
184 lines
4.6 KiB

module Quox.Untyped.Erase
import Quox.Definition
import Quox.Syntax.Term.Base as Q
import Quox.Syntax.Term.Subst
import Quox.Untyped.Syntax as U
import Control.Eff
%default total
public export
data IsErased = Erased | Kept
public export
isErased : Qty -> IsErased
isErased Zero = Erased
isErased One = Kept
isErased Any = Kept
public export
EContext : Nat -> Type
EContext = Context' IsErased
public export
record ErasureContext d n where
constructor MkEContexts
dnames : Context' Binder d
tnames : Context' Binder n
erased : EContext n
%name ErasureContext ctx
public export
data Error =
CompileTimeOnly (ErasureContext d n) (Q.Term d n)
| Expected String (ErasureContext d n) (Q.Term d n)
| ErasedVar (ErasureContext d n) (Var n)
| NotInScope Name
public export
Erase : List (Type -> Type)
Erase = [Except Error, Reader Definitions]
extendTy : Binder -> Qty -> ErasureContext d n -> ErasureContext d (S n)
extendTy x pi (MkEContexts dnames tnames erased) =
MkEContexts dnames (tnames :< x) (erased :< isErased pi)
extendDim : Binder -> ErasureContext d n -> ErasureContext (S d) n
extendDim i (MkEContexts dnames tnames erased) =
MkEContexts (dnames :< i) tnames erased
private %inline
(.bname) : Scoped 1 _ _ -> Binder
t.bname = Bind t.name.val
export covering
eraseTerm : ErasureContext d n ->
(ty, tm : Q.Term d n) -> Eff Erase (U.Term n)
export covering
eraseElim : ErasureContext d n -> (tm : Q.Elim d n) -> Eff Erase (U.Term n)
eraseTerm ctx _ s@(TYPE {}) =
throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx s
eraseTerm ctx _ s@(Pi {}) =
throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx s
eraseTerm ctx ty (Lam body loc) = do
let Pi {qty, arg, res, _} = ty
| _ => throw $ Expected "function type" ctx ty
case isErased qty of
Erased => do
-- replace with a fake name like "<erased x>"
-- a little trap for future me :3c
let name = baseStr body.name.val
dummy = F (unq $ UN "<erased \{name}>") 0 noLoc
eraseTerm ctx (sub1 res dummy) (sub1 body dummy)
Kept => do
let x = body.bname
U.Lam x <$> eraseTerm (extendTy x qty ctx) res.term body.term
eraseTerm ctx _ s@(Sig {}) =
throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx s
eraseTerm ctx ty (Pair fst snd loc) = do
let Sig {fst = a, snd = b, _} = ty
| _ => throw $ Expected "pair type" ctx ty
let b = sub1 b (Ann fst a a.loc)
[|eraseTerm ctx a fst `Pair` eraseTerm ctx b snd|]
eraseTerm ctx _ s@(Enum {}) =
throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx s
eraseTerm ctx _ (Tag tag loc) =
pure $ Tag tag
eraseTerm ctx ty s@(Eq {}) =
throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx s
eraseTerm ctx ty (DLam body loc) = do
let Eq {ty = a, _} = ty
| _ => throw $ Expected "equality type" ctx ty
eraseTerm (extendDim body.bname ctx) a.term body.term
eraseTerm ctx _ s@(Nat {}) =
throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx s
eraseTerm _ _ (Zero loc) =
pure Zero
eraseTerm ctx ty (Succ p loc) =
[|Succ $ eraseTerm ctx ty p|]
eraseTerm ctx ty s@(BOX {}) =
throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx s
eraseTerm ctx ty (Box val loc) = do
let BOX {qty, ty = a, _} = ty
| _ => throw $ Expected "box type" ctx ty
case isErased qty of
Erased => pure ErasedBox -- lmao
Kept => eraseTerm ctx a val
eraseTerm ctx ty (E e) =
eraseElim ctx e
eraseTerm ctx ty (CloT (Sub term th)) =
eraseTerm ctx ty $ pushSubstsWith' id th term
eraseTerm ctx ty (DCloT (Sub term th)) =
eraseTerm ctx ty $ pushSubstsWith' th id term
eraseElim ctx e@(F x u loc) = do
Just def <- asks $ lookup x
| Nothing => throw $ NotInScope x
case isErased def.qty.qty of
Erased => throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx $ E e
Kept => pure $ F x
eraseElim ctx e@(B i loc) = do
case ctx.erased !!! i of
Erased => throw $ CompileTimeOnly ctx $ E e
Kept => pure $ B i
eraseElim ctx (App fun arg loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_2
eraseElim ctx (CasePair qty pair ret body loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_3
eraseElim ctx (Fst pair loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_4
eraseElim ctx (Snd pair loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_5
eraseElim ctx (CaseEnum qty tag ret arms loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_6
eraseElim ctx (CaseNat qty qtyIH nat ret zero succ loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_7
eraseElim ctx (CaseBox qty box ret body loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_8
eraseElim ctx (DApp fun arg loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_9
eraseElim ctx (Ann tm ty loc) =
eraseTerm ctx ty tm
eraseElim ctx (Coe ty p q val loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_11
eraseElim ctx (Comp ty p q val r zero one loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_12
eraseElim ctx (TypeCase ty ret arms def loc) = ?eraseElim_rhs_13
eraseElim ctx (CloE (Sub term th)) =
eraseElim ctx $ pushSubstsWith' id th term
eraseElim ctx (DCloE (Sub term th)) =
eraseElim ctx $ pushSubstsWith' th id term