module Quox.Syntax.Qty import Quox.Pretty import Quox.Name import public Quox.Decidable import Data.DPair %default total private commas : List (Doc HL) -> List (Doc HL) commas [] = [] commas [x] = [x] commas (x::xs) = (x <+> hl Delim ",") :: commas xs private %inline dotD : Doc HL dotD = hl Delim "." export %inline prettyQtyBinds : Pretty.HasEnv m => PrettyHL q => PrettyHL a => List q -> a -> m (Doc HL) prettyQtyBinds [] x = pretty0M x prettyQtyBinds qtys x = pure $ hcat [hseparate comma !(traverse pretty0M qtys), dotD, align !(pretty0M x)] public export interface Eq q => IsQty q where zero, one : q (+), (*) : q -> q -> q ||| true if bindings of this quantity will be erased ||| and must not be runtime relevant IsZero : Pred q isZero : Dec1 IsZero zeroIsZero : IsZero zero ||| ``p `Compat` q`` if it is ok for a binding of ||| quantity `q` to be used exactly `p` times. ||| e.g. ``1 `Compat` 1``, ``1 `Compat` ω`` Compat : Rel q compat : Dec2 Compat ||| true if it is ok for this quantity to appear for the ||| subject of a typing judgement [@qtt, §2.3]. IsSubj : Pred q isSubj : Dec1 IsSubj zeroIsSubj : forall pi. IsZero pi -> IsSubj pi oneIsSubj : IsSubj one timesSubj : forall pi, rh. IsSubj pi -> IsSubj rh -> IsSubj (pi * rh) ||| true if it is ok for a global definition to have this ||| quantity. so not exact usage counts, maybe. IsGlobal : Pred q isGlobal : Dec1 IsGlobal zeroIsGlobal : forall pi. IsZero pi -> IsGlobal zero public export 0 SQty : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => Type SQty q = Subset q IsSubj public export %inline szero : IsQty q => SQty q szero = Element zero $ zeroIsSubj zeroIsZero public export %inline sone : IsQty q => SQty q sone = Element one oneIsSubj ||| "σ ⨴ π" ||| ||| ``sg `subjMult` pi`` is equal to `pi` if it is zero, otherwise it ||| is equal to `sg`. public export %inline subjMult : IsQty q => SQty q -> q -> SQty q subjMult sg pi = case isZero pi of Yes y => Element pi $ zeroIsSubj y No _ => sg public export 0 GQty : (q : Type) -> IsQty q => Type GQty q = Subset q IsGlobal public export %inline gzero : IsQty q => GQty q gzero = Element zero $ zeroIsGlobal zeroIsZero export %inline globalToSubj : IsQty q => GQty q -> SQty q globalToSubj q = if isYes $ isZero q.fst then szero else sone