d "S" $
showArg ns ++ showArg (unVal $ maskToOpe ope) ++ showArg body
public export
Scoped : (Nat -> Type) -> Nat -> Type
Scoped d n = ScopedN 1 d n
(.name) : Scoped f n -> BindName
(S {names = [x], _}).name = x
(forall n. Located (f n)) => Located (ScopedN s f n) where
s.loc = s.body.loc
(forall n. Relocatable (f n)) => Relocatable (ScopedN s f n) where
setLoc loc = {body $= setLoc loc}
public export
record Thinned2 f d n where
constructor Th2
{0 dscope, tscope : Nat}
{dmask, tmask : Nat}
0 dope : OPE dscope d dmask
0 tope : OPE tscope n tmask
term : f dscope tscope
%name Thinned2 term
(forall d, n. Eq (f d n)) => Eq (Thinned2 f d n) where
s == t = case (decEq s.dmask t.dmask, decEq s.tmask t.tmask) of
(Yes deq, Yes teq) =>
s.term == (rewrite maskEqInner s.dope t.dope deq in
rewrite maskEqInner s.tope t.tope teq in t.term)
_ => False
{d, n : Nat} -> (forall sd, sn. Show (f sd sn)) => Show (Thinned2 f d n) where
showPrec d (Th2 dope tope term) =
showCon d "Th2" $
showArg (unVal $ maskToOpe dope) ++
showArg (unVal $ maskToOpe tope) ++
showArg term
(forall d, n. Located (f d n)) => Located (Thinned2 f d n) where
term.loc = term.term.loc
(forall d, n. Relocatable (f d n)) => Relocatable (Thinned2 f d n) where
setLoc loc = {term $= setLoc loc}
namespace Thinned2
pure : {d, n : Nat} -> f d n -> Thinned2 f d n
pure term = Th2 id.snd id.snd term
join : {d, n : Nat} -> Thinned2 (Thinned2 f) d n -> Thinned2 f d n
join (Th2 dope1 tope1 (Th2 dope2 tope2 term)) =
Th2 (dope1 . dope2) (tope1 . tope2) term
weak : {d, n : Nat} -> (dby, nby : Nat) ->
Thinned2 f d n -> Thinned2 f (dby + d) (nby + n)
weak dby nby (Th2 dope tope term) =
Th2 (zero ++ dope).snd (zero ++ tope).snd term
namespace TermList
public export
data Element : (Nat -> Nat -> Type) ->
OPE dscope d dmask -> OPE tscope n tmask -> Type where
T : f dscope tscope ->
{dmask : Nat} -> (0 dope : OPE dscope d dmask) ->
{tmask : Nat} -> (0 tope : OPE tscope n tmask) ->
Element f dope tope
%name TermList.Element s, t, u
elementEq : (forall d, n. Eq (f d n)) =>
Element {d, n} f dope1 tope1 -> Element {d, n} f dope2 tope2 ->
elementEq (T s dope1 tope1 {dmask = dm1, tmask = tm1})
(T t dope2 tope2 {dmask = dm2, tmask = tm2}) =
case (decEq dm1 dm2, decEq tm1 tm2) of
(Yes deq, Yes teq) =>
s == (rewrite maskEqInner dope1 dope2 deq in
rewrite maskEqInner tope1 tope2 teq in t)
_ => False
public export
data TermList : List (Nat -> Nat -> Type) ->
OPEList d -> OPEList n -> Type where
Nil : TermList [] [] []
(::) : Element f dope tope ->
TermList fs dopes topes ->
TermList (f :: fs) (dope :: dopes) (tope :: topes)
%name TermList ss, ts, us
termListEq : All (\f => forall d, n. Eq (f d n)) fs =>
TermList {d, n} fs dopes1 topes1 ->
TermList {d, n} fs dopes2 topes2 ->
termListEq [] [] = True
termListEq (s :: ss) (t :: ts) @{eq :: eqs} =
elementEq s t && termListEq ss ts
public export
record Subterms (fs : List (Nat -> Nat -> Type)) d n where
constructor Sub
{0 dopes : OPEList d}
{0 topes : OPEList n}
terms : TermList fs dopes topes
0 dcov : Cover dopes
0 tcov : Cover topes
%name Subterms ss, ts, us
All (\f => forall d, n. Eq (f d n)) fs => Eq (Subterms fs d n) where
ss == ts = ss.terms `termListEq` ts.terms