module Tests.PrettyTerm import TAP import Quox.Syntax import PrettyExtra parameters (ds : NContext d) (ns : NContext n) testPrettyT : Term d n -> (uni, asc : String) -> {default uni label : String} -> Test testPrettyT t uni asc {label} = testPretty (toSnocList' ds) (toSnocList' ns) t uni asc {label} testPrettyT1 : Term d n -> (str : String) -> {default str label : String} -> Test testPrettyT1 t str {label} = testPrettyT t str str {label} testPrettyE : Elim d n -> (uni, asc : String) -> {default uni label : String} -> Test testPrettyE e uni asc {label} = testPrettyT (E e) uni asc {label} testPrettyE1 : Elim d n -> (str : String) -> {default str label : String} -> Test testPrettyE1 e str {label} = testPrettyT1 (E e) str {label} prefix 9 ^ (^) : (Loc -> a) -> a (^) a = a noLoc FromString BindName where fromString str = BN (fromString str) noLoc export tests : Test tests = "pretty printing terms" :- [ "free vars" :- [ testPrettyE1 [<] [<] (^F "x") "x", testPrettyE1 [<] [<] (^F (MakeName [< "A", "B", "C"] "x")) "A.B.C.x" ], "bound vars" :- [ testPrettyE1 [< "𝑖", "𝑗"] [< "x", "y"] (^BV 0) "y", testPrettyE1 [< "𝑖", "𝑗"] [< "x", "y"] (^BV 1) "x", testPrettyE1 [< "𝑖", "𝑗"] [< "x", "y"] (^DApp (^F "eq") (^BV 1)) "eq @𝑖", testPrettyE1 [< "𝑖", "𝑗"] [< "x", "y"] (^DApp (^DApp (^F "eq") (^BV 1)) (^BV 0)) "eq @𝑖 @𝑗" ], "applications" :- [ testPrettyE1 [<] [<] (^App (^F "f") (^FT "x")) "f x", testPrettyE1 [<] [<] (^App (^App (^F "f") (^FT "x")) (^FT "y")) "f x y", testPrettyE1 [<] [<] (^DApp (^F "f") (^K Zero)) "f @0", testPrettyE1 [<] [<] (^DApp (^App (^F "f") (^FT "x")) (^K Zero)) "f x @0", testPrettyE1 [<] [<] (^App (^DApp (^F "g") (^K One)) (^FT "y")) "g @1 y" ], "lambda" :- [ testPrettyT [<] [<] (^LamY "x" (^BVT 0)) "λ x ⇒ x" "fun x => x", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^LamN (^FT "a")) "λ _ ⇒ a" "fun _ => a", testPrettyT [<] [< "y"] (^LamY "x" (^BVT 1)) "λ x ⇒ y" "fun x => y", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^LamY "x" (^LamY "y" (^LamY "f" (E $ ^App (^App (^BV 0) (^BVT 2)) (^BVT 1))))) "λ x y f ⇒ f x y" "fun x y f => f x y", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^DLam (SN (^FT "a"))) "δ _ ⇒ a" "dfun _ => a", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^DLamY "i" (^FT "x")) "δ i ⇒ x" "dfun i => x", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^LamY "x" (^DLamY "i" (E $ ^DApp (^BV 0) (^BV 0)))) "λ x ⇒ δ i ⇒ x @i" "fun x => dfun i => x @i" ], "type universes" :- [ testPrettyT [<] [<] (^TYPE 0) "★₀" "Type0", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^TYPE 100) "★₁₀₀" "Type100" ], "function types" :- [ testPrettyT [<] [<] (^Arr One (^FT "A") (^FT "B")) "1.A → B" "1.A -> B", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^PiY One "x" (^FT "A") (E $ ^App (^F "B") (^BVT 0))) "1.(x : A) → B x" "1.(x : A) -> B x", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^PiY Zero "A" (^TYPE 0) (^Arr Any (^BVT 0) (^BVT 0))) "0.(A : ★₀) → ω.A → A" "0.(A : Type0) -> #.A -> A", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^Arr Any (^Arr Any (^FT "A") (^FT "A")) (^FT "A")) "ω.(ω.A → A) → A" "#.(#.A -> A) -> A", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^Arr Any (^FT "A") (^Arr Any (^FT "A") (^FT "A"))) "ω.A → ω.A → A" "#.A -> #.A -> A", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^PiY Zero "P" (^Arr Zero (^FT "A") (^TYPE 0)) (E $ ^App (^BV 0) (^FT "a"))) "0.(P : 0.A → ★₀) → P a" "0.(P : 0.A -> Type0) -> P a" ], "pair types" :- [ testPrettyT [<] [<] (^And (^FT "A") (^FT "B")) "A × B" "A ** B", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^SigY "x" (^FT "A") (E $ ^App (^F "B") (^BVT 0))) "(x : A) × B x" "(x : A) ** B x", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^SigY "x" (^FT "A") (^SigY "y" (E $ ^App (^F "B") (^BVT 0)) (E $ ^App (^App (^F "C") (^BVT 1)) (^BVT 0)))) "(x : A) × (y : B x) × C x y" "(x : A) ** (y : B x) ** C x y", todo "non-dependent, left and right nested" ], "pairs" :- [ testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^Pair (^FT "A") (^FT "B")) "(A, B)", testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^Pair (^FT "A") (^Pair (^FT "B") (^FT "C"))) "(A, B, C)", testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^Pair (^Pair (^FT "A") (^FT "B")) (^FT "C")) "((A, B), C)", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^Pair (^LamY "x" (^BVT 0)) (^Arr One (^FT "B₁") (^FT "B₂"))) "(λ x ⇒ x, 1.B₁ → B₂)" "(fun x => x, 1.B₁ -> B₂)" ], "enum types" :- [ testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^enum []) "{}", testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^enum ["a"]) "{a}", testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^enum ["aa", "bb", "cc"]) "{aa, bb, cc}", testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^enum ["a b c"]) #"{"a b c"}"#, testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^enum ["\"", ",", "\\"]) #" {"\"", ",", \} "# {label = #"{"\"", ",", \} # 「\」 is an identifier"#} ], "tags" :- [ testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^Tag "a") "'a", testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^Tag "hello") "'hello", testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^Tag "qualified.tag") "'qualified.tag", testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^Tag "non-identifier tag") #"'"non-identifier tag""#, testPrettyT1 [<] [<] (^Tag #"""#) #" '"\"" "# ], todo "equality types", "case" :- [ testPrettyE [<] [<] (^CasePair One (^F "a") (SN $ ^TYPE 1) (SN $ ^TYPE 0)) "case1 a return ★₁ of { (_, _) ⇒ ★₀ }" "case1 a return Type1 of { (_, _) => Type0 }", testPrettyT [<] [<] (^LamY "u" (E $ ^CaseEnum One (^F "u") (SY [< "x"] $ ^Eq0 (^enum ["tt"]) (^BVT 0) (^Tag "tt")) (fromList [("tt", ^DLamN (^Tag "tt"))]))) "λ u ⇒ case1 u return x ⇒ x ≡ 'tt : {tt} of { 'tt ⇒ δ _ ⇒ 'tt }" """ fun u => case1 u return x => x == 'tt : {tt} of { 'tt => dfun _ => 'tt } """ ], "type-case" :- [ testPrettyE [<] [<] {label = "type-case ℕ ∷ ★₀ return ★₀ of { ⋯ }"} (^TypeCase (^Ann (^Nat) (^TYPE 0)) (^TYPE 0) empty (^Nat)) "type-case ℕ ∷ ★₀ return ★₀ of { _ ⇒ ℕ }" "type-case Nat :: Type0 return Type0 of { _ => Nat }" ], "annotations" :- [ testPrettyE [<] [<] (^Ann (^FT "a") (^FT "A")) "a ∷ A" "a :: A", testPrettyE [<] [<] (^Ann (^FT "a") (E $ ^Ann (^FT "A") (^FT "𝐀"))) "a ∷ A ∷ 𝐀" "a :: A :: 𝐀", testPrettyE [<] [<] (^Ann (E $ ^Ann (^FT "α") (^FT "a")) (^FT "A")) "(α ∷ a) ∷ A" "(α :: a) :: A", testPrettyE [<] [<] (^Ann (^LamY "x" (^BVT 0)) (^Arr One (^FT "A") (^FT "A"))) "(λ x ⇒ x) ∷ 1.A → A" "(fun x => x) :: 1.A -> A", testPrettyE [<] [<] (^Ann (^Arr One (^FT "A") (^FT "A")) (^TYPE 7)) "(1.A → A) ∷ ★₇" "(1.A -> A) :: Type7" ] ]