module Quox.Parser.Syntax import public Quox.Syntax import public Quox.Syntax.Qty.Three import public Quox.Definition import public Control.Monad.Either import Derive.Prelude %hide TT.Name %default total %language ElabReflection public export 0 BName : Type BName = Maybe BaseName public export 0 PUniverse : Type PUniverse = Nat public export 0 PQty : Type PQty = Three namespace PDim public export data PDim = K DimConst | V BaseName %name PDim p, q %runElab derive "PDim" [Eq, Ord, Show] namespace PTerm mutual ||| terms out of the parser with BVs and bidirectionality still tangled up public export data PTerm = TYPE Nat | Pi PQty BName PTerm PTerm | Lam BName PTerm | (:@) PTerm PTerm | Sig BName PTerm PTerm | Pair PTerm PTerm | Case PQty PTerm (BName, PTerm) (PCaseBody) | Enum (List TagVal) | Tag TagVal | Eq (BName, PTerm) PTerm PTerm | DLam BName PTerm | (:%) PTerm PDim | V Name | (:#) PTerm PTerm %name PTerm s, t public export data PCaseBody = CasePair (BName, BName) PTerm | CaseEnum (List (TagVal, PTerm)) %name PCaseBody body %runElab deriveMutual ["PTerm", "PCaseBody"] [Eq, Ord, Show] public export record PDefinition where constructor MkPDef qty : PQty name : Name type : PTerm term : PTerm %name PDefinition def %runElab derive "PDefinition" [Eq, Ord, Show] export toPDimWith : Context' BaseName d -> Dim d -> PDim toPDimWith ds (K e) = K e toPDimWith ds (B i) = V $ ds !!! i export toPDim : Dim 0 -> PDim toPDim = toPDimWith [<] mutual namespace Term export toPTermWith : Context' BaseName d -> Context' BaseName n -> Term Three d n -> PTerm toPTermWith ds ns t = let Element t _ = pushSubsts t in toPTermWith' ds ns t private toPTermWith' : Context' BaseName d -> Context' BaseName n -> (t : Term Three d n) -> (0 _ : NotClo t) => PTerm toPTermWith' ds ns s = case s of TYPE l => TYPE l Pi qty arg (S [x] res) => Pi qty (Just x) (toPTermWith ds ns arg) (toPTermWith ds (ns :< x) res.term) Lam (S [x] body) => Lam (Just x) $ toPTermWith ds (ns :< x) body.term Sig fst (S [x] snd) => Sig (Just x) (toPTermWith ds ns fst) (toPTermWith ds (ns :< x) snd.term) Pair fst snd => Pair (toPTermWith ds ns fst) (toPTermWith ds ns snd) Enum cases => Enum $ SortedSet.toList cases Tag tag => Tag tag Eq (S [i] ty) l r => Eq (Just i, toPTermWith (ds :< i) ns ty.term) (toPTermWith ds ns l) (toPTermWith ds ns r) DLam (S [i] body) => DLam (Just i) $ toPTermWith (ds :< i) ns body.term E e => toPTermWith ds ns e namespace Elim export toPTermWith : Context' BaseName d -> Context' BaseName n -> Elim Three d n -> PTerm toPTermWith ds ns e = let Element e _ = pushSubsts e in toPTermWith' ds ns e private toPTermWith' : Context' BaseName d -> Context' BaseName n -> (e : Elim Three d n) -> (0 _ : NotClo e) => PTerm toPTermWith' ds ns e = case e of F x => V x B i => V $ unq $ ns !!! i fun :@ arg => toPTermWith ds ns fun :@ toPTermWith ds ns arg CasePair qty pair (S [r] ret) (S [x, y] body) => Case qty (toPTermWith ds ns pair) (Just r, toPTermWith ds (ns :< r) ret.term) (CasePair (Just x, Just y) $ toPTermWith ds (ns :< x :< y) body.term) CaseEnum qty tag (S [r] ret) arms => Case qty (toPTermWith ds ns tag) (Just r, toPTermWith ds (ns :< r) ret.term) (CaseEnum $ mapSnd (toPTermWith ds ns) <$> SortedMap.toList arms) fun :% arg => toPTermWith ds ns fun :% toPDimWith ds arg tm :# ty => toPTermWith ds ns tm :# toPTermWith ds ns ty namespace Term export toPTerm : Term Three 0 0 -> PTerm toPTerm = toPTermWith [<] [<] namespace Elim export toPTerm : Elim Three 0 0 -> PTerm toPTerm = toPTermWith [<] [<] public export data FromPTermError = AnnotationNeeded PTerm | DuplicatesInEnum (List TagVal) | DimNotInScope Name | QtyNotGlobal PQty | DimNameInTerm Name public export FromPTerm : (Type -> Type) -> Type FromPTerm m = MonadError FromPTermError m private extendVect : Telescope' a from to -> Vect n a -> Telescope' a from (n + to) extendVect tel [] = tel extendVect tel (x :: xs) {n = S n} = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc n to in extendVect (tel :< x) xs parameters {auto _ : FromPTerm m} (b : Var n -> m a) (f : Name -> m a) (xs : Context' BName n) private fromBaseName : BaseName -> m a fromBaseName x = maybe (f $ unq x) b $ Context.find (== Just x) xs fromName : Name -> m a fromName x = if null x.mods then fromBaseName x.base else f x export fromPDimWith : FromPTerm m => Context' BName d -> PDim -> m (Dim d) fromPDimWith ds (K e) = pure $ K e fromPDimWith ds (V i) = fromBaseName (pure . B) (throwError . DimNotInScope) ds i private avoidDim : FromPTerm m => Context' BName d -> Name -> m (Term q d n) avoidDim ds x = fromName (const $ throwError $ DimNameInTerm x) (pure . FT) ds x mutual export fromPTermWith : FromPTerm m => Context' BName d -> Context' BName n -> PTerm -> m (Term Three d n) fromPTermWith ds ns t0 = case t0 of TYPE k => pure $ TYPE $ k Pi pi x s t => Pi pi <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [x] t Lam x s => Lam <$> fromPTermTScope ds ns [x] s s :@ t => map E $ (:@) <$> fromPTermElim ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns t Sig x s t => Sig <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [x] t Pair s t => Pair <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns t Case pi pair (r, ret) (CasePair (x, y) body) => map E $ Base.CasePair pi <$> fromPTermElim ds ns pair <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [r] ret <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [x, y] body Case pi tag (r, ret) (CaseEnum arms) => map E $ Base.CaseEnum pi <$> fromPTermElim ds ns tag <*> fromPTermTScope ds ns [r] ret <*> assert_total fromPTermEnumArms ds ns arms Enum strs => let set = SortedSet.fromList strs in if length strs == length (SortedSet.toList set) then pure $ Enum set else throwError $ DuplicatesInEnum strs Tag str => pure $ Tag str Eq (i, ty) s t => Eq <$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [i] ty <*> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns t DLam i s => DLam <$> fromPTermDScope ds ns [i] s s :% p => map E $ (:%) <$> fromPTermElim ds ns s <*> fromPDimWith ds p V x => fromName (pure . E . B) (avoidDim ds) ns x s :# a => map E $ (:#) <$> fromPTermWith ds ns s <*> fromPTermWith ds ns a private fromPTermEnumArms : FromPTerm m => Context' BName d -> Context' BName n -> List (TagVal, PTerm) -> m (CaseEnumArms Three d n) fromPTermEnumArms ds ns = map SortedMap.fromList . traverse (traverse $ fromPTermWith ds ns) private fromPTermElim : FromPTerm m => Context' BName d -> Context' BName n -> PTerm -> m (Elim Three d n) fromPTermElim ds ns e = case !(fromPTermWith ds ns e) of E e => pure e _ => throwError $ AnnotationNeeded e -- [todo] use SN if the var is named but still unused private fromPTermTScope : {s : Nat} -> FromPTerm m => Context' BName d -> Context' BName n -> Vect s BName -> PTerm -> m (ScopeTermN s Three d n) fromPTermTScope ds ns xs t = if all isNothing xs then SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t else SY (map (fromMaybe "_") xs) <$> fromPTermWith ds (extendVect ns xs) t private fromPTermDScope : {s : Nat} -> FromPTerm m => Context' BName d -> Context' BName n -> Vect s BName -> PTerm -> m (DScopeTermN s Three d n) fromPTermDScope ds ns xs t = if all isNothing xs then SN <$> fromPTermWith ds ns t else SY (map (fromMaybe "_") xs) <$> fromPTermWith (extendVect ds xs) ns t export %inline fromPTerm : FromPTerm m => PTerm -> m (Term Three 0 0) fromPTerm = fromPTermWith [<] [<] export globalPQty : FromPTerm m => (q : PQty) -> m (IsGlobal q) globalPQty pi = case isGlobal pi of Yes y => pure y No n => throwError $ QtyNotGlobal pi -- [todo] extend substitutions so they can do this injection. that's the sort of -- thing they are for. export fromPDefinition : FromPTerm m => PDefinition -> m (Name, Definition Three) fromPDefinition (MkPDef {name, qty, type, term}) = pure (name, MkDef' { qty, qtyGlobal = !(globalPQty qty), type = T $ inject !(fromPTerm type), term = Just $ T $ inject !(fromPTerm term) })