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module Quox.Syntax.Term.Base
import public Quox.Syntax.Var
import public Quox.Syntax.Shift
import public Quox.Syntax.Subst
import public Quox.Syntax.Qty
import public Quox.Syntax.Dim
import public Quox.Name
import public Quox.Context
-- import public Quox.OPE
import Quox.Pretty
import public Data.DPair
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Nat
import public Data.So
import Data.String
import public Data.SortedMap
import public Data.SortedSet
%default total
public export
0 TermLike : Type
TermLike = Type -> Nat -> Nat -> Type
public export
0 TSubstLike : Type
TSubstLike = Type -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Type
public export
0 Universe : Type
Universe = Nat
public export
0 TagVal : Type
TagVal = String
infixl 8 :#
infixl 9 :@, :%
public export
0 TSubst : TSubstLike
TSubst q d = Subst $ Elim q d
||| first argument `q` is quantity type;
||| second argument `d` is dimension scope size;
||| third `n` is term scope size
public export
data Term : TermLike where
||| type of types
TYPE : (l : Universe) -> Term q d n
||| function type
Pi : (qty : q) -> (arg : Term q d n) ->
(res : ScopeTerm q d n) -> Term q d n
||| function term
Lam : (body : ScopeTerm q d n) -> Term q d n
||| pair type
Sig : (fst : Term q d n) -> (snd : ScopeTerm q d n) -> Term q d n
||| pair value
Pair : (fst, snd : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
||| enumeration type
Enum : (cases : SortedSet TagVal) -> Term q d n
||| enumeration value
Tag : (tag : TagVal) -> Term q d n
||| equality type
Eq : (ty : DScopeTerm q d n) -> (l, r : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
||| equality term
DLam : (body : DScopeTerm q d n) -> Term q d n
||| natural numbers (temporary until 𝐖 gets added)
Nat : Term q d n
-- [todo] can these be elims?
Zero : Term q d n
Succ : (p : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
||| elimination
E : (e : Elim q d n) -> Term q d n
||| term closure/suspended substitution
CloT : (tm : Term q d from) -> (th : Lazy (TSubst q d from to)) ->
Term q d to
||| dimension closure/suspended substitution
DCloT : (tm : Term q dfrom n) -> (th : Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto)) ->
Term q dto n
||| first argument `d` is dimension scope size, second `n` is term scope size
public export
data Elim : TermLike where
||| free variable
F : (x : Name) -> Elim q d n
||| bound variable
B : (i : Var n) -> Elim q d n
||| term application
(:@) : (fun : Elim q d n) -> (arg : Term q d n) -> Elim q d n
||| pair destruction
||| `CasePair 𝜋 𝑒 ([𝑟], 𝐴) ([𝑥, 𝑦], 𝑡)` is
||| `𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝜋 · 𝑒 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝑟𝐴 𝐨𝐟 { (𝑥, 𝑦) ⇒ 𝑡 }`
CasePair : (qty : q) -> (pair : Elim q d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm q d n) ->
(body : ScopeTermN 2 q d n) ->
Elim q d n
||| enum matching
CaseEnum : (qty : q) -> (tag : Elim q d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm q d n) ->
(arms : CaseEnumArms q d n) ->
Elim q d n
||| nat matching
CaseNat : (qty, qtyIH : q) -> (nat : Elim q d n) ->
(ret : ScopeTerm q d n) ->
(zero : Term q d n) ->
(succ : ScopeTermN 2 q d n) ->
Elim q d n
||| dim application
(:%) : (fun : Elim q d n) -> (arg : Dim d) -> Elim q d n
||| type-annotated term
(:#) : (tm, ty : Term q d n) -> Elim q d n
||| term closure/suspended substitution
CloE : (el : Elim q d from) -> (th : Lazy (TSubst q d from to)) ->
Elim q d to
||| dimension closure/suspended substitution
DCloE : (el : Elim q dfrom n) -> (th : Lazy (DSubst dfrom dto)) ->
Elim q dto n
public export
0 CaseEnumArms : TermLike
CaseEnumArms q d n = SortedMap TagVal (Term q d n)
||| a scoped term with names
public export
record Scoped (s : Nat) (f : Nat -> Type) (n : Nat) where
constructor S
names : NContext s
body : ScopedBody s f n
public export
data ScopedBody : Nat -> (Nat -> Type) -> Nat -> Type where
Y : (body : f (s + n)) -> ScopedBody s f n
N : (body : f n) -> ScopedBody s f n
public export
0 ScopeTermN, DScopeTermN : Nat -> TermLike
ScopeTermN s q d n = Scoped s (Term q d) n
DScopeTermN s q d n = Scoped s (\d => Term q d n) d
public export
0 ScopeTerm, DScopeTerm : TermLike
ScopeTerm = ScopeTermN 1
DScopeTerm = DScopeTermN 1
%name Term s, t, r
%name Elim e, f
%name Scoped body
%name ScopedBody body
||| scope which ignores all its binders
public export %inline
SN : {s : Nat} -> f n -> Scoped s f n
SN = S (replicate s Unused) . N
||| scope which uses its binders
public export %inline
SY : NContext s -> f (s + n) -> Scoped s f n
SY ns = S ns . Y
public export %inline
name : Scoped 1 f n -> BaseName
name (S [< x] _) = x
public export %inline
(.name) : Scoped 1 f n -> BaseName
s.name = name s
||| more convenient Pi
public export %inline
Pi_ : (qty : q) -> (x : BaseName) ->
(arg : Term q d n) -> (res : Term q d (S n)) -> Term q d n
Pi_ {qty, x, arg, res} = Pi {qty, arg, res = S [< x] $ Y res}
||| non dependent function type
public export %inline
Arr : (qty : q) -> (arg, res : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
Arr {qty, arg, res} = Pi {qty, arg, res = SN res}
||| more convenient Sig
public export %inline
Sig_ : (x : BaseName) -> (fst : Term q d n) ->
(snd : Term q d (S n)) -> Term q d n
Sig_ {x, fst, snd} = Sig {fst, snd = S [< x] $ Y snd}
||| non dependent pair type
public export %inline
And : (fst, snd : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
And {fst, snd} = Sig {fst, snd = SN snd}
||| more convenient Eq
public export %inline
Eq_ : (i : BaseName) -> (ty : Term q (S d) n) ->
(l, r : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
Eq_ {i, ty, l, r} = Eq {ty = S [< i] $ Y ty, l, r}
||| non dependent equality type
public export %inline
Eq0 : (ty, l, r : Term q d n) -> Term q d n
Eq0 {ty, l, r} = Eq {ty = SN ty, l, r}
||| same as `F` but as a term
public export %inline
FT : Name -> Term q d n
FT = E . F
||| abbreviation for a bound variable like `BV 4` instead of
||| `B (VS (VS (VS (VS VZ))))`
public export %inline
BV : (i : Nat) -> (0 _ : LT i n) => Elim q d n
BV i = B $ V i
||| same as `BV` but as a term
public export %inline
BVT : (i : Nat) -> (0 _ : LT i n) => Term q d n
BVT i = E $ BV i
public export
enum : List TagVal -> Term q d n
enum = Enum . SortedSet.fromList