module Quox.Whnf.Interface import public Quox.No import public Quox.Syntax import public Quox.Definition import public Quox.Typing.Context import public Quox.Typing.Error import public Data.Maybe import public Control.Eff %default total public export Whnf : List (Type -> Type) Whnf = [NameGen, Except Error] public export 0 RedexTest : TermLike -> Type RedexTest tm = {d, n : Nat} -> Definitions -> SQty -> tm d n -> Bool public export interface CanWhnf (0 tm : TermLike) (0 isRedex : RedexTest tm) | tm where whnf : {d, n : Nat} -> (defs : Definitions) -> (ctx : WhnfContext d n) -> (q : SQty) -> tm d n -> Eff Whnf (Subset (tm d n) (No . isRedex defs q)) -- having isRedex be part of the class header, and needing to be explicitly -- quantified on every use since idris can't infer its type, is a little ugly. -- but none of the alternatives i've thought of so far work. e.g. in some -- cases idris can't tell that `isRedex` and `isRedexT` are the same thing public export %inline whnf0 : {d, n : Nat} -> {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex => Definitions -> WhnfContext d n -> SQty -> tm d n -> Eff Whnf (tm d n) whnf0 defs ctx q t = fst <$> whnf defs ctx q t public export 0 IsRedex, NotRedex : {isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex => Definitions -> SQty -> Pred (tm d n) IsRedex defs q = So . isRedex defs q NotRedex defs q = No . isRedex defs q public export 0 NonRedex : (tm : TermLike) -> {isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> CanWhnf tm isRedex => (d, n : Nat) -> (defs : Definitions) -> SQty -> Type NonRedex tm d n defs q = Subset (tm d n) (NotRedex defs q) public export %inline nred : {0 isRedex : RedexTest tm} -> (0 _ : CanWhnf tm isRedex) => (t : tm d n) -> (0 nr : NotRedex defs q t) => NonRedex tm d n defs q nred t = Element t nr ||| an expression like `(λ x ⇒ s) ∷ π.(x : A) → B` public export %inline isLamHead : Elim {} -> Bool isLamHead (Ann (Lam {}) (Pi {}) _) = True isLamHead (Coe {}) = True isLamHead _ = False ||| an expression like `(δ 𝑖 ⇒ s) ∷ Eq (𝑖 ⇒ A) s t` public export %inline isDLamHead : Elim {} -> Bool isDLamHead (Ann (DLam {}) (Eq {}) _) = True isDLamHead (Coe {}) = True isDLamHead _ = False ||| an expression like `(s, t) ∷ (x : A) × B` public export %inline isPairHead : Elim {} -> Bool isPairHead (Ann (Pair {}) (Sig {}) _) = True isPairHead (Coe {}) = True isPairHead _ = False ||| an expression like `'a ∷ {a, b, c}` public export %inline isTagHead : Elim {} -> Bool isTagHead (Ann (Tag {}) (Enum {}) _) = True isTagHead (Coe {}) = True isTagHead _ = False ||| an expression like `0 ∷ ℕ` or `suc n ∷ ℕ` public export %inline isNatHead : Elim {} -> Bool isNatHead (Ann (Zero {}) (Nat {}) _) = True isNatHead (Ann (Succ {}) (Nat {}) _) = True isNatHead (Coe {}) = True isNatHead _ = False ||| an expression like `[s] ∷ [π. A]` public export %inline isBoxHead : Elim {} -> Bool isBoxHead (Ann (Box {}) (BOX {}) _) = True isBoxHead (Coe {}) = True isBoxHead _ = False ||| an elimination in a term context public export %inline isE : Term {} -> Bool isE (E {}) = True isE _ = False ||| an expression like `s ∷ A` public export %inline isAnn : Elim {} -> Bool isAnn (Ann {}) = True isAnn _ = False ||| a syntactic type public export %inline isTyCon : Term {} -> Bool isTyCon (TYPE {}) = True isTyCon (Pi {}) = True isTyCon (Lam {}) = False isTyCon (Sig {}) = True isTyCon (Pair {}) = False isTyCon (Enum {}) = True isTyCon (Tag {}) = False isTyCon (Eq {}) = True isTyCon (DLam {}) = False isTyCon (Nat {}) = True isTyCon (Zero {}) = False isTyCon (Succ {}) = False isTyCon (BOX {}) = True isTyCon (Box {}) = False isTyCon (E {}) = False isTyCon (CloT {}) = False isTyCon (DCloT {}) = False ||| a syntactic type, or a neutral public export %inline isTyConE : Term {} -> Bool isTyConE s = isTyCon s || isE s ||| a syntactic type with an annotation `★ᵢ` public export %inline isAnnTyCon : Elim {} -> Bool isAnnTyCon (Ann ty (TYPE {}) _) = isTyCon ty isAnnTyCon _ = False ||| 0 or 1 public export %inline isK : Dim d -> Bool isK (K {}) = True isK _ = False ||| if `ty` is a type constructor, and `val` is a value of that type where a ||| coercion can be reduced. which is the case if any of: ||| - `ty` is an atomic type ||| - `ty` has η ||| - `val` is a constructor form public export %inline canPushCoe : SQty -> (ty, val : Term {}) -> Bool canPushCoe pi (TYPE {}) _ = True canPushCoe pi (Pi {}) _ = True canPushCoe pi (Lam {}) _ = False canPushCoe pi (Sig {}) (Pair {}) = True canPushCoe pi (Sig {}) _ = False canPushCoe pi (Pair {}) _ = False canPushCoe pi (Enum {}) _ = True canPushCoe pi (Tag {}) _ = False canPushCoe pi (Eq {}) _ = True canPushCoe pi (DLam {}) _ = False canPushCoe pi (Nat {}) _ = True canPushCoe pi (Zero {}) _ = False canPushCoe pi (Succ {}) _ = False canPushCoe pi (BOX {}) _ = True canPushCoe pi (Box {}) _ = False canPushCoe pi (E {}) _ = False canPushCoe pi (CloT {}) _ = False canPushCoe pi (DCloT {}) _ = False mutual ||| a reducible elimination ||| ||| 1. a free variable, if its definition is known ||| 2. an elimination whose head is reducible ||| 3. an "active" elimination: ||| an application whose head is an annotated lambda, ||| a case expression whose head is an annotated constructor form, etc ||| 4. a redundant annotation, or one whose term or type is reducible ||| 5. a coercion `coe (𝑖 ⇒ A) @p @pi s` where: ||| a. `A` is reducible or a type constructor, or ||| b. `𝑖` is not mentioned in `A` ||| ([fixme] should be A‹0/𝑖› = A‹1/𝑖›), or ||| c. `p = pi` ||| 6. a composition `comp A @p @pi s @r {⋯}` ||| where `p = pi`, `r = 0`, or `r = 1` ||| 7. a closure public export isRedexE : RedexTest Elim isRedexE defs pi (F {x, u, _}) {d, n} = isJust $ lookupElim x u defs {d, n} isRedexE _ pi (B {}) = False isRedexE defs pi (App {fun, _}) = isRedexE defs pi fun || isLamHead fun isRedexE defs pi (CasePair {pair, _}) = isRedexE defs pi pair || isPairHead pair isRedexE defs pi (CaseEnum {tag, _}) = isRedexE defs pi tag || isTagHead tag isRedexE defs pi (CaseNat {nat, _}) = isRedexE defs pi nat || isNatHead nat isRedexE defs pi (CaseBox {box, _}) = isRedexE defs pi box || isBoxHead box isRedexE defs pi (DApp {fun, arg, _}) = isRedexE defs pi fun || isDLamHead fun || isK arg isRedexE defs pi (Ann {tm, ty, _}) = isE tm || isRedexT defs pi tm || isRedexT defs SZero ty isRedexE defs pi (Coe {ty = S _ (N _), _}) = True isRedexE defs pi (Coe {ty = S _ (Y ty), p, q, val, _}) = isRedexT defs SZero ty || canPushCoe pi ty val || isYes (p `decEqv` q) isRedexE defs pi (Comp {ty, p, q, r, _}) = isYes (p `decEqv` q) || isK r isRedexE defs pi (TypeCase {ty, ret, _}) = isRedexE defs pi ty || isRedexT defs pi ret || isAnnTyCon ty isRedexE _ _ (CloE {}) = True isRedexE _ _ (DCloE {}) = True ||| a reducible term ||| ||| 1. a reducible elimination, as `isRedexE` ||| 2. an annotated elimination ||| (the annotation is redundant in a checkable context) ||| 3. a closure public export isRedexT : RedexTest Term isRedexT _ _ (CloT {}) = True isRedexT _ _ (DCloT {}) = True isRedexT defs pi (E {e, _}) = isAnn e || isRedexE defs pi e isRedexT _ _ _ = False