
169 lines
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module Quox.NatExtra
import public Data.Nat
import public Data.Nat.Properties
import public Data.Nat.Division
import Data.DPair
import Data.SnocList
import Data.Vect
%default total
public export
data LTE' : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
LTERefl : LTE' n n
LTESuccR : LTE' m n -> LTE' m (S n)
%builtin Natural LTE'
public export %hint
lteZero' : {n : Nat} -> LTE' 0 n
lteZero' {n = 0} = LTERefl
lteZero' {n = S n} = LTESuccR lteZero'
public export %hint
lteSucc' : LTE' m n -> LTE' (S m) (S n)
lteSucc' LTERefl = LTERefl
lteSucc' (LTESuccR p) = LTESuccR $ lteSucc' p
public export
fromLte : {n : Nat} -> LTE m n -> LTE' m n
fromLte LTEZero = lteZero'
fromLte (LTESucc p) = lteSucc' $ fromLte p
public export
toLte : {n : Nat} -> m `LTE'` n -> m `LTE` n
toLte LTERefl = reflexive
toLte (LTESuccR p) = lteSuccRight (toLte p)
0 baseNZ : n `GTE` 2 => NonZero n
baseNZ @{LTESucc _} = SIsNonZero
parameters {base : Nat} {auto 0 _ : base `GTE` 2} (chars : Vect base Char)
showAtBase' : List Char -> Nat -> List Char
showAtBase' acc 0 = acc
showAtBase' acc k =
let dig = natToFinLT (modNatNZ k base baseNZ) @{boundModNatNZ {}} in
showAtBase' (index dig chars :: acc)
(assert_smaller k $ divNatNZ k base baseNZ)
showAtBase : Nat -> String
showAtBase = pack . showAtBase' []
showHex : Nat -> String
showHex = showAtBase $ fromList $ unpack "0123456789ABCDEF"
n2i = natToInteger
i2n = fromInteger {ty = Nat}
private partial %inline
divNatViaInteger : (m, n : Nat) -> Nat
divNatViaInteger m n = i2n $ n2i m `div` n2i n
%transform "divNat" divNat = divNatViaInteger
private %inline
divNatViaIntegerNZ : (m, n : Nat) -> (0 _ : NonZero n) -> Nat
divNatViaIntegerNZ m n _ = assert_total divNatViaInteger m n
%transform "divNatNZ" divNatNZ = divNatViaIntegerNZ
private partial %inline
modNatViaInteger : (m, n : Nat) -> Nat
modNatViaInteger m n = i2n $ n2i m `mod` n2i n
%transform "modNat" modNat = modNatViaInteger
private %inline
modNatViaIntegerNZ : (m, n : Nat) -> (0 _ : NonZero n) -> Nat
modNatViaIntegerNZ m n _ = assert_total modNatViaInteger m n
%transform "modNatNZ" modNatNZ = modNatViaIntegerNZ
public export
data ViewLsb : Nat -> Type where
Lsb0 : (n : Nat) -> (0 eq : n' = 2 * n) -> ViewLsb n'
Lsb1 : (n : Nat) -> (0 eq : n' = S (2 * n)) -> ViewLsb n'
%name ViewLsb p, q
public export data IsLsb0 : ViewLsb n -> Type where ItIsLsb0 : IsLsb0 (Lsb0 n eq)
public export data IsLsb1 : ViewLsb n -> Type where ItIsLsb1 : IsLsb1 (Lsb1 n eq)
0 lsbMutex : n = (2 * a) -> n = S (2 * b) -> Void
lsbMutex ev od {n = 0} impossible
lsbMutex ev od {n = 1} {a = S a} {b = 0} =
let ev = injective ev in
let s = sym $ plusSuccRightSucc a (a + 0) in
absurd $ trans ev s
lsbMutex ev od {n = S (S n)} {a = S a} {b = S b} =
let ev = injective $
trans (injective ev) (sym $ plusSuccRightSucc a (a + 0)) in
let od = trans (injective $ injective od)
(sym $ plusSuccRightSucc b (b + 0)) in
lsbMutex ev od
public export %hint
doubleIsLsb0 : (p : ViewLsb (2 * n)) -> IsLsb0 p
doubleIsLsb0 (Lsb0 k eq) = ItIsLsb0
doubleIsLsb0 (Lsb1 k eq) = void $ absurd $ lsbMutex Refl eq
public export %hint
sDoubleIsLsb1 : (p : ViewLsb (S (2 * n))) -> IsLsb1 p
sDoubleIsLsb1 (Lsb1 k eq) = ItIsLsb1
sDoubleIsLsb1 (Lsb0 k eq) = void $ absurd $ lsbMutex Refl (sym eq)
fromLsb0 : (p : ViewLsb n) -> (0 _ : IsLsb0 p) =>
Subset Nat (\n' => n = 2 * n')
fromLsb0 (Lsb0 n' eq) @{ItIsLsb0} = Element n' eq
fromLsb1 : (p : ViewLsb n) -> (0 _ : IsLsb1 p) =>
Subset Nat (\n' => n = S (2 * n'))
fromLsb1 (Lsb1 n' eq) @{ItIsLsb1} = Element n' eq
viewLsb' : (m, d : Nat) -> (0 _ : m `LT` 2) -> ViewLsb (m + 2 * d)
viewLsb' 0 d p = Lsb0 d Refl
viewLsb' 1 d p = Lsb1 d Refl
viewLsb' (S (S _)) _ (LTESucc p) = void $ absurd p
viewLsb : (n : Nat) -> ViewLsb n
viewLsb n =
let 0 nz : NonZero 2 = %search in
rewrite DivisionTheorem n 2 nz nz in
rewrite multCommutative (divNatNZ n 2 nz) 2 in
viewLsb' (modNatNZ n 2 nz) (divNatNZ n 2 nz) (boundModNatNZ n 2 nz)
0 doubleInj : {m, n : Nat} -> 2 * m = 2 * n -> m = n
doubleInj eq =
multRightCancel m n 2 %search $
trans (multCommutative m 2) $ trans eq (multCommutative 2 n)
0 sDoubleInj : {m, n : Nat} -> S (2 * m) = S (2 * n) -> m = n
sDoubleInj eq = doubleInj $ injective eq
0 lsbOdd : (n : Nat) -> (eq ** viewLsb (S (2 * n)) = Lsb1 n eq)
lsbOdd n with (viewLsb (S (2 * n)))
_ | Lsb0 _ eq = void $ absurd $ lsbMutex Refl (sym eq)
_ | Lsb1 n' eq with (sDoubleInj eq)
lsbOdd n | (Lsb1 n eq) | Refl = (eq ** Refl)
0 lsbEven : (n : Nat) -> (eq ** viewLsb (2 * n) = Lsb0 n eq)
lsbEven n with (viewLsb (2 * n))
_ | Lsb1 _ eq = void $ absurd $ lsbMutex Refl eq
_ | Lsb0 n' eq with (doubleInj eq)
lsbEven n | Lsb0 n eq | Refl = (eq ** Refl)