module Quox.Syntax.Dim import Quox.Syntax.Var import Quox.Syntax.Subst import Quox.Pretty import Decidable.Equality import Control.Function %default total public export data DimConst = Zero | One %name DimConst e private DCRepr : Type DCRepr = Nat private %inline dcrepr : DimConst -> DCRepr dcrepr e = case e of Zero => 0; One => 1 export Eq DimConst where (==) = (==) `on` dcrepr export Ord DimConst where compare = compare `on` dcrepr public export data Dim : Nat -> Type where K : DimConst -> Dim d B : Var d -> Dim d %name Dim.Dim p, q private DRepr : Type DRepr = Nat private %inline drepr : Dim n -> DRepr drepr p = case p of K i => dcrepr i; B i => 2 + i.nat export Eq (Dim n) where (==) = (==) `on` drepr export Ord (Dim n) where compare = compare `on` drepr export PrettyHL DimConst where prettyM Zero = hl Dim <$> ifUnicode "𝟬" "0" prettyM One = hl Dim <$> ifUnicode "𝟭" "1" export PrettyHL (Dim n) where prettyM (K e) = prettyM e prettyM (B i) = prettyVar DVar DVarErr (!ask).dnames i public export %inline toConst : Dim 0 -> DimConst toConst (K e) = e public export DSubst : Nat -> Nat -> Type DSubst = Subst Dim export %inline prettyDSubst : Pretty.HasEnv m => DSubst from to -> m (Doc HL) prettyDSubst th = prettySubstM prettyM (!ask).dnames DVar !(ifUnicode "⟨" "<") !(ifUnicode "⟩" ">") th export FromVar Dim where fromVar = B export CanShift Dim where K e // _ = K e B i // by = B (i // by) export CanSubst Dim Dim where K e // _ = K e B i // th = th !! i export Uninhabited (Zero = One) where uninhabited _ impossible export Uninhabited (One = Zero) where uninhabited _ impossible export Uninhabited (B i = K e) where uninhabited _ impossible export Uninhabited (K e = B i) where uninhabited _ impossible public export %inline Injective B where injective Refl = Refl public export %inline Injective K where injective Refl = Refl public export DecEq DimConst where decEq Zero Zero = Yes Refl decEq Zero One = No absurd decEq One Zero = No absurd decEq One One = Yes Refl public export DecEq (Dim d) where decEq (K e) (K f) with (decEq e f) _ | Yes prf = Yes $ cong K prf _ | No contra = No $ contra . injective decEq (K e) (B j) = No absurd decEq (B i) (K f) = No absurd decEq (B i) (B j) with (decEq i j) _ | Yes prf = Yes $ cong B prf _ | No contra = No $ contra . injective