rhiannon morris 5053e9b234 remove inject stuff
injecting from m to (n+m) is just id ::: id ::: ... ::: shift n.
specifically, injecting from 0 is just the shift. so.
2023-03-25 22:44:30 +01:00

93 lines
2.3 KiB

module Quox.Definition
import public Quox.No
import public Quox.Syntax
import public Data.SortedMap
import public Control.Monad.Reader
import Decidable.Decidable
public export
data DefBody q =
Concrete (Term q 0 0)
| Postulate
namespace DefBody
public export
(.term0) : DefBody q -> Maybe (Term q 0 0)
(Concrete t).term0 = Just t
(Postulate).term0 = Nothing
public export
record Definition' q (isGlobal : Pred q) where
constructor MkDef
qty : q
type0 : Term q 0 0
body0 : DefBody q
{auto 0 qtyGlobal : isGlobal qty}
public export
0 Definition : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => Type
Definition q = Definition' q IsGlobal
public export %inline
mkPostulate : IsQty q => (qty : q) -> (0 _ : IsGlobal qty) =>
(type0 : Term q 0 0) -> Definition q
mkPostulate qty type0 = MkDef {qty, type0, body0 = Postulate}
public export %inline
mkDef : IsQty q => (qty : q) -> (0 _ : IsGlobal qty) =>
(type0, term0 : Term q 0 0) -> Definition q
mkDef qty type0 term0 = MkDef {qty, type0, body0 = Concrete term0}
public export %inline
(.qtyP) : forall q, isGlobal. Definition' q isGlobal -> Subset q isGlobal
g.qtyP = Element g.qty g.qtyGlobal
parameters {d, n : Nat}
public export %inline
(.type) : Definition' q _ -> Term q d n
g.type = g.type0 // shift0 d // shift0 n
public export %inline
(.term) : Definition' q _ -> Maybe (Term q d n)
g.term = g.body0.term0 <&> \t => t // shift0 d // shift0 n
public export %inline
toElim : Definition' q _ -> Maybe $ Elim q d n
toElim def = pure $ !def.term :# def.type
public export
0 IsZero : IsQty q => Pred $ Definition q
IsZero g = IsZero g.qty
public export %inline
isZero : (p : IsQty q) => Dec1 $ Definition.IsZero @{p}
isZero g = isZero g.qty
public export
0 Definitions' : (q : Type) -> Pred q -> Type
Definitions' q isGlobal = SortedMap Name $ Definition' q isGlobal
public export
0 Definitions : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => Type
Definitions q = Definitions' q IsGlobal
public export
0 HasDefs' : (q : Type) -> (q -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type
HasDefs' q isGlobal = MonadReader (Definitions' q isGlobal)
public export
0 HasDefs : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => (Type -> Type) -> Type
HasDefs q = HasDefs' q IsGlobal
public export %inline
lookupElim : forall isGlobal. {d, n : Nat} ->
Name -> Definitions' q isGlobal -> Maybe (Elim q d n)
lookupElim x defs = toElim !(lookup x defs)